Read Craving Trix Page 8

  His tongue came out and ran delicately over my clit again, and my thighs relaxed. I didn’t lie back, though. For some reason, I was still anxious and I needed to be able to see him.

  He moved his mouth this way and that, running his tongue over me, then giving suckling kisses all over my flesh until my hips were undulating beneath him. I began to sweat and my arms started to shake beneath me as he finally slid one, then two fingers inside. When he finally concentrated on that little bundle of nerves at the top of my pussy, I came hard and fell backward.

  I came and came until I was a boneless heap on the bed.

  “I really wanted an angry fuck,” he said jokingly as he leaned up to kiss my lips. When he pulled away, his face lost its humor. “But I never wanna scare ya.”

  “You don’t.” I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair, watching him close his eyes as he relaxed into the movement.

  Then his eyes opened again, and any tenderness was hidden under the heat in his gaze.

  “Good,” he said decisively, leaning back on his knees to grasp my hips and flip me over. “On your hands and knees.”

  My arms still felt a little like limp noodles as I tried to get into position, but I made it work. My ass bumped into him as I slid my legs under me and rose up, but he didn’t move away, his fingers sliding over my back as I braced my hands against the quilt.

  I inhaled a deep breath when he went up on his knees and leaned over my back, his lips meeting my neck softly as he pushed my hair to one side. Then his hands slid gently down my shaking arms.

  “On your elbows, baby. Should help.” He braced me as I leaned down toward the mattress and rested my head on my arms.

  Then my soft-spoken Cam was gone.

  His hands slid back up my arms, over my shoulders and down my back until he was gripping my hips. I closed my eyes as one of his hands moved inward, and couldn’t stop the jerk of my hips as his fingers slid between my legs, pumping inside me once.

  Then there was no contact between us except a single hand on my hip.

  He slid inside with no warning. He was being careful not to hurt me, but pressed hard, not pulling back or easing me with short thrusts. In one single, steady push, he slid all the way inside, while I whimpered and tilted my hips toward him.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as his balls came to rest against my clit.

  He was motionless except for the way his dick flexed inside me, giving me time to grow used to him.

  “Go,” I ordered, my breath shallow. “Go, Cam. Move.”

  He pulled away in silence, but a deep grunt burst out of his mouth as he shoved forward again, then again.

  After a few moments, I was cringing into the blanket beneath me, then throwing back my head. “Not so deep, I’m sore,” I ordered through clenched teeth. “Fuck!”

  “Shit.” Cam pulled out most of the way and leaned back over me, turning my head to kiss me sloppily. “Sorry, Bea.”

  He slid inside me again, slower and shallower that time, before pulling back and doing it again.

  “You have to relax, baby,” he whispered, rocking his hips as I willed my body to stop tensing up every time he moved.

  This guy was my friggin’ soul mate. We weren’t supposed to have unsuccessful sex. It was supposed to be incredible and mind-blowing from the first time. I needed to get my shit together.

  “I’m sorry,” I rasped, letting the top half of my body sink further into the bed.

  “Shut up,” he replied, kissing my shoulder and then nibbling a path to my neck. “You can take me, Bea. You just gotta relax, baby. That’s all.”

  “It hurts,” I argued, taking a deep breath.

  “Does it?” he pushed in a little harder. “You sure?”

  I pressed my lips between my teeth as I tried to relax the way he’d instructed, and after a moment, my breath caught in my throat.

  Holy shit.

  “There you go,” he growled against the back of my neck. “I’m in. Fuck. Shit. Goddamn, that feels good.”

  He pulled out and pushed back in slower than he had before, but I no longer felt any pain as he bottomed out inside me. Instead, I seemed to be growing hazy, my entire body throbbing, sensitive to the slightest brush against my skin.

  Cam’s arms slid around me, his chest and belly molded to my back as he laced his fingers through mine. “You’re gonna come again,” he said against my ear. “You’re so fuckin’ wet, you’re soakin’ the bed.”

  I think I mumbled something back in response, but I wasn’t sure.

  His hips sped up a little as his harsh breathing rasped against my ear.

  Then I was coming again, just like he’d predicted, this orgasm so different from any I’d had previously that I didn’t even recognize what it was until I was literally throbbing around Cam’s cock.

  “Fuck. Yes,” he moaned as his hips began to thrust wildly, finally coming to a complete stop.

  He pulled out after a moment and my knees slid down the bed until I was flat on my stomach.

  I felt so raw… so bare. It was the oddest thing. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Cam flipped me to my back and his hands went directly to my face.

  “You okay?” he asked, his face looking slightly panicked.

  “Yeah,” I sniffled, chuckling a little. “I don’t know what the fuck this is.”

  He laughed before laying down beside me and pulling me into his arms. “I just rocked your world.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m still pissed at you.”

  I buried my head against his chest and hid my smile as his loud laugh rang through the apartment.

  * * *

  “You asleep?” I asked later that night, curled up in bed with Cam, the apartment quiet around us.

  I knew he wasn’t sleeping. Cam freaking snored. Loudly. At some point, I was going to have to buy him some nose strips or something, but for the past week, the sound had been comforting as it filtered through the walls. I liked knowing that he was there.

  I liked knowing that he was comfortable enough in my apartment to sleep deep enough to snore.

  “What’s up?” He asked gruffly, pulling my back tighter against his chest.

  I wasn’t a small girl, but I felt that way when he spooned me like he was right then.

  “Please don’t embarrass me again.”

  “Wasn’t tryin’ to embarrass ya.”

  “I have a life outside the club—”

  “I know that.”

  “I have to get along with these people. I’m almost finished with school, and then I’ll be working somewhere. You can’t act like that, Cam. No one will respect me if you do.”

  “You gonna have co-workers in our house?”

  “Our house?”

  “You gonna have men over? Ones that stare at your tits?”


  “Then I’m not sure what you’re worried about.”

  “I swear to God, talking to you is like talking to a brick wall.”

  “Baby, it’s eleven o’clock at night and it’s been a long fuckin’ day. You’re lucky I’m not answerin’ you in snores.”

  I sighed and he kissed the back of my neck.

  “We’ll figure this shit out, yeah? Just not tonight,” he said sweetly, kissing my neck again.


  I closed my eyes briefly then popped them open again. “You ever figure out what was going on with Will?”

  “Nah, didn’t see him.”

  I relaxed into Cam’s arms and closed my eyes again, but I couldn’t fall asleep. So many things had happened in the last twenty-four hours. Between Cam and I finally getting together, the drama with my dad that morning, knowing I’d have to face Steve in class the next day, and my little freak out when Cam had gone down on me, I had a hard time quieting my thoughts.

  I still couldn’t believe Cam was sleeping beside me, his breath wafting across the back of my head. It seemed like I’d wanted to be exactly in that spot for as long as I could remember, and now that I ha
d him, I wasn’t sure what to do with myself. What if becoming a couple was nothing like I’d imagined? I didn’t have a whole lot of experience in any type of long-term relationship, and I knew instinctively that when Cam said this was it, he meant it.

  Cam’s arm tightened around my waist as he shifted closer, and suddenly, I was completely calm.

  He was right—it had been a long day and I had school bright and early in the morning. I needed to get some rest.

  Chapter 7


  “Shit,” Trix moaned as I slid into her slowly from behind.

  She was on her side, with one knee pulled to her chest, and even though I could barely get any fucking traction when I was on my side behind her, it was still my favorite way to wake her up in the mornings. Trix wasn’t a morning person. She didn’t get out of bed until her alarm had gone off at least three times, so she set them about twenty minutes apart. This meant that her goddamn alarm had been waking me up an hour before she actually needed to be awake since I’d started sleeping with her three weeks ago.

  I used that to my advantage.

  After the first few times I’d rolled out of bed, expecting her to follow and then not hearing the shower turn on for at least an hour, I started staying in bed.

  Turns out, Trix was in a much better mood if she woke up to an orgasm, and it put me in a damn good frame of mind, too.

  My hand slid up her stomach and between her breasts to hold her still and I dug my bare toes into the sheets as I thrust harder, making her whimper and groan like she always did before she came.

  “Cam,” she murmured, making my entire body stiffen as she got so wet I had a hard time keeping the right angle. Her body bowed forward and she started throbbing around my cock as I came with her.

  I slumped into the mattress as I tried to catch my breath.

  “Did you turn off my alarm?” she asked groggily as she tried to curl deeper into the blankets.

  “Oh, hell, no,” I warned, trying hard not to laugh as she scowled at me over her shoulder. “You’re gettin’ up.”

  “I don’t have class for two more hours,” she whined as I climbed off the bed and took care of the condom. I fucking hated wearing them with her, but I had to. She wasn’t ready for kids yet, and I wasn’t going to take that decision away. We had time to figure all that shit out.

  “Come shower with me,” I said, throwing back the covers and pulling her out of bed.

  “I don’t want to shower with you.”

  Okay, maybe orgasms didn’t necessarily improve Trix’s morning mood, but they did wake her ass up.

  Even though she complained the entire walk to the bathroom, she still stripped and stepped into the shower with me. She liked it when I washed her hair.

  By the time we climbed back out, I had a stiffy that I knew wasn’t going to get the attention it wanted and Trix was finally wide-awake.

  “Remember, we have the kids tonight,” she mumbled around her toothbrush, glancing at me in the mirror as I put toothpaste on my own brush.


  “I told you yesterday—it’s movie night. Leo, the Hawthorne kids and your sisters are coming over around dinner time and staying the night.”

  “Fuck,” I grumbled, drawing out the word before stuffing my toothbrush in my mouth. “How the hell do they all fit in the apartment?”

  She watched me in amusement, spitting into the sink. Damn. Her breasts swayed at the movement and my mouth started to water, making white foam drip down my chin.

  “They bring sleeping bags. CeeCee usually doesn’t come, but the rest of them fit fine. Boys in the living room, girls in the spare room.”

  I cleaned my teeth quickly, then spit while I rinsed my brush. “Why doesn’t CeeCee come?”

  “Too cool, I guess. Remember me at seventeen?” she laughed and I scowled.

  Yes, I remembered her at seventeen. That didn’t make me feel real good about what my sister might be up to.

  “Alright.” I sighed. “Want me to get some pizzas?”

  “That’s okay.” She shook her head as she led our way out of the bathroom. “I’ll grab some you-bake ones when I stop at the store after class. We need goodies and soda, anyway.”

  A little while later, I sat on the bed pulling my boots on as I watched her get ready for school.

  “Why do you have all of ’em over?” I asked. “Lotta work.”

  “I like it,” she replied, her voice muffled by the hoodie she was pulling over her head. “I didn’t really have anyone but you growing up. Everyone was younger, ya know?”

  I nodded. Yeah, and by the time she’d been my littlest sister’s age, I’d pretty much abandoned her. I’d been sixteen—and as much as I’d loved little Trix, I’d had other things on my mind then—like the high school chicks that wanted to take a little walk on the wild side.

  “They like coming over—no parents, they can eat whatever they want, talk about whatever they want, stay up as late as they want. Plus, I like knowing what’s going on with them, and if I didn’t make the time for movie nights, I’d barely see any of them.”

  “You’re cute,” I told her with a smile, pushing to my feet.

  “Think so?” She tilted her head to the side as I stepped toward her and I couldn’t help but lean down and kiss the exposed skin on her neck.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Her arms wrapped around my waist and slid up the back of my shirt, tracing the bottom of the tattoo that covered my back.

  “What time you get out today?” I asked, reaching up to grip her jaw lightly with my hands.

  “Same as always.”

  “Don’t you have finals comin’ up? Cut out early.”

  She giggled, shaking her head lightly at me. “Finals means I have to work harder right now.”

  “Bullshit,” I argued, making her full-on laugh.

  I loved it when she laughed, and she did it a lot. After that first day when we’d fought like cats and dogs, shit had been smooth between us. We’d had dinner with my parents and hers, taken a few rides when we didn’t have shit to do, fucked on every surface in the apartment, and spent time just hanging out.

  I hadn’t taken her to the club for any parties, but that was because we hadn’t fucking had any, not because I thought it would be a problem for her.

  We’d still been scratching our heads and walking around with our dicks in our hands when it came to figuring out who was fucking with us. One of our informants fucking disappeared, just poof and the guy was gone. The other said he didn’t know anything, hadn’t heard anything, and tried to convince us that the info he’d given us before must have been wrong.

  “Will you be here when I get home?” she asked, the dimple in her cheek deepening as she grinned.

  “Meet ya at the store. Text me when you’re headed that way.”

  “Okay,” she mumbled as I pressed my mouth to hers, slipping my tongue between her lips for a small taste.

  I walked her to her car when she was ready to go and gave her another quick kiss as soon as she’d climbed in. “Be good,” I ordered as I slammed her car door shut.

  She was barely out of the parking lot before my mind was on the meeting I had to get to at the club.

  * * *

  “Hulk—in here with us, boyo,” Poet called as I grabbed a bottle of water from the stacks Vera was making the prospects pull out of her car.

  “Costco run?” I asked, as she smiled at me. “Glad I’m done with that shit.”

  “Get back here and help, you’re like a damn packhorse!” Vera called back, her hands on her hips.

  “Can’t! Busy!” I laughed as she flipped me off and stepped inside the darkened main room. I made my way past the bar to the room beyond, pausing at the doorway.

  “Gonna have to stand,” Grease called out. “No spot at the table for you yet.”

  “Fuck off,” I shot back, stepping inside the room and letting the door close behind me.

  “We all here? Good.” Slider said t
iredly. “Spent the night with Mack’s old lady at the hospital. Someone ran him off the fuckin’ road last night on his way home.”

  I clenched my jaw against the need to ask why no one had called me. That was bullshit. Everyone should have been up there with them. That’s what we did. We fucking rallied. I glanced around the room and noticed my dad was furious, too.

  “Before you go pissin’ and moanin,’ I didn’t call ya because his woman’s fuckin’ skittish and she was a mess last night. Last thing she needed was a bunch of bikers crowdin’ up the waiting room.”

  “Could’ve at least given us a head’s up,” Dragon said quietly, leaning forward in his chair to brace his elbows on the table.

  “Decision was made and now it’s over,” Slider replied steadily.

  “Don’t know who it was,” Poet said, running his hand down his beard. It was finally getting long like he’d had it when I was a little guy, before he’d gotten back together with his wife and shaved it all off. “Young, though. Preppy. Mack remembered that much.”


  “How bad?” Casper finally asked.

  “Broke both his legs, one hip. Had to do surgery this mornin’,” Slider answered.

  “Fuck,” Grease sighed.

  Slider’s eyes met mine. “You hear anything new about the Wunderlich twins?”

  I frowned in confusion. “No.”

  “Only clean cut boys I can think of,” Slider said, still watching me.

  The Wunderlichs were smalltime. The father and sons lived down south and had a pretty good thing going, selling designer drugs to college kids. We’d had a couple run-ins with them a few years before, when they’d tried to get a foothold at the University of Oregon, but since then, they’d kept their distance.

  “Nah, saw Dan a few months ago when me and Samson went to Ashland. Nothin’ had changed.”

  “Fuck,” Poet said sharply. “You got any ideas?”

  “Me?” I asked, like an idiot.

  “No, the fuckin’ ghost behind ya.”

  The men around the table chuckled.

  “No,” I said, swallowing hard. “Haven’t heard or seen anything. Don’t know many younger guys that would have the balls.”