Read Criminal Offence :X Page 7


  The party was crowded. People were all around us and we had to squeeze by just to get through. I now remembered why I didn't like Kristen.

  She greeted us at the front door. Her pearly white teeth shown within her smile. “You guys came, that's awesome!” She was wearing a bright yellow shirt, kinda like mine, and black leggings. Oh, what a surprise there. She had on a black necklace, earrings, and a yellow bracelet. Her brown hair was curly this time, and she fringed her bangs.

  Kristen then hugged Kade then me, staring considerably at him for a long time. I cleared my throat.

  She glanced at me, trying to keep up her façade. “You guys have fun now.” She smiled at Kade went to greet the next group coming in.

  I sighed loudly as Kade said. “Come on.”

  I couldn't believe him. Kristen was all over him and he thought nothing of it. The loud music irritated my ears. And walking through the crowd, I lost Kade and found Jake.

  His hair was over his eyes a little, a nice look, if only I didn't know his ugly personality. “Hey Jake.” I waved. He nodded.

  “Have you seen Janaki around?” Was the first thing he said to me.

  “Didn't you come with her?” I asked.

  “Where's Kade then?” He glanced around the bodies that surrounded us.

  I shrugged. “Beats me.” I got the message he was implying; he lost Janaki, I lost Kade. I looked over what he was wearing; bright blue shirt with tan pants. We stood there in silence for a couple of more seconds, people bumping us while dancing to the music.

  Then I thought up something to get out of this awkwardness. “I'm gonna go try and find Jana.” I said. He nodded.

  I shifted through the massive amount of people, wondering how in the world Kristen knew practically everyone at the high school. Guys smothered me like crazy. As if I wanted to dance with them. I had a boyfriend.

  I finally found Janaki sitting on a bench in the back porch, guzzling down whatever she had in the red plastic cup.

  She saw me and waved. “Hey Dottie.” I noticed she was alone out here, no one around. This was not like her. After all, she’s more of the outgoing type at these sort of functions.

  “What's wrong?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “Oh nothing. Dottie.” She sighed out. Then I knew for sure something was up.

  “Tell me, now. Or else….” I got nothing but she didn't care.

  “My parents.” She said simply.

  “You parents?” I motioned for more information.

  “Are splitting up!” She said loud.


  She stood up from the bench. “That's right, you heard me.” Janaki crushed the cup in her hands, leaving it on the table.

  “Did they tell you? How did you find out?” I should have reworded that, but she paid no mind.

  “I overheard. They have arguments constantly. It's been going on more often than ever, Dottie.” She glanced at me and I could see her dark brown eyes getting watery. I rushed to hug her and she broke into quiet sobs. “Why does this have to happen now? They can't be doing this. Brian needs two parents—together.”

  “What about you?” I whispered.

  “It's not about me Dottie.” She released me, wiping her eyes.

  “You didn't tell this to Jake?” I said, wondering.

  She laughed quietly. “Yeah, like I need to bother him with this. We're just going out. It’s not like his my lover.” And I laughed at the emphasis of the word ‘lover’.

  “Do you want to go home?” I asked.

  She raised her eyebrows. “Dottie, home is the last place I need to be right now.” I nodded, that was a dumb thing to say. She continued, “Besides, I went to this party to have fun, and dammit, I think I have my rights.”

  We heard the door slid open, revealing a familiar face.

  “Jeremy?” We both said in unison.

  “Guys?” He mocked us. He wore a red t-shirt with khaki pants.

  “What are you doing here?” I said.

  “I got invited by Kristen.” He smirked, “Sure likes me, huh?”

  “Funny how Kristen will just take anyone these days.” Janaki mused. “Makes me wonder what a—”

  “Let's go inside where everyone is,” I waved my hands to the door.

  Jeremy stared at Janaki. “Were you crying?” He asked.

  She blinked. “Too much, to say, right now.” She breathed.

  The party was bustled up with people swaying together in the house. Shortly after we came back in, the song was done. Kristen stood up in the front where the D.J was. He handed her the mic.

  “Hello and welcome to my party,” she said, and people began to cheer around me. When they were done, she continued. “Now unfortunately, I have some rules you have to follow.” Some boos. “Hey—hey now. Life is full of rules and guidelines that must be followed, so suck it up.” She put on her angelic smile. “Anyway. Rule number 1, If you break it, you buy me a new one. Further explained if you break something while being here, I will know and I will get one of my brothers to find you…and I think you know the rest. So I think it would be easier just to come clean and buy it.

  “Rule number 2, no—and I mean NO PDA. Don't get me wrong, kisses here and there are totally fine, but making out leads to touching, and touching leads to sex. Which brings me to my next point, no sex. Not in this house! I do not want anyone going into any rooms, closets, bathrooms, etc. If you want to do that so much, do that in your own place. I don't want any naked bodies contaminating this house—people live here.

  “And rule number 3... uh... stay away from that closet.” She pointed towards a white door in the corner.

  Someone from the crowd shouted. “Why?”

  “Because,” she said, “Do what I tell you asshole.” It fell quiet. “All right, I'm done.” She let the D.J go back to playing music as she walked off.

  People applauded and the party continued as if no interruption occurred.

  Janaki tapped my shoulder, whispering in my ear, “Hey Dottie. I think Eric's here.”

  My eyes widened, surprised. Is Janaki playing a dirty joke on me again? “You’re kidding.” I said.

  “Well, it seemed like him.” She shrugged. “Come on, dance with me! Jake’s is being a child.” She took my hand and led me to the center of the bodies.

  I always feel self-conscious about dancing or singing in front of people. Around people—either way it's still the same. But Janaki is so crazy when it comes to those two activates that she could make possibly anyone feel comfortable. At least I'm not dancing like her, would sum up most people's thoughts. After the fast song was done, we pushed our way through, leading to the food table. Kade was there, holding two plastic cups in his hand.

  “I saw you dancing.” Kade grinned, giving me a cup. “Very nice Dottie.”

  I blushed. “Thanks.”

  “Thanks for complementing me, Kade,” Janaki said sarcastically.

  “You too, Janaki.” He smiled.

  “I appreciate that.” She nodded. “Now then, where's Jake.” She left us.

  Kade and I talked about nothing important, other than the people here tonight. We made fun of the party-goers and how people were acting out. He then excused himself to the bathroom and I was left alone.

  I glanced around the room, my eyes finally fixing to a tall figure. Someone wearing a black jacket with the hood covering. It took a few seconds for me to realize that the figure was heading towards me.

  His head leaned over me; I had to look up. “Hey, Dorothy.” I could see the shadow of a smile.

  It was Eric. “You're here!” I exclaimed, to my surprised. I sounded like I've been waiting for him forever. I shook my head. “So ‘maybe’ is a yes?”

  “Again, I'm here.” He laughed, I flustered. Why do I make myself such an incredible idiot?

  We stood there in silence, although it wasn't that awkward for me as it was when I was around most people. With Eric, I know conversations didn’t need to be fo

  But then he moved, standoffish, as if something uncomfortable was about to happen. Kade, Janaki, and Jake were behind me when I turned around.

  “Jake's being an asshole.” She glared at him, her arms crossed.

  “I don't like dancing,” he said, gritting his teeth.

  “But I do, so you should respect that!” She unfolded her crossed arms, making a small scene. Then she looked at the person next to me. “I thought I saw you here, Eric.” She quickly settled down. Janaki grinned and nodded at him. He nodded back.

  “I'm gonna go somewhere,” Eric said to me. Then he left before I could say something.

  “He came,” Kade said wary.

  I glared at him. “Leave him alone Kade. He’s done nothing wrong.”

  “I gotta agree with Dottie on this one—”

  “You always agree with Dottie, Janaki.” Jake interrupted.

  Her forehead creased up, unbelieving. “I'm sorry, do you want me tonight? Or should we just call it a night and I will never go out with you ever again.”

  Jake grew quiet, his head dropping to his feet. Wow, he must really like Janaki. Ew.

  “Okay,” Kade broke the silence, “Why don't we—”

  A whole line of people moved in between us. Like a conga line or something forming just seconds ago. I was confused. Do people do these things anymore?

  I was pushed aside, almost falling, but caught just in time by warm hands. The person who caught me was Eric. He was standing at the food table, his hood now off his head now.

  “When did that happen?” I pointed to the people.

  “Everyone boring gets bored.” He recited like a memorized quote. He looked down on the punch bowl. “Want some?”

  “Sure,” I answered. I stared back at the crowd again,