Read Coven Page 26

  The game was forgotten—all that existed was him and me. His hand reached into my hair, holding my head in place, and I groaned into his mouth as he deepened our kiss. If this was the kind of punishment I would receive for taunting him, I was determined to up the ante. I whimpered with disappointment when he slowly broke away, my flesh tingling everywhere he’d touched. He rendered me senseless, and I couldn’t help the goofy grin that covered my face.

  Lifting my fingers to trace my lips once more, hunger burning deep, I stumbled backward and was brought out of my daze by Jasmine’s giggle.

  “Was that really necessary, Brother?” she questioned, slapping him hard against his shoulder. “How are we supposed to come in and wow you all with our football skills, if you’ve addled her brain? Look at her, she can barely focus.”

  “I think she looks sexy as hell.”

  My heart began racing faster, Mason stepping forward to take me back into his arms. Like a magnet that can’t fight against its attraction, I moved toward him, only to meet with Jasmine’s arm.

  “Leave her be. Go back and prepare to get your butts handed to you. I need to undo the damage.” She shooed him away with a flick of her wrist, and tugged on my arm.

  “Has anyone told you how adorable you are when you attempt to trash talk?”

  I began to chuckle at the stern look on Jasmine’s face.

  “Well, at least she’s snapping out of it. Come on, Darcy. We’ve work to do.”

  Shrugging my shoulders in a sign of helpless submission, I allowed myself to be pulled toward the house. “Did you really need to interrupt?” I complained, the taste of the kiss still in my mouth. “You couldn’t have let me enjoy him just a little longer? He is my mate.”

  She rolled her eyes, and snorted. “Future mate—and you both have plenty of time for all the lovey-dovey stuff. Right now, we have a game to win, so pull yourself together and help me.”

  Opening the door to her bedroom, my thoughts finally settled back on the task at hand. “Okay, what do you have planned?”

  Digging around in the small bag on her dresser, Jasmine held up an eyeliner pencil, a wide grin spread across her face. “Just a little fun.”

  And she got down to business.

  Chapter Two

  As I crouched down into a stance, I snarled menacingly at the player facing me. I tried to channel mean, vicious thoughts, and a sense of I-will-dominate-you, but all it managed to do was make me giggle.

  “You call that intimidating? That scowl wouldn’t even scare a kitten, and what is that under your eyes?” Daniel replied, trying not to look at me. Every time he did, I pulled a face—this time sticking my tongue out to the side and scrunching my nose. I fought the urge to wipe at the black smudges. I’d seen players on T.V. do the same, and it was all part of my plan to distract and conquer.

  “It’s war paint. Like it?” I beamed back at him widely.

  He shook his head, clearly not impressed. “You look silly. Both you and Jasmine.”

  I looked to where she was standing, focusing on her own target, and whistled for her attention. She glanced over, and I started signaling my intentions for Daniel, ending with a fierce fist bash against my palm. Jasmine laughed out loud, giving me two thumbs up. This caused Daniel to groan, and I rolled my eyes.

  “It’s okay to admit it—I have you quaking in fear. I promise I won’t tell your pack brothers.” I winked, hearing the sound of the next call being announced by Mason. Playing defense, I had to make sure I stopped Daniel from opening up a space for his Alpha to run through. I might be small, but if he thought my lack of size wasn’t something to worry about, he was in for a rude awakening. I hadn’t been lying about practicing, and although my friend Devlin didn’t play football often, he still knew a few tricks.

  The ball snapped, Mason trying another fake, and Daniel erupted into movement. Determined to squash him, I launched my own body, using my shoulder to connect with his lower half and was rewarded with an oomph. Caught off guard by the power behind my charge, Daniel went flying, and I couldn’t help the smug look of satisfaction as I stood over him.

  “Scared now?” I dusted my hands off as I peered down into his face. His initial reaction was one of disbelief, but it was soon replaced with one of pride.

  “Damn, girl. Where did you learn to hit like that?” He reached his hand out for assistance, and I pulled him up, centering my balance to keep myself from falling on top of him.

  “I have my secrets.” I kept my answer brief, letting him wonder all he wanted. I lifted my two fingers to my eyes, signaling I was watching him. “Think I can do that again?” I knew I was messing with fire when I saw the question light something in his gaze, but I didn’t care. I loved playing with the pack.

  “Prepare yourself then, and don’t go complaining to the Alpha when you break a nail.” He grinned wickedly, knowing his piggish comment would raise my ire.

  “You are such a jerk sometimes, Daniel. Did I ever tell you that?” I watched him listen for the next play, and he got ready. His attention never left my face, and he mouthed the words you are mine.

  Even though I could see him coming, nothing prepared me for the smoothness of motion as the ball hiked back, and he raced forward to stop me. It was move or be crushed by a hulking werewolf, and a squeal erupted from me. I scrambled, barely able to twist from his outstretched grasp, and seeing I was in the clear, I focused on Mason. He was looking for an opening—a receiver to throw the ball to, and he swung his arm back to aim.

  “Penalty!” I screamed.

  The game came to a grinding halt, and everyone turned to look at me. Mason tilted his head, looking to see what had gone wrong, confusion blazing on his face. I didn’t blame him as I was clearly standing alone, the closest player to me being Eric, and he wasn’t within arm’s reach.

  “Why’d you call a foul, Darcy? What did you see?” Jonas wandered over, ready to help.

  “I want to call an illegal face mask against the quarterback.” I tried to look as serious as possible, my hands resting on my hips. “That’s a fifty yard penalty, right? Move them back.”

  “Darcy?” Eric shouted out. “You’re not even wearing a helmet!”

  The pack erupted into laughter, and Mason looked like he didn’t know whether he wanted to chuckle or throttle me. He knew exactly what I’d done and why—if the throw had connected, they would’ve scored a touchdown.

  “Oh, my bad.” I shrugged my shoulders, trying to appear sheepish. “I guess we can keep going then.” I returned back to my position, and hunkered down.

  “I’m calling a penalty then.” Mason broke away from his team members, heading straight for me. “Against Darcy … for wrongful interference.” The twinkle in his eye gave him away. He felt like being playful too.

  “I didn’t interfere. It was an honest mistake, how was I to know?” I answered, twirling my finger around in my ponytail. “You wouldn’t hold that against me, would you?” I said batting my eyelashes, causing his step to falter slightly. “Besides, how do I know there’s even a call like that? You could be making it up.”

  “I’m the Alpha, what I say is law. I declare you interfered in my play and need to be punished.”

  Pack members stepped away, and gathered closely so they could get a clear view of what would happen next. Mason and I were an affectionate couple, but our small disputes were also legendary. This could go either way, and Daniel let out a howl of encouragement in the background.

  “You teach her, Mason. Pesky female needs to experience the firm hand of her Alpha.”

  I raised my eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest in defiance. “You wouldn’t?”

  “What? Spank you for breaking the rules of the game? Oh, you know I would.” There was a look of hungry intent in his eyes now, and it caused my stomach to flutter. I didn’t think there was ever a time I looked at him, and didn’t get a wild case of the butterflies.

  “You wouldn’t do it front of everyone.”

  He wasn’t ba
cking down, and he reached for the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it off over his head. His body was tight, muscular, and a complete distraction. Everything glistened with sweat, his torso bunched into hard planes and contours, and all I wanted to do was touch it.

  He wasn’t playing fair.

  My brain started to rapidly fire responses. I could taunt him some more and see whether he’d follow through. Or I could play the dutiful werewolf and apologize, promising to be a good girl. Judging from the heat flaring in my own body, we’d be walking a fine line. Having to stay pure until the mating ritual was a challenge in itself, the chemistry between us combustible at times.

  “I’m sorry, Mason. Please forgive me.” To add proof to my moment of submission, I bowed. “I won’t interfere like that again. Promise.” I tried to hide the devious smile by bending lower.

  “Come on, let’s get back to the game,” someone in the back yelled.

  I looked up at Mason questioningly.

  “Your word you’ll just play—no goofiness?” He held my gaze.

  “I pinky promise.” I crooked my little finger at him, wiggling it in invitation as I raised myself to an upright position.

  He grabbed my face, crushing his mouth to mine, before releasing me just as quickly. “You make me crazy,” he moaned, licking his lips. He turned around and headed to his position.

  “Hey, put your shirt back on!” I bent over to pick it up, and tossed the clothing in his direction. “How’s a girl to be good if you’re distracting her?”

  “Figure it out, Darcy. The shirt stays off.” He flexed his muscles, hardening his abs before winking cheekily.

  “If you’re both done with the public display of grossness, let’s go,” Daniel growled impatiently, and I offered a not very nice gesture to him.

  “You’re such a lady.” He scoffed, but he also nodded. He didn’t have to say anything. He loved watching his best friend happy, and I smiled in return.

  “Ready to go down?”

  “Bring it,” he replied.

  I tried to play seriously, losing myself in the joy of being with my family. We were such a close pack; very different from the one I grew up in. Mason had worked hard to build relationships of trust with each member, letting them know they were loved and welcomed. He was an amazing Alpha, and I thanked my lucky stars each day we were to be mated. The transition from my parents pack to this one had been effortless, easing a worry I hadn’t known I’d been carrying. I was completely happy, and everything was perfect.

  As the afternoon continued, I became bored with being obedient. Jasmine was too, judging from the feigned yawns and looks of annoyance she would flash me. Between the two of us, I was definitely the instigator, and with a final plea, I nodded to her. A wide smile broke across her face, and a renewed burst of energy coursed through her movement. It was time to stir things up, and test Mason’s threat of punishment.

  My team held possession of the ball, and was in the process of pushing it down the field. The scores were tied, both sides proving their prowess. From the smells in the air, the food had begun to be prepared, so it was crunch time. One of us had to score and steal the game—the perfect opportunity to put my final stunt into action.

  The quarterback encircled his arms around the ball, deciding to be the one to run it in, and I watched as bodies came in painful contact with others as they blocked and tackled. There wasn’t much room for error, and I gasped in excitement as I watched a space open up.

  Moving through it with lightning speed, I mentally urged him forward, beginning to move as well. Mason was there, ready to defend, and everything about his body language told me he would stop the advance. I had to act fast, and make my distraction count. Screaming wouldn’t help anymore, but something told me what I contained in my pocket would.

  Digging my hand in, wrapping my fingers around the object, I sprinted after the quarterback and threw it with everything I had. I raised my fingers to my mouth, letting out a loud whistle. “There’s a flag on the play!”

  All movement ceased. We never used penalty markers, so I knew this would confuse them. Both teams started scouring the ground, looking for the piece of material.

  There it was. A skimpy piece of lace—my thong to be exact, and Mason’s nostrils flared. Others came in for a closer look, and began chuckling loudly, cat calling in appreciation.

  I giggled, shrugging my shoulders at Mason as if to say, “Oops.” I watched his gaze travel up and down my body. I knew what he was thinking, and I added a slight sway to my hips.

  No words left his lips, his burning stare speaking volumes. He charged towards me, throwing me over his shoulder like a fireman, and brought his hand down in a hard, brusque slap on my bottom. Cheers erupted on the field, Jasmine being the loudest.

  I tried to break free, but his grip on me was tight. I kicked my legs, finding little leeway as he held them down with his powerful arm. I beat on his back with my fists, and it only caused him to spank me again.

  “Enough. I was serious, Darcy. Time for your punishment.” The ground began to move, and I tilted my head up, trying to figure out where he was taking me. The pack was still standing there, smiling widely over the spectacle. I saw my team’s quarterback, and I screamed as loud as I could, “Make sure you win! Why do you think I did it?”

  This spurred everyone into action, and noise erupted as my team repeated the play, determined to score the final touchdown. Giving my body one last squirm of resistance, I prepared myself for what would no doubt be an amazing evening.

  “I hope you still think that was worth it once I’m done punishing you,” Mason murmured, taking me farther away from everyone. My insides melted, and I relaxed into him.

  “Promises, promises,” I purred. I couldn’t stop the wide smile from spreading across my face. He could think he was a big and tough Alpha, but I knew better. He’d been waiting for any excuse to carry me off, eager for some alone time.

  He didn’t take me far—just out of earshot, but completely hidden from the view of the pack. We didn’t have much time as the smell of the BBQ filled the air, and my stomach growled slightly in anticipation. It seemed I’d worked up an appetite, and I was glad someone had enough sense to start it while the game was happening.

  Finally letting me down, Mason gave me a few moments to regain my bearings before he started to make his move. He wore a cocky smile, one that screamed he had something in mind for me. I wasn’t going to give in too easily though, and for every step he took, I made another backward. He stretched out, only to have me slap his hand away quickly.

  “Come on, baby. You have my attention. Wasn’t that the whole point behind everything?” He tried to pull me in close, and I was barely able to step out of his reach.

  “Of course, but it didn’t mean you had to cart me about like a sack of potatoes in front of everyone. You acted like a caveman!” I suppressed the giggle, which threatened to break free due to the look on his face.

  “I’m no caveman. I’m the Alpha who can do whatever he wants, and right now I want to kiss you.” He took another step forward.

  “What you need to learn is some manners, Mister. I need to be wooed, not beat over the head and dragged away.” I placed my hands on my hips, deciding now was a good time to make a stand because sooner or later, I’d run out of room to maneuver.

  “You want to be wooed, huh? I’m not sure I know how to do that. You may have to tell me what to do.” The cocky grin he’d been wearing suddenly became softer, his eyes twinkling, and I caught a flash of the boyish charm I’d fallen for.

  “Oh no, I’m not explaining anything to you. You should know by now, Mr. Almighty-I-Am-Alpha. Just know this—if you don’t get it right … you’re a dead man.”

  He let out a rich, throaty laugh, and the sound made the soles of my feet tingle. In fact, it made everything tingle, and I braced myself. I was about to get ravished.

  I didn’t move a muscle as he advanced, or resist as he finally gathered me into his arms. My eyes i
nstantly closed and I tilted my head—waiting. Everything was still, our surroundings dimmed to a quiet hush.

  He moved slowly, brushing his mouth against mine softly, tenderly. It was almost like a whisper, the feel of his breath fanning gently over my skin, and when he repeated the motion, goose bumps erupted.

  Even though I knew it was coming, the touch of his tongue tracing my bottom lip had me leaning into him, my hands gripping the top of his pants to steady myself. I don’t know how long we stood there for, his mouth barely caressing mine before the mood changed, and he made his move.

  His arms tightened around me, taking away any chance of escaping, but I wasn’t going anywhere. Letting out a sigh of contentment, it was my last thought as I opened my mouth and he swept in, deepening the kiss.

  It was nothing short of seductive—the way he dipped and tasted. When I felt his hands slide through my hair, fingers tugging at the loosened strands and releasing it from the ponytail, I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted to anchor myself to him.

  My body was thrumming, every part of me alive and basking in Mason’s touch. I felt myself weaken, my legs like jelly before he slowly began breaking away. With our mouths only a fraction apart, he leaned in, sucking my lip into his mouth, his tongue moving for one last loving stroke.

  He lowered his head, nuzzling into the crook of my neck. Once he found my sweet spot, he nipped gently, and the sensation shot fiery pulses into my body. He knew what he was doing, proving he understood exactly what I needed. Swirling his tongue to take away the slight sting, he chuckled low.

  “So do I live another day, baby?”

  It took a moment for me to realize what he was saying, and all I could do was nod.

  “Are you going to be okay to go back to the group? By the smell of things, the meal is almost ready.”