Read Criminal Offence :X Page 28


  “This is turning out how I expected it to,” Aaron said. “Eric, I knew this would come back and bit you in the ass.”

  “Shut up!” Shannon hissed. “You’re not helping.”

  “Seriously,” Gloria said, “What’s going on here?” She was looking at Eric again.

  “I ran away to teach my mom and dad a lesson,” I lied.

  She snapped her eyes at me, bewildered. “Well that’s not very nice.”

  “I’m planning on going back.” And this time, that was the truth. Or so I hoped. I gazed at Eric, who was looking at his feet. “Yeah,” I went back to continue with my lie, “Eric let me stay here.”

  “Well, you should go back soon.” Her eyes met mine, the hard gaze very superior-like, “Because if you don’t I can’t promise you I’ll keep your secret.”

  And I realized in that moment, I liked Gloria. She was someone who would stand up for justice rather than for friends.

  Shannon quickly jumped in, moving the conversation to a different topic. “So, how was New York, Gloria?”

  She smiled as if she’s been waiting for someone to ask her that forever. “It was absolutely amazing. I love the city! Everyone walking around, the streets are filled. My dream is to live there.” Her eyes glazed over at the thought.

  I noticed Carter shift uncomfortably. He had a slight frowned on his face—I could only guess that her dream wasn’t exactly his. I could understand Carter; he seemed like a reserved kind of guy. Definitely quiet. The city would make him restless.

  “Did you get any parts yet?” I asked.

  “Yeah, when I was like a kid. For some kid’s shampoo commercial.” She said. “Only I really want to do some plays. And maybe even make it into a movie?” She crossed her fingers, “Only I could hope so.”

  “I’ve seen you act at our school plays, Gloria. You’re freaking perfect!” Shannon encouraged. “Whoever doesn’t see that is a loser.”

  “Yes,” Carter said, holding Gloria’s hand again. “I know you’ll make it big.” She smiled, delighted at Carter’s response. He was willing to support her even if it wasn’t what he wanted.

  Gloria filled in on information about the classes she took, and the kinda-famous people she met. All with the same, ‘It was amazing!’ and ‘I can’t believe I got to see it all!’ After a while, we decided to move the ‘party’ outside.

  It was cold out there, so I have no idea what Shannon was thinking (unless she enjoys the cold weather). We were outside of Eric’s patio, which was a small space with some beach chairs and a table. Outside I could see the stars shining brightly. I could also see my breath.

  “Shannon, are you crazy?” I shivered through Eric’s jacket that I still had on. “It’s cold.”

  “Pity it won’t snow.” Shannon sighed, ignoring my displeasure of the chill.

  “I wish it would snow too,” Gloria said. “It barely snows here; I’ve only seen some frost on grass in the mornings. That’s all we got.” I noticed she was shaking too, and then Carter took her hand to warm her. And all I could do was stare at them. They were adorable.

  “Anyone wants any coffee or coco!?” Shannon jumped up and asked. She looked hastily in our direction. She pointed to us one by one. “Gloria, coffee. Carter, coffee. Eric coffee. Dottie?”

  “She would like Coco.” Eric answered before I could say it myself. “Right?” His gray eyes locked onto mine for a brief second, waiting for the ‘okay’.

  I nodded.

  “Coco it is.” Shannon smirked before dragging Travis and Aaron along with her. They complained, but didn’t really do anything else.

  And everything went dead. I didn’t know Carter that well and I definitely didn’t know his girlfriend—other than her going away to New York. And talking to Eric would always be awkward, especially with people around. But (as if reading my mind) Gloria took a turn to fill the quietness.

  “Are you guys dating?”

  Okay, maybe not the right kind of conversation.

  “Gloria,” Carter muttered. “It isn’t our concern.”

  “Oh, come on! You expect me to believe, like the whole month she’s gone she hasn’t done anything with Eric?”

  “I believed that,” Carter said.

  “Oh, honey. You believe anything.” She held his hand and squeezed it. But she turned back to us. “Seriously, though. What’s the verdict?”

  “There is no…” I started but found myself incapable of answering that well.

  “Shannon said you guys had a make out fest, recently.” Carter grinned. Gloria shot him a dirty look.

  “How in the hell does Shannon get word out fast?” I said, incredulously.

  “Ah, but the glory of cell phones.” He fished out his from his pocket and held it out to me. I tsked at him.

  “Seriously, technology has done nothing but exploit people.” I said, ticked off. But at the same time, it felt great that Eric and I were out in the open.

  “Well I think you guys look great together,” Gloria said, taking Carter’s cell phone and playing with it. “Even though I barley know you, Dottie.” Then she giggled while adding, “I barely even know Eric too. So you guys make a perfect little couple in my head.”

  And with that, a ring tone sounded. We all blink around, except for Gloria who was thumbing through her purse for her phone. The ringing grew louder as she retrieved it and answered. “Hello?” A quiet response before she went on. “Oh, hi! I’m so glad you called…” She stood up, motioning for Carter to come with her as she continued with the conversation, “Yeah, I know. But the thing is—”

  They were back inside the house, and I was alone with Eric. Again.

  To my surprise, Eric busted out laughing. I glanced at him—thinking something weird happened to his brain.

  He looked at me and laughed even harder. I didn’t say anything and waited while he settled back down. “Oh, you are so slow.” He chuckled out.

  I didn’t get it. “What?”

  “Gloria called herself from Carter’s phone,” he said. “Priceless. You obviously weren’t looking at her hands.”

  Okay. So maybe I was slow. “Why?”

  “We’re always weird around each other, Dorothy,” Eric said. “Honestly, what do you really think of me? Because apparently we’re not a couple.”

  I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, right. It’s jusat about K—”

  “Kade,” Eric growled rudely.

  “I’m just conflicted. Okay? I’m still dating him…sort of.” I looked away, staring into oblivion. The truth was I don’t think we were still considered together. I’ve been missing for a whole month now. I mean…is he still single? Taken? What? Mourning for a lost girlfriend. I knew Kade well enough to know that he wouldn’t move on that fast. But I’m pretty sure Kristen had no trouble trying to move him along—if she was still interested.

  “Did he move on?” I asked quietly. Eric should know; he’s been going to school on a daily basis anyway.

  He didn’t answer right away, giving me a long pause. “No,” he exhaled out. “Bastard’s still holding out for you. Not that he’s not with Kristen a lot, because he hangs out with her still. But that’s all I know.”

  So Kade was still faithful.

  “Then I don’t know…what we are.” I said. “Even though kissing you is already considered cheating on my boyfriend.”

  “He’s an ass.” He blurted out. “Why do you even like the guy, Dorothy? You could do so much better.” Eric said, angrily.

  I glared. “Oh, and you’re so much better? You freaking took me.” I shouted at him. “You know what a sane person would do? A sane person would go and talk to the girl he likes. Why couldn’t you just talk to me? Then everything would have worked out fine!”

  “Would you really want me to?” He said, “I mean…I don’t think you and Kade would ever break up.”

  “You liked me, didn’t you,” I said slowly. “I mean, enough. But you didn’t want to mess with me?”

p; He shifted his eyes from my face to the table. “No. I wouldn’t want to.”

  The door opened and Shannon yelled, “COFFEE! COCO! I GOT YOUR—”

  “You don’t have to yell.” Eric hissed. “Thank you.” He reached out his arm for one of the coffee mugs on the tray. Shannon handed me my coco.

  “Thank you.” I said. Shannon smiled at me politely. “We’re setting up a movie now, since we have nothing better to do. It will be ready in five minutes.” She advanced to the sliding door.

  “You probably are going to need some help…” Eric walked toward the glass door, but Shannon made a sharp turn and looked at Eric.

  “Nope. We’ll be fine.” She said sweetly, but I could hear the death tone in that sentence. Obviously she wants us to figure out our problems, again. That and the fact that I heard a small click when she went back inside. She locked the door too?

  “So,” I said, “we were at you saying that you liked me.” I smiled a little, in confidence of myself. Hey, it’s not every day that a guy said he liked you before he even got to know you. In fact, this was the first time actually.

  “I told you that before,” he said back. “But I didn’t want to bother you that way.”

  I frowned. “Wait a minute. Talking to me is something you consider wrong because you liked me. But kidnapping me…that’s just more of a convenience for you, isn’t it?” Before I could say anymore, I shut up and took a sip of my coco, burning my tongue but trying to appear that it had no affect on me.

  I glanced over at him and he took a long chug of his coffee. And then he set it down, staring into my eyes. “Nope.” I couldn’t believe