Read Craving Trix Page 1

  Craving Trix

  The Aces’ Sons

  By Nicole Jacquelyn

  Craving Trix

  Copyright © 2015 by Nicole Jacquelyn

  Nook Edition

  All Rights Reserved

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Every book I write is for the readers, but this book more than most.

  This is for every message and comment and tweet you sent me, asking for Cam and Trix’s love story.

  If it wasn’t for you, it would still be unwritten.

  And what a shame that would’ve been.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26



  Sneak Peek: Craving Molly



  I knew her. I knew her. Goddammit.

  I ground my teeth together as I watched her move above him, giggling and flipping her hair around. She was a senior at my high school—obviously eighteen, or they would have never let her into the clubhouse—but she went to my fucking school.

  My stomach clenched in self-pity. I’d gotten my driver’s license today, and I’d been feeling like pretty hot shit as I drove my little brother, Leo, around town before dropping him off at our house. He’d thought I was pretty hot shit, too—probably because he knew I’d drive him to his friends’ houses whenever he wanted just so I could take my new Honda out on the road.

  I’d practically strut my way through the forecourt, grinning back at the guys who’d smiled indulgently at me for driving my car over when I could see the garage from my front porch.

  God, I was such an idiot.

  A few of the guys had tried to pull me into conversation as I’d walked toward the front door, but I hadn’t let them distract me from my goal.

  I was at the clubhouse I’d practically grown up in for one reason.

  Cameron Harrison.

  And he was currently getting what looked like a lap dance from a senior in my high school.


  I stood frozen as she ground all over him, a part of me unable to comprehend what I was seeing. She was wearing a short, flowery skirt that swished with every movement of her hips and a grey tank top that barely covered her small breasts.

  I sighed. At least my boobs were bigger. I had that going for me.

  After a few moments spent standing dumbly in the doorway, I was knocked out of my daze by the sounds of men’s voices arguing cheerfully at my back. They were coming in behind me, and I knew without a shadow of a doubt that if I didn’t move from the door, I’d be greeted with long, pitying looks the minute they saw me.

  I took one step forward, and then another, until I was moving swiftly through the room. It didn’t take me long to reach the couch I’d sat on a hundred times before, but never would again.

  “Are you kidding me right now?” I asked thickly, making the girl’s head spin in my direction. Her name was Abbie. Fucking Abbie.

  “Excuse me?” Abbie asked with a snicker.

  I swallowed hard as my eyes automatically met his, then felt seething fury and overwhelming hurt build inside my chest. His face was completely void of emotion.

  “We’re busy.” Abbie made a shooing motion with one hand that I ignored.

  “Is this how it’s going to be?” I asked him, tucking my thumbs into my palms to stop myself from fidgeting as I heard conversations around the room go quiet. “She goes to my fucking high school, Cameron.”

  He raised his eyebrows, the expression so condescending I could barely breathe. It was as if I was boring him, as if he didn’t give two shits about me.

  As if he didn’t know why I was bothering him.

  My heart began to pump loudly in my ears as my pop, gramps and uncles came walking into the room, their voices cutting off abruptly when they saw me.

  Berating a member in the clubhouse. Berating a member like I was his nagging old lady and not a seventeen-year-old girl with absolutely no rights to him whatsoever.

  The feeling in my chest grew and grew until I could barely breathe past it.

  In that moment, the tramp did something incredibly stupid.

  Turning her face back to Cam, she asked loudly, “Why the hell is she still standing there?”

  I don’t think I could have stopped myself if I’d tried.

  I took one step forward, grabbed a handful of her mousy brown hair and ripped her ass off his lap and onto the floor.

  I heard a loud, “Oh, fuck!” from across the room, but I ignored it.

  I also ignored Cameron as he stood, quickly buttoning his pants and buckling his belt. Oh, God. His pants had been undone.

  Instead, I watched as the mousy haired senior got to her feet and rushed toward me. She shouldn’t have done that. Things would have been so much simpler if she’d just fucking left it alone.

  As she reached for me, I felt tears of humiliation blur my eyes. Then I leaned away as she tried to hit me, using her momentum to grab hold of the back of her head and slam her face into the edge of the pool table on my right.

  The room was completely silent for a full thirty seconds as she slumped to the floor.

  “Little Warrior!” I heard my pop yell, his voice growing louder as he ran toward me.

  “Bea,” I heard softly spoken. “What the fuck?”

  I met his eyes as the first tears fell down my cheeks. My humiliation was complete.

  “Fuck you, Cam,” I rasped. “Don’t ever come near me again.”

  “The fuck are you doin’ here?” he hissed, reaching for me. I stumbled back, tripping over Abbie’s legs before righting myself.

  I watched Cam’s eyes dart over my shoulder as booted feet made their way toward us, but before I could turn to face my pop, Cameron was moving toward me—his shoulder meeting my belly
so hard that it knocked the wind out of me as he slung me over his shoulder.

  “Give me a minute?” he asked my pop angrily as I gasped and pounded on his back. What an asshole! I could smell her, I could fucking smell her on his clothes.

  “She’s fuckin’ seventeen years old,” my pop ground out, obviously furious.

  “Seventeen or not, you see that shit?”

  “Saw it.”

  “I need a fuckin’ minute,” Cam ground out between his teeth.

  There was a tense silence that gave me hope, but then my pop murmured, “A minute,” and my entire body deflated.

  I was so fucking embarrassed I wanted to crawl into a hole, so I wasn’t going to make it worse by fighting Cam as he carried me to the back hallway and through the door to his room.

  This wasn’t going to end well.

  I’d finally gotten my breath back when the door to Cam’s room was slammed behind us and I was tossed onto the bed.

  “You asshole,” I yelled, pushing my hair from my face as I scrambled onto my knees.

  “You wanna tell me what that was about?” Cam asked, crossing his arms.

  “Fuck you,” I mumbled back, shaking my head. I was an idiot.

  I’d let my emotions take control and I’d made myself look like a complete moron in front of every single man sitting in the clubhouse. There was no excuse, no way I could explain it away. Frankly, I knew better.

  I may not agree with the rules, but I knew them.

  I crawled to the edge of the bed, clenching my jaw to keep from spewing my hurt feelings all over the place. I needed to get the fuck out of there.

  A hand planted in the center of my chest had me falling back into the bed.

  “Explain!” Cam yelled, finally losing patience.

  “Fuck you! I don’t have to explain shit to you!” I yelled back, climbing to my feet again.

  “You jealous? That what this is about?”

  I scoffed, turning my head away from him.

  “You knocked that girl out, Bea!”

  “She fucking deserved it,” I mumbled back, refusing to look at him.

  “She didn’t do fuck all to you!”

  “She’s a bitch.”

  “She’s hot as fuck and down for anything. Don’t fuckin’ care if she’s Miss Congeniality,” he shot back.

  My body jolted as if he’d slapped me.

  “You’re right,” I told him around the lump in my throat, making eye contact and smiling ruefully as stupid tears began to leak out of my eyes again. “You can fuck anyone you want to.”

  “Bea,” he murmured softly as his shoulders slumped forward.

  “I’m sorry for bothering you,” I told him, jerking away from his hand when he reached for me. “My problem with Abbie has nothing to do with you.”

  “Baby girl—”

  “Don’t,” I cut him off, shaking my head as I got to my feet once more. “I’m going to go.”

  The moment I tried to step past him, he grabbed me, pulling me into his huge chest. He was big, one of the biggest guys I’d ever been around, and usually his thick arms and broad shoulders comforted me when nothing else could.

  But they didn’t comfort me then.

  “Let go,” I ordered, pushing away from him and slapping his hands as he tried to pull me back.

  “Bea, come on—”

  “I’m done,” I whispered, backing toward the door. “Whatever we are—it’s done.”

  “Don’t be so fuckin’ dramatic,” he said in exasperation, reaching for me again.

  I think we were both surprised by the sound of my hand meeting his cheek.

  “I got my license today,” I said with a humorless laugh as I backed away and grabbed hold of the doorknob. “I came by to see if you wanted to go for a ride with me. Didn’t realize you were already getting one.”

  He lurched toward me, but I got the door open and was running toward the main room before he could catch me.

  I heard his door splinter as he roared, “Goddammit!” but I didn’t slow. I raced past my pop as he paused in a conversation with Cam’s dad, Casper, and didn’t stop until I’d reached the door to my new car.

  I needed to get the fuck out of there.

  Cam had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. He’d taught me how to ride my bike without training wheels and how to change both a flat tire and the oil in a car. He’d been to every birthday party I’d ever had, and even though he was almost six years older than me, he’d let me tag along with him whenever I was having a bad day or just needed some attention.

  Like an idiot, I’d even waited to get my license because I liked it that he drove me around when I needed it.

  I was completely in love with him.

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t even a little bit in love with me.

  * * *


  Six months later…

  “Got the parts in today, wasn’t sure if you wanted to—ow, man! What the fuck?” I yelled as Dragon shoved me face-first into the cement wall of the garage. I’d been talking to Casper and minding my own business, when the guy hit me like a fucking linebacker.

  “You got somethin’ you wanna say to me?” Dragon growled as I shrugged him off my back and spun around. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off, and I had no clue why.

  Dragon and I had no problems, as far as I knew. We weren’t tight—I was closer with my adopted uncle, Grease—but we were cool.

  “Nope,” I replied, watching him warily.

  He was practically shaking, he was so livid.

  “You sure about that, kid?”

  “Not a kid, and I’ve got no fuckin’ clue why you’re in my face.” My shoulders bunched as he glared at me. I wasn’t taking his shit. I’d gone through the same probation period he had and I was a full fucking member of the club. I didn’t answer to him—not until he had the gavel, at least.

  Dragon crossed his arms over his chest, but I kept mine loose at my sides. I was bigger than him—no question. But the guy was twice my age with twice the experience. He’d kill me.

  “You been keepin’ those hands to yourself?” he asked darkly, searching my face for some sort of guilt.

  Hands to myself? What?

  Oh, shit.

  “She’s seventeen!” I replied incredulously. “Yeah, I’ve been keepin’ my hands to my fuckin’ self. What the fuck?”

  “So, you know nothin’ about my girl askin’ her mama for birth control, huh?”

  It took longer than it should’ve for his words to register. I was fucking blindsided. I stepped back, bumping back into the wall as the implication behind his statement became clear.

  She was not having sex. No fucking way.

  “You fuckin’ joking?” I rasped, the back of my neck growing warm.

  “I look like I’m jokin’?”

  “Did you let her get it?” I roared, completely forgetting that the man could kill me with one well-placed blow.

  “I look like I wanna be a grandpa?”

  “Jesus Christ!” I knew my eyes were wide and I knew that my chest was heaving and the veins in my neck were visibly throbbing, but I couldn’t seem to curb my reaction.

  My Bea had asked for birth control?

  No. Fucking. Way.

  “Didn’t touch her,” I finally ground out, glancing over at Casper as he glared at Dragon. “We done here?”

  “Yeah, boy. We’re done,” my adopted dad replied. “Come over to the house tonight—family dinner, no excuses.”

  “Will do,” I agreed, already moving away from them to strip off my coveralls and grab my shit off the huge tool box in the corner.

  I hadn’t talked to Trix in months, not since she’d gone fucking nuts in the clubhouse—but that shit stopped today. What the hell was she thinking? Birth control? Not. Fucking. Happening.

  She didn’t need birth control, because she wouldn’t be having sex with any needle dicked high school kid.

  I pulled my cut over my shoulders and
stuffed my wallet into my pants as I headed outside, catching a bit of Casper and Dragon’s conversation as I passed them.

  “You know my boy better than that,” Casper said angrily.

  “Yeah, I do. Girl doesn’t fuckin’ listen to me, though,” Dragon said with a sound of disgust and a nod in my direction. “He’ll put her on a fuckin’ leash.”

  “Don’t listen to a word ye say?” Poet asked laughingly as he passed me with an absent slap to my shoulder. “Wonder where she got that?”

  I didn’t hear Dragon’s reply as I climbed on my bike and slid my helmet on, re-checking to make sure Trix’s helmet was still strapped to the back of my bike.

  I pulled up in front of the high school fifteen minutes later and parked in the fire lane. I wouldn’t be there long enough for them to give me shit about it.

  It only took minutes before the secretary was calling Bellatrix White over the intercom, but I was too fucking keyed up to wait in the office, so I stepped outside. I knew she’d come looking for me.

  The office knew me—I’d picked up Trix quite a bit in the past few years. My showing up at two o’clock on a sunny afternoon wasn’t anything noteworthy.

  But apparently Trix didn’t get that memo, because as soon as she saw me, she threw the front doors open with an angry slam as she stormed toward me.

  “What are you doing here?” she snapped as she came closer, her black hair flying all over the damn place.

  “Let’s go,” I ordered. Shit, I could barely speak, I was so pissed.

  Trix growled. She was angry? Really? What the fuck could she be pissed about?

  “I have class,” she argued, stopping abruptly.

  “Never stopped you before.”

  “Yeah, when I actually wanted to leave.”

  “Get on the fuckin’ bike, Bea.”

  “No,” she replied stubbornly.

  “Got your friends lookin’ out the window,” I said, glancing over her shoulder. “You want them to see me makin’ you get on, or you wanna climb on without the dramatics?”

  She glanced back toward the school, then started toward me with a scowl. “You’re such an asshole.”

  I ignored her as I climbed on my bike and handed her helmet over, waiting a few minutes while she got it situated and swung her leg over behind me. We’d done this dance a thousand times, and she wrapped her arms tight around my middle as I fired up the bike and pulled away from the curb.