Read Crimes Of Murder Page 6

And some suitcases.

  “You have been working on your car?” Jackson inquired strongly with a smirk.

  “Oh, yeh. Dog, it’s a damn clunker,” Mr. Ramos stated sharply with a laugh.

  “Hey, baby, you should buy a new car,” Jackson snapped with a laugh.

  “Hey, dog, I just might do that,” Ramos said firmly with a smile.

  “You and Luis had been pals, huh?” Jackson asked firmly lighting a joint.

  “Yeh, that’s correct,” Ramos stated sharply, sipping on a Pepsi. “His death really hurts man.”

  Ramos started to cry and quickly stopped.

  “I know how you must feel, losing your close friend. Hey, dog, I’ll try and make it quick,” Mr. Jackson said calmly and he took a long pull from his joint.

  “If you’re here because you think I killed him you’re way wrong. I loved him,” Ramos said sharply and started crying again.

  “Did you ever sleep with Luis?” Jackson asked firmly.

  “That’s none of your business,” Ramos snapped and took a long swig from his Pepsi can.

  “Are you gay?” Keith asked strongly blowing smoke from his nose.

  “Yes! And I’m proud of it,” Ramos said sharply with a smile as he wiped his tears with the sleeve of his shirt.

  “Was Luis gay?” Jackson asked.

  “No. He’s straight. Plenty of my friends are straight,” Ramos stated strongly, finishing his Pepsi.

  “Did he wear aftershave?” Jackson asked and took a long drag from his joint.

  “That’s weed?” Ramos snapped, lighting a Marlboro.

  “Hell yeh!” Jackson said firmly.

  “Dude I like that. I get high too,” Ramos said sharply and took a long pull from his cigarette.

  “Back to the question!” Keith snapped and took another long drag from his joint.

  “Yeh, of course,” Mr. Ramos stated strongly and took a long pull from his cigarette.

  “Is it AQUA VELVA?” Keith snapped.

  “Yes, I think so,” Ramos stated firmly

  “Did you make love with him?” Keith asked firmly finishing his joint.

  “No!” Ramos snapped as he lit another cigarette.

  “Did you know he was going with a blond?” Jackson said strongly.

  “Yep. Ariane Racine. But they broke up, dude,” Ramos said sharply.

  “Does this make you angry?” Jackson said firmly.

  “Yep. I wanted it to work for them. I think they were a great couple. I’m not angry because you think I’m so in love with Luis.”

  “Where were you at 12:00?” Jackson asked strongly.

  “I was looking for a better job,” Ramos said sharply and took a long pull from his cigarette.

  “Where?” Jackson snapped.

  “Harrah’s casino. The best place to work. Besides, the cops captured that homeboy, Montoya,” Ramos stated defensively. “You should mess with him and that homegirl, Felisha.”

  “Dog, I’m merely doing my job,” Jackson said calmly.

  “You ought to speak with that evil girl, Felisha Lopez. Luis didn’t wish to marry that nasty tramp. And I believe that homegirl killed him and probably set up Mr. Montoya,” Ramos explained harshly. “They work at the same awful place.”

  Ramos nervously took a long drag from his cigarette.

  “All right, man. Thanks.” Jackson said and walked out.

  Jackson found Ramos’s vehicle a brand new Mustang. He wished he had a clunker like this he thought to himself. That lying dude. But that still didn’t mean he killed Luis.

  Jackson sat on Ramos porch waiting for Marisa to pick him up. He lit a tremendous joint that looked like somebody’s arm. He viewed the rain come down, soaking the parking lot.

  An hour or so later she showed up in a blue Chevy. Jackson ran over to the car and jumped in. She wore Victoria Secrets perfume. She wore a white opulent blouse, tight green pants and pumps.

  “The rains coming down just like cats and dogs, huh?” she stated sharply.

  “It sure is baby,” Jackson stated strongly with a frown.

  “That woman lied. Miss Lopez wasn’t at work all day. She went home early on, due to a tummy ache,” Marisa stated strongly. “At 10:30. That would give her plenty of time to kill Luis.”

  “Yo, forget that homegirl. Dog, I don’t think she did it. The lady constantly smells good. I would’ve smelled her perfume. It turns out Luis wears AQUA VELVA. A small woman just like Lopez isn’t likely to stab a big-dog like that. And the way the knife was positioned in Luis back, somebody taller would’ve done it,” Jackson explained clearly.

  “So who do you believe did it?” she snapped.

  “That lying snake, Ramos!” Jackson snapped. “He’s a shifty homeboy, G. That cat’s hella fronting. He’s tall enough too.”

  “Dog, you'll need proof,” Marisa said firmly.

  “Girl, I’m likely to arrange a trap for that bugger-brain,” Jackson stated firmly. “Drop me off at the police station, baby.”

  Marisa dropped him off at the Reno Police. Jackson pasted by Miss Betty Johnson at the front desk a fly-looking black broad. She was standing in front of a computer screen, reading information on a suspect.

  Miss Johnson hit a button, a buzz sound came, the little gate opened up, and Jackson wandered through. He stopped by Sgt. Newsham’s office but the little Irish dude wasn’t there.

  “Sgt. Newsham is in the break room,” a female officer stated sharply.

  “Thank you, baby,” Jackson stated politely.

  Jackson stepped inside the break room. Newsham had been schooling a newbie officer. The place smelled like donuts, stale aftershave, rotten-egg farts, hog sweat and bad coffee.

  Jackson sat in a plastic chair at an empty table. The rookie officer poured himself a cup of coffee and left. Newsham sat near him with a sad look.

  “Why so sad Irish man?” Jackson asked with a laugh.

  “Slime you, dog! I’m German born frog-breath!” Newsham snapped sharply and took a sip of coffee.

  “Hey, Irish-cat. What’s up?” Jackson said strongly.

  “Bruh, you want some coffee?” Newsham asked firmly.

  “Naw, G. I’d rather drink piss,” Keith said strongly.

  “I hate to find such a pretty girl dead,” Newsham said sharply.

  “Was she blond?” Keith asked strongly.

  “Hell yeh. She was stabbed twenty times with a butcher knife. She died an hour ago,” Newsham said sadly.

  “What did the broad say?” Keith snapped. “She must have said something before she died.”

  “Help me, Joel! Then she died,” Newsham said firmly and took a long sip from his coffee cup.

  “Was her name Ariane Racine?” Jackson said firmly.

  “Yep. She was going to marry Mr. Luis,” Newsham said strongly with disgust look on his face as he pushed the coffee cup away. “Some butt worm didn’t want that to happen.”

  “Yo, dude, you got the wrong dude in jail,” Jackson said firmly. “Montoya couldn’t have done this one---his butt is in jail. “You might have a serial killer on the loose, G.”

  “Well, you got me,” Newsham snapped and lit a cigarette.

  “Man, I think Mr. Xavier Ramos killed Luis because he was in love with him. They were lovers for a while. Then Luis met this Racine lady and it was a wrap. Luis broke-up with Ramos,” Jackson said firmly.

  “Mr. Luis is a gay?” Newsham snapped and took a long drag from his cigarette.

  “No, maybe bisexual. Mr. Luis had been in love with this blond bimbo Miss Racine. And like you say, they were going to get married. And Luis didn’t want to be with Ramos no more,” Jackson explained strongly.

  “So the homeboy, Ramos, framed Mr. Montoya for that murder because Luis took his crummy job.”

  “Dancing is really big business. A lot more cash than a fry cook at Eldorado ever sees. Beside, Ramos quit his job and was all packed and ready to leave town, baby,” Jackson stated clearly. “Also the barf-poop made an effort to kill me ea
rlier, messing with my car. And I’m sure he killed Miss Racine.”

  “How are you likely to confirm it, baby?” Newsham said sharply blowing smoke in Keith’s face.

  “Lord, I’m planning to set a trap. You feel me?” Keith said sharply.

  “No, homey! I’m not that kinda guy,” Newsham said sharply.

  “Slime you, bruh!” Keith snapped with a dirty look.

  Jackson phoned Marisa on his cell and told her to get her ass back to the police station.

  “You’re smoking that weed?” Newsham snapped.

  “So what, punk?” Jackson snapped.

  “I don’t want any dopers around here,” Sgt. Newsham said sharply. “Hey, G, drugs are illegal in Nevada buttworm.”

  “Dog, I don’t care!” Keith snapped.

  “Then arrest me slime!”

  “Homey, tell me about the trap,” Newsham mentioned strongly and took a long drag from his cigarette.

  “Marisa will tell Ramos that she observed him kill Luis at the outdoor tent and she’ll keep her mouth shut for $7,000 or she’ll go to the cops,” Jackson explained calmly.

  “If he doesn’t go for this lousy scheme, well, you’ll be up creek,” Newsham said strongly with a laugh.

  “If that punk don’t show up, I’ll get his slimy-butt some other way,” Jackson said firmly.

  “Where are we doing this?” Newsham said firmly blowing smoke out of his nose.

  “It’s going to go down at the old 6th Street motel,” Jackson stated firmly.

  “Homey, you do know if Ramos is the killer, you’re putting Marisa in danger,” Newsham said sharply, putting out his cigarette.

  “Dude, don’t worry. She’s a tough broad, my-dog,” Jackson stated firmly with a smile.

  When Marisa turned up Jackson informed her the way it would definitely go down and all headed right down to the 6th Street Motel.

  Once we got out of the car, it had been cold, wet and breezy. This lady