Read Coventina Page 16

  “Really? How can you be sure?” Denise asked.

  “Sure of the size or sure about where you have been?”


  “I am Layla.”


  “I am Kimana.”

  “Nice name, what does it mean?”

  The same as the meaning of that who you travel north to see, Butterfly.

  “Can you tell me what we will find as well?” Denise asked.

  “No, but you can.”

  “Are you from around here?” Layla said.

  “I am on my way back home south of here, in Ohio.”

  “Well, it comes as no surprise to us that you know so much,” Denise said.

  Kimana smiled. “I must be underway if I am to stay on schedule for all I have planned this day.”

  “It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Layla said.

  Denise, this night will be hard for you.

  Can you elaborate?

  Pack your bags?


  Just in case.

  “Thank you Kimana. Have a safe journey,” Denise said.

  “Safe journey Denizen.”

  Kimana walked in the opposite direction they did to get back to the Mustang and head north.

  “You’re a little quiet,” Layla said as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Did we unpack?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “Ground or?”

  “No, let’s get there quickly.”

  “Okay. Where exactly?”

  “Anywhere near Lincoln Park will be fine.”

  Layla put the Mustang in stealth when they were under a highway overpass and laid in a course for Lake Shore Drive in Chicago. The Mustang climbed until she stopped and hovered above the Gateway Arch.

  “Now there’s a view very few humans get to see,” Denise smiled.

  “I’ve always dreamed about this view.”

  “We should touch down here, under the overpass at North Avenue,” Denise said.

  “What did she mean about that butterfly thing?”

  “We are going to see a friend of mine with, talents.”


  “She has skills and connections that allow her access to what most think is privileged information.”

  “She is a hacker?” Layla giggled.

  “That is such a low sounding word for someone with such talents.”

  “Okay. She’s a butterfly.”

  “She calls herself AC, the initials for Asterocampa Celtis, better known as the Hackberry Butterfly.”

  “Sweet. Where to from here?”

  “First a stop at Starbucks and then back to that building right over there,” Denise said pointing to a high-rise apartment building.

  AC told the security doorman to let them up when they arrived. When they stepped off the elevator she was standing halfway into the hall with her door open. She said nothing until they entered her apartment.

  “AC, it’s been a while. This is Layla, Layla, AC.”

  “Any friend of yours is a friend of mine,” AC smiled. “What have you brought me?”

  “I know you are on a tight schedule so thanks for agreeing to see me,” Denise said, handing her a latte.

  “My flight is not for a few hours.”

  “Here you are.” Denise handed her two telephones. AC brought them over to a desk she had three MacBook Pros sitting on.

  “I will have to get ahold of you later with what I find,” AC said, hooking them up to each of two computers.

  “Perfectly fine.”

  She handed them to Denise when she was finished. “So, where are you off to now?”

  “Back down south, at least until I hear back from you.”

  “Such a beautiful view of the lake from here,” Layla said.

  “It is pleasing,” AC smiled.

  “You must have a great view of the Air and Boat Show every year,” Denise giggled.

  “You know how I feel about THAT,” AC laughed. “I try to be out of town every year for it.”

  “I bet it gets to be a bit much.”

  “Especially for very private people, like us,” AC winked.

  “Well, we are going to get out of your way. Here,” Denise said, handing her an envelope full of one hundred dollar bills.

  “This is not necessary.”

  “A little mad money to show my deep appreciation.”

  “Very sweet. Thank you.”

  “Thank you.”

  AC escorted them to the elevator. “I can sense the tension inside you. Be careful,” she whispered into her ear before they stepped inside.

  “We always are,” Denise smiled as the elevator door closed.



  “NOOOO, don’t, there is no need, they are innocent, I am the one you want, NOOOO!” Denise screamed. It was more than loud enough to wake Layla who had just fallen asleep minutes earlier.

  “Baby what’s wrong? What is it?”

  Sweat glistened off her nakedness when she sat up, shaking mildly.

  “It was all too real, far too real.”

  “What was?”

  Denise slid out of bed and walked into the kitchen where she had left her handbag. She took out Judith’s Blackberry, found the number for Esther and dialed only to hear the recorded message saying the call could not be placed, to call her provider. “Fuck, she reported it stolen and they have turned it off. I should have called her to let her know we retrieved it,” Denise said walking over to the couch in the living room where her iPhone was charging.

  “Should I start a pot of coffee?” Layla asked, having a feeling they were not getting back to sleep anytime soon.

  Denise had her phone set to speaker after she dialed Esther’s number. What they heard were the all too familiar three beeps followed by, “We’re sorry, you have reached a number that is disconnected or no longer in service. If you feel that you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again.”

  “Yes, I think you’d better. Give me a moment alone in the bedroom please.”


  Denise tried the number again only to receive the same recorded message. She plopped on the bed lying on her back and contacted Aya.

  It is no trouble at all. We shall be there within the hour. Aya said.

  Thank you. We will be ready.

  “We’d better pack,” Denise said walking into the kitchen.

  “So, Kimana was right.”


  “Come on, let’s have a seat and you can lay it on me,” Layla said.

  “We can’t get too comfortable. Aya will be here within the hour.”

  Denise went on to tell her all she saw. “There was a woman directing it all. They did not even bother to check if Coventina was there. A few thugs threw something they were carrying through the windows and ran. There was a huge explosion. Layla if anyone was in that house they could not be alive, and now, with the phone.” She broke down briefly, Layla taking her in her arms.

  “I don’t have a good feeling about where this might lead with our legionnaire friends,” Layla said. “Let’s get at least one cup in us before they arrive.”

  “When I was a child I always felt that life had something major in store for me, but this. I know what we’ve done to get Coventina and Anna back is a good thing, but at what price? Am I responsible for this?”

  “Baby you have no control over what others are going to do, well, not unless you want to anyway. You are not responsible for their actions if when we get there this turns out to be true.”

  “Yeah. Come on, let’s get a quick shower, pack and get ready.”

  They loaded their bags into the Mustang and drove to a pickup point along a wooded area a short distance from their house.

  “They will try not to alert everyone they have on board,” Denise said.

  “Well, the craft has a smooth ride so they m
ay not realize they are back.”

  “They’re here.”

  The Mustang was engulfed in a bright light and swiftly carried up into the craft.

  “I prefer driving up a ramp myself,” Layla said.

  “Come on, quietly.”

  They were led by An to the lounge area of the ship, who activated a view of where they were traveling. What appeared to be coffee mugs sat on the table in front of Denise and Layla. I believe you call them latte.

  “Yes, and thank you,” Denise said.

  “I was going to say you must have read my mind, but all things considered,” Layla smiled.

  “How long until we get there?”

  You will have ample time to finish your beverages, as there is no need to hurry. Your suspicions have been confirmed.

  Denise simply stared out the viewer watching night rapidly turn to dusk. Mys entered and seemed to glide over to the seat across from them.

  You will find that the entire family of Coventina has permanently left their physical form, Mys said.

  “Allow us to evaluate the scene before,” Denise said, trailing away, not finishing the sentence.

  “Please put us down anywhere near the site,” Layla said.

  Come, we are nearly there.

  They were led back to the Mustang where Layla changed its appearance to a Nissan Sentra and waited to be beamed to the surface.

  Layla sped up Stockton Lane. They could see the smoke rising over the trees. When they arrived, an ambulance was leaving the scene. Firemen were mopping up what was left smoldering in the gutted two-story structure. The gray overcast sky added to the gloom Denise was already feeling. Layla parked the car on the side of the road where they exited and walked across to speak to the firemen.

  “Please stand back Miss,” one of the firemen said.

  “What happened?” Layla asked.

  “An explosion of some sort. Not much left really.”

  “Was anyone in there when it happened?” Denise asked quietly.

  “I’m sorry Miss but.”

  “We were friends of the family,” Layla said.

  “Well, then I am very sorry to inform you that the remains of three bodies were found in the wreckage. Some neighbors said a fourth family member is missing or simply has not been found yet. It was a large and powerful explosion, but if a fourth victim was in there when it happened, investigators will find some evidence of it.”

  “Come on,” Layla said, tugging at Denise’s arm. She could sense the rage building inside her.

  “Those who did this are still here, somewhere.”

  “Here? Do you mean right here or still on the island?”

  They walked back to the Mustang quickly to find Marcus and Lucius standing near it.

  “Inquilina,” Marcus said.

  “How is it you are here?” Denise asked.

  “I sensed we were traveling as did Lucius. Denise I.”

  “Does Quintus know yet?”

  “I am not certain.”

  “I am,” Layla said, turning her head towards Quintus and Coventina approaching the scene.

  “You must do everything possible to get back to the ship WITH Coventina. There is a very good possibility she is still in grave danger. Her family is already dead. Have Lucilla contact me as soon as possible. It is not going to be easy but you must get them out of here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Back to Rome.”


  Back to Rome

  Denise and Layla checked in to the Hotel Colosseum. When Lucilla was finally able to contact Denise once things settled down, she advised her to remain where they were, at least for now. “We’ve been lucky, so far. I feel it is not safe here, at least not safe to check into a hotel with a large group.”

  “What about you?” Lucilla asked.

  “We checked in with an altered appearance. Is Anna’s family safe?”

  “Yes. They’ve gone to stay with friends up North.”

  “How is Coventina?”


  “And Quintus?”

  “He and the others have been meeting alone. I’m doing my best to keep everyone calm.”

  “Good. Keep me updated dear Lucilla.”

  “Please be careful Denise.”

  “We shall.”

  “Come over here,” Layla said, tapping on the mattress.

  Denise stretched out next to her.

  “Let’s get some zzz’s.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Denise awoke to the sound of her iPhone vibrating on the nightstand where it was charging. She rolled over and draped her arm over Layla’s hip hoping to slip right back into the restful slumber she was experiencing. The iPhone vibrated again. She ignored it. It vibrated again a few moments later. Fuckinsky, she thought and slipped out of bed to see what all the buzzing was about. AC. She was looking at multiple text messages waiting to be read.




  Denise. UHM. NOT AT HOME.



  She walked over and turned on the MacBook Air she’d packed, opened Safari and logged in to her Gmail account. Among a few emails from family and advertisers she saw an email from Bootsy titled Dreaming of YOU. She clicked on it to find nothing but a link. It reminded her of links she would avoid ever clicking on. She went back to her phone.

  Denise. BOOTSY?

  AC. YES.

  She was just about to click on the link when Layla spoke. “Hey, everything alright?”

  “Yes. Just checking email.”

  “What time is it?

  “Almost 11 p.m. local time.”


  She clicked on the link that took her to a site requiring a password. She went back to her phone again.

  Denise. PASSWORD?


  Denise keyed in the word sunshine and gained access to the page.

  Read this page carefully computer brain as it cannot be copied and will disappear very soon. When you have finished reading it close out your browser and computer and clean everything up like I taught you. I want you to call me from a landline as soon as possible. It is of the UTMOST IMPORTANCE THAT YOU DO SO.

  She doesn’t trust anyone, and for good reasons. She followed AC’s instructions, first reading the page before shutting down her computer securely.



  “I’ve got to get to a landline as soon as possible. I know how you worry about me so, do you want to come with or wait here?”

  “Hhi’m uh comig with.” Layla said. Her eyes squinted once her head came out from under the covers.

  “Think we can find a pizza at this hour?”

  “Mmm, pizza.”

  They stumbled around getting dressed and headed out to the Mustang that was parked in the hotel lot.

  “Any idea which way to go?” Layla yawned.

  “We would have to come back to a city without Starbucks,” Denise laughed. “There’s a place with a solid four star rating near here. Let me see. Go down this block and make a right.”

  “Still lots of people out.”

  “We’re looking for one of these,” Denise said, showing her an image of what pay phones look like.

  “How are you going to pay?”

  “Do you think they take American money?”

  “Ooh, a spot.”

  “Why are we stopping here?”

  “I’ll be right back.” Layla walked across the street and into a Pharmacy. She returned in a few minutes with a few calling cards.

  “See what some sleep can do for you?” Denise giggled.

  “There was a phone in there but I get the feeling you want a little privacy. The guy inside said if we make a right at the next corner we will see a lot of payphones between here and the Colosseum.”

Midway down the next block Layla noticed a telephone and pulled over. They both got out of the car and walked over to it. “Do you know how to use this thing?”


  “Here,” Layla said, holding out her hand. “You break off the corner like this, simply stick in it there, and hope the phone works. Do you want some privacy?”

  “Anything but. I need a second memory.”

  Denise went through the motions and got a dial tone. She keyed in AC’s number and waited. “How much time do I have on this card?”

  “Twenty dollars on each.”


  “Hi, it’s me.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Not at home or anywhere near it, why?”

  “I won’t talk over the phone. You’re in fucking Rome?”


  “She knows where we are?” Layla whispered.

  Denise nodded yes.

  “I want you to come to me if possible, and as soon as possible. Can you do that?”

  “Well, you won’t talk over the phone so what choice do I have. Where are you?”

  “Paris. How soon can you be here?”

  “First thing in the morning okay?”

  “How about ten in the morning Paris time?”

  “I’ll see you then.”

  “Great. Call me again, from a payphone when you get here. And Denise.”


  “Hide until you get out of there, and be careful.”

  “You’re the second person to tell me that tonight.”

  “I hope you can trust the first person who gave you that advice.”

  “I can. Til tomorrow.”

  The phone on the other end hung up.

  “AC?” Layla asked.

  “Yes. She would not talk over the phone. She wants to see me in person. She thinks we’re in danger.”

  “Tell me something we don’t know. Where is she?”


  “So we’re going to Paris?”





  “I’m seriously craving coffee,” Denise said.

  “I’m on my second latte. They make a fabulous latte up here,” Lucilla said.

  Denise looked at Layla who was laughing. “Be nice.”

  “Any changes to report?”

  “No. It is a good thing this ship is so large or I don’t know what the mood might be.”

  “You don’t have to stay there, but you must stay out of Europe at all costs, especially Rome.

  “But you’re there.”

  “Yes but I’m not sure for how long.”

  “Have you found something, or someone?”

  “I just cannot speak about it now. When I know more we will join you.”

  “That is comforting. Things always seem more balanced when you are around.”