Read Coventina Page 20

  “Vegas has a way of doing that I hear.”

  Aja and Lucius greeted them in the yard and directed them to the building that had been set up for their stay.

  “Vineyards,” Marcus smiled.

  “Yes. I’m afraid they are in horrible shape though,” Aja said.

  “Hello everyone,” Denise said, entering the guesthouse.

  They all shared greetings before she pulled Quintus aside. “I need to meet with you tonight. It is not necessary that all of you be at this meeting, but it would be a good idea to have another legionnaire present.”

  “Of course. Have you decided on a time and place?”

  “Here, of course, and since it promises to be a clear night, how about under the stars?”

  “Of course. I will bring Marcus with.”

  “Good choice, since Lucilla must be present as well. Now let me get out of your way so you can get situated.”

  “Have you eaten today?” Aja asked.

  “I’d bet some of us could use a snack,” Anna smiled.

  “Great. I’ve a refrigerator and pantry full of food so please, feel free to stop over and prepare whatever you choose from the available selection of goodies.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Where are you going?” Aja asked.

  “For some wine,” Denise laughed.

  “I thought we forgot something. Arles is closest.”

  “That was the plan. We will be back shortly.”

  “I think their version of a supermarket might be best,” Layla said.



  Layla zipped down the two-lane highways back to Arles where they went directly to Leclerc.

  “What’s for dinner?” a female salesperson asked in reply to Denise’s question about what wine to choose.

  “No dinner. It’s just a gathering of friends, you know, like a yard party under the stars.”

  “They are Italian and probably used to traditional old world Italian wine,” Layla smiled.

  “Well then how about an Italian wine?”

  “Sounds good. I am happy to see you sell Italian wine here in the heart of France’s wine country,” Denise said.

  “You cannot go wrong with Sangiovese. I’m sure they’ll love it.”

  “Great. How many bottles in a case?”

  “Most have six bottles,” the young woman said.

  “Do you have six cases?”

  “Yes, but I will have to mix brands, four of one and two of another. They are both very good, very comparable.”

  “Fine. We’ll be right back with a cart.”

  They purchased the wine, loaded up the car, and headed back.

  “Do you really think this plan is going to work?” Layla said.

  “It can. I am concerned about how much violence will be required though?”

  “Don’t think it can be accomplished without it?”

  “We’re not dealing with compassionate, understanding people here, so no, I don’t think that is a possibility.”

  “Well, we are definitely going to piss them off, and these people do not seem to show mercy when angered or crossed.”

  “Then neither shall we,” Denise said in a whisper, gazing out the window at night falling on the landscape.

  By the time they returned, Aja had chairs and a table set up in the yard, along with a torch on the tip of wooden pole, “To keep the bugs away,” Lucius put it. It looked as though it had been fashioned just in the time they were gone.

  “I hope you like the wine we purchased,” Denise said.

  “Well, nothing is going to compare exactly to the wine of Ancient Rome,” Lucilla smiled.

  “It will undoubtedly be better, like everything else we have experienced,” Marcus said upon returning from carrying two cases of wine into the house.

  “So what is everyone else doing?” Denise asked.

  “Somehow I don’t think they will be playing Backgammon on such a gorgeous night,” Lucilla laughed. “I saw a few of them disappear into the night with blankets and a bottles of wine.”

  “Sounds nice,” Layla giggled.

  In short order everyone was seated, glass of wine in hand.

  Denise had Aja begin by giving a brief description of what she would do to initiate the plan. Surprisingly, Quintus, Marcus and Lucius easily grasped it all.

  “That is going to get their attention,” Lucilla said.

  “Precisely what we want it to do. It is one sure way of commanding their utter attention,” Denise said.

  “Where do we come in?” Quintus asked.

  “It would be foolish to think they are all going to listen and adhere to our demands. When the dust settles, those left standing may need to be dealt with personally. That is where you will come in,” Layla said.

  “And you believe this can be accomplished before the time comes for those of us who have chosen to do so must leave?” Marcus said.

  “It has already begun,” Aja said. “We have spent this day putting the wheels in motion. There are some people in Rome who are going to be very, very angry when they wake up in the morning.”

  “Spend this day training,” Denise said directly to Quintus and the others.

  “We will plan according to Layla’s information,” Quintus said.

  “I will need to meet in private with Coventina and Anna tonight.” Denise said.

  “They are in the house waiting for you,” Aja said.

  “Now, who would like another glass of wine,” Lucius laughed.


  British Ladies

  Denise went into the house alone, where Anna and Coventina sat in the living room watching a movie.

  “What are you watching, the music is fabulous?” Denise asked.

  “It’s called Room in Rome,” Coventina smiled.

  “Interesting,” Denise said, noticing two women on a bed together nude.

  “It’s a beautiful movie,” Anna smiled.

  “Yes, they are,” Denise giggled.

  “Would you care for some wine?” Anna asked.

  “I believe I will have another glass. That salesperson was right, it is good.”

  Anna returned from the kitchen with her glass of wine.

  “I understand things are about to, heat up if you will,” Coventina said.

  “It’s already begun. Tomorrow it will be necessary for us to be in Paris for most of the day.”

  “Paris. I’ve never been to Paris,” Anna sighed.

  “Have either of you decided on what you will do, you know, when the time comes to stay or go?”

  “If we survive this, I am leaving with Quintus,” Coventina said.

  Anna shook her head and began to cry. “I cannot leave without knowing my family is safe.”

  “And if I assured you they would be?” Denise asked.

  “I would not hesitate to go. I don’t know how I could stay all things considered,” she said, reaching for Coventina’s hand.

  “Well then ladies, I suggest you start making your preparations to depart.”

  Denise explained what she was already doing to have Anna’s family secretly relocated like those in a witness protection program, only better. This would completely set them up anew in total secrecy ala AC, in America.

  “I hope they will go for relocating,” Anna said.

  “They already have,” Denise said. “Tomorrow they will be on their way to the United States where they will have a friend take them under wing to get them situated.”

  “I must be able to see them before,” Anna’s voice trailed off.

  “You shall.”

  “Denise, will Quintus be in danger throughout this?” Coventina asked.

  “There is some degree of danger for each of us in every waking moment,” Denise said.

  “That is true.”

  “That said, it is an imperfect world, and these are extremely imperfect individuals. We shall prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.”

  “When I was
a little girl, I believe I saw this all coming. I cannot explain it exactly, because I did not know what it actually was,” Coventina said. “Somehow, I have known that my life would change dramatically. So you see, I think it might be easier for me to be adjusting to all this, because I’ve been expecting it.”

  “When I was young, I knew something amazing was out there, headed straight for me,” Denise said. She went on to explain all she and Layla had been through finding the kidnapped crewmembers of the Tyrine.

  “You’re like angels,” Anna said.

  “Oh, we’re no angels,” Denise laughed.

  “What can we do to help?” Coventina asked.

  “We have something very important for the two of you, and Diana and Maria to do.”

  “But of course Denise.”

  “Now, let’s enjoy the rest of this glorious night. Come on, there is a gorgeous star filled sky tonight,” Denise smiled.

  Her eyes were attracted to the television screen, where the two women in the movie had moved to the balcony, as the sun came up over the view of Rome from their room.

  The morning is going to bring us a very busy day, she thought, very busy indeed.


  Roman Morning

  The sky was awash with magnificent shades of yellow, orange, blue and grey, the few puffy clouds east of the city framing the rising sun on the blazing horizon. It promised to be a beautiful summer day in Rome.

  Rosina Stucco, who had a hard time sleeping at all, was the first to notice that she was no longer a rich woman. She stared in disbelief at the computer screen that showed a $100.47 balance in her offshore account. That disbelief turned into an onslaught of ideas about how this could be possible, which quickly gave way to rage.

  “Rosina knows,” Aja said before taking another sip of her coffee.

  “Let the games begin,” Layla smiled.

  “Action!” Denise said.

  It wasn’t long before she was banging on the door of Aaron Surdul, one of her partners in crime.

  “What is it, what’s wrong?” he shouted through the intercom.

  “Let me the fuck in goddammit, we have to talk.”

  “Stop beating on the door, I’ll be right down. Fuck.”

  Aaron walked towards the front door slowly, pistol in hand. He always felt uneasy around Rosina. “What could this psycho want?” he whispered to himself. He moved a drape slightly and peeked out to the window to make sure she was alone, before unlocking and opening the door.

  “Rosina, what is it, why are you so upset?”

  “A gun. You greet me with a gun? Perhaps I should be pointing a gun at you,” she said between clenched teeth, walking right in without an invitation. After locking the door Aaron turned to see a pistol in her hands pointing at him.

  “Fuck Rosina, put that fucking thing away and tell me why you are so fucking upset would you?”

  “I want you to get online NOW and check your offshore account,” she demanded.

  “Okay. I don’t have a problem with that, but can you tell me why and will you PLEASE put that fucking gun away?”

  She lowered the Baretta 92 and it disappeared unto the folds of her jacket.

  “Now. Please get online and check your account.”

  He walked over to a table his laptop was on. “Have a seat, over there.”

  She did as he asked, staring at him impatiently.

  “You better have a good explanation for this Rosina, I just got in a few hours ago and I am beat.”

  Aaron logged in to his account. When he looked at his balance his stomach felt like he had been kicked in it, his heart beating so fast it felt like it would pop out of his chest. “Cosa succeed se il cazzo é questo?”

  “Tell me Aaron, TELL ME WHAT YOU SEE,” Rosina shouted.

  “What the fuck is this Rosina?”

  “Tell me, or show me what the fuck you see,” she insisted.

  He turned the laptop screen towards her to reveal a balance of $127.65.

  “Well, you’re about thirty dollars richer than I am this morning,” she sighed. “Get dressed. We have a few stops to make.”

  Aaron returned from his bedroom buttoning his black shirt. “I’m going to have to eat first,” he said.

  “How the fuck can you think about food at a time like this?”

  “I’m hungry that’s how, and I need some coffee.”

  Rosina sped down the cobblestone streets behind the wheel of her Black Fiat 500 before jamming on the brakes in front of a McDonald’s. She liked the Fiat because it was small and fast, and that made it easy to zip in and out of traffic on the tiny Roman streets. She also thought it looked like a bullet coming at you. “There is nowhere to park. Run in and get your shit.”

  “McDonald’s Rosina?

  “Are you sure you can afford anything else this morning?”

  “Do you want anything?”

  She gave him an angry sneer. “Just coffee with six sugars. No, make that eight sugars.”

  From there, they shot across town towards the home of Pietro Gugino.

  “What do you think is going on?” Aaron asked between bites of his second Egg McMuffin.”

  “It seems pretty clear someone has hacked our accounts and cleaned us out don’t you think?”

  “But who, why? Who would dare fuck with us?”

  “If you ask me it is someone we know.”


  Gay Paris

  “I am going to get started on these packages,” Layla said.

  “I’ll be there in a minute to help you,” Denise said.

  “Don’t forget the gloves. Make sure you wear them at all times when handling anything going out today,” Aja said.

  “What are they up to?”

  Aja turned from her table full of computers. “My guess is their next stop will be good old Pietro, simply because he is closest, and Rosina is so very impatient.”

  Denise walked over to a table on the other side of the room full of documents. They began organizing them in the way Aja has told them to, so they would have the maximum impact on the viewer when opened.

  So far so good,” Denise said after getting the packages together with Layla.

  “They have just gotten to Pietro. Looks like someone needed breakfast before meeting this maniac.”

  “I’m going to run down and have a shower,” Denise said.

  “Me too,” Layla grinned.

  “You’ll be fine for about ten minutes?” Denise asked.

  Aja simply looked at her and smiled.

  When they returned from their shower, Aja updated them.

  “They’ve been in there a long time.”

  “Will we need to put names on these packages?”

  “I have the labels printed. Be sure to wear those gloves if you touch them up until the time they are delivered.”

  Denise put on the gloves and labeled the twelve packages sitting on the table. Layla then helped her load them into two large canvas shopping bags.

  “They are leaving.”

  “How do you do this AC? Do you have your own satellite up there?”

  “Haa. No love. It just comes to me. It’s my karma.”

  Layla poured each of them another cup of coffee as they went over the events that would make the next 24 hours intense to put it mildly.

  When Aja was convinced that they were on their way out of Rome she handed each of them the phones they were to use until it was all over. “They are heading south, and you know what that means. It will take them nearly two hours to get there.”

  “So we can leave soon?” Layla asked.

  “Anytime you like.”

  “Well, not until I’ve finished this fabulous cup of coffee,” Denise grinned.


  Wake Up

  “I don’t give a fuck if he just got in, or if he’s in the middle of a fucking blow job, WAKE UP,” Rosina screamed, banging on the front door with her fist and kicking it with her feet.

  “Rosina, calm down, what the fuck is
wrong?” Charles asked, turning to Aaron for an answer.

  “It is of the utmost importance Charles. Why do you think I’m here?”

  “Oh man, he’s gonna be pissed. Sammy?” he spoke into a radio.


  “Sammy come out here so I can go in and wake him up.”

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Yeah, come on out here, let me get this over with.”

  “Sorry Rosina, but orders are orders,” Sammy said.

  She looked up at him and sneered then started pacing back and forth like a caged animal.

  Charles returned after a few minutes holding the left side of his face that looked like it was definitely going to bruise. “I need your weapons or you’re not going any further than here.”

  Rosina gave him a fiery look that made him even uneasier if that was possible.

  “I’m not carrying one, at the moment,” Aaron said, holding his hands up in the air.

  Rosina walked back to the car, tossed her weapon on the front seat and locked it. She then allowed herself to be searched.

  They were led into the building by Charles who told them to have a seat and wait.

  “Sorry about your face,” Rosina said quietly.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  Charles sat in a chair on the other side of the room, his weapon still in his hand.

  Pietro came down the stairs wearing a short dark purple silk robe, slicking his black hair back. He looked around the room and walked up to Rosina. “If you weren’t so valuable to me, I would have told them to just shoot you in that insane head Rosina, what the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Can we go somewhere private, somewhere with a computer?” she whispered.

  He looked at Aaron to see him nodding in agreement.

  “Come with me,” Pietro said.

  He led them back to a room he was using as a study and turned on his computer.

  “Okay, what is so important?”

  Moments later Charles heard Pietro scream and banged on the door. “Are you alright, boss,” he shouted.

  Sammy heard his scream outside in front of the house and stepped back inside to see what was happening.

  “Is the car gassed up?” Pietro asked Charles walking towards the stairway that would take him back to his bedroom.

  “I’ll see to it,” Charles said. He gave Sammy the keys to the Mercedes and told him to make sure the tank was full, start it and keep it running.

  Rosina and Aaron walked back door. “We’ll be in the car,” Rosina said.

  Charles got the door for her. “Rosina, what is going on?”