Read Craving Redemption Page 18

  “You’re already wet,” he mumbled into my throat, sliding his hands from behind my thighs to the slick skin between them. “Fighting turn you on, Sugar?”

  “Shut it,” I moaned back, arching into his hands.

  “Ain’t nothing wrong with that,” he told me with a chuckle. “I was hard as a rock the minute you started spoutin’ off in the kitchen.”

  He rubbed his fingers over me in a slow stroke and I felt like I was going to shoot off the bed. It had been so long since the last time he’d touched me—I was starved for him.

  He stopped rubbing where I needed him and I made a sound of protest, but he cut it off with his mouth before moving his lips south.

  “You had a party in my fuckin’ apartment,” he growled at me.

  “Your friends were here!” I gasped, trying to move against his fingers, but failing to get what I needed.

  “Doesn’t fuckin’ matter,” he told me, biting me not so gently at the top of one of my breasts. “You don’t have a bunch of fuckers in our house when I’m not here.”

  “Okay. Okay,” I whimpered as I reached down to push at his hands.

  “There were a lot of men out there, thinking they might have a chance at this,” he rumbled into my skin, grabbing my wrists in one of his hands and moving them between our chests, causing my skin to break out in goose bumps. “So I’m gonna make sure they know.”

  I ran my hands around his chest and dug my fingernails into his back as he sucked hard at my neck, one of my heels involuntarily rubbing down the back of his thigh as I moaned.

  “Know what?” I gasped, trying to stay at least a little coherent as my body arched again.

  He moved his lips down my chest to the inside of my breast and bit down again, making me screech as he sucked hard at my skin. Once he was done, his eyes rose directly to mine.

  “You’re mine. Nobody touches you but me.”

  I was nodding my head in agreement, trying to pull him up my body, but he continued to move lower until his head was between my thighs.

  “One more,” he told me quietly, and my entire lower body froze.

  “Asa…” I squeaked nervously, trying to close my legs even though his wide shoulders were holding me open.

  His head snapped up at the fear in my voice and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “You think I’d hurt you, Callie?” he asked me, his voice a deep rumble that made my breath catch in my throat.

  “N-No,” I stuttered back, my hands fisted in the comforter.

  “Then lay back and relax your legs,” he ordered, his jaw tensing when I didn’t immediately comply. “Relax, Callie.”

  When I’d finally relaxed enough that he could go back to what he was doing, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I waited for the hard suction I was coming to expect, but I was completely startled when he latched onto the inside of my thigh as he pushed two fingers inside of me.

  I came so hard, my body curled into a sitting position, my stomach muscles tightening to an almost painful level.

  By the time I came down, he was kneeling between my legs with a condom in his hand.

  “Put it on me,” he ordered quietly, his voice still so deep it was almost unrecognizable.

  “Okay.” I reached for the condom and tried to roll it on him, but it wasn’t working.

  “It’s inside out, Sugar. Turn it around,” he told me patiently, running his fingers through my hair as I grew flustered.

  I fumbled with it, turning it back and forth before finally pushing it down his length. As I finally got it into place, I heard what sounded like a deep breath of relief from above me.

  “You could have just done it yourself,” I snapped at him, tucking my chin into my chest and lying back like a sacrificial virgin. I was embarrassed and inept, and I hated how stupid he made me feel.

  “Look at me, Calliope,” he rasped, positioning himself before pausing to lift my chin so we were eye to eye.

  “You’re fuckin’ gorgeous. You know that?” he asked as he slowly but firmly pushed his way inside.

  He stopped halfway, grimacing, and I tried to relax as much as I could.

  “Fuuuuck,” he groaned, sweat rolling down his chest. “You’re tight as hell, Callie.”

  “I’m sorry,” I moaned as I rocked my hips against him. “I’ve only been with two other guys and neither was as big as you.”

  He paused and lifted his weight off my chest, wrapping his hand around my jaw.

  “Shut the fuck up,” he told me gently.

  “I was just—”

  “No. I don’t ever want to hear about that shit. I sure as hell don’t want to fuckin’ hear it when I’m balls deep inside you.”

  “You’re not ba—”

  My words stopped on a sharp inhale as he pulled back and slammed back in, this time bottoming out inside me.

  I arched my neck and back, relishing the feeling, but only seconds later he’d wrapped his fist in my hair so he could tip my head back toward him.

  “You put the condom on me because I want your hands on me,” he explained slowly between thrusts. “I want you touching me every goddamn second we’re in the same room.”

  He let go of my hair and wrapped his hand gently around the side of my neck so his thumb rested beneath my chin. The other hand had moved down my thigh and was holding my knee forward until it was inches from my chest.

  “You don’t know how to do something? Then I’ll teach you,” he growled, leaning down to bite my lip. “You got the basics down, but Sugar, when it’s me and you? Only we know what we like together. And there ain’t no way to figure that out unless we’re actually doing it.”

  I grasped his hair in one hand, pushing it away from his face, and used my other hand to hold him against me, wrapping it tight around his back as his thrusts became faster and harder. I was groaning and sweating, making noises that he seemed to enjoy, judging by the grip of his hand on the underside of my knee.

  “You feel so good,” I smiled up at him, running my nails down his back.

  “Yeah, Sugar. You too,” he told me with a grin, leaning down to run his tongue over my bottom lip.

  His hand slid from my knee and he leaned up a little so he could push his hand between our straining bodies. Zeroing in on my clit and pinching it with two fingers, he used the momentum of his thrusts to slide his hand up and down. “You’re so fuckin’ perfect,” he groaned, his hips picking up speed. “You love it when I leave my mark on you. Don’t you—?” his words broke off with a low groan as my hand tightened in his hair.

  I was coming again, and my back arched completely off the bed as all of my muscles tightened and a low keening came out of my throat.

  Between the clenching of my pussy, my nails digging into his back, and my fist pulling at his hair, I tipped him over the edge with me.

  I was still catching my breath as he pulled out and laid his head flat on my chest between my breasts.

  “I love it when you put your fingers in my hair,” he sighed, lazily sucking a nipple into his mouth as I ran my fingers through the hair in question. “Feels so fuckin’ good.”

  His eyes closed for a while as his breathing slowed, and I realized that he had just driven all day. He must have been exhausted. I closed my eyes, and was seconds away from falling asleep when his head popped up from my chest and he quickly rolled off the bed.

  I pulled the blankets back over me, intent on falling asleep, when I felt cool air rush over me, followed by a stinging slap on my ass.

  I twisted my head to him with a startled look on my face, but he just raised one eyebrow at me.

  “Told you not to call me Grease,” he chastised, pulling on his boxer briefs. “Go in and go to the bathroom, yeah?”

  I watched him, confused as hell as he walked out of the room, and then I could hear him checking the locks on the front door. I hadn’t moved while he was gone, and when he realized I was still lying in the same spot, he looked at me in exasperation before pulling me out of bed to
stand on my feet.

  “Go to the bathroom,” he ordered seriously.

  “I don’t have to go. What the heck is wrong with you?” I asked, shaking my head in confusion.

  “I take care of you, yeah?” he asked, kissing my forehead. “You need to go to the bathroom after you’re done with sex. Just trust me on this.”

  I stood silently for a moment before a vaguely-remembered conversation with some girls at school popped into my head. When realization dawned, my face blushed a deep red.

  “Callie,” he called from where he was propped against the headboard, “I figure that’s probably something a chick learns from her ma. Didn’t know if she had that talk with you. Stop overthinking it and go.”

  He checked his phone and then slid down the bed with a sigh as I walked toward the bathroom.

  But I couldn’t help overthinking it.

  He was right—my mom hadn’t had that talk with me.

  I wondered what other conversations I was going to go without before pushing it to the back of my mind where everything else was hidden.

  I finished following his directions and climbed back in bed with him. When the heat of his body sank deep into my back, I closed my tired eyes—ignoring the sounds of the apartments around ours.

  “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” he whispered with a kiss to the back of my head.

  I slept through the night for the first time in three weeks.

  Chapter 37


  It felt good to wake up with Callie. It felt even better that she hadn’t put any clothes on before climbing back into bed the night before.

  She was sprawled out on her belly with one hand on my chest and her knee raised up where it was digging into my hip. She’d been restless as she slept, but she hadn’t woken up in the night, and I wondered when her nightmares had stopped. The nightmares were one of the things I’d worried about while I was gone, and the guilt over not being there to take care of her afterward was another reason I’d distanced myself.

  I rubbed my hand over my beard. I’d been a dick.

  Half of me was irritated as hell that she refused to move and the other half felt guilty for leaving her ass in Sacramento while I did my shit in Oregon. The whole situation was a fucking powder keg, and I knew at some point it was going to blow. We couldn’t keep living like we were. Neither one of us wanted to be away from the other—but it didn’t look like anything was going to change in the near future which meant I was going to have to get my shit together.

  I was going to have to figure out a way to make it work, because I sure as hell wasn’t going to give her up.

  Her mouth was open as she slept, and I got a good look at the way her braces were pushing her lips away from her gums. They looked like some sort of medieval torture device in her mouth. I wasn’t sure how she smiled with that shit, but only seconds after I thought about it, she was doing just that as she woke up.

  “Hey,” she whispered, her eyes opening into slits.

  Fuck she was cute when she just woke up. How had I forgotten shit like that?

  “Morning, Sugar.”

  “Do you have to leave today?” she asked me, straightening her legs so she could curl into my chest. “You had things going on this weekend.”

  She lowered her eyes as she spoke and her body was stiff against mine.

  “Nah. I moved some shit around. I need to be back up by Monday—Tuesday if you give me a reason to stay,” I mumbled, distracted by the way her body softened against mine.

  Her tits were pressed up against my side, one of them practically resting on my chest. I pulled my hand from behind my head and went straight for it, pinching it lightly as her leg slid up my thigh.

  “I’m freaking awesome. There’s your reason,” she told me lightly, her hand sliding down my chest to run over my stomach.

  “You’re not lying,” I agreed, letting go of her nipple and pushing her face up to mine. Just as I was about to kiss her, her eyes opened wide and her chin hit my chest hard making me grunt. “The fuck?”

  “I haven’t brushed my teeth!” she mumbled, barely opening her mouth.

  I barked out a laugh at her and shook my head when I realized she was serious. “Neither have I. Now kiss me,” I ordered.

  She shook her head and opened her mouth on my chest, biting down lightly on my nipple and then sucking it into her mouth. I groaned, reaching down to pump my dick once before sliding my hand up her leg.

  “Well, fuck, Sugar. If you aren’t gonna kiss me then do something else with that mouth,” I groaned as she ran her hand further down my stomach and underneath my boxers.

  She pushed her body up until she was sitting on her feet by my side and leaning over me, pushing my boxers down my hips clumsily with one hand, the other hand still rubbing up and down. When I saw her lean down, I grabbed her hips and pulled her over me before she could make contact. She made a startled shriek as I situated her ass above my face, and immediately started squirming. Her tits pushed into my stomach as she tried to lift her hips, so I slapped her ass in warning and she froze.

  “Stop moving, Callie,” I warned, “you knee me in the face and we’re gonna have problems.”

  I ran my hands up the backs of her thighs, my thumbs finally meeting right over her pussy, and she moaned deep in her throat, dropping her face against my hip.

  “I need a shower,” she whispered against me. “Let me take a shower first.”

  “You don’t need a shower,” I told her, running one of my fingers over her and watching her grow soft and wet.

  “Yeah. You can’t—” she paused on a quick inhale and then started jabbering again, “Your face is—”

  She wasn’t worried about a fucking shower. I laughed lightly. She was self-conscious about the goddamn angle.

  “Baby, I’ve seen you. Ain’t nothing I’m seeing now any different than what I’ve seen before,” I reminded her gently. Shit, I could practically feel how hot her face was. My girl and her blushes—cute as fuck.

  I didn’t give her any more time to worry.

  I used my thumbs to pull her apart, tilted my chin up, and ran my tongue over her clit. She tasted good, and I ran my tongue all over her, taking it all in. When her legs started shaking, I pulled away, using my teeth to pull at her lips.

  “Put your mouth on me,” I growled at her, squeezing her thighs in my hands.

  I heard her inhale sharply, but less than a second later she was pushing up with her hands until she was braced above my hips. It made her back arch, and I knew she finally wasn’t thinking about how she looked from this angle. Christ, what a view.

  I waited until I was in her mouth, her tongue wrapping around me before I started in on her again. It didn’t take long before she was outta her mind, sliding her knees away from my shoulders and riding my face while she sucked and bobbed her head, her fingernails digging into my thighs.

  When she came, she moaned against my dick and brought me with her.

  As soon as she was done, she rolled off me, embarrassed, and I laughed weakly. Shit, she may have sucked all of my energy out through my dick; my legs felt like Jell-O.

  She scrambled off the bed, jostling me, and I rolled over to watch her stumbling out of the room. Her ass was round and flexed every time she moved, and my mouth watered until I noticed it had a perfect red handprint on it. Whoops. I hadn’t meant to slap her that hard, but I smiled a little when I saw it. I wasn’t sorry—it’d gotten me what I wanted.

  I stretched when I heard her turning on the shower and hopped out of bed to join her.

  She screeched when I pulled back the curtain and shampoo started rolling down her face and running into her eyes. She was slapping at me blindly as I climbed in, and I couldn’t help laughing as bubbles ran into her mouth, making her gag.

  “Rinse that shit out, crazy!” I told her, pushing her back into the spray.

  “You scared the shit out of me!” she griped, still spitting and sputtering.

  “You knew I was
here,” I replied, running my hands over her wet tits as she rinsed her hair.

  “I didn’t know you were going to follow me!”

  “You’re wet and naked, I’m there,” I told her seriously, reaching my thumb up to wipe gently at the huge hickey on her neck. “Look at you, with my bite marks all over you.”

  “Yeah, that doesn’t look trashy or anything,” she grumbled, rolling her eyes.

  “I don’t give a fuck. You have my mark on you—men think twice.”

  “Yeah, well, I wanted to find an orthodontist this week and I start my job. I’m going to look like an idiot.”

  “What the fuck is that about?” I asked her as I gently pushed her out of the way and pushed my head under the spray. I had to bend my knees to get under it, twisting my body awkwardly.

  She laughed a little as she self-consciously lathered up her legs and started shaving, her back toward me like she could hide what she was doing.

  “I want to get these braces off.”

  “They ready to come off? I thought you had like six more months?” I asked as I soaped up my beard.

  “Four more—but it’s expensive as hell to keep them on. My teeth are fine without them.”

  “I’ll pay for them, Callie. Don’t act like I don’t take care of you.”

  “I’m not saying that.” She shook her head as she rinsed off her razor, coming so close to my balls with it that I felt them drawing up as I scrambled backward.

  “I’m not gonna get you,” she snickered at me, waving the razor around. “It’ll cost like, thousands of dollars to finish out the next four months with no insurance.”

  My gut burned and I said nothing as I finished soaping up the rest of my body. There was no way I could pay for that shit.

  “It’s not a big deal, baby,” she told me, dropping her razor on the side of the tub and raising her hands to my face. “My teeth are straight, I don’t need them.”

  No matter what she said, I knew that she needed those four extra months, but there was nothing I could do about it. It pissed me off.

  “Sorry,” I told her roughly, pushing her arms off me and turning my body away from her to rinse off.