Read Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection Page 2

  When you will wipe away these tears

  Turning them to joy and cheers

  I see many signs taking place

  As you teach to hold on and endure the race

  Those who you can call your friend

  Will stick it out till the end

  I saw by your faith all I need

  As you came and planted seeds

  While protecting them from the weeds

  I hear you calling

  And I let you in to change my desires

  No longer chasing the world’s delights

  But trying to reflect you to shine bright

  As you gave the world sight


  Finding God By Casarah Nance*


  Cold liquored tongue suffocated me from the inside.

  In front of family, Christmas Eve, I couldn’t hide.

  The air of herbal remedy followed me in a cloud.

  Grandpa shook his head, “That behavior’s not allowed.”


  I drove away disgusted, their judgment on my mind.

  Bitter, angry disapproval, I looked forward, not behind.

  Drooling in my sleep, I was too inebriated to walk.

  The telephone brutally screamed, I was too drunk to talk.


  If I could have answered the phone I would have known.

  Hurting moments, Grandpa’s, love I should have shown.

  I was selfish, stupid, there was no reason for me to be.

  He tried to raise me right, to teach what was meant for me.


  When I heard the message in the morning, tears in my eyes.

  He said, “Kid, I still love you. I’ll pray for you.” He said his goodbyes.

  The service was held, a church bell chimed for his memory.

  I felt the hands of God comforting, when he sat down beside me.


  *Casarah Nance invites you to her personal website here:


  My Unbelief By Brother Joseph


  Empty hands I bring to You,

  With nothing good to give.

  A hardened heart is all I have,

  I’ve forgotten how to live.


  I fight, I cry, I be, I plead,

  This pain that lives within.

  It will not go, It’s always there,

  Reminding me again.


  The times I’ve failed, the times I’ve tried,

  An endless stream of sound.

  “You’re lost, you’re mine, you’ll never win,”

  Do not get off the ground.


  On my face my soul cries out,

  I’m ready for the end.

  Where would I start? Where would I go?

  Where would I begin?


  This is where I’d like to say,

  My faith holds strong and true.

  I’d fight the doubts, the fears, the taunts,

  And go on breaking through.


  But that’s not the case,

  At least for me.

  My faith is small and weak.


  Lord Jesus, I believe,

  Please help my unbelief.


  The Healer* By Jeanne Beaumont**



  Just as surely as the woman touched the hem of your garment,

  I touched your compassion in the Word—the promise of health.


  Just as the woman felt intense desire to be set free from pain,

  I, too, knew there was no answer but in touching you.


  The woman’s life was changed; did she gasp in delight?

  I have felt your healing—my spirit has sung its joy.


  I have not let go—I still take hold and touch.


  * “… ‘If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” —Matthew 9:21


  ** If you are interested in obtaining more Christian resources from this author, visit


  True Love By Regina Riddle


  God knows my heart—my every thought.

  He knows when I pray, what I say…

  Understands my ways…even those days…

  When I don’t have the patience or praise.

  God knows my heart—my soul and the part…

  Of me that is hidden behind walls built by fear…

  Walls of discouragement, disillusion and despair…

  Walls that protect those feelings that make me vulnerable.

  God knows my heart—even when I don’t…

  Know how to put into words…the way that I hurt.

  He reads between the lines when I write…

  Understanding those feelings I don’t describe.

  God knows my heart—the depths of my hopes…

  He comforts me when I’m lost in disappointment…

  Gives me encouragement and helps me to accomplish…

  All those things that I might not believe I’m capable of.

  God knows my heart—my inner demons and the battles I fight…

  With sadness, anxiety, doubt and insecurity…all of the reasons…

  I need second chances—new beginnings and restoration;

  All the reasons I have for reaching beyond my own weakness.

  God knows my heart—even when I don’t believe I’m worthy…

  He still comforts me when I hurt—heals the wounds and provides…

  Everything I could have hoped for…more than I could have imagined…

  Blessings beyond my expectations; Grace that abounds in the worst situations.

  God knows my heart—welcomes me when my hope has been lost…

  Helps me to believe in those dreams I might have given up on…

  Leads me through the wrong choices, mistakes, the desperation…

  Found in the place where flaws, faults and failures trap my faith.

  God knows my heart—remembers my moments of enthusiasm and delight…

  Even when I’ve lost sight, given up on finding the strength to use my insight…

  Find my way past the penetrating pain—the scars that keep reminding me…

  I have been through those disheartening days.


  God knows my heart—and even when I’m wrong…

  He welcomes me into the warmth of a serenity…

  That can only be found in the arms of the Love that He gives so freely.


  God knows my heart…as He knows yours…

  And I pray that He blesses you…

  With Love that is forever and always,

  Eternally…A part of you.


  The World Is in a Mess By Leon Wilson


  Do you believe there is a God?

  Maybe you couldn’t care less

  But this you must agree with me

  The world is in a mess.


  Famine, wars, murders, hate

  False doctrine on the rise

  Jesus said these things would be

  So why should we be surprised?


  Politicians promise a better world

  Whilst promoting laws of sin

  They haven’t got the answer

  To all the mess we’re in.


  Religion is a waste of time

  It can’t even save itself

  Boasting in their religious laws

  Whilst leaving Jesus on the shelf.


  The heart of man is wicked

  And grows colder day by day

  That’s why the world is in a mess

  Our hearts have gone astray.<
br />

  Sin is strong and powerful

  It can override our will

  That’s why the world is in a mess

  Men murder, hate, and kill.


  What can man do today

  To change the mess we’re in?

  Of himself, nothing at all

  Because the problem here is sin.


  This sin it must be broken

  To change the heart of man

  We cannot do it on our own

  But I know someone who can



  The Heavens Open Wide By Judy K. Haught


  The beauty of awaiting Christ’s return

  The longer we wait, the more we learn.


  Reading God’s Word written by man,

  Is a privilege only the saved understand.


  Where is Your God? The world does cry.

  We who know Him can explain why.


  He is waiting and watching, giving all a chance

  To call upon Him sincerely, not merely a glance.


  When you are His child, you will understand.

  Do you hear Him asking, “Won’t you take my hand?”


  The Love of Christ will overwhelm the hardest heart

  Say, “Yes, Lord,” and you will never want to depart.


  The heavens are opening wider still,

  Awaiting those who say, “Yes, Lord, I will.”


  Brother and Sister, let us walk in His heavenly place,

  Where one day we hear, “Well done, Child, you won the race.”


  God Sends Promises and Love By Robert Lindley


  God sends rain, snow, all kinds of weather

                sweet love that brings us all together

  A miracle of two when we so badly need it

                gardens of fruits if we but weed it!


  God gifts our lives with our sweet kids

                pulls us up when our lives hit the skids

  Brushes us off with gentle mercies divine

                blesses us with good food and his wine!


  God sent love by way of his Savior Son

                miracles of love not to ever be outdone

  Rainbows showing promises very sublime

                a reward of love and eternity in time!


  God stands the Rock that meets our needs

  Forgives us of even the most wicked deeds!

  How Poetry Began By Brenda Meier-Hans


  One Sunny day the angels sat, assembled on the clouds,

  Some played harps, others sang, they all looked very proud.

  A few were showing new wings, they’d just received that morn,

  Others cuddled angel babies that had just been born.


  Children jumping through the clouds, half flying they would run

  A day like this in heaven, was made for having fun

  Everywhere I seemed to look the clouds rang out for joy

  Until I seen one little cloud with just one lonely boy.


  The boy he held a paper and his feather was pure white

  He sat there very serious as he would think, then write.

  Dear child I asked what is it here that keeps you from the rest

  He answered I am writing poems and want to do my best.


  Poems I wondered, what is this? I knew not what he meant

  The little man then read to me, he was such a little gent.

  These words he read were different, yet somehow still the same

  They rang out more like music, which seem to be his aim.


  I wanted to help God out, when people are feeling sad

  If they had poems they just might read them and be glad

  The angel folded his paper, to earth he watched it glide

  And made it float and gently land at a wise man’s side.


  Now I asked, why did you send that paper down to earth?

  He winked and said this is the day of poetry’s great birth.

  That’s why we are all gathered here and celebrate this day

  When humans discover poetry, to help them on their way.


  Smile By Kimmy Nelson*


  I used to get happy at the little smiley faces that I would see

  It makes me sad to see a frown upon your face where the smile used to be

  My heart breaks to think that life has caused you so much pain

  But I know that God can bring the sun out after the rain

  He can make right every wrong that was injuriously done to you

  And put back all the missing pieces to make life brand new

  No matter what this life may have gave or took away

  Life, liberty, and happiness is all that matters anyway

  Sometimes happiness doesn’t come wrapped like we think it should

  Maybe a cup of tea on a cold winter day is all that will make you feel good

  Sometimes just to pray will make your heart fresh and new

  Maybe asking for God to forgive you for what you forgot to do

  He took such care to give us all His very best

  We can forget and it is removed as far as the east is from the west

  You must now forgive and forget whatever caused you pain

  Let the sun come in and dry up what was washed away by the rain

  That is how He forgives our sins too

  Once they are gone you are forever brand new

  Don’t ever try to find them because they are truly gone

  Far removed from this life where all the sin does belong

  Now you are free to be happy again and smile from joy deep within

  God makes all things new and you can begin life again


  *Read more poems by Kimmy Nelson at


  Trinity* By Kim Bond*


  We praise You for the mysterious sea

  We fear Your glorious Name above all Names

  More than the sharpness of shark fangs

  We will forever sing of Your glory.

  Oh, Architect of all Earth’s beauty,

  King above all kings that reign,

  Deliverer from our every chain,

  You are so ever praiseworthy!


  Your Son died and rose again,

  He holds the keys to Your kingdom,

  His blood washes clean our every sin.

  Behold the Spirit He said You would send,

                No one surpasses Him in wisdom,

                He is our every-present friend.


  * “But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” —John 4:26

  ** If you are interested in obtaining more Christian resources by this author, visit




  Did one or more of these poems cause buried emotions to rise up from some deep place in your heart?  Perhaps Jan Allison’s “The Crying Candle” reminded you of a time when you faced grief.  It could be that you reminisced about miracles God has done for you as you enjoyed Jeanne Beaumont’s “The Healer.”  Maybe this Christian poetry collection prompted you to feel grateful to God for simple things like our Creator’s provision and the blessing of children as in Robert Lindley’s “God Sends Prom
ises and Love.”


  Maybe you cannot recall any special moments with God because you never turned your life over to Him.  Possibly for the first time, you felt your heart speak, “Yes, Lord, I will take your hand?” as you read Judy K. Haught’s “The Heavens Open Wide.”  Your soul may have cried out for that eternal life in Joyce Johnson’s “John 3:16.”  If you have never received God’s promise of eternal life, then pray this prayer of salvation with us right now:


  Father God, I need Your deliverance.  I confess my sins to You.  I believe Your Son Jesus died on the cross to pay for those sins, and I am now made new through faith in Your Son.  I believe Jesus was raised from the dead and has eternal life that He will now share with me.  I trust You with my salvation, Lord.

  In Christ’s Name, Amen.


  We wish you all the best for making such a great decision!  Remember it is not the prayer that magically gives salvation, but it is your willing heart that surrendered to God’s plan for His creation.  You can stay in a close relationship with God through daily prayer and reading the Holy Bible.  I hope you will also join in fellowship with other Christians so they can pray for you and you for them when times get tough.


  All Christians go through periods of doubt and frustration.  Some of the poems contained in Creator may have helped you realize we all experience similar struggles.  I hope this publication helped you focus on God instead of worrying about your problems at least for a little while.  If we focus on God and His righteousness, He promises that He will look after us in Matthew 6:33.


  Thank you for reading this poetry collection.  Please consider sharing Creator  if you believe it glorifies God and will help others draw nearer to Him.  God bless!

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