Read Crime at Cripple Creek (The Sisters Week Series #1) Page 11

  Chapter 12

  Michael walked through the cabin for what seemed like hours. After he examined the sliding glass door lock he went outside, along with Tyler. They left the women inside cooking.

  Michael, after he walked around the cabin, let Tyler in on his concerns for the three inside, “I don’t feel comfortable with them staying here alone. They’re very isolated out here. Although it’s beautiful, it can be deadly for them.”

  “I agree. I think it’s best if I move my things from my cabin to this one and keep an eye on things.” Tyler answered with the plan he formulated a few minutes before Michael arrived.

  Michael looked at his friend for a few seconds before he commented, “I can send a deputy also but I seriously doubt these three women will agree to that. I’m free tomorrow for a couple of days so maybe between the two of us we can keep them safe. Tonight I need to go talk to Joe and see if he can shed some light on this case. I still can’t locate the ex-boyfriend. He has a rap sheet for assault and breaking and entering so he might be our guy. Let’s get back inside before Beth comes searching for you,” Michael finished with a laugh.

  When the men entered the cabin they smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen and Michael’s mouth watered. He hadn’t had a home cooked meal in ages.

  “Boy, something smells wonderful in here,” Michael announced their return.

  “It’s a chicken and noodle casserole. It’s one of Joy’s specialties and Lynn made the fruit salad. We also have lemonade. You both are staying for dinner, right?” Beth asked.

  Tyler and Michael both answered at the same time, “yes!”

  After the laughter died down, Beth sat the table for the five of them and fixed glasses of lemonade for all.

  No one talked at all until they were half way through eating, then Tyler told Joy, “This is so good. I don’t think I’ve eaten anything this good in a long time. What about you Michael?” Tyler wasn’t blind to the attraction between his friend and Joy. He gave Michael a hint to say something good about Joy’s cooking.

  “I agree with Tyler. I haven’t tasted anything this great in years. Thank you, Joy. Is there enough for seconds?” Michael asked.

  Joy laughed, “Yes there’s plenty so eat all you want.”

  No one mentioned the break in until after the meal. Seemed everyone at the table wanted to forget the past few days, if only for a little while. It was only after the men finished their plates of food that Tyler figured it was time to let the girls in on his plan, “Beth, please sit down. Joy, you and Lynn also, please. Michael and I have some things to say. ”

  After all three women sat back in their chairs, Tyler continued, “Neither Michael nor I feel comfortable with you three staying here alone. I know you’ve done it in the past and are all independent women, but this is different. There’s someone out there who broke in here and could come back and who knows what he’s capable of doing. While Michael is still here, I’m going to run over to my cabin and pack a few things and come back and camp out here and tomorrow Michael will also move in here for a few days. We hope you won’t resent us, but we want you safe.”

  Tyler looked around the table at the faces that looked back at him. Lynn was the first one to respond to the plan.

  “I, for one will feel a lot better having an FBI agent in the cabin, as well as a sheriff. Thank you both. I was dreading having to try to sleep tonight knowing someone has been in here and gone through all our things and might come back.”

  Joy nodded her head, as she agreed with Lynn, “Yes, thank you both. Seems our vacation is almost over and we still don’t know who’s responsible for any of the things that happened.”

  Tyler watched Beth’s reaction. So far she said nothing. Beth’s head was down as she examined her own fingers. When she looked up at him he noticed the faint sign of tears filled her eyes.

  “I have mixed feelings about this but if Joy and Lynn will feel safer with you both here, then I’ll go along. I guess sometimes I have to give in to the belief that we women do need a man around, which is something that hurts to admit.”

  Lynn got up and hugged her sister as she said, “Beth, we all know how independent you are and we admire you for it. You are also smart enough to realize we do need a man around now because of all that’s happened. We love you, sis.”

  Michael’s phone rung and he left the table to answer. Tyler got up and gave Beth a hug as he told her, “I’ll stay out of yours and your sisters’ way as much as possible. I’ll be back within thirty minutes,” Tyler looked into Beth’s eyes as he cupped her face in both his hands and kissed her lips. Then he told Lynn and Joy he’s gone to get some clothes and he’d be right back.

  Tyler told Michael that he was leaving now, “don’t leave until I return.”

  Michael nodded agreement to Tyler as he listened to the caller on his phone.

  Inside the cabin the girls cleaned the kitchen and felt as if a weight had been lifted off their shoulders now. All except Beth, who still got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Somehow she knew something bad would happen, even with Tyler or Michael here with them. She tried to shake the feeling off, but it wouldn’t go away, “Girls, how would you feel if you two move into my room to sleep for the rest of our time here? It’s the largest room and it has the sitting area off to the side with a sofa sleeper so there’s room for all three of us to sleep.”

  “Great. I think it’s a wonderful idea. We’ll have a slumber party! Beth, I know you’re worried but let’s make the most we can out of what’s left of our vacation. We can watch television and eat popcorn and chocolate, Lynn said with a soft giggle.

  Beth loved her sisters. She smiled at them both and told them, “We’ll watch old sitcoms on the television and get some laughs while we drink sodas and eat chocolate. We haven’t done that in a while,” She laughed at the last comment. The three girls drank sodas and ate chocolate every time they got together.

  By the time Tyler returned, the girls were more lighthearted and laughed at something one of them said about the past.

  Michael walked in with Tyler and said, “I’m going now. We have Maggie’s ex-boyfriend at the station and I want to question him. Then I’m off to speak to Joe at the casino when he starts his shift at ten tonight. I’ll see you all in the morning and girls, thanks for a great dinner.”

  Joy walked Michael to the door then remembered the gate was locked. “Beth, do you have the gate key? I know we left it opened for Michael to arrive and then Tyler left and returned, but I’d feel better locking it after Michael goes through tonight.”

  Tyler told Beth to give him the key and he’d follow Michael to the gate and lock up afterwards. Beth opened the side pocket of her bag and removed the key to hand to Tyler. As she did this she noticed something strange about her handbag. She didn’t remember anything red being in her purse but before she looked inside, she was interrupted by Lynn, “Beth, help me find extra blankets and sheets and pillows for Tyler.”

  Since Tyler took care of the gate, the girls looked around for the things he needed to make up the living room sofa. He would sleep downstairs in the basement where there were more beds, but he wanted to be close. So the sofa was it.

  They located all they needed down in the basement linen closet next to the laundry room. As they carried it all up stairs, Lynn and Beth noticed that Tyler was back. They left a couple of blankets and pillows and a set of sheets for him and took the others to Beth’s room to make up the sofa sleeper there.

  Even though it was only a little after nine o’clock in the evening Beth felt tired and hoped her sisters would want to retire to her room soon. She went to the kitchen and got the coffee maker set for the morning. She knew Tyler also wanted some and she wasn’t sure how early Michael would arrive, but knew he drank coffee also.

  Beth finished up in the kitchen when Tyler joined her. Putting his arms around her waist he pulled her towards him, “Are you s
till mad at me for wanting to stay here and watch out for all of you?”

  “I was never mad at you. I was mad at the situation. You’re only doing what you’re trained to do, protect others.”

  Running his fingers down Beth’s hair, Tyler froze, “Beth, I’m not just doing this because I’m trained to. I want you safe. I want to know that you’ll be alright to continue seeing me once we both return home. I think we can possibly have something special and I want you alive so we can find that out. And I want your sisters alive also. I know how much they mean to you and I think they’re special women also.”

  Beth’s heart skipped a few beats as Tyler’s words registered in her brain. Reaching up she pulled his head down towards hers and kissed his lips. He didn’t let her go so easily. Tyler deepened the kiss by running his tongue along her lips till she opened up to him. His kiss was like magic. His kiss made her feel like a school girl again with her first crush. She forgot everything else except for the feelings he aroused in her.

  “Uummm, excuse us. We want to see if you two want to play a few games of Yahtzee before bed but maybe you have better things to do,” Joy said laughing.

  Beth and Tyler pulled apart but neither one was embarrassed by being caught kissing. Tyler held Beth’s hand as they turned towards the other two, “I would love to. I haven’t played Yahtzee in years.”

  Since Beth was now wide awake, she agreed that Yahtzee sounded great, “How about we do the chocolate and popcorn eating while we play instead of later?”

  After they got the snacks and drinks, they all played the game. It was a very light hearted evening. Tyler fit in with the women perfectly. He had a fantastic sense of humor and was quick with the comebacks when teased.

  All in all it was a nice evening. Now it was time for bed and Beth looked forward to having some sweet dreams about Tyler. She hoped that’s how the night would turn out and not with nightmares. The bad feelings she had earlier this evening were now back. She planned to ignore them and have pleasant dreams. Hopefully she just ate too much popcorn and chocolate. But she knew that’s not what caused her stomach to feel like a hot poker lay inside.