Read Coven Page 9

  “I don’t know. Sometimes I think it would’ve been nice to have someone closer to my age to hang around with. But I love being with you and Dad. At least I do when the two of you aren’t plastered all over each other—which is all the time.” I rolled my eyes.

  “What can I say? When it comes to sex, your dad . . .”

  “You can just stop right there,” I replied, holding my palm out. “If you continue on with that sentence, I may have to kill myself to cleanse my mind.”

  Coming up beside me, she laughed and put her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me to her. “I wasn’t going to say anything that would scar you. Just that he’s really good.”

  “Ugh, Mom. That’s plenty of scarring right there and definitely more than I need to know.” I hugged her back.

  “You should be happy about that. All that love created you.”

  “By accident,” I added, knowing I was an unplanned pregnancy.

  “By accident or not, it doesn’t mean any less love was used in your creation.”

  Pulling away, I stared at her. “What was it like to fall in love so young?”

  Mom smiled. “It was both wonderful and scary, and most certainly difficult at times. So many things were going on.”

  “If you had to do it all over again, would you?”

  “In a heartbeat. That’s what your dad doesn’t understand. He feels he failed me somehow, that he took away my life. He doesn’t realize that it’s because of him I have a life worth living. He’s everything to me—my world—both of you. I will always be perfectly happy as long as I have the two of you. Vance mistakenly believes he owes me something—that he still needs to atone for past sins. I disagree. Yes, we had some really tough times, but we stood by each other and made it through. That’s all that matters—that through everything that was thrown at us, our love for each other never died. I don’t get how he doesn’t see that.”

  “Mom, I know you used to have a mental connection with him, like he does with me. You should know, there are times he lets his guard down—times I hear the thoughts he thinks about you.”

  “And what do you hear?” she asked, staring softly into my eyes.

  “Let me put it this way . . . someday I hope a man will love me like that. He misses you, Mom—the whole you, I mean. Guilt eats at him to the core. He hates that he led you down a road that eventually resulted in the loss of your magic. The feeling that was between you—that bond, both magical and mental—healed something inside him. When he lost that connection with you, he felt like he lost his stability.”

  “Why has he never shared this with me?”

  “Because he doesn’t know how to repair it, and he doesn’t want you to think you’re somehow “less” in his eyes. He still loves you as much as ever, but this wound inside him has never healed and the pain of it only grows stronger. He loves you, Mom . . . all of you. And wants you back—just the way you were. I don’t think he can rest until he finds a way to make that happen.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “I don’t want him to hurt, Kenna. I want him to be at peace. The poor man has hardly known a moment of calm in his life since he went on the run with your grandma, Krista. I just want him to be happy—truly happy.”

  “Then encourage him in finding a way to reintroduce your magic to you. You know he would never risk anything that would bring your demonic attributes back to the surface. Plus, I think it would be fun to get to know my mother, the witch.”

  “I’ve always been a witch, just not one with powers.”

  “I know, but I want to actually practice with you. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

  Smiling, she hugged me again. “I think it would be.”


  “Dinner was delicious, Mrs. Mangum. Thank you,” Seth said politely, folding his napkin and dropping it beside his plate.

  “Please, Seth, call us both by our first names, Vance and Portia. We aren’t very formal around here.”

  Seth cast a semi-nervous glance at my dad who, in turn, was shooting daggers at my mom. She was obviously unaware that Dad had insisted on being called Mr. Mangum. It was hard not to laugh.

  “Yes, thank you, Mom. It was awesome.” Glancing between both my parents, I smiled. “I promised Seth I’d show him around the house. Is that okay with both of you?”

  “Fine by me.” Mom encouraged. “Your dad can help me clean up in here.”

  “Keep the doors open, “Dad said gruffly and I laughed, standing and moving to kiss him on the head.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Leaning closer to his ear, I whispered. “I promise not to let him molest me.”

  Something akin to a groan escaped him, and I laughed even harder before grabbing Seth by the hand and dragging him from the room.

  “That kid is gonna be the death of me, you know that?” I heard my dad speak to my mom through our mental connection.

  “Aw, Vance. Come on. Can’t you see how happy she is?”

  “I didn’t notice. All I could see was the way he kept looking at my baby girl.”

  “She’s not a baby anymore. She’s a young woman. You’re going to have to let her grow up.”

  “I don’t want to.” Dad grumbled. “I’m not ready for all this stuff.”

  “What stuff?”

  “The boys—them wanting her, and especially not her wanting them.”

  “You need to trust her, hun. She has a good head on her shoulders. Guess what she told me before dinner?”


  “That she hopes someday a man will love her the way you love me.”

  “She said that?” I could hear the wonder in his voice.

  “She did. She’s watching you—both of us—and she’s a smart kid.”

  “I know all that, but it only makes me more nervous. That guy here tonight? He’s gonna fall in love with her. How can he not? She’s so much like you. I can already see the light in his eyes when he looks at her. I recognize it from my own.”

  “Don’t go borrowing trouble, honey. Just let things play out naturally and try to embrace whatever does happen. Let your daughter find her happiness. And if this is the guy for her, then nothing either of us tries to do is going to stop it.”

  “I know, I know.” He muttered and then gave a wry laugh. “Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

  “It is,” Mom agreed, laughing. “But I bet we will survive.”

  “I hope so.”

  Easing out of my parents’ conversation, I glanced up at Seth, wanting to see this light my dad was talking about. Was it true? Were his feelings already growing so strong so quickly?

  For some reason, that excited me instead of creeping me out. There was just something about Seth that continued to draw me to him. I found myself looking forward to the next time I’d get to see him, and my heart rate would pick up every time he drifted through my thoughts. There was this constant flutter going on in the pit of my stomach; and I spent half of the day absently daydreaming about the way his lips felt on mine and wondering if I’d get a repeat performance, tonight.

  I hoped so.

  “Are you feeling okay? Happy that you survived dinner?” I asked in a teasing tone.

  “Honestly? It went a lot easier than I expected.”

  “You can thank my mom for that. She forbade my dad from drilling you.”

  “Oh, he was still drilling me—with that glare.” He chuckled.

  “Maybe I should’ve mentioned that I’m Daddy’s little girl and he doesn’t share well.”

  “I think I already got that message from him. But hey, he didn’t eat me, so I’m calling it a success.”

  “But he wanted to eat you, I think that’s the point, isn’t it?”

  Seth’s face paled a bit. “He did?”

  I laughed. “No, you silly dork. I’m just messing with you.” I bumped against him.

  “That wasn’t nice,” he said, glancing back behind us before lowering his voice and looking at me. “I think you need to be punished.”

  “Do you now?” I
asked as we entered the foyer and moved toward the grand staircase.

  “Yes, I do.” Pulling me around the corner into the formal living room, he pressed me against the wall. “And I’m going to do that punishing right now.” Lowering his head, his lips captured mine and I welcomed them eagerly, fisting my hands in the front of his shirt and dragging him closer.

  Before today, I knew nothing about kissing. Now, I only knew I wanted as much as I could get. It was like a drug I craved. I wasn’t even sure if I was any good at kissing—only that Seth was a master at it, so it made me good, by default.

  Tongue delving heavily into my mouth, he tasted me, his hands traveling down my back before resting against my butt and hauling my body flush against his. A groan escaped him as he ground against me.

  “You’re driving me crazy, Kenna,” he whispered against my lips before hungrily recapturing them.

  The magic in my blood heated under his touch, making me feel even warmer. Something inside me ached for him—I wanted him closer—but I didn’t know how to achieve it. “Seth,” I whispered, longing for something, but I didn’t know what. I could only hear the need in my voice.

  Wrenching away, Seth moved several paces backward. I sagged against the wall, staring at him heatedly.

  “Why’d you stop?” I asked breathlessly.

  “Because I was about to do something right here in your living room that would have, at the very least, ended up with me killed.” Releasing a shaky sigh, he stared at me. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never liked a girl this much before, nor felt the need to move so quickly.”

  “So this . . .” I pushed away from the wall and gestured between us as I closed the distance, “isn’t normal?”

  He shook his head. “Not in my experience. I’ve never dated another witch before either, so I don’t know if that’s what’s different. All I know is there is something here that’s unusual. I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “You don’t need to. I feel it, too.” Glancing around the corner, I could see the coast was clear. “Come on. I want to do something with you.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the stairs.

  “As much as I want to do whatever it is we are about to do, tell me first, is it safe? Or is this going to be a life ending experience for me? I’d like to know so I can enjoy myself to the fullest.”

  I snorted. “Are you expecting to die in my bed?”

  “If that’s where we are headed, then yes. I’m pretty sure that’s where I’m gonna die. But damn girl, I promised to enjoy it first.”

  Pretty sure I was blushing a thousand shades of red, I couldn’t help my response. “I think I would enjoy it, too—not the dead part. I mean the other . . . thingy, you know . . . what you said. I’m just going to stop talking now.”

  He laughed. “I think that may be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life—you know, my very short life—that will be over soon.”

  “I didn’t actually say I was taking you to my bed, you know?”

  Reaching the top of the stairs, he glanced down them before dragging me into a nearby alcove. “I know you didn’t, but I also know how you make me feel; and if you feel even a percentage of what I do right now, then I’m thinking it won’t be too long before the two of us end up there, anyway. So either way you look at it, I’m most likely gonna die soon because of you.”

  I giggled. “But I don’t want you to die.”

  Sliding his hands on either side of my head, he pressed his full length against me, pinning me to the wall. His eyes were full of hunger. “Don’t feel bad. I’m pretty sure it will be worth it.”

  Again, his lips captured mine, sending my blood careening through my body in an excited response. Once more, the overwhelming need to be closer to him consumed me. Without even thinking about it, I raised one of my legs, hooking it around him and he groaned—a little too loudly.

  Immediately, we both glanced down into the foyer below us, thankful to find it empty. He wasn’t aware of my dad’s excellent hearing, but I was. Hopefully my mom was keeping my dad otherwise occupied.

  “Is there somewhere else we can go?” he whispered and I nodded, remembering my original intention.

  Taking him by the hand once more, I guided him to a single door at the end of a long hall.

  “What’s this?” he asked, quietly.

  “It leads to the attic. I’ve been meaning to explore it since we moved in, but I haven’t had the chance. When I came home from school, yesterday, I thought I saw someone staring at me through the window, but no one else should be here.”

  “Sounds positively spooky and just the distraction I need. Let’s go.”

  Carefully, I turned the knob and opened the door, revealing the tall narrow staircase that ascended up into darkness. I slid my hand over the walls, searching, but found nothing. “No light switch.”

  Seth glanced behind us. “I think I just heard horror music starting to play somewhere.”

  I laughed and nudged him. “So you’re chicken? Is that what you’re saying? I don’t know if I can date a guy who’s chicken.”

  Squaring his shoulders, Seth straightened, making his well-over six-foot height seem even taller. “Hell no, I’m not chicken. Dude, I’m like a friggin’ slayer.”

  “A slayer of what? Pizza?” I teased with a giggle.

  “Definitely pizza, and any other wickedly delicious foods.”

  “I’m so happy to know I’m safe with you. At least I am if there’s a pizza haunting the attic.”

  Seth snorted and tiptoed quietly up on the stairs, keeping me safely tucked behind him. I wasn’t really scared, of course, but something about knowing he was placing himself between me and any danger was heartwarming.

  Reaching the top, I blinked several times, trying to let my eyes adjust to the dimness of the space. The only light was from the moon filtering through the small dormer windows covered with lace curtains. The attic space covered the entire length of the house; and other than a small bench, an old rocking chair, and a couple of really old looking trunks in the corner, nothing else cluttered up the wood planked floor.

  “Looks pretty empty from what I can see.” Immediately a ball of bluish white light appeared in the center of Seth’s free hand. Waving it around, he illuminated the dark areas before nodding toward the items in the corner. “Looks like that’s it.”

  “What do you call that?” I asked, gesturing toward his hand. “I’ve never seen anything like it before.”

  He chuckled, staring down at it. “I’ve always referred to it as ‘witch light’. That’s what my parents call it. They can both do the same. If you’re not familiar with this, then what does your family use?”

  Raising my hand, I called a ball of flame. “Fire is the natural magic of both my dad and me. My dad has also assimilated an electrical force. Mom always jokingly calls it the Electric Storm Ball Effect, but he can generate light that way, too.”

  “What else can you do?” Seth extinguished his witch light at the same time I put out my fireball, plunging us back into darkness.

  “Now all I can see are spots!” I said with a laugh.

  “Then we should do something that doesn’t require sight.” He scooped me off my feet and I squealed.

  “You caught me off guard.”

  “Good. I like catching you off guard.”

  Surprising me, he knelt down and gently laid me on the floor and leaned over me. I blinked several times, wishing I could see him better, but not wanting to break the mood.

  “I want to kiss you, Kenna, for a long, long time—until I don’t know where I end and you begin.”

  Heat infused me at his words and I honestly couldn’t think of anything that sounded better. Reaching for him, I pulled him down, capturing his mouth as he leaned beside me.

  Tongues tangling, he shifted to straddle me, resting with his elbows by my head and his hands tangled into my hair.

  What was it with kissing him? I’d never expected anyth
ing like this—this feeling of wanting to be consumed by something, of wanting to give in. It didn’t matter that I was inexperienced or that I barely knew Seth—it was like my body knew, recognized, and craved him like a needed drug.

  “Kenna.” My name, whispered as he brushed his lips over my skin, moving toward my neck, caused a flush of delicious prickles to race over me. He murmured it so sweetly, but it sounded so full of need and wonder.

  Leaning on one elbow, he trailed his other hand down the side of my body, lightly sliding over my neck, collarbone, and ever so slightly grazing the edge of my breast as he passed, moving to my waist before anchoring his hand on my hip.

  “Even in the dark, you’re beautiful.”

  “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” I admitted, feeling things I’d never experienced before swirling around inside me.

  “You don’t need to say anything. Just keep being perfect like you already are.” A soft kiss was pressed against my forehead.

  “I’m not perfect.” His words made me feel like I was, though.

  “You are to me.” Giving a wry chuckle, he stroked my cheek with his thumb. “Excuse the analogy, but right now I’m feeling like the Titanic and you’re my iceberg. I’ve been hit and I’m going down fast.”

  “You make it sound like I’m going to destroy you,” I replied, closing my eyes as he feathered more kisses on my face.

  “You just might,” he breathed out against my skin. “Especially if your dad catches onto this.”

  “Kenna? Are you guys up there?” As if on cue, my dad’s voice floated up the stairs and it was as if someone threw a bucket of cold water on us.

  “To the trunks,” Seth urged, quickly pulling me up. We moved as noiselessly as possible.

  “Yeah, come on up!” I called to my dad, as Seth used magic to pop the lid open and summon some witch light. “Oh my goodness!” I exclaimed, when all the fancy old dresses in the trunk were revealed. “Look how beautiful they are!” The sound of my dad’s boots ascended the stairs and I quickly glanced over my shoulder. “Dad, come see what we found in this old trunk!”