Read Cory's in Goal Page 14

Chapter 14

  The passing bell for fifth period sounded and, in the next moment, a confusion of two thousand bodies burst out of portable classrooms and surged into the large central quad area in the middle of Grandview's campus.

  "Atwater!" shouted Coach Quinn across the boiling mass entering and exiting the locker room.

  "Yeah, Coach?" Brett answered, working his way back through the tide of boys. Soon, he was standing in front of Quinn.

  "Brett," Quinn asked. "Have you seen Towson? I want to make sure we have a 'keeper for today's game." He kept watching the many faces passing by the open doorway to his office. "Gray's not ready."

  Brett looked surprised and glanced around, as if he might suddenly see Cory in the crowd. "Haven't seen him, Coach." Brett thought for a few seconds. "He wasn't in second period, either."

  "Look around, will you?" Quinn asked, visibly worried. "Ask some of the guys. Maybe he came late to school."

  "I'll check with Cory's friend, the geek."

  "What?" Quinn asked, still studying the moving bodies. "Just find out and let me know." Quinn wheeled around and went back into his office. Brett turned and fought his way through the crowd and out of the locker room, nudging a ninth grader into the wall.

  "Watch out!" Brett barked importantly, disappearing through the locker room doors. Looking around sheepishly, the boy shrank from the wall, melted into the crowd and was gone.

  Nobody located Cory. Quinn checked with the attendance office and found that he was not at school. Back in his own office, he called Cory's house.

  "Mrs. Towson? This is Coach Quinn at Grandview High. I'm Cory's soccer coach."

  "Oh, hello Coach. Today's the playoff game?" she asked cheerily. "The league championship, right?"

  "Yes, ma'am. That's right," Quinn said. "Mrs. Towson, the reason I'm calling: is Cory home sick today?"

  There was a moment of silence on the other end of the call. Quinn didn't like it.

  "Why do you ask?" Mrs. Towson said. "Cory's in school. At least, he should be." Her voice now sounded worried. "Hold on a minute, please."

  Quinn heard her put her cell phone down. After a long minute, her voice came back on the line.

  "Coach Quinn? I checked Cory's room, and his backpack is gone. A couple of books are on the floor, but he might not have needed them today. Are you sure he's not in school?"

  "I'm sure, Mrs. Towson." Quinn hesitated. "I checked with Attendance, and they said he was absent. Did you see him this morning?"

  Silence on the other end of the line. The silence gave him his answer.

  "Monday mornings I have meetings. I leave early, before Cory. Come to think of it, though, I didn't hear the shower when I left. He's usually in the shower when I leave." A brief silence. "Oh, my lord!"

  "What, Mrs. Towson?" Quinn asked.

  "Do you think something's happened to him?"

  Quinn heard the panic in her voice. "Now, calm down, Mrs. Towson." He hesitated again. "Has Cory had any trouble at school?"

  "Not that I know of, but . . . ."


  A few moments of silence, then he clearly heard sniffling.

  "We had an argument last night. Cory was quite upset." Another moment of silence, more sniffling. "Oh, dear. I hope he's not hurt."

  "Mrs. Towson," Quinn said, trying to sound upbeat. "I'm sure Cory's fine. He's a tough young man and there's bound to be a logical explanation for this."

  "I hope so."

  "Listen," Quinn said. "I'll do what I can from here and check back with you in an hour."

  "Do you think I should notify the police?" she asked.

  "Not yet. Let me see what I can do first." Then he remembered. "Mrs. Towson? What's the name of Cory's friend?"

  "You mean Gene?"

  "I think so."

  "His name is Gene Van Syke."

  "I know who that kid is. Have him in class," Quinn said, hopeful. "I'll locate Gene here at school and see if he can help us. Will you have your cell with you?"

  "Yes!" she answered. "I'll be right here at home. I'm so worried, Coach Quinn."

  Quinn was worried, too, but suspected Cory could take care of himself. The Van Syke kid might know something.

  "Okay, Mrs. Towson. Sit tight. I'll call you soon."

  "Thank you so much, Coach Quinn."

  Quinn clicked off his cell phone as he walked through the locker room doors. As he walked across the open quad area of campus, toward Attendance, he spotted the Van Syke kid leaving the boy's restroom. At least, he thought it was Gene Van Syke.

  "Son?" Quinn shouted across the quad, quickly walking in his direction. Gene looked around, unsure of who Quinn was addressing. Quinn had never had anything to say to Gene in the past, even in gym class.

  "Son. Hold up there," Quinn called again, waving at Gene. "I need to talk to you."

  Gene stood, silently waiting.

  "What's your name, son?" Quinn extended his hand. Before Gene had a chance to answer, he broke in. "I'm Coach Quinn."

  Gene reached out awkwardly and took his hand.

  "I'm Gene Van Syke, sir. In your third hour?"

  "Oh, right. You're a friend of Cory Towson's?"

  Gene hesitated for a moment. Yesterday's argument flashed in his mind. "Yes," he slowly answered. Quinn's eyes brightened.

  "Have you seen him at school today?"

  "No, sir," Gene admitted, and then looked away. "We haven't been hanging out much lately."

  "Well," Quinn said thoughtfully, not sure how much he should reveal to a student. He decided to take a chance. "I just talked with his mother. He didn't come to school today and he's not at home."

  "Really?" Gene asked, shocked.

  "Any idea where he might be? I'm concerned about his safety. And . . . we have our game today." He put less emphasis on the last part.

  "His mom doesn't know where he is?"

  "No," Quinn said. "She mentioned they had an argument last night." Quinn studied Gene. "Maybe he went somewhere?"

  Gene was thinking. Several scenes shot through his mind; then he remembered! Almost every day during the summer, he and Cory went to a hangout place.

  "Coach Quinn?" Gene suddenly asked. "What time does the game start?"

  Quinn was thrown off, but immediately picked up on Gene's enthusiasm.

  "At three o'clock, son. Why?"

  Gene's mind calculated time and distance while Quinn stared at him.

  "You want Cory in goal, right?"

  "Definitely! That's if he's okay, I mean," he added.

  "That gives us a couple of hours." He looked up at Quinn. "I have an idea where he might be, Coach."


  "School's almost out. I'll talk to Cory's mom, then see if I can find him." Gene talked fast. All business. He looked Quinn in the eyes. "If I can find him, sir, he'll be at the game!"

  Quinn's eyebrows shot up. He was impressed with Gene's quick action and confidence.

  "Son, you know anything about soccer?"

  "Well, I am aware of the theory of the sport. I don't play, though."

  Quinn eyed Gene thoughtfully. "Would you like to do game stats for me today? I need someone who's sharp and knows what's going on out there on the field. What do you say?"

  "Sure, Coach," Gene answered, pleasantly surprised.

  "First, we have to find Cory."

  "Right!" snapped Gene.

  Quinn extended his hand a second time. "Thank you, Van Syke."

  "You bet, Coach. See you on the field in a couple hours."

  With that, Gene hurried back to sixth period. The final bell rang as he walked into the room. He tossed the restroom pass on the teacher's desk and dashed out the door. His first stop was Cory's house. He had two things to do. First, he wanted to tell Mrs. Towson his plan and not to worry. Second, he would ride like the wind to their summer spot, The Fort.