Read Crashing Down to Earth Page 6

  “No, you have a right to know. You’ve always had a right to know.”

  “Alex, if you don’t want to tell me it really is ok.”

  “No, it’s not ok!” he protested.

  Hayley heard the floorboards groan as the angel tensed. He had done no more than clench his fists but she knew his strength was not limited to his corporeal body.

  “Alex, please, just calm down,” she said, touching his arm, fearing what would happen next.

  But he drew away. “I don’t want to calm down! I’m tired of lying!”

  “Alex you’re really starting to frighten me...”

  His wings burst forth in a flourish of ivory feathers. He gazed at her with blazing eyes, a look that troubled her. “Don’t be afraid…” he said, holding his arms out to her.

  Taking a breath to calm her pounding heart she stepped toward him. He intimidated her when he had his wings full spread, arched high behind him with that angry glint in his eye. But she did not shy away. She knew he meant her no harm.

  Alex put his arms around Hayley and drew her close, never taking his eyes off hers. Without a word or a whisper he leant in and kissed her. He lingered for a long moment before finally pulling away. When he did, Hayley grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled him back. His wings snapped hard involuntarily and he pulled her closer, his hand sliding to the small of her back.

  Hayley felt her soul spark. A thunderclap rattled through her mind and fire raced through her veins, stinging, burning, and igniting her. She felt Alex, his mind, his thoughts, his heartbeat, his power and all the world. The exchange lasted a fraction of a moment before the angel wrenched his soul away but it had been long enough to get the message across. Afterward they stared longingly into each other’s eyes.

  “You understand now?” Alex asked.

  All Hayley could do was gasp. The exchange had left her breathless and close to fainting.

  Alex smiled and she saw the laughter return to his eyes again just as she closed hers. Hayley felt strong arms catch her as the world tumbled up toward her. Then everything went dark.

  Chapter Eleven

  Hayley’s eyes were greeted with darkness when she opened them. She felt the softness of the duvets beneath her and the warmth of Alex’s body beside her.

  The angel stirred as she sat up. “Morning,” he whispered.

  Hayley knew he was smiling, even though she could hardly see his face. Without knowing why, she pressed a hand against his chest. Alex’s heart pounded beneath her fingers. She lingered there for a long minute, mesmerized by the rhythm within him. There was something hypnotic about it…

  “Hayley, are you ok?” the angel said, cocking his head slightly.

  “I’m fine.” She pulled her hand away. “I just needed to know that I wasn’t dreaming.” Hayley felt his strong arms slide around her back.

  “You’re not. Although you did faint after I showed you my memories.” She stared up at him. Alex saw the disorientation on her face; even in the darkness he could see as clearly as during the day.

  Closing her eyes, Hayley shook her head, trying to clear her foggy mind. She suddenly felt very tired. “How long was I asleep for?”

  “Nearly ten hours.”

  “Your dad is going to be furious with you,” she said, rubbing sleep from her eyes.

  “Let him.”


  “What the hell have you done?” Alexander’s father demanded as soon as they set foot into the kitchen. The first rays of dawn poked through the window above the sink and the scarlet blind, painting the room a bloody red.

  Christopher looked at his brother. He shuffled in his seat at the far end of the breakfast table but said nothing.

  “I thought you had left?” Hayley asked, looking between Alex’s father and brother. Christopher sat in the same seat he had occupied the afternoon before. It looked like they had never left the kitchen.

  Andrew ignored her. “Do you have any idea what you have done, Alexander? Do you know how much trouble you will be in?”

  “I’m not a child, Father, of course I know.”

  “Then why, pray tell, have you taken such a reckless course of action?”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed. “There’s only one person I need to explain myself to and it is not you.”

  “Ha! He’s got you there!” Hayley shouted with glee.

  The older angel sighed and shook his head. “You are fools, the pair of you!”

  “Hayley has always had the right to know my mistake and why she was forged. Besides, she’s safer knowing what my enemies look like.”

  “How is that going to benefit her? She is only human!” he exclaimed in exasperation. “They are far stronger than she is and they will kill her if they find her. You know that.”

  Alex straightened and his wings rose behind him. “She has me, father.”

  Andrew gently raised a hand to his son. “And I do not doubt your ability,” he said, lowering his voice. “But I do not see what this action will achieve.”

  “It’s like I said, Father, she had the right to know.”

  Hayley folded her arms. “Yeah, it’s nice to know that two of your old friends and your ex-girlfriend want to kill me.” The three angels stared at her in silence. Her idea of trying to break the tension with a joke was lost on them. Hayley would have given anything at that moment for the ground to open up and swallow her. “Sorry. That wasn’t funny,” she muttered, looking away sheepishly.

  “Regardless of your actions,” Andrew said, looking to his oldest surviving son, “We are still no closer to finding where Marli, Daniel and Adam are.”

  “I know someone who might know.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Christopher turned with a start. He relaxed once he saw that it was only his brother. Alex gave him a nod as he perched in a crouch atop the pewter gargoyle four feet away. Christopher also sat upon one; it offered a great vantage point of St Peter’s Square below.

  “You took your time. I thought you would be here first,” Christopher said, surprised.

  “I had to hide Hayley,” Alex said, looking over the tourists and the citizens who moved about like ants in the heart of the Vatican City below. It had been a long time since the angel had been in Rome.

  “Are you sure he will help us?”

  “If anyone knows where Adam is, it will be Mark. Even if he doesn’t I don’t think he’ll sit idly by while his brother makes threats against Hayley’s life.”

  “Surely we cannot just go inside? Our brothers beyond the walls would not like us entering without permission,” Christopher said with caution.

  “There’s only one way to find out.” Alex disappeared, abandoning his perch to the wind. Christopher followed suit.

  Alex looked about in confusion when he didn’t appear where he had intended too. Christopher looked as equally perplexed when he arrived a few seconds afterward in the small, marble-floored ante theatre.

  “Welcome brothers.” Alex and Christopher turned to find a slender man garbed in heavy red robes standing at the doors at the end of the room. Alex had not sensed him, which he found a little unsettling. Then he remembered where he was - his abilities were hindered within the holy walls.

  The man, an older gentleman with thinning grey hair, smiled at them warmly. “We were not expecting you, can I be of assistance?”

  “Yes,” Alex said as he approached. “We are here to speak with Mark.”

  The man’s eyes widened at the angel’s bluntness. But when Alex thought he would object he instead gave a slight nod. “Very well, this way please.” Turning, he led them from the room and into a much larger hall. Their journey to meet Mark was a long one. Their guide led them through countless corridors. Several minutes later they were shown into a small, circular meeting room.

  Alex saw Adam the moment their escort opened the door. The former angel spotted him too and they locked gazes. Alex did not hear the doors close behind him and his brother; the only thought occupying his mind was
killing the traitor. But Alex kept this expression cool despite his shock. This was the last place he had expected to see the fallen angel. Adam was a slight man with shoulder length brown hair and soft blue eyes. Despite his unthreatening appearance though, Alex knew how dangerous he could truly be. He smiled and Alex’s fingers curled around the hilt of his blade.

  “Alexander. Christopher. It is certainly good tidings to see you both again.”

  Alex turned to look upon Mark. He swept across the black veined marble floor to greet them. Alex let his hand fall away from his sword. Mark was almost a spitting image of Adam, save his hair was much shorter and dusty-blond. His cheek bones were also not quite as pronounced.

  Alex bowed his head and smiled. “Likewise Mark, I am sorry that we have turned up out of the blue.” The two of them shook hands and Mark clapped him on the shoulder.

  “It is quite all right. You know you are always welcome here. But you do understand that is why I dropped you off in the ante theatre? We can’t just have anyone appearing wherever they like inside this sacred place.”

  Alex smiled and Mark moved on to greet his younger brother. Once they had exchanged pleasantries Mark returned to his chair beneath a stained glass window. It was a plain, high-backed oak affair. “So tell me. What brings you here?”

  The guardian shot Adam an icy glare. “I thought that would be obvious.” Adam held his gaze but said nothing.

  Mark raised a finger. “I know there is a lot of bad blood between you two but I will have no fighting in this holy place.”

  “I certainly hope not either,” Alex said coolly, his gaze returning to the other twin. “But what I want to know is why he has been sending demons after me and Hayley.”

  Mark frowned and turned to his brother. “Is this true?”

  “No. Of course it’s not.”

  “Liar.” Christopher grabbed Alex by the shoulder to stop him from advancing. He shrugged him off but he kept his distance.

  Mark stood up, his crimson robes shifting from the sudden movement. He turned to his brother. “I’ll ask you again brother, is this true?”

  Adam’s eyes narrowed. “No.”

  Mark’s features gained a hard edge. Standing eye-to-eye with his twin made the pair look like a living mirror. “It better not be,” he warned, his voice trailing to a whisper. Turning on his heels he walked towards Alex. “What makes you think this, Alexander?” He asked, raising his voice again.

  “The Elders said it was him. My Father told me one of them saw him with Marli and Daniel opening a gate to this world. They let a demon through to hunt us. They think they’re behind all the demons that have come to Glasgow since my return two years ago.”

  Mark frowned. “Think? You mean they are not sure?”

  “One of The Elders definitely saw him.”

  “Lies!” the fallen angel shouted.

  “Adam!” Mark snapped, firing him an angry glare. His twin brother looked away and said no more. Mark turned back to Alex. “These are very serious allegations you are making, Alexander. Have The Elders asked to see Adam so he can give his version of events?”


  “How can they be certain that it was my brother and not someone else who looks like him then? He was stripped of his powers after the War of the False Gods, he can no longer travel between the realms. They must have made a mistake.”

  “He must have found a way. Just because he can no longer do it, doesn’t mean that Daniel and Marli can’t,” Alex insisted. “Let’s be honest here, Mark, your brother does not exactly have a clean track record. He betrayed us in the war.”

  “That was a very long time ago. I have long since changed my ways,” Adam shouted from a safe distance, his voice ringing off the high vaulted ceiling.

  Mark nodded as he listened. “What he says is true. He returned to us three centuries ago. Since then we have given him some of his abilities back in return for his good service.” He shook his head. “But it is like I said. He is not the angel he once was and he isn’t capable of travelling between worlds.”

  Alex shook his head. “Whatever he has told you, Mark, it’s a lie. He betrayed you on the battlefield, how have you come to trust him again?”

  Mark raised a hand and Alex could see the anger in his eyes. “Please, don’t.” Taking a deep breath he dropped his hand and continued, “That was a very long time ago. We have all made mistakes, even you, which you are still being punished for.” A curious look crossed his face and he looked about the small room. “Where is she anyway?”

  Alex could no longer sense Hayley or his clone that was guarding her. “She’s somewhere safe.” I hope.

  Mark’s gaze drifted into the distance. A few moments later he blinked and looked at Alex. He smiled, but there was no warmth in it. “You can bring them in now.”

  Alex sensed Hayley’s presence again and his heart fluttered with relief. In a heartbeat she and his clone were standing in the room with them.

  “Right, you really have to stop doing that without warning,” the Glaswegian complained, folding her arms and looking about in confusion.

  Alex looked at her but said nothing. His clone melted away into the air like a mirage.

  “Hayley Foster,” Mark said with a warm smile, getting her attention.

  “Do I know you?” She asked doubtfully.

  His smile widened. “I am Mark.” He turned and gestured to his brother. “And this is my twin brother, Adam.”

  The fallen angel inclined his head and gave a friendly smile but remained a respectable distance, lest it provoke Alex.

  Hayley turned white when she laid eyes on him. “You!”

  “Now that we have all been introduced,” Mark cut in before Hayley had the chance to continue, “Alexander was saying he thinks my brother is behind all these demons appearing it Glasgow. But he has nothing to base his outrageous claims on. Not unless you have anything to add?”

  Hayley’s gaze returned to Adam. “From what I’ve been told he’s one of only a few people who would have a reason to hate Alex.”

  “Trust me there are plenty who have a grudge against Alexander,” Mark said with a dark smile.

  Alex folded his arms and his eyes narrowed. “You know as well as I do that most of my enemies are long since dead. Marli, Daniel and your brother are some of the few who are still alive.”

  Mark raised an eyebrow. “And how do you know for certain that it’s not one of your other enemies? It’s like I said, you’ve slighted more than your fair share of people over the years.”

  “I trust what The Elders have told me. They are confident that Adam is behind this.” His gaze flitted to the fallen angel. “And you’re going to tell me where Marli and Daniel are.”

  Adam took a step back. He looked as if he would bolt. When he didn’t, he said, “I haven’t seen Daniel or Marli in centuries.”

  “He broke all ties with them when he returned to the Vatican. I can vouch for him,” Mark said.

  “Maybe so but I think you might still know where they are,” Alex insisted. The vein running down his left temple throbbed.

  He’s pissed, Hayley thought to herself.

  Alex’s steely eyes flitted to her for a second but he said nothing. But she knew he’d heard.

  Mark inclined his head. “What makes you so sure?”

  A smile touched Alexander’s lips but there was no humour in it. “Come on, Mark, you’ve lived in the Vatican City for five hundred years. It’s the centre of our presence on this world. Angels constantly pass through here. I seriously doubt that you’ve not heard anything in all that time.”

  Mark’s nostrils flared and his eyes blazed. “The last I heard of Marli was that she had been dragged down to hell after running into some demons. But that was nearly twenty years ago.”

  “And you’ve heard nothing since?” Alexander pressed him, folding his arms again.

  Mark gave a loud sigh and turned away. “I grow weary of this, Alexander. Goodbye.”

  And with that
they found themselves standing outside in St Peter’s Square. A flurry of pigeons took flight overhead on startled wings at their sudden appearance, something the tourists milling about them seemed to miss.

  Christopher sighed and looked at his companions. “That was not as productive as I had hoped.”

  Alex stormed off without uttering a word.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Hayley sat on the sofa trying to revise for her upcoming exams. But no matter how hard she tried to concentrate her attention kept straying. This time it drifted to the window and the leaden skies and white flakes beyond. Setting the book aside she went to have a look. Leaning against the windowsill she watched the world pass her by. The cityscape below had been transformed, blanketed by a heavy sheet of white. The snow streaked past like bullets, a million angry falling stars striking the city with every passing moment. Hayley could not see beyond the rooftops. The Campsie Fells were also gone. The line of hills had once stood proudly on the northern horizon. Now they had vanished, cloaked by grey cloud.

  Footsteps pulled Hayley from her reverie. She looked at Alex as he leant against the windowsill beside her. She saw he had his wings out. His long ivory feathers lay flat against his back, a stark contrast against his black shirt. “Where have you been?” she asked.


  His blunt answer annoyed her. She had not seen him since their return from Rome two days ago. Christopher had also become a bit of a recluse. But at least she had seen him twice in that time. Alex and Christopher’s father on the other hand seemed to have disappeared into thin air. “You had me worried. I hate it when you don’t answer me.”

  “I’ve always been here,” he said flatly, not taking his eyes from the blizzard beyond the glass.

  She shot him an angry look. “It isn’t the same and you know it.”