Read Crashing Down to Earth Page 3

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Of course.”

  She hesitated. “Why is he here? It stills seems a bit weird given what’s happened today...”

  Alex nodded. “I know. Don’t worry, I’ll ask him.”

  After helping Hayley bring the tea through to the living room, the guardian put the question to his younger brother. Christopher glanced away for a moment. He gave a long sigh, his shoulders and wings slumping. Finally he looked back to his older brother, his expression sullen. “There has been a movement from one of the other realms into this one. A demon crossed into this world.” He drew a breath, his eyes glazing for a second from memory. “I was sent here to ask for your help in finding this demon and destroying her.”

  Hayley looked to Alexander, who has been sitting quietly beside her on the couch throughout Christopher’s explanation. She was surprised to find him looking so angry. Christopher looked to him, expecting a reply. Instead, Alex held his silence, while he regarded the younger angel with steely eyes.

  “Brother?” Christopher asked gently, growing uneasy beneath his gaze. His wings gave a nervous twitch.

  Finally Alex spoke under his breath, but it was not kind. “You know my mission. Why I was sent here in the first place. It overrules all others.”

  Christopher held his hands out before him, pleading. “I know your mission is to protect Hayley but I have not come asking your help as a favour. The Elders sent me, Alexander, to tell you that you must help.”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

  Christopher blinked; his jaw opening slightly in astonishment. “What do you mean, why? The Elders have given you an order.”

  Alex leaned closer to his brother, lowering his voice. “And The Elders told me that there would be no more orders, no more commands until my mission with Hayley was complete. I was sent here to protect her until the day she dies less others discover her true nature and try to harm her.”

  Christopher shook his head, perplexed. “I’m sorry, Alexander, but things change. That was more than twenty years ago. They would not have asked unless they were desperate...”

  “Why couldn’t they have sent someone else?” Alex cut in, his voice frosty with resentment.

  “They sent me to help you.”

  Alex frowned. “I know that, Christopher. But if they could send you, then why couldn’t they spare anyone else to help you? Why must it be me?”

  “I don’t know.” Christopher shook his head again. “Alexander, what is wrong with you? Why are you being like this?”

  His eyes blazed. “I told you. They’ve lied to me, again. They said there would be no more orders and no more missions while I guarded Hayley!” he shouted, becoming animated. He sunk back into his seat, his great ivory wings unfolding somewhat as he pressed his form into the soft cushions of the sofa. “Now they go back on their word...”

  “I don’t understand. You go out and fight demons all the time. The Elders know. They have seen you.” Christopher hesitated for a moment. “And some say you actively bring Hayley into harm’s way by doing so, going against your mandate...”

  Alex shot to his feet, his wings snapping open as rage took a hold of him. His blazing eyes narrowed on Christopher

  “Alex! Alex!” Hayley called, stepping quickly in front of her advancing guardian. She had to press her hands lightly against his chest to stop him from going any further. The angel continued to glare down at his younger brother. “Alex...” Hayley said again and he looked at her through hate filled eyes. Seeing the fear on her face made him falter. His wings dropped flat against his back.

  Christopher stood. “I did not mean to upset you but I do not understand why you are so upset. Only last night you were out fighting a demon that crossed into this city. Why can’t you fight this one?”

  It was Hayley who turned to face him then, her expression one of frustration. “Weren’t you even listening to him? It’s not about the demon. He’s upset because these Elders went back on their word.”

  The blond angel regarded her thoughtfully for a moment. “I respect that but it is not our place to question them.”

  Hayley rolled her eyes. “Oh please don’t give me the master servant bullshit. I’ve heard it all before.”

  Christopher was taken aback. “And have you not heard what happened to the ones who did not follow orders and rebelled?”

  Hayley fell silent. She could hazard an educated guess.

  Christopher looked between the pair of them, astounded by their behaviour. They had been acting like petulant children who had not got their way. “I think you would both do well to remember what side you are on.”

  Alex’s eyes flashed. “Don’t lecture me,” he warned curtly, jabbing a finger at his younger brother. “I remember well enough whose side I am on and I would never dare dream of betraying him. Never.”

  “I did not mean it like that, brother, but you are frightening me with the way you are talking.”

  Alex glared at him for a moment. “I’m only upset because The Elders went back on their word, nothing more. Of course I will do what is asked of me.”

  “Good, then it’s settled,” Christopher said with an air of finality.

  “What about me?” Hayley asked. She nodded toward her guardian. “He’s not allowed to go anywhere without me or if he does, he has to split himself in two.”

  The lines around Christopher’s mouth tightened and he gave a grim nod. “There is that.”

  “So, I guess I’m coming as well, then?”

  “Hayley, we don’t have to go,” Alex said.

  Hayley could see the worry in those ancient blue eyes of his. “We kill demons all the time. Why should this one be any different?” she said bravely, although she didn’t feel it.

  “This one is different.” Christopher said.

  “What type of demon is it?” Alex asked.

  “It’s not so much what, but who.” Christopher hesitated. “It’s The Seer.”

  “Shit.” Alex cursed. He turned away, his wing lifting up and over Hayley’s head as he paced to the other end of the room with his arms folded.

  “Who is he?” Hayley asked, looking at Christopher.

  “She.” He corrected. His expression turned grim and his bright eyes dulled as he considered the question. “She is one of the most terrible and most dangerous demons ever created in the pits of hell. So much so that her creators were so terrified they dared not make any more like her, for fear of how unruly she was.” He shrugged. “Or so the story goes.”

  Alex sighed as he looked out the window. “Great.” He turned away from the light, casting his gaze back to Hayley and Christopher. “One of the most dangerous demons ever created and they want me to risk my brother’s life and the life of my soul mate trying to stop it,” he said cynically.

  “We still have four swords.”

  Alex inclined his head. “What are you suggesting?”

  “Show me how to use them.”

  Chapter Five

  Alex shut the door behind him. Hayley turned away from the dresser at the other end of her bedroom, a pair of socks in hand. “Don’t knock then. I could have been getting changed,” she said.

  Alex forced a smile. “I’d have known if you were and I would not have come in.” He walked over to her bed and took a seat while she sat on the floor and proceeded to put her dark red socks on.

  “What’s up?”

  “You don’t have to do this,” Alex said, lowering his voice. He looked very concerned.

  Hayley could not hold eye contact with him when he used that face and putting her other sock on proved an excellent excuse not to. “You can’t go without me and if you split yourself in two and send your double to fight you’ll stand even less chance of beating it.” Finishing with the socks, she leant back on her hands. “There isn’t any other option, as far as I can see.”

  “I can’t stand willingly taking you into harm’s way, not against such a fierce foe.”

  Hayley se
emed indifferent. “We’ve been in difficult spots before. We’ve always managed to get through it.” She stood up, placing hands on her hips. “Why should fighting this demon be any different?”

  “This one is incredibly powerful, can teleport like me, shape shift, and control the elements. You’re only human, Hayley. Do you think you’ll be safe wielding a blade?”

  “I think you’re overlooking something there, Alex.”


  “I know I’ll be safe because I’ll have you with me,” she said, going over to him.

  Alex rose to his feet, his wings twitching behind him as he did. He took her hands into his own and squeezed them. “But I don’t know if I can protect you, not against such a formidable foe,” he said gently, his face etched with concern.

  “And you’re much more dangerous, Alex, that’s why I know I’m going to be safe.”

  But her words did not seem to reassure him. “I fear losing you again, Hayley. What if something did happen?” he asked, his eyes glistening from memory. Alex remembered when Gabriel and Juliette ambushed them, remembered how they were separated and remembered how he spent days chained; his heart, ripped to pieces, not knowing whether his soul mate was dead or alive.

  Hayley felt the tears in her eyes. “That’s how I feel every single time you run off to fight demons. That’s exactly how I felt the other night.” She put her arms around him. Alex wrapped his around her, his wings following suite. He clutched her tightly, pressing his head against the top of her soft brown hair. Alex shut his eyes and his grasp tightened around her. But his eyes snapped open a moment later when Hayley started pounding a hand against his back.

  “Can’t breathe!” shouted a muffled voice from his chest.

  Alex’s wings darted away and he stepped away, terrified. “I’m sorry! Are you ok?” he asked desperately, taking her face into his hands.

  Hayley blinked, a little red faced but otherwise fine. She smiled. “Yeah, I think so but what have I told you about holding me too tightly?” She jabbed a finger into his chest. “If I do die one these days it will be from one of your cuddles, never mind any demons.”

  Alex laughed hard, hot tears streaming down his face. They were as much from relief as happiness. Bundling her into his arms again he gave her another tight squeeze and a kiss on the forehead before letting go. “This is why I love you,” he said, cracking his wide, cheeky grin again.

  “So I take it you’re going to show me how to use these swords then?”

  “I don’t have to. You already know how to use my blade.”

  “I only ever used it that one time.” It was that moment that Hayley realised that he was wearing his sword belt. She could have sworn it had not been there when he came in. Its appearance didn’t surprise her, like Alex’s wings, it seemed to appear and vanish at his whim.

  Alex wrapped his fingers around the white and black hilt and pulled the sword. The blade slid with unnatural silence from its scabbard. It shone silver in the light, as smooth and flawless as Hayley remembered it. Alex glanced down at the weapon in his hand. “This sword was made for me. Though all our swords are identical in shape, size and weight, they carry a certain bearing of their owner.”

  “Is that why Gabriel’s sword was moving earlier?”

  Alex shook his head. “No. It doesn’t work like that. Gabriel isn’t coming back from the dead any time soon if that is what you’re asking.”

  Hayley felt her cheeks go hot, feeling embarrassed for asking such a stupid question.

  Alex ignored her reaction and pressed on. “I could teach you how to use Jacob or Gabriel’s swords but it would take a long time to do. You’d have to learn from scratch, but not with this one.” He flipped the sword round, presenting the pommel to her. Hayley hesitated, looking at the blade and then Alex. “Take it,” he urged her. Reaching up, her skinny fingers wrapped around the hilt. It was oddly warm to the touch, despite not having been held long enough by Alex to be so. The angel let go of the end and Hayley held the blade up. She moved it up and down a bit, allowing the light from the sun to run up and down its edge.

  “How do you feel?” Alex asked.

  She gave him a funny look as she allowed the point to fall to the floor. “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t feel it?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ok. Just give me a second,” Alex smiled warmly. “There’s something I need to get before we begin.” He said, turning away to the bedside table.

  Hayley wasn’t looking when he threw the cup but her vision snapped up in time with her arm, the blade slicing diagonally upward through the air, sheering through the cup before it could come anywhere near her. The two slices fell, shattering as they hit the wooden flooring. Hayley did not move, frozen in place, her arm and sword still held where the tip of the blade had made contact with the crockery. She stared at Alex wide eyed, a look of fear on her face. She was surprised to see he was smiling. “What just happened?” she said, trembling as she lowered the sword. Her gaze drifted to the floor, where the red cup had smashed into a dozen pieces.

  Alex approached her, his eyes shining with delight. “Don’t look so frightened, Hayley, your reaction was perfectly natural.”

  It was all she could do was blink at him. “What?” she asked terrified and confused.

  Not sharing her concern, Alex took the blade from her shaking fingers and held it up. “I told you this sword was made for me. It reacts the same way when I use it, something it can’t do when used by another angel. Sure, they could use it, but nowhere near as skilfully as we can. It holds the same connection to you because of our shared soul.”

  She shook her head at him. Her fear gave way to bewilderment. “Thanks, Alex. You could have just explained that to me instead of assaulting me with a cup!”

  Alex sheathed the blade. “It wouldn’t have hit you anyway even if you had missed, I would never have let it.”

  That did little to make her feel better. “See you...” she began, pointing a finger at him. Scowling, she turned away. “You are unbelievable sometimes!”

  The corner of the angel’s lip curled up.


  The silence was palpable. The night too still. Cities with millions of residents never kept quiet, even in the deadest, blackest hours before dawn. Tonight there was something in the air, something that drove man and beast away, something supernatural. Down a dark alleyway a tall, hunched figure dragged its latest kill out of view of prying eyes. The woman came quietly, her torn red dress scuffing on the tarmac and snagging on shards of broken Buckfast bottles as her lifeless, limp form was pulled along.

  The harsh amber glow of an overhead street light painted her skin porcelain, its glare reflecting in her glazed eyes and wet, crimson lips. She looked more like a mannequin rather than a beautiful young woman who had been enjoying life up until just a few minutes before. The light did not treat her killer with such kindness; the hunched figure’s black frame drank the light and reflected none. Retreating away from it and into the shadows, the figure dropped the body and straightened, massive, asphalt wings unfolding high behind its back. It craned its head up from beneath its black cloak, allowing the hood to fall away to reveal an eyeless face. Its skin was pale, deathly so, the flesh stretched thinly across its human-shaped head. A narrow, evil smile pressed against its wicked crimson lips, parting to reveal a dark pit with sharpened, yellow teeth as it craned toward its meal, while long, bony fingers from beneath the robes stretched free and grabbed the woman by the neck.

  Its smile vanished. It ducked as a blade spun overhead, glittering in the street light - missing by inches. The creature twisted to face its assailant with a sneer. Its wings spread wide and the eyes within blinked open. It smirked at the blond angel. “You missed,” it hissed with a raspy voice.

  “Did I?” said Christopher, holding out his hand. The dark winged demon stepped to the side faster than the angel was able to see. The sword spun through the air, back in the direction i
t had come, returning to the angel’s hand, who readied himself.

  The Seer smirked, the four eyes on each wing blinking their large, dark orbits. “So you did manage to chase me here? I thought the gate had been sealed before you could come through.” Her scant lips widened wickedly, revealing rows of horrible teeth. “And you brought your brother, how nice.” She turned, wings spying Christopher’s black-haired brethren down the alley, blocking the only escape route. Her smile widened further, almost to a laugh as she beheld him. “Alexander the Great,” she said with delight. “Your flesh and soul would certainly make a much better meal than your brother’s. All that strength in you…” A forked tongue licked its red lips but the guardian stood fast; unfazed.

  “Then you’ll know that it’s not wise to fight me. I promise I’ll kill you quickly if you don’t resist.”

  This brought an amused smile to The Seer’s face. “And here comes your undoing.”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed, uncertain about what she meant when, out of nowhere, Hayley bolted past him, blade raised. Throwing out his hand, Hayley froze and went flying backwards as if she were on the end of an invisible bungee cord. Alex caught her in his free arm but the distraction was enough to allow The Seer to take flight. Christopher threw a bolt of blue lightning at the fleeing demon who winked out of existence in a cloud of ash before the strike could hit. The charge met bricks instead, causing them to shatter and clatter to the ground.

  “What did you do that for!?” Alex shouted, turning on Hayley. His arm tightened around her waist as she tried to squirm free.

  “Alex! Let me go! She’s getting away!” She watched as Christopher spread his wings and took flight in pursuit. “Alex?”

  “We could have had her!” yelled Alex, refusing to release her. Hayley stopped her struggling to meet his face. “You didn’t have her! You were just standing around blabbing! I thought she was supposed to be really dangerous? Why the fuck were you standing having a chat with her? Why didn’t you just attack like Christopher? That’s why I ran in!”