Read Crimson Angel Page 1



  Copyright 2012 by Wendy Tsang

  The Crimson Angel

  A feast of Vengeance

  By Wendy Tsang

  For those who believe in eternal love and fantasy

  First sight

  The girl

  What had happened was never really expected to actually take place in my life. I was a typically practical girl, obedient and innocent. I only knew things that existed in my own world. And yes, my own private world. Nothing more. I used to regard myself as a knowledgeable person but that would sound insane at this moment, for up until now, whatever that crossed my life was totally out of my prediction and plan. Did I just say plan? Yes, plans are my way of doing. A sensible and down-to-earth person always has plans but they don’t necessarily work out sometimes. Unrealistic things seem to always appear in the life of a realistic girl like me.

  Not only was I practical, I was also outspoken. That was one of my shortcomings to be sure. I always said things I wasn’t supposed to say; especially personal opinions that often send one’s self-esteem straight to the bottom. The way I was so candid might be the main reason why my relationship with Edmond came to an end. I never blamed him for dumping me because I reckoned breaking up with him would be much better. He didn’t really love me, to be honest and I could tell easily from how he looked at me. He was the most popular boy in the grade. What do you expect from him anyway? I couldn’t agree more he was arrogant and overconfident, but so was I. Neither of us ever made concessions in any argument. Therefore, the ending was always bitter.

  I should say the story truly began when I broke up with Edmond. It was a muggy summer day and we were patronizing my favorite restaurant. Right, my favorite dinning place but not Edmond’s. He had never told me he detested this place until this day. It was ridiculous! If only he had told me frankly how he felt, I would never have asked him to bring me here every time we ate. And now, he was making me feel so guilty as if it was my entire fault that he was sitting here all along.

  The waiter was serving us when Edmond began to speak.

  “Well,” He had that kind of cute voice that could win over thousands of girls out there. “Alice?”

  What was I supposed to answer? I used to melt whenever he called my name in such gentle manner, but not at this instant. I was thinking hard and deep. I had foreseen what he would say so I was getting myself well-prepared. I was not showing off but to tell the truth, my qualities were never worse than his. I was also one of those always chased by many boys. I chose to be with Edmond not for his handsome appearance but for his friendly, charming characteristic. Still, I wasn’t surprised to realize he was never that perfect. Nobody is perfect and people always appear wonderful when they are courting you. After being with him for awhile, we were pretty aware of each other’s demerits.

  “Yes?” I knew he was trying to confirm I was listening. Well, I was. It was just, I didn’t want to listen. I pretended to act casual by taking a sip of my lemon juice.

  “I’ve been thinking…” Edmond stammered.

  Come on! I was waiting. If you had not the gut to break up, you shouldn’t have started it in the first place.

  “Alice, we are so different. Don’t you think so?”

  I nodded silently. We were different. Totally different.

  “To be frank, part of the reasons why I am with you is because you are pretty.”

  I scowled. Boys are so abhorrent! Some of them really love you for whom you are but some of them are only there to take you for granted. Unfortunately, Edmond is most definitely the latter one. How can boys always consider one’s appearance? No, how could Edmond like me partly because of my exterior look? Does that mean if I was a hideous fat girl, he would not even lay an eye on me?

  “Me too.” I replied in a strong voice. I had to let him know I could hurt him in the same way too.

  Edmond raised his eyebrows as if he didn’t expect me to say that.

  “Oh,” Edmond grinned. “Guess you know what I want to say?”

  I knew, indeed, because I was smart. If I were dumb, you wouldn’t have said that.

  I decided to fool around for a moment.

  “No,” I shook my head. “What do you want to say?”

  “Um…” Edmond seemed troubled. Either he was afraid once his words came out, I would be angry or he was still dithering over whether to spit the words out or not.

  “Let’s break up.” He had said it so plainly. SO PLAINLY THAT I ALMOST DROPPED MY GLASS OF JUICE.

  I shouldn’t be astonished but still I said. “What?”

  “I said, it’s time for us to break up.” Edmond said. “First off, we are people from two different worlds. I don’t really love you and you don’t really love me either. I have to admit sometimes I find your personality quite disturbing. Can’t you be a bit more submissive like other girls? Why do you always have to argue with me? You are always the one making decisions on where to go, what to do and….and….so many other things. I just….can’t stand you any longer.”

  He was right. Everything he said was true except I did really love him, unlike him, who never gave his heart to me. I had so much to improve but he was not better than me either.

  “Edmond, can I ask you a question?”

  Edmond stared at me.

  “Why am I always the one at fault? Don’t you deny you went out with Victoria last Sunday? I was there, soaked in rain and watching you from behind the cinema where I had waited you for two hours!”

  Edmond’s mouth went wide open. I didn’t truly want to catch him directly but he was driving me mad.

  “What do you say? You are not very good at keeping this relationship either, are you?”

  Edmond’s eyes narrowed.

  “Right, I cheated on you because I grew bored of you, okay?”

  I didn’t understand why he had to hurt me that way. I tried my best to be an ideal girlfriend but my effort was just insufficient.

  “Listen Alice, I can make it up to you. Do you want money or presents? Let me buy you a farewell gift, perhaps. I am sorry, okay?”

  What was this boy thinking? A farewell gift! This was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of in my whole life!

  “I don’t want anything from you. No gifts. No money. Do you actually think this kind of things can make me feel any better? You are hell wrong! What do you think I am? Some random girls who…”

  “Alice, you are too loud.” Edmond interjected me, trying to avoid the glances from the surrounding people.

  “Well, let them hear it! Neither do I want to be with you anymore!” I shrieked indignantly, almost pushing Edmond to his limits. “EDMOND ADAMS, LET’S BREAK UP!”

  I stormed out of the restaurant without turning back. I could feel Edmond looking absolutely bewildered behind me. He was definitely cursing me by now. A person like him would not bear one second of insult for sure.

  I was running on the street like a mad woman and I knew I looked horrible with my long wavy hair floating around and tears rolling down my face. I never believe in fairytales and a happily ever after, so why was I still uncontrollably crestfallen when a relationship ended?

  Not concentrating where I went, I bumped into someone hard and fell down. It hurt! That person must have felt the same pain since I could hear him moan.

  “I’m sorry.” I tried to stand up but my ankle ached.

  Whoever in the front offered me his hand. I took it and with his help, regained my balance.

  “Are you okay?”

  Couldn’t he tell from my face?

  I looked up and…frowned.

  It was a boy around my age. A gorgeous boy! He was probably the finest boy I had ever seen. Even more good-looking than Edmond. He possessed th
is prince-like blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. He was the kind you can never take your eyes off once you meet him.

  “You seem sad.” The boy’s smile died away. “Do you need any help?”

  Something about him gave me a familiar feeling.

  I backed away from him and mumbled. “I’m alright.”

  “Are you getting to the station?”

  I nodded.

  “I am also on my way there, too.”

  Without waiting for my response, he walked me to the station.

  “My name is Len.” The boy introduced himself and I took a quick glimpse of his adorable face.

  “I am Alice.” I replied softly.

  “Alice…it’s a nice name.” He grinned again. I swore that grin could kill millions of girls in the street.


  For a long moment, silence took over the atmosphere. And then, I decided to ask him some more questions. Even a cute boy might be a bad person.

  “Where do you live?”


  I was certain my voice was loud enough. Maybe he didn’t want to expose so many personal details. That was fine, for I was also a stranger to him.


  “You did say something.”

  “I said nothing.”

  “Come on, I didn’t take that. You can ask again.”

  “What grade are you in?”

  “Grade? I don’t go to schools.”

  I turned to him abruptly. “What?”

  “Oh, I mean I have moved here not long ago. I have not assigned to any schools yet. Later, I guess.”

  That was weird. Even if he didn’t go to school now, he should have known which grade he was.

  “How old are you?”

  “Fifteen, you?”

  “Same.” I mumbled.

  My terrible mood relapsed and I suddenly didn’t want to speak again.

  “You broke up with your boyfriend?”

  I widened my eyes.

  “How did you…”

  “I was just guessing.” Len smiled.

  That couldn’t be possible. I mean, it could be a guess, but it was almost abnormal for him to get it correct for the first time. Was he some kind of mind-reading experts?

  “No, no, I am nothing like that.”

  Now, I was even more dumbfounded. Though he it came out as a mutter, I was certain he was referring to my question in MY MIND.

  “Don’t be that unhappy, Alice. A new relationship can always come after one.” He comforted me.

  “I am not that type of girls.” I clarified and stared at him angrily. I knew right away I had overacted then.

  “I know you aren’t.” Len said calmly.

  I didn’t know what to say, so we both kept silent until we eventually reached the station.

  “Well, here we are.” Len pointed out.

  We took different trains so we waved goodbye. He had the widest smile ever seen on his face.

  “See ya, Alice.” His eyes were shinning.

  See ya? But I didn’t think we would meet again.

  He seemed to read my mind once more.

  “Certainly, we will see again.” Len turned around and vanished in the crowd, leaving me quite confused on the platform.

  “We’ll see again….?” I muttered and then almost burst out laughing.

  What a weird boy! We were strangers and I didn’t even know his full name. I had no idea which school he went to, where he lived and neither did he know anything about me.

  That would be funny if by any chance we came across each other again.

  I was feeling better when I arrived home. That boy must have played some magic on me, even though I didn’t want to believe there was actually magic.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him. Whatever he had done to me! His smile, his words, all still remained stirring in my head.

  “Forget about him, Alice.” I told myself. “You have just failed in a relationship.”

  That night, I went to bed early. I had to figure it out how to confront my classmates the next day. Edmond must have spread bad rumors about me by now and tomorrow everyone in the grade would have learnt about the truth.

  I needed to keep up my appearances anyhow although I was the one being dumped.

  Out of blues, my phone rang. It was Clara. To tell the truth, I didn’t have many friends at school. Two of my best friends, Ann and Jenny had left me subsequently. Ann’s father changed his job so her whole family had to move out of town last year. Jenny dropped out of school because of bad grades. We rarely contacted each other these days and back in school, I only had Edmond and Clara, whom I reckoned as one of the closet friends to me. Now, Edmond was out of my life so that would leave Clara. I was never the type to fit in the crowd and girls always ganged together before you got a chance to join in.

  “Alice, are you asleep?”

  That was a funny question. If I were asleep, I wouldn’t be able to pick the phone.

  “No, just lying on the bed.” I replied.

  “Did you just break with Edmond?”

  I told you news spread fast.


  “Well, I saw him with Victoria this evening. They were…”

  “Clara,” I cut in, unable to withstand the jealousy. “Don’t mention it, okay? I don’t care what he does or who he is with now. We are over. OVER!”

  “Oh…okay.” Clara apologized. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s alright. I should have known he’s like that.”

  I was warned about his irresponsible behavior long before I went out with him. Someone even said once he could handle eight girls in a row without getting caught. Well, he must have felt pretty disappointed for this time he was caught right by me.

  “Are you alright, Alice?”

  “Emm…” I murmured. I was not sure myself. First I was furious and then I felt foolish. Right now, I was in total puzzlement.

  “I have a funny feeling about this.”

  “Huh?” Clara thought I had gone mad. She pacified me and advised me to go to sleep early.

  If I had a chance, I would have confessed that I was about to enter my dream just before she called.

  Still, I took her reassurance as treasure. I didn’t really have anyone to care for me now. Only Clara.

  When the dawn arrived, everything would be different. It would be a new beginning, I deemed. Little did I realize this was the entrance to the underlying unpredictable dangers.