Read Crash into You Page 16

Page 16

  Author: Roni Loren

  He walked over to her and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. She startled at the touch.

  “Easy,” he whispered. “I’m right here. I’m going to take off your blindfold. I want to be able to see your pretty face. ”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir. ”

  The sweet femininity of her voice went straight to his gut. This girl was so tough, but there was an untouched innocence in her that made him want to take care of her, protect her. He untied the dress and let it fall to the carpet. She blinked up at him, her cheeks tinged pink, her lush bottom lip swollen from her biting it.

  “You can still back out. ”

  She shook her head, her green eyes defiant. “No, sir. ”

  No going back now. The steely voice that passed his lips was unrecognizable to his own ears. “Stand up. ”

  Brynn swung her legs to the side of the bed and rose on shaky knees. Reid’s hands moved up her arms as his eyes traveled over her. She’d never seen this side of him before—so focused and serious. Her nipples tightened beneath his hungry gaze, and the response didn’t seem lost on him. He skimmed his finger along the edge of one cup of her bra, sending tiny shivers through her. “Take it off. ”

  The quiet authority of his voice melted over her like chocolate, soothing some of her twitching nerves. She reached behind her back, undid the clasp, and let the bra fall to the floor. Reid gave her a slow smile and reached out to cup one of her breasts, running his thumb across its hard peak. “Gorgeous. ”

  She shuddered and he bent his head to draw the opposite nipple into his mouth, while continuing to strum pleasure from the other with his hand. The combination of sensations sent liquid fire straight to her core. She closed her eyes and let out a soft whimper, his tongue caressing her with painfully gentle strokes.

  God, was he going to be this slow and deliberate with everything? She’d burn into a pile of embers by the time he got to the actual sex. He drew back a bit and circled her areola with the tip of his tongue, carefully avoiding what she most wanted. She threaded her hands in his hair and urged him forward, wanting more, needing all of his mouth again.

  Cool air replaced his touch as he backed away.

  She blinked. “What’s wrong?”

  He pressed a finger against her lips, quieting her. “I’m in charge of your pleasure, not you. Trust that I’ll take you where you need to go. ”

  Her throat went dry, but she nodded.

  “Take off your panties. ”

  He stepped back and put his hands in his pockets, watching her, making her feel both wanted and vulnerable all at the same time. Her hands hovered near her hips, suddenly nervous about standing naked before him.

  “I’m not going to ask twice, Brynn,” he said, his voice calm but firm.

  She took a slow breath, then hooked her thumbs in her panties and shimmied out of them. His gaze ate up every inch of flesh, and the impressive bulge in his jeans twitched. Her body tingled beneath his clear approval. She yearned to reach out and touch him, to undress him and feel his skin beneath her fingertips, but she fought the urge to take over control.

  His hand cupped her hip and he dragged her against him, the stiff material of his jeans brushing the soft curls covering her mound. He pressed his lips to the pulse point below her ear, his palm sliding from her waist to the curve of her ass. Warm breath lapped over her skin like ocean water. “You know how many times I’ve imagined you stripped bare for me like this? How many nights I’ve stroked my cock just at the thought of touching you again?”

  The words turned her insides molten, the juices of her arousal coating her sex. She edged her hips toward him, seeking relief.

  He trailed his fingers along her backside, the cleft of her ass, the small of her back—each touch unbearably delicate. His voice was barely a whisper. “Have you ever touched yourself and thought about me?”

  Her face flooded with heat. She had. More times than she could count since she’d met him. But she had never admitted to masturbating to anyone. She swallowed hard. “Yes. ”

  He groaned and buried his forehead against her shoulder, the first sign that maybe she was affecting him as much as he was her. She bit back a pleased smile.

  “When was the last time?”

  She wet her lips. In for a penny, in for a pound. “Last night, after you left. ”

  “Fuck. ” He lifted his head, his eyes meeting hers. “Like this?”

  His hand glided along her tender skin and dipped inside her channel, finding her wet and wanting. She tilted her head back at the sweet invasion. “Oh, God. Yes, like that. ”

  “Mmm, so hot and ready for me, aren’t you?” The pad of his thumb found her clit and massaged.

  She bucked against the contact and let out a soft moan, sharp darts of pleasure shooting up her spine and radiating outward. Her nails sunk into his shoulders as she tried to keep from tipping over to orgasm. How could she be so close to the edge with just one touch?

  He chuckled, low and warm. “Don’t come yet, sugar. I haven’t given you permission. ”

  He pumped his fingers in and out in a languid rhythm, and her knees began to quiver beneath her. “Don’t know if I can control that. ”

  Without warning, he pulled back, removing all physical contact and halting her galloping journey toward release. She opened her mouth to protest, but he hushed her, using his fingers to gloss her parted lips with her own cream. He cradled her cheeks and dipped his head to claim her mouth in a scorching kiss. All her muscles seemed to liquefy, and she had to grab onto the bed behind her so she wouldn’t end up in a puddle at his feet.

  Far too soon, he eased back and gave her a chastising smile. “Hmm. Guess you’ll have to learn how to control it. Otherwise, you’re not going to get what you want. ”

  She managed a nod, her head still spinning from the kiss. “Yes, sir. I’ll do my best. ”

  He lifted her chin with his finger, forcing her to look up at him. “So, what is it that you want, sugar? Tell me. ”

  She willed her voice not to shake. She knew he expected her to ask for her orgasm, but she yearned for something more than that. Something she thought about every day and ached to do anytime he was within ten feet of her. “I want to touch you. To please you. ”

  Feral desire flared in his eyes, mixing in with the tension still rolling off him, an internal battle playing out in front of her. He ran a thumb over her cheek, staring at her for a moment more, then his expression turned resolute. He moved his hand to her shoulder, pushing down. “On your knees. ”

  She lowered herself onto the plush carpet, keeping her focus on his face. He was trusting her with his dark side, showing her what he didn’t want anyone to see. Something stirred deep within her chest, warming her. Never had she imagined she would let a guy command her this way, like she was his whore. The idea should have been appalling considering her mother’s profession, but something deep within her ached to please Reid, to be his safe place.

  He circled around her, stalking, like he had to see her compliance from every angle. The air seemed to charge and spark between them, making every fiber in her body hum in anticipation. Finally, he stopped in front of her, his stance wide, and unbuttoned his jeans. Her tongue darted out and moistened her lips as he freed his impressive erection from his boxers. He stroked his cock and stepped forward, bringing it within centimeters of her face. “Open that pretty mouth of yours. I’ll show you how to please me. ”

  Her lips parted and he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling so tightly her scalp tingled. He tilted her head to the angle he wanted and without any additional warning, slid his cock into her mouth with a deep, satisfied groan. His utterly male flavor filled her mouth and she closed her eyes, savoring the taste of salt and musk and arousal. Slowly, she ran her tongue along the thick, smooth shaft, taking as much as she could, then eased back to lick the head. He twisted his fingers deeper in her hair and thr
ust forward, causing her to cry out around him. Not from pain, but from the heady feeling of him taking what he wanted from her.

  “Don’t close your eyes, sugar. Look at me while you suck me. ”

  Her eyelids flew open and she lifted her gaze to him. His face was ravenous, like a man possessed. The laid-back Reid had left the building. Intense power and calm control sizzled off him, drowning her, arousing her. He stroked her cheek with his free hand as he eased deeper into her mouth. “That’s good, sugar. You’re going to take all of me. Relax your throat. ”

  She followed his instructions, focusing on releasing the muscles and accepting him. Soon, he buried all the way to the hilt, a shudder stealing over him. “Ah, shit. That’s right. ” He moved in long, steady thrusts, tapping the back of her throat with the smooth head. “God, your mouth is even better than I imagined. ”

  Unable to resist touching him any longer, she reached up and palmed his sac as she dragged her tongue along the thick vein on the base of his cock. He moaned, then abruptly pulled out, releasing her hair. “I didn’t say you could touch me yet. ”

  She blinked, shocked by the sudden absence of contact. “I’m sorry, I thought it’d be okay. ”

  “Ah, there’s your mistake. Your job isn’t to think. It’s to listen. To obey. You’re mine, remember?”

  “Right. I mean, yes, sir. ”

  He grasped her chin. “Maybe you should’ve gone home. A night alone would’ve been a lot easier on you than dealing with me is going to be. ”

  “I don’t need easy. I want you,” she said, the steadiness of her voice not betraying her spiking anxiety.

  “Be careful what you ask for. ” He dropped his hand from her face. “Get on the bed. Facedown. ”

  She grabbed the edge of the mattress and climbed onto the bed with wobbly limbs. As she scooted along the sheets, the cool cotton caressed her burning skin, making her hyperaware of her nudity. Reid’s eyes followed her progress, and he made no attempt to hide his perusal of her most intimate areas. Her body ached for those heated gazes to turn into touches.

  Once she reached the center, she flipped over and settled on her stomach. Nerves skittered down her spine, the intense vulnerability of the position testing her resolve to follow his instructions. What exactly was he planning to do? She trusted the Reid she’d become friends with, but this version of him was unfamiliar—dangerous. She knew he was trying to prove a point to her, but how far would he take it?

  The loud sound of ripping fabric filled the room. She craned her neck around and found Reid tearing a pillowcase into strips. He also had removed the tieback cord from the drapes and had that hanging around his neck. “Eyes down, LeBreck. ”

  She turned to face forward again, and he walked to the side of the bed. Strong fingers lifted her left wrist, and smooth material wrapped around it. She peeked at him from underneath her lashes as he knotted the makeshift bindings. The question bubbled to her lips before she could stop it. “What are you doing?”

  He gave her a sidelong glance and tightened the strap. “You just can’t give up the control, can you?”

  “I—I’m sorry. ”

  Without another word, he took another strip of pillowcase and smiled. A blindfold. Shit. With swift movements he slipped it over her eyes, pulling the knot taut in the back. Then a loud crack broke the quiet of the room, and her ass cheek lit on fire. She cried out, the sound muffled by the mattress.

  “Learn to keep your questions to yourself. ”

  She balled her fists, ready to end it, to insist he stop. He’d hit her. But then warm, pleasant heat replaced the stinging in her skin, and her pussy throbbed in response. Fuck. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t supposed to like this. This was to help it get out of his system, not to inspire interest in hers.

  Footsteps padded on the carpet, and another strip wound around her right wrist. Reid’s hot palms slid up her arms, then moved her hands to rest above her head on the bed so he could bind her wrists together. Something silky brushed against the tops of her hands—the braided cord from the curtain. With a grunt and yank on the cord from Reid, her muscles were stretched, drawing her arms taut above her and securing her to the headboard.