Read Crimson Angel Page 16

  Twelfth night

  The Unforeseen

  Demonia’s tenderness surprised me a little. I had always pictured Len’s parents to be unsympathetic and demanding. Nevertheless, Demonia was like any other submissive and compassionate mothers who would care and give over anything to her children. I could not fathom why with such a supreme mother, there existed no real love and harmony in the family. If I had a mother as likable as Demonia, I would have thought I was in a dream. Winnie was the best I could dream of, yet, she would always be an adopted mother even if I called her mom.

  I never got to see my parents, which I reckoned was always an unfair thing. I never understood the reasons why my parents abandoned me either.

  “Alice!” Bess suddenly appeared and clang into me in the corridor.

  “Belinda, I want you to accompany Alice.” Demonia ordered and started to walk away. “I have to greet the guests. Remember to come down sharp at seven.”

  “Yes, madam.” Bess had the biggest smile on her face. She swung her body for a split second. “Do you think Roy would like my dress?”

  “Um…” To be honest, she looked wonderful.

  “Thank you!” Bess’ eyes were twinkling with joy. “And you, Alice, is beyond a simple beauty.”

  I kindly thanked her and we scurried to the hall.

  Len was leaning on the wall not far away, waiting for us. He had his hair neatly combed and with that dark suit on, he looked both mysterious and handsome. The wildness his face used to show was now nowhere to be seen. In its place were grimness and anxiety.

  “Isn’t Alice beautiful?” Bess patted on Len’s back after he remained silent for a while.

  “Um…Yes.” Len was still looking elsewhere instead of facing me. He was looking around dismally, checking everything with great care.

  “Oh, come on, it will be fine.” Bess said. “I mean, aren’t your brothers already banished by your father?”

  “Yes, but still…” Len scowled.

  “Still what?” Roy appeared from behind. “I don’t think they can get us. We should be safe in this house. The only danger I can think of is Viktoria, who apparently stands on their sides but your parents seem ignorant to this.”

  “They knew it long ago.” Len said, shaking his head. “Mother is just too fond of Viktoria that she can’t endure seeing her punished.”

  “So, your father intended to punish Viktoria too?” Roy exclaimed.

  “Yes, she was caught assisting Carmine and Carmina as they tried to assassinate father. You know my father never spares his enemies, not even if they are his children. He was outraged. He almost killed Carmina but mother stopped it just in time. The Morganthes cannot stand any betrayal so the ultimate punishment decided was to banish both Carmine and Carmina. Until they do any good for the family again, they are not to return. As for Zander, he was not in any of the fights so there was no evidence supporting him as one of Carmine’s gang. He just went away from home two months ago. In the beginning, Viktoria was banned from having any access to family issues and locked up in the Silver Tower. Mother found this punishment too harsh so she talked father into letting her go. And this is how it goes right now. Viktoria is free to do anything she wants as long as mother has her under protection.”

  “Really?” Roy and Bess were both taken by surprise.

  “I thought Zander was banished too.” Roy said.

  “And the Silver Tower! I heard nobody gets out of it without spending at least ten years of remorse staying there.” Bess cried.

  “What’s it?” I asked, puzzled.

  “It’s like a prison for the sinners.” Len explained. “When someone commits a crime here and the crime is not serious enough to cause any death penalty, he or she is to stay locked up in the Silver Tower where freedom and privilege are all deprived from individuals.”

  The bell went chiming and the front door opened.

  “Oh no, the guests are coming.” Bess jumped and instantly turned to Roy. “How do I look? How do I look?”

  “Oh calm down!” Roy tried to settle his girlfriend but she kept dancing about. “You look just fine! No one is…”

  “Really? Really?” Bess was in utter excitement. “This is the first time I ever attend a royal banquet! You never invite us, Lucard! What a great friend you are!”

  “Well, that’s because every time we do have a banquet, my father is present and it’s always a disaster in the end.” Len shrugged.

  “Let’s go, Roy!” Bess dragged Roy away and the two headed downstairs with joy.

  It was awkward at first, for neither Len nor I knew what to say after Bess and Roy left. I kept my head down though I could feel Len staring at me. I still had not the courage to look up and face him. My heart was beating fast and I was blushing so badly. Partly, this was due to the nervousness of having to attend an unusual blood soul’s banquet minutes later but mostly, it was an unexplainable feeling bubbling inside me that made me suddenly feel so timid.

  “Alice, you’re beautiful.” Len smiled his usual smile, which kind of relieved me. For once, I thought he would stay grim for the entire night.

  I smiled back.

  “I want to show you something.” Len whispered and took my hand.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be down at seven?”

  “I don’t feel like showing you to anyone.” Len said.

  “But your mother…”

  “Do you really want to meet the guests so much?”

  “No, it’s not like…” I paused as I examined Len’s face. His worried look returned.

  “Len, why are you so worried? Shouldn’t I be the one nervous?”

  “Alice,” Len took a deep breath before continuing. “I don’t want you to be seen to be known and mostly, to get hurt.”

  “But I won’t be hurt. Your mother has made sure no one finds out I am a human.” I said.

  “I know. I just want…” Len stopped walking.

  “You want what?”

  “I don’t want you to meet any other blood souls other than me and my friends and George and Mother…”

  I could see asides from my safety, Len’s concern had directed on something else. It was the desperation that he had in his eyes right then. He seemed determined to keep me away from anyone. I wondered why.

  “Because…” Len turned away as he mumbled. “You’re too precious to me. I can’t afford to lose you…”

  I had never seen Len this serious before. Neither had he ever spoke of me that way. He had always been irreplaceable in my heart but never did I realize I was also so significant to him. At once, my heart was filled with glee and contentment. Len and I were both the outspoken type of people but when it came to expressing our own passion and feelings, we were a total loser. I was glad because of what Len had said and because of his boldness and sincerity. It was then I learnt of how deeply he felt for me and the same way I did for him.

  I seized his hand and grinned. “No one is going to take me away from you. Not ever.”

  Len eased a little bit but still would not let go of my hand. We walked on to the end of the corridor and made a turn.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, unable to resist my curiosity in the end.

  “It’s a secret.” Len just winked at me. I groaned at his trick again. I pretended to care less, looking as uninterested as possible but indeed Len knew I was keen to see what he had prepared for me.

  “Ask if you want to know, Alice.” Len teased. I shot him an angry stare. He laughed.

  “Is it an object?” I guessed.

  “Um… there are objects.” Len replied.

  “More than one?”

  “Millions or perhaps billions of them.” Len smiled.

  I widened my eyes. That was a challenging game.

  “And you are certain I would love what I am about to see?”

  “Definitely.” Len said and then added. “If I haven’t been wrong about you.”

  “Oh? Don’t you know people can change? Especially for a gi
rl like me.”

  “I know.” Len laughed. “I hope you still like what you used to like. What I am going to hand over to you will then please you.”

  “Why is it so secret that you can’t tell right now?”

  “Because you love surprises.”

  “I don’t.”

  “You are lying.”

  “Okay.” I sighed. “I admit I am quite excited. You are driving me crazy. Just be quick, Len.”

  “We are here.”

  We stopped at a door. It appeared like any other ordinary rooms in this building, so what could be so special about this place?

  “Is it something that shines?” I asked again.

  “Oh, Alice, I don’t know you love jewelry.” Len scratched his head. “I will have a room full of jewels and diamonds for you next time.”

  So what was in the room could not be any accessories and gold. I reached out for the knob but Len pulled me back.

  “I’ll turn it for you. Now close your eyes.”

  I did as told. The door creaked open and I walked in with Len holding my hand. I controlled myself not to take any peep until Len said so.

  Len slammed the door behind us and led me further into the room before speaking again.

  “You can open your eyes.”

  I did and what came into my sight was beyond a usual surprise. I could not believe it. I almost screamed in disbelief when I saw thousands of giant bookshelves surrounding me in this vast grand library. Those millions or billions of books lay neatly still. They seemed to be glittering in a distance as though they had been waiting long for a reader to pick them up.

  “Wow…” All I could do for the first few moments was to exclaim incredulously. This was indubitably the largest place for books in the whole universe. Len sensed my happiness for he smiled proudly to himself.

  “How…” I was still jumping about.

  “I promised you last time in school library, didn’t I?” Len said.

  He did remember that. I almost forgot about it. Now that I thought of it, he did swear to bring me to a place with the most collection of books in the world.

  “A blood soul never forgets a promise once he gives out his words.” Len walked away, running his hands over a pile of books on the desk. “We only forget things which are unimportant to us.”

  Len had not forgotten his promise to me, so it would mean the promise was important to him.

  “Do you like it?” Len finally asked. “Or you prefer a room of jewelry.”

  “No…” I said, my eyes blinking with joy. “I love this place. I love it!”

  “Well then, it’s yours.”

  “What?” I exclaimed.

  “This library will be yours, Alice.” Len smiled. “I give it to you as a gift.”


  “It’s okay.” Len said. “This room belongs to me only. All these books are mine. No one is allowed to touch them unless I permit them to do so.”

  “You mean…you have read all of them?”

  Len nodded modestly.

  “My father is a very strict parent as he expects highly from us. My siblings and I were to be provided with the best education and resources when we were small. We have been expected to be the most outstanding people among the race. To much of my father’s dismay, none of us seemed to have taken an interest in learning what we were supposed to learn. We grew with lack of manners and much wildness. Mother never opposes to our way of behaving. She thought we should be given freedom instead of being bound by restrictions, which is the opposite of my father’s attitude. They spent much time quarreling over about this issue and believe me, it is the first time ever that mother won in an argument with him. We grew being pampered and badly spoilt. Instead of learning properly, I developed interest towards reading, so my mother offered me with books. Father seemed to agree with my hobby and I kept on reading. Before I realized it, I had already read a number of books that could stuff the biggest room in this house.”

  I listened to Len as he told me about his story. Every time he spoke a bit of his childhood and his past, I felt both fascinated and delighted. I was stunned by what a life he had led before he met me and was happy because he was willing to tell me lots of things about him. In the beginning, I always thought Len was someone hard to reach even if I fancied him. It was because there were so many mysteries about him. Now that I had learnt at least some of his experiences, I deepened my understanding in him.

  “I am sorry, Alice.” Len stopped suddenly. “Did I happen to make you bored?”

  I shook my head.

  “I want to hear more of it.” I smiled.

  “You do?”

  I nodded.

  “If there happens to be a part of this home that I love,” Len took a seat on the couch. “it has to be this library.”

  Len confessed this was also one of his hiding places. He hid whenever he felt the need to cry or stay undisturbed. The books had stayed beside him throughout all the hard and terrible times. The secret place witnessed more of his childhood than anyone else in the house. His hatred, love, fantasies and every single emotion were shown on the surface once he entered this room.

  “I only show it to someone else once.” Len said. “And it’s Jaymes.”


  “Yes.” Len smiled. “He’s the first person I can call him a friend and is the most trustable person to me.”

  “I thought it is George that you trust most.”

  “Well, George knows about this room but he has never enters it. Jaymes has, because we used to read together.”

  “Why didn’t you show this to Bess and Roy too?”

  “I met Jaymes before them.” Len said. “Plus, I don’t think they are very interested in seeing these things.”

  I could imagine that. Bess and Roy were the play free types of people. They were too outgoing and extroverted to have interest for books. Things that concerned studies and knowledge would probably bore them.

  “And I don’t want them to mess with my collections.” Len smirked.

  “If Jim has a part of this place, you can’t just give it to me.” I said.

  “Oh, he has agreed that this would be the best gift we could ever give you.” Len said. “So, now, this very wonderful place of Lucard and Jaymes goes into the hands of Alice.”

  I did not know what to say so I just gave him a hug. It was all I could do to show my gratitude and glory.

  “I need to thank Jim too.” I said.

  Len nodded and led me out of the room.

  “We will go down at once.” He said. “But you can come here whenever you want.”

  Then, Len gave me a golden key. “The secret place is normally locked to prevent any intruders.” Len whispered.

  I carefully stuffed the key into my pocket.

  The feast had begun. There were people sitting around the table, each holding a glass or two. Needless to say, those glasses were filled with blood. Some were dancing in the hall. Music was playing and the gentle melody seemed to cheer everyone.

  It was the most enchanting scene ever. All the people down there seemed to have come from heavens. No one could believe such perfect creatures existed in this world. They were dreadfully beautiful, dignified and honorable. Each had a face of an angel though dressed in clothes of a demon.

  “The dance has started.” Len said, leading me downstairs. “We will just keep you in a low profile. After this night, we can go back.”

  I nodded, my body beginning to tremble.

  As we walked down, several heads turned to look at us. Some people began to whisper to each other. When Demonia called out to us, it was worse. Everyone was immediately glancing at Len and me.

  Len showed a face of dissatisfaction as he grabbed my hand tightly.

  “Oh, the last-born son of Morganthes is here.” Someone said.

  “It’s prince Lucard, the next leader of the Morganthes.”

  “He’s come back eventually after a month’s disappearance.”
br />   “He ran away from home, didn’t he? The pressure of being the next leader is surely too much for him.”

  “God knows! He’s way better than those traitors.”

  “Such a pity he isn’t perfect.”

  “Oh, and who’s next to him?”

  “It’s a charming girl I have never seen before.”

  “Who’s that girl?”

  All the words reached our ears and that did not please us, as a matter of fact. Len sighed and whispered to me this was the reason why he hated it at home. Whenever there was banquet or gathering, people treated him differently and discussed him both because he was the next expected leader and because he was a defect in the family. I began to feel how awful it was to confront all those heartless and careless words of the guests.

  “Everyone.” Demonia clapped her hands and had us by her side. “I am proud to present my dear son Lucard. For the past several months, he has been dealing with much business so he can hardly show up in any activities. Now that he’s returned, I wish every one of you can welcome him. As the master of this house has left for important issues, Lucard will temporarily take over the lead.”

  “Mother!” Len exclaimed but all the guests went applauding with their glasses holding up.

  “Lucard, trust me, you can do this.” Demonia comforted her son.

  “I thought you would let me go after tonight.”

  “I can’t, son.” Demonia shook her head with guilt. “This house needs you. I need you especially when your father is gone and your brothers are out there.”

  “Alice needs me too!” Len shouted and many have turned their head to us again.

  “Alice?” Someone said.

  “Is that the girl’s name?” Someone questioned.

  “Who’s she exactly, prince Lucard?” Someone asked. “Is she your bride?”

  I could feel my face turning red, so was Len’s. He was either too frightened or too embarrassed at what he had just said.

  “You’re right.” Demonia stood next to me. “This girl is my son’s bride.”

  Now, everyone was astounded by the news. Even I could not believe my ears. I had become a blood soul’s bride. That could not be true, could it?

  “Where’s she from?” Someone asked.

  “The family of a very distant relative of mine.” Demonia explained.

  “Is she a noble?”

  “Oh dear,” Demonia smiled. “My son does not necessarily need a noble as the bride, does he? She does come from a noble family though.”

  “Mother! Enough of this.” Len dragged Demonia out of the scene.

  “What? I am just introducing Alice to everyone else.” Demonia said.

  “You can’t do that, mother!” Len said. “You know Alice is a human.”

  “So? She’s going to be a blood soul at any rate now, isn’t she?”

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “Mother, no!” Len shouted.

  “What do you mean no?” Demonia’s face fell as if she had heart the most heart-breaking news ever. “Don’t tell me you aren’t going to change her, Len.”

  “I am not.” Len replied.


  “Because Alice is going to live the way she does now.” Len said firmly. “I am never going to turn her into any one of us. It’s her right to live as a human. And the rule says we can’t attack humans!”

  “Well, we’ll just make this exception secretly. No one will know.” Demonia said. “You know we can never accept a human as our family member.” “To maintain our royalty, our generation must go on as full-bloods.”

  “I do not intend to listen to you, mother.” Len turned away and kept me behind him. “I do not intend to be the next leader either. I just want to lead a free life with Alice. In the human world!”

  “Lucard!” Demonia howled with rage. “After all I have done for you, you are going to turn against your mother because of an unpromising love!”

  “It’s not unpromising!” Len retorted. “I love Alice and I will promise her with the unbreakable oath. I will make it tonight but I will never turn Alice into a creature like us!”

  “How dare you say that? I will never ever allow you to hang out with a human girl!” Demonia tried to drag me. “If you can’t make her one of us tonight, I am going to do it for you, Lucard.”

  “Demonia…” I cried in pain as she seized my wrist.

  “Stop it, mother, you are hurting her.” Len came forward to release me from Demonia.

  “Lucard, please,” Demonia sobbed. “Alice loves you enough to sacrifice for you. I can see that. Alice will agree to it. She’s a very nice and obedient girl. I am sure she will make a very fine bride for you if only she can be like us.”

  “You’re wrong, mother.” Len said. “Alice does not have to sacrifice for me to prove her love. She loves me enough to come along with me and to meet you, which is an unpardonable mistake I have allowed. She has done enough for me after all the trouble I have caused her. I will give away anything to protect her, even from you, mother, if you insist on hurting her.”

  “Lucard! Why are you so stubborn? She’s a human girl who can never exist in this world of ours! The law says we blood souls have the right to cross the boundary and so do the humans. For us, we are never hurt in the human world but every human visitor to our world has no guarantee of safety. If you stay with her, you have to reside in the human world and that is absolutely forbidden! I will not permit you to leave home again!”

  “Human!” Someone cried from behind. We all turned to see a man and a woman. They must have overheard our conversation in the garden. “Is there a human being here, Demonia?”

  More and more blood souls gathered around us. The crowd examined us carefully and most had directed their eyes on me. I avoided looking in their way and Len tried his best to keep me as far from anyone as possible.

  “This girl is a human!” A woman cried.

  “Oh my goodness!” Another woman said. “How can a plain human girl be the bride of the next Morganthe leader?”

  “It is unacceptable!”

  “Any humans present here must either be changed or expelled!”

  “Yes! She has to be…”

  “Stop!” Len shouted. “Alice…”

  “She is not a human.” Demonia interrupted. The guests grasped in surprise.

  “What you have overheard must be about a human my son has met in the other world. It’s not Alice.”

  “But…this girl,” A man leaned forwards. I took a step backwards. “I cannot scent her properly. She is a total stranger to us. How can you prove she is one of us?”

  “As I have said, she appears new to you because she has never shown up in our family before. I have just brought her here from my distant relative.”

  “Well, to resolve such commotion, I believe madam; you have to take certain measures. You cannot ease our worries simply by some words.” The man said. The others agreed.

  “If that would satisfy you, I believe my husband would agree to it if he were here.”

  Demonia led us back into the house and the others followed.

  “To prove Alice is a blood soul,” Demonia grabbed a glass of blood and held it high in the air. “She will drink this.”

  “Mother!” Len bawled, trying to stop her but it was too late. Demonia had already given me the glass.

  “Dear, it’ll be alright.” She whispered in my ears. “Just take one sip.”

  I stared at the glass and at the red liquid in it. I was beginning to feel dizziness and nausea. I could not possibly drink this, could I? Yet, everyone was looking and if I did not do anything fast, even Len might not be able to save me.

  I closed my eyes and let my lips dip to the glass. The first sip was bitter and odd. It smelled all wrong. I wanted to choke but held it back until I drank more.

  A second later, a hand smacked the glass I was holding and it fell right onto the ground, shattering.

  “Enough!” Len was almost in his tears. “I
cannot believe you can allow anyone to humiliate Alice like that, mother. And I, have done the wrong to bring her here, to let her suffer like that.”

  My stomach was churning and I had had the weirdest feeling of all. If Len hadn’t stopped me, I might go on drinking it. Blood was still dripping out of my mouth and the scent was so strong under my nose. Len gently wiped away the red stain from my face. His eyes were welled up with guilt.

  The others said nothing but stared in silence. I thought it was all going to end when the crowd began to leave us.

  “Well, she is one of us.” I heard someone say.

  “After all, she drank it.”

  “Yes, and humans can hardly stand blood, so she has to be one of us to drink it without hesitation.”

  Someone even stepped forward to apologize.

  “It is so wrong of us to doubt you, Miss Alice.” A woman said. “Please forgive us for our rudeness, prince Lucard.”

  Len did not have the heart to listen to any of the apology. Instead, he just concentrated on cleaning my face. A few minutes later, before Demonia could stop us, Len walked me upstairs.

  “Alice does not feel very well.” Len declared. “Probably because you people have been surrounding her. She is pretty much stuck by your behavior. I am bringing her to rest.”

  Some guest still apologized but Len just lifted me up, holding me in his hands and left the hall.