Read Creatura Page 9

  Andy and David took turns untangling the knots in my hair. I pulled it back in a ponytail concealing the untamable parts. I gave Jean the stink-eye the rest of the period.

  “You look lovely,” David said after class, trying to lessen my aggravation.

  “It doesn’t look bad at all,” Andy agreed.

  Jean ran up to David in the hallway. She weaved her arm with his and slipped him a small folded piece of paper. I didn’t bother waiting for him.

  “Walk me to class?” I heard Jean ask David as I stalked away.

  Andy tried to keep pace with me. “Geez, Isis, it’s not the end of the world. Your hair looks good. I wouldn’t lie to you.”

  “I know that.”

  “So chill out. Don’t let it ruin your day. You look beautiful.”

  I could see David hurrying to catch up to Andy and me. I walked faster. Andy followed.

  “Are you mad at him?”

  “No,” I said. “Why would I be mad at him?”

  “Because of Jean.”

  “Are you implying that I’m jealous?”

  “You’re sure acting like it.”


  At last, David made his way through the crowd and to us, looking pleased with himself. I guessed I’d be happy too if the captain of the cheerleading squad gave me her phone number.

  “Where’s your next class?” Andy asked David.

  “Across the hall from mine,” I answered for him.


  Bill met Andy by the usual staircase to walk her to her next class. David and I walked together to second period alone. My irritation had simmered down, but boiled back over when I saw Jean waiting at the doorway to David’s classroom. A whole lot of nasty words came to mind as I fiddled with my ponytail, making sure the part that felt like a bird’s nest was covered.

  David walked me to my classroom door. The lab tables were already full; a sign that the tardy bell would ring soon.

  “May I sit with you at lunch?” David asked, following me into class. “Otherwise, I’ll have to sit with Jean—Deus have pity on me.”

  “I guess,” I said as I walked to my table and set my book bag down. David frowned when he saw that Simon, the football player, was my lab partner. I smiled at his disapproval.

  “See you after class, then.” He grabbed my hand and kissed it. Delicious tingles crept up my arm, and it was like a million butterfly wings were fluttering in my stomach. It was hard to hate the feelings he awakened in me.

  A loud thud made me come back to reality. I pulled my hand away from David, and looked behind me.

  “Sorry,” Simon said, glaring at David as he picked his book up from the floor.

  David sneered at Simon, his jaw clenched. Simon pulled my lab stool out from under the table just as the tardy bell rang, and patted the seat as an indication for me to sit.

  “You’re late,” I said to David.

  “I’m new. I have an excuse.” He winked at me, sized up Simon, and left the room.

  “So, the new guy’s already on the prowl, huh?” Simon said in a soft voice as Mr. Ybarra, our Physiology teacher, took attendance.

  I shrugged, evading the subject and searched my sack for my book.

  “I heard you were dating,” Simon continued. “Not him, but in general.”


  “I was wondering… if you’d like to go out sometime? Not on a date or anything—as friends.”

  “As friends?” Yeah right. Simon asked me out right after he heard that Gabriel and I had broken up. “Um… I’ll have to get back to you on that. I’m not going out a lot these days. Got several projects to work on.”

  “Well, think about it.”

  Mr. Ybarra started the class with a lecture based on an article on human stem cell research. I sat in silence and listened to the rest of the class contribute to the subject. Their voices fell into the background as my mind wandered to David. I visualized him as he was in Terra Somnium with his wings spanned, in his golden skin—I was terrified then, confused now.


  After class, David and Jean seemed to be hitting it off rather well in the hallway. I kept telling myself I didn’t care. Jean was very touchy, feely with David. That made me lose my appetite. Instead of waiting for David, I went to the restroom to take a look at the disaster that was my hair. Andy was right; it didn’t look that bad. I readjusted it a bit and it turned out looking fine. I dabbed on a little lip shine, and then headed to the cafeteria.

  Our new group, including all the Chios brothers, was seated at our table by the time I arrived. There were a few others there as well—all girls, of course. An extra lunch plate was on the table beside David. I wondered if it belonged to one of the twins or maybe Jean.

  Andy pointed to the plate. “Yours,” she mouthed, motioning with her eyes that it was David’s doing. I walked toward David, pleased that he had thought of getting lunch for me.

  Just as I reached the table, Jean slid the plate away and took my seat. That Cow! I sat down next to Andy instead. David looked at me apologetically, but I just shrugged. I didn’t want Jean to see she had upset me.

  “Excuse me.” David picked up both trays of food and left Jean sitting by herself. He moved over to my side of the table and put the plate in front of me.

  “Hungry?” David asked.

  “A little.” I watched Jean having a hissy out of the corner of my eye. Sweet justice.

  Of course, David’s movement didn’t go unnoticed. Galen’s laugh rose above the crowd’s chatter. He whispered what had happened to Bill. Bill laughed, too, and looked over at Jean, who was trying hard to look like she didn’t care.

  I turned away from the table and back to David, who was touching my hand.

  “Are you still mad at me?” he asked.


  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah. I’m over it.”

  David relaxed and let go of my hand. He glanced at our food trays and wrinkled his nose.

  “Are we being punished for something?”

  “It’s not that bad,” I said.

  “Starving pigs wouldn’t eat this.”

  I sliced off a piece of the Salisbury steak. It took courage, but I put it in my mouth. It was disgusting. I gagged and spit it out in my napkin.

  “Most days I eat a salad,” I said.


  David was late to Government and Economics—his last class of the day. He sat next to Eryx on the other side of the room from me, glancing at me every few minutes. He caught me stealing glances at him, too. I couldn’t help it.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as he tore off a piece of the paper and wrote something on it. He then pressed his lips against it, folded it, and handed it to the kid next to him to pass to me.

  I opened the note, making sure the teacher wasn’t watching. A pair of gold lip imprints slowly disintegrated into a glittery powder that slid onto my desk.

  “A kiss, such as this,

  would look divine on thy lips.”

  My ears and cheeks felt warm with the rush of blood that circulated through them. I lowered my head and tried to suppress a smile. I peeked at David, and he smiled back.

  I tucked the paper between the pages of my spiral notebook and gazed at the golden powder on my desktop. I ran my finger through it in a circular motion, testing the consistency between my thumb and forefinger: silky.

  I was tempted to smell it, but knew David—and probably Eryx—would be watching. I pressed my wrist on the golden powder when they weren’t looking. I ran my fingers through my bangs and sniffed at my wrist in the process. It smelled like David—woodsy and spicy—and heavenly.

  Over the sound of the last school bell, the teacher reminded us to cast our votes for the nominees of the Miss Spring Pageant.

  Eryx and David met me in the hallway after class. I felt even tinier than I already was between those two.

  “Would you like me to take you home?” David asked.
  “I usually get a ride from Andy and Bill,” I said.

  “Would you consider making an exception?”

  “I… um…” I shook my head.


  “Sorry. They’re waiting for me. I have to go.”

  David grabbed my arm. Galen who was walking in our direction, looked like he wanted to intervene, but Eryx took a few quick steps toward him and stopped him. The twins walked through the busy hallway, leaving us behind. I wouldn’t be getting any help from them.

  “You can let go now,” I said, and after a little hesitation, he released my arm.

  “I see no harm in driving you home.”

  “Don’t take it so personally. I’m just used to riding with my friends. That’s all.”

  “You’re also used to walking to school. And yet, you had no problem with me driving you this morning.”

  He stood waiting for a response from me. I sighed and turned my eyes in the direction of the front office, hoping that Andy would be there to rescue me. No such luck.

  Instead, I saw Jean eyeing David, twirling her hair on her finger. I could tell she was waiting for him to walk by. She was so obvious.

  “Okay,” I said. “I’ll ride home with you… for today.”

  As we passed Jean on our way out of the building, David wrapped his arm around my waist. Jean scowled at me and said something under her breath. I sneered back at her as I took David’s hand off my waist.

  “We’re not on those terms,” I said. “And I’d appreciate it if you kept your distance.”

  “I’d like to drive you home every day,” David said, ignoring my comment.




  “That’s not an answer. Stop being so childish.”

  I hated being called that. I stopped at the doorway. “Enjoy your ride home alone,” I said and pushed the glass door open with full force. I hurried toward the parking lot. David caught up to me quicker than I anticipated and blocked my way.

  “What is it? What did I say?”

  “I am not childish. You keep calling me that.”

  “It won’t happen again. Will you reconsider and let me drive you home?”

  I looked around and saw Bill, Galen, Andy, and Eryx standing around the Maserati. I headed over to them, leaving David behind. About halfway to the group I realized David wasn’t following.

  “How long do you plan on standing there? C’mon,” I said. “I’ve gotta go tell them I’m riding home with you today.”

  “Yes, General.” He saluted me.

  “Stop trying to make me laugh. I’m mad at you.”

  “Yes. That seems to be the theme today.”

  I stopped again and turned to glare at him. David held his index finger and thumb up to his mouth and turned an imaginary key.

  “My brothah!” Bill said, high fiving David. “Suhweet ride.”

  “Yes. She’s a monster,” David said proudly. “Drives like silk.”

  “Where’s that car you’ve been raving about?” Eryx asked Bill.

  “Oh no, please don’t get him started,” Andy said.

  Bill pointed to his Mustang. “Right there.” We followed him over to admire it.

  “Refurbished engine. New paint. Original interior. Original wheels. Roars like a lion, rides like a stallion.” Bill opened the car door and let Galen in to inspect it.

  “I’m impressed,” Galen said. “She’s in mint condition. You have good taste.”

  “Not just in cars,” Andy said.

  “We don’t doubt that,” I said. “Do we?” I looked at the brothers.

  No one answered. I could almost hear crickets chirping in the background.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “With all respect,” Eryx said to Bill, “your taste in girls is better than your taste in cars.”

  “Thanks, man,” Bill told him. “She’s a real doll.”

  While the boys were busy building up their egos and admiring each other’s cars, I told Andy I’d be getting a ride home with David.

  “Not your type, huh?” she teased.


  I waved to Andy and Bill as David pulled out of the parking lot and joined the line of cars waiting to exit the school, horns honking and stereos screaming.

  We were both quiet on the way to my house. David dabbled with the stereo while I looked out the window and watched the kids walking home in the oppressive heat.

  This was a hotter spring than usual for south Texas. I didn’t want to imagine what the hellish temperatures would be like in the summer.

  “Have you thought about what I asked?” David said as we turned the corner on my street.

  “Thought about what?”

  “Will you let me drive you every day?”

  “Oh, that.” I looked out the window again. “Hey, um, that was my house we just passed.”

  “Yes, but you still haven’t answered my question.”

  “Why are you being so persistent? Am I not making myself clear enough?”

  “I’m certainly not as persistent as you, my lovely.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ.”

  “I beg you differ not.” He tapped my nose with his finger. I swatted his hand out of my face.

  “Are you always this incorrigible?”


  He turned the block and drove down another street.

  “Well?” he asked.

  I was reluctant to answer—it wasn’t that I didn’t want him driving me to and from school. The idea of seeing him every morning at my doorstep made my heart beat at the pace of a cardiac workout. It was the idea of not seeing him at all if things turned against us that I was afraid of. I didn’t want to tell him that that’s why I couldn’t accept a ride from him. That would only make him pursue me more intensely. I had to find a way to convince him that he had to suppress his feelings, that I was vulnerable. I was a mere human with weaknesses and flaws, but I wasn’t ignorant of the consequences of us acting on our feelings. Why couldn’t he understand that?

  David drove the car to the front of a vacant lot and parked.

  “Listen,” I said. “I can’t… No… I won’t let you be led on by—”

  “Isis, spare me the sermon. I have my mother and brothers for that. I’m not an idiot. I know what I’m doing… and I know what I want.”

  “David…” I shook my head. “Your mother told me something like this would happen.”

  “What did she tell you?” He started the car engine and set it in motion. But instead of heading to my house, he turned onto Ocean Boulevard and sped through town.

  “Why aren’t you taking me home?” I asked.

  “We’re paying a visit to my mother. There are issues that we need to take care of. I won’t allow anyone to interfere in my life any longer.”

  Great. Now Nyx was going to be mad that I told David what she said. My hands started to sweat.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I need to be home by the time my mom gets home or else I get in trouble.”

  “This won’t take long.”

  I sent Claire a text anyway to let her know I’d be at David’s house, but that I would be home in time for dinner. I always let her know where I was if I wasn’t going straight home after school. She had this horrible habit of thinking the worst had happened to me if I wasn’t home before she was. She replied with “;)”.

  Nyx’s Ferrari and the twins’ Land Rover were parked in front of the house when we got there. The southern style house reminded me of Scarlet O’Hara and Rhett Butler with its tall white pillars and vintage charm. I tried to remember a quote from Gone with the Wind to distract me from the fact that I was about to walk into an uncomfortable situation, but David hauled me out of the car before I could think of one.

  “Hey, what’s the hurry?”

  “Impatience is a trait of mine,” David said.

  Inside, I could hear music streaming down from the second
floor. Nyx was in the den reading on a white chaise. She looked like a work Michelangelo would have kept for himself.

  “Mother.” David led the way in and kissed her on either side of the face.

  Nyx rose to her feet. “Isis, I’m so pleased you came to visit.”

  “Hi. It’s nice to see you, too,” I said.

  “David, why didn’t you tell me she would be visiting? I would’ve prepared afternoon tea.”

  “It’s not a social visit,” David told her.

  “But a guest in my home is a rarity. You have no idea what it’s like living under a roof with three bickering boys. I need a woman’s company.”

  “Hello, again,” Eryx said as he and Galen entered the room.

  “Hello, Isis,” Galen said, taking a seat on the couch. “Did you forget where you live?”

  “No,” I huffed. “David brought me.”

  “Mmm,” Galen pursed his lips. “He’s dragging you around everywhere with him like a doll, is he? Tsk, tsk, my brother. And here I thought you were more of a gentleman.”

  “Zip it, Galen,” Nyx said. “David, what is it that you’d like me to tell her?” She already knew what David wanted from her without him so much as breathing a word. Amazing.

  “This is private, between Isis, you, and me,” David said, eyeing his brothers. Instead of leaving, though, the twins got comfortable, taking a seat on the sofa. David had no choice but to continue with them in the room.

  “I’d like you to tell Isis how you have no say in my personal interests or decisions. You know what those are. And tell—her—now.”

  Nyx set a hand on her hip and arched her brow.

  “Don’t talk to her like that,” I objected. “She’s your mother. Respect her.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll deal with him later,” Nyx said. “You and I should speak in private, Isis.” She took me by the arm, led me up the stairs to her bedroom, and locked the door.

  “Sit, dear.” She patted the bed. “I’ll tell you about my son’s ‘interest’.”

  “Okay.” I felt nervous.

  “First, I have to ask: do you feel for David as he does for you?”

  “I don’t⎯”

  “You don’t have to be ashamed. I can sense in you that you’re aware of his feelings for you.

  “Those boys of mine have no idea of what it’s like to be in love. They’ve experienced temporary infatuations with human girls here and there, never to a degree that would make me worry. They know their limitations. That’s not to say that they haven’t had relationships with their own kind, but that’s different.”