Read Cowboy Samurai X Badass Android Page 2


  High school was rather boring when everyone was completely ignoring you…and acting like you were a ghost…

  Sometimes Jake wondered if he really were invisible and decided to put this new theory to the test. Jake decided to sneak into the girl’s locker room and began to watch them change.

  It didn’t take long for the girls to notice Jake though and they began screaming and covering themselves and throwing various articles of clothing at Jake.

  Jake’s reflexes kicked in as a girl threw a pair of lacy pink panties at his head and he grabbed them out of the air. “Huh?” Jake looked down at the pair of panties in his hands and grinned like an idiot.

  Jake ran away with the panties and decided to take them home with him. When Jake arrived home, he immediately went up to his room and locked the door behind him. He threw his book bag on his bed and took out the panties he had slipped into his jeans’ pocket.

  He touched them and even smelled them. They smelled musky and the scent turned him on. For some reason he felt less alone and horny so he decided to jerk off for a couple of hours…one hand sliding along his throbbing erection while his other hand fingered the lacy underwear…

  Jake recalled how the girls had reacted to his presence in the locker room. They had actually paid attention to him…acted like he was there…like he actually existed! Even if it had been bad attention, it was at least something.

  And they hadn’t been mean per say, just embarrassed and freaked out.

  The girls had screamed out of surprise and embarrassment - not fear. And they had thrown harmless things at him…like articles of clothing. They hadn’t really been out to hurt him.

  Jake smiled to himself goofily as he thought about the encounter. He decided that he’d go to the girl’s locker room again the next day!

  When Jake boldly showed up in the doorway of the girl’s locker room he smiled and winked at them to get their attention. “Howdy ladies. My, you’re all looking lovely-”

  “Kyahhh! Pervert!” The girls cried and began tossing hairbrushes and articles of clothing his way.

  Jake caught another pair of underwear - this time a pair of strawberry panties! Jake thanked the girls and took off running.

  Jake began to visit the girl’s locker room frequently and so began to earn himself a weird reputation of being not only a ‘crazy freak’ but also a ‘pervert’ and a ‘panty thief’.

  Jake preferred the labels ‘pervert’ and ‘panty thief’ immensely! He quickly thought up new and inventive ways to steal the girls’ underwear. With his superhuman reflexes and speed, Jake never got caught even if he were chased.

  Jake began to spout pickup lines any time a girl passed him by and would wink and wag his eyebrows at her.

  At first the girls acted afraid and would give him wary looks or glares. But as the year wore on and Jake’s ridiculous behavior continued without real incident the girls began to laugh at his antics.

  Their laughter - even if it was at Jake’s expense - was Jake’s salvation.

  He kept his smile plastered to his face and acted like a fool. Being thought of as a perverted fool was much better than being thought of as a crazy freak or murderer.