Read Crave Me Page 25

  There wasn’t an inch of my skin that he didn’t touch, kiss, or lick. There wasn’t a moan or pant left for me to voice after he thoroughly made love to me the way we wanted.

  The way we both needed.

  I was lying in his arms, kissing the scar near his heart. He was covered in ink now, but it was the only one I wouldn’t let him get a tattoo over.

  It was my scar.

  It belonged to me.

  I peered up at him with loving eyes and whispered,

  “I love you, too.”

  Chapter 24


  We decided to stay around Oak Island for a few more days.

  I showed her all the spots the boys, Alex, and I used to go and cause trouble at. Sharing a part of my world with her. I even took her to the dock where I used to go to be alone and draw. By the time we made it there, it was already nightfall. We sat at the edge of the wooden planks with our feet splashing in the water, like I had done so many damn times as a kid, getting lost in my own thoughts.

  Something came over me and I pulled Briggs in front of me to straddle my lap. It was hotter than Hell out, and she was wearing a dress. I slipped my cock through the zipper of my jeans and slid her panties over. Lifting her just enough to thrust my dick inside of her. She let out a loud moan that echoed off the water.

  We made love just like that. I wanted nothing more than to make new memories with her there. To replace all the sad ones from my childhood.

  We didn’t hangout with the boys, Alex, or my parents. I had enough emotional bullshit to last me a lifetime. I didn't need them causing more drama around Briggs. I just wanted to make new memories with her in a town I’d spent the last three years running away from.

  I loved every second of it.

  I even tried to show her how to surf, but the second she saw a shark she flew the fuck off the board and said there was no way in hell she was getting back on it. She laid out on the beach reading instead, while I surfed the entire day.

  It was like I was reliving the best parts of my childhood all over again. Except the love of my life was right there with me. The way it was always supposed to be.

  I was paying for it though. By the time we got back to the hotel my back was fucking killing me. I took down two more Oxy’s and smoked a joint with Briggs on the balcony. How the girl found a drug dealer in Oak Island while I was out surfing was beyond me.

  We landed back in New York the next evening.

  “It’s good to be home. I miss my bed,” Briggs said, putting the key into the lock of her apartment.

  “I miss fucking you in your bed.”

  She grinned, turning to face me.

  “Our bed,” she simply stated with a huge smile on her face.

  I leaned in and kissed her lips.

  “Our bed,” I repeated, pushing her back against the door, kissing her hard and deep as she fumbled to get the door open.

  I heard the lock release. I walked forward not breaking our connection as she walked backwards into the apartment. My hand immediately went to her panties, reaching inside to touch her pussy.

  “Jesus Christ, you can't even keep your fingers off my niece’s pussy long enough to walk through the goddamn door!”

  “Uncle!” Briggs shrieked, shoving me away to pull down her dress.

  “You’re lucky it was my fingers and not my tongue. Knock on the fucking door next time before you make yourself at home in our apartment,” I spewed, pissed that he was there unannounced and uninvited.

  He cocked his head to the side, arching an eyebrow. “Our?”

  “Did I stutter?”

  “Austin…” Briggs coaxed, gently placing her hand on my chest, trying to get me to back down.

  Martinez didn't scare me.

  “This isn’t even her apartment. It’s mine. I pay for it. Briggs, how about the next time you ask someone to move in, they are aware of who fucking owns it first.”

  “There won’t be a next time. I’ll start paying for it. Just tell me who to make the check out to," I said, not cowering down.

  I really hated this fucker and everything he stood for, including all the shit Briggs told me she went through because of him. How the man couldn’t fucking hug her or console her as a child. Why he couldn't tell her that he loved her was beyond me. I couldn't imagine being a child raised in the middle of this lifestyle.

  It was something I couldn’t fucking fathom.

  He grinned, narrowing his eyes at me. Contemplating what he was about to say. He looked back and forth between us before his stare settled on Briggs.

  “I’ve decided to make some changes. You want him involved in every aspect of your life, peladita? I can’t stop you… but I’m personally over the fact that you’re spreading your legs for the goddamn help again.”

  I stepped toward him, and Briggs held me back.

  He scoffed, standing. Placing his hands in the pockets of his slack. He rounded the corner of the island unfazed. Stopping about a foot away from us. Briggs stood right in the middle, waiting to intervene if needed.

  “Since you’re so fucking involved in my business and what’s mine," he paused, looking at Briggs, "including this apartment, I’ve decided to promote you.”

  “No!” Briggs yelled, stepping toward him between us. “You can’t fucking do this, Uncle! I won’t let you. He’s not—”

  “Baby, I don’t need you to answer for me,” I sneered, pulling her aside to stand in front of Martinez.

  Man to fucking man.

  His eyes glazed over. It was quick, but I saw it.

  “What you did in Colombia took some fucking balls. I can appreciate a man that protects what he thinks is his. You would have shot Hector in the fucking face had Briggs not stopped you. Without even batting an eye, I know you would have pulled the fucking trigger. I was ten when I had my first taste of blood. I murdered a man point blank, protecting what I thought was also mine.”

  “Uncle, please… don’t do this,” Briggs whispered, her head bowed with an expression I couldn’t see.

  “I don’t need both of you. Austin here,” he nodded toward me, “is now in charge.”

  “What?” I replied, confused.

  “You want to be boss man? Well then here’s your fucking chance.”


  I knew my uncle was going to do this.

  The second he told me that he was done playing it my way…

  From the moment Austin put the goddamn gun to Hector’s head, I fucking knew my uncle’s dark cold eyes would dilate. He would see an investment, something of value to him.

  Something that was mine.

  He would see a different side of the man that I had been trying so desperately not to change. Not to let this life take over. The man that would do anything to protect me, the man that if given the chance would thrive on the power, the respect, the goddamn lifestyle that I hated with everything inside of me.

  The man that he could control.

  I would have never brought him into this life if I’d known he had a home to go back to. I should have left him back in Oak Island where he belonged. I should have saved him from my uncle. Protected him like he protected me.

  But leaving him wasn’t an option.

  I love him.

  The mere thought of not being with him every day was too much to bear. I knew I was being selfish, but I was finally happy for the first time in my life since... At the end of the day Austin was a grown ass man, and all I could do was standby and watch it happen.

  Praying to God that it wouldn’t change him. That he wouldn’t turn into what my uncle wanted me to become.

  My worst nightmare.

  “You want me to take over Briggs’ job? I can’t do that to her,” Austin stated with a sincere tone, shaking his head.

  My eyes lit up, glancing over at him, thinking I won. That this may lean in my favor.

  “I could never take this away from her. It’s—”

  “She will be right there with you. Won??
?t you, Briggs?”

  My uncle locked eyes with me.

  I spoke too soon. I glared at him. I loved Austin too much to ever leave his side. Especially when it came to this life. Uncle knew I wouldn’t say no. He knew he had me right where he wanted me. Austin was his ticket to my soul.

  “He doesn’t know what—”

  “And that’s why you’ll teach him. I’ll have someone else take over the traveling for the time being. He will run New York with you. Look at it this way, he will have plenty of time to fuck you in your own bed,” he mocked, interrupting me from the pitiful excuses I had.

  It was the first time in over fifteen years, after everything he had put me through, made me see, made me experience, that I wanted to tell him that I...

  Fucking. Hated. Him.

  Uncle’s phone rang, breaking through my plaguing thoughts. He grabbed it out of his suit pocket. Putting a finger out in front of him before he turned answering the phone.

  “Habla,” he ordered, “Talk,” walking out onto the balcony, shutting the door behind him.

  Austin grabbed my chin, making me look up at him instead.

  “I don’t want you to do this,” I blurted, unable to hold back my emotions.

  He jerked back, offended. “What? You don’t think I can do it?”

  “I don’t want you to do it,” I repeated with a stern tone that time.

  “So, it’s good enough for you but not for me? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I don’t want you in this life.” I roughly pulled my face out of his grasp.

  “Look at me. It’s a little too late for that, Briggs. It’s your life, and now I’m a part of it. At least this way I won’t have to worry about your safety anymore.”

  “What about yours?” I countered.

  “You don’t think I can handle myself, baby?”

  “There’s a lot more that goes into this lifestyle than what I’ve been showing you. I’ve kept you in the dark for a reason. You don’t know what the fuck you’re getting involved in. You’re signing your life away to the devil, and you don’t even fucking realize it.”

  “As long as it keeps you by my side. I don’t give a flying fuck where my life goes.”

  “You don’t know what you’re saying. You have a family and friends back home. What about them?”

  I was trying anything and everything to get him to open his eyes and see the picture clearly.

  “I don’t give a fuck about anyone but you, Briggs. All I know this gig makes a shit ton of money. I know that it keeps you in the lifestyle that you’re used to. I can’t give you this life without him, do you understand?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t care about any of that. Fuck the money, fuck this apartment, and fuck him,” I viciously spewed, pointing to the balcony.

  “I care!” he argued. “None of this belongs to you, Briggs. I can do this for a few years, and I can set us up. We can get married, get a house, have you barefoot and pregnant in our kitchen.” He grinned and my heart melted.

  He was saying everything I wanted to hear. Everything I ever wanted.

  A home.

  A life.

  A family.


  He stepped toward me, grabbing my chin again to look deep into my eyes.

  “I love you. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Let me take care of you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  I took a deep breath. My resolve fading.

  “Austin… I don’t—”

  “I would never lie to you. I promise it will only be for a few years, baby. That’s all I need to give you your dream. To give you a happy life.” He grabbed the sides of my face, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. “I want to marry you, Daisy. I want the white picket fence. The three kids I plan to knock you up with. The dog. The cat. The whole nine yards, baby. I want to give you the life that you deserve. No more sad stories. Only happy ones from here on out.”

  “I want all that too,” I whispered.

  My uncle walked back in from the balcony. Austin kissed the tip of my nose, murmuring, “You’re my girl.” Then he turned to face him.

  I would forever remember this moment for the rest of my life. Two words. Two simple words.

  “I’m in.”

  Since the death of my parents…

  Austin was the first place I ever called home.

  He was also the first person to ever destroy it.

  Chapter 25


  “I’m in.”

  Two words that changed my entire life two and a half years ago, Briggs was right. I had no fucking idea what I was getting myself into. There was so much that happened behind closed doors that she never introduced me to. That she never told me about for whatever the reason. I was her bodyguard for over two years before I took over and became boss man. After being in this lifestyle you would think I’d have experience, but I felt like I hadn’t learned one fucking thing. That I was seeing everything for the first time through new eyes, a completely different outlook on life and everything it had to offer.

  The power. The respect. The money.

  The drugs…

  Jesus Christ, the fucking drugs.

  When Briggs was in charge and we were traveling it was all about the meetings, the locations, the shipments, the costs, the quantities, and how to import it into the US. It was very rare that we saw or handled the actual drugs that she was trafficking. Unless we were partying, they weren’t really around. Except the pain pills and weed I had on me constantly.

  But now…

  They weren’t ever not around.

  Briggs walked in with groceries in her hands. My girl had become domesticated since she had all the time in the world to do what she wanted. She hadn’t gone on runs with me in well over a year. It was better to have her stay home. I didn’t have to worry about her safety that way. I could handle my business and come home to her.

  The best part of my day was coming to home to her.

  Even after almost five years of being together, she still took my goddamn breath away. On several occasions I would come home and she would have Spanish music blaring through the speakers. Her hips and body swayed to the beat while she cooked our dinner. She looked sexy as fuck. I would stand there and watch her move in a way only Briggs could. So addicted to the sight of her dancing that I knew no one else had ever seen. I’d stand out of view, waiting until the song was over before I’d carry her to the closest place, where I would have my way with her. Ordering her to say dirty things to me in Spanish before I’d make her come with my tongue, my fingers, and my fucking cock.

  “Baby, come try this shit,” I stated, snorting another line from the new shipment of blow we received that morning.

  My boys Jon and Mitch were sitting on the couch across from me, smoking a blunt. They worked for Martinez too, and we became friends about a year ago. It was easier to have friends that lived in this lifestyle. I didn’t have to hide what I did or who I was.

  It made things simple.

  Briggs walked into the living room, cocking her head to the side. “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t get high off my own stash.”

  “Technically, it’s mine,” I replied, leaning back into the couch letting the blow take over me.

  The distinct taste of the drip running down the back of my throat was the best fucking part. She shook her head in disappointment, walking out onto the balcony.

  I sighed, getting up to go follow her out there.

  “Go show her who’s boss,” Jon laughed.

  I flipped him off, grabbing her birthday present that I’d hid under the bed. She was turning twenty-four the next day, and I wanted it to be perfect. I put a lot of thought into my gift. I planned on spending the entire day with her, but that wouldn’t happen if I didn’t straighten this shit out now.

  I knew why she was pissed.

  Briggs was leaning against the railing, already lost in thought. Even though she had just stepped out there not even a minut
e ago. It was happening a lot more lately, which only meant I had to work extra hard to make her smile for me. She didn’t really acknowledge me when I walked out, shutting the double doors behind me.

  I lit a cigarette, making my way over to her. Sliding her hair to the side to kiss the back of her neck like I knew she loved.


  “What, baby?” I rasped, turning her to face me.

  “You said you weren’t going to get high today. Remember last night you said—”

  “Was that before or after I made you come on my cock?” I asked, kissing along her neck.

  “That’s not fair,” she replied, pushing me off.

  I took a drag of my cigarette, blowing it out to the side. I caged her in with my arms, placing my hands on the railing. She still hadn’t noticed the gift in my hands, she was obviously too pissed off at me to care.

  “Hey.” I kissed the tip of her nose. “I love you.” I kissed her cheeks and all over her face. “Where’s my girl? Hmm… where’s my Daisy?”

  On her birthday last year, I tattooed a key over my heart with the name Daisy engraved on it. I surprised her with it later that night in bed when she was touching the scar near my heart like she did every night.

  I kissed her lips, beckoning her to open them for me. When she finally did, I groaned into her mouth, and she smiled against mine. Her resolve was breaking. She could never stay mad at me.

  We loved each other too much.

  “I got you something, birthday girl.”

  She smirked. “My birthday’s tomorrow. You trying to butter me up, Austin?”

  “Depends. Is it working?”

  I stepped back, taking another drag off my cigarette before snubbing it out in the ashtray. Then handing her the gift.

  “I see you wrapped it yourself,” she teased, making fun of my shitty attempt.

  She tore open the package. Her eyes widening once she pulled out the blanket.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered, her eyes immediately filling with tears.

  She took in every last square of the memory blanket that I’d had specially made for her. There was a picture of her mom, her dad, and her as a baby. A few family shots scattered around. There was a photo of us that was taken in Oak Island and daisies to fill in the spaces between. The rest were my sketches, her favorite pictures that I drew. She ran her fingers over all the pictures, tears falling down on them.