Read Crossroads Page 20

  The nurse just stared at him. “I don’t know. They have already taken her body.” She smiled back flirtatiously.

  “Would it be all right to step inside for a bit?” Michael asked.

  The nurse was hesitant. Michael leaned in closer to her. A twinge of jealousy struck me, and I didn’t like the feeling at all.

  “Please,” he said with hardly a gap between the two of them.

  She whispered, “Okay, but please make it quick. I’m not supposed to let you in there.”

  “You won’t even know we were here. We’ll make it quick,” Michael said and winked at her.

  Flirting at such a somber moment was inappropriate, and I was jealous, though I knew he was doing it for me. I was grateful that I would be able to pay my last respects. Instead of putting her under a trance-like state, he was able to persuade her without using his angel power.

  Nurse Sara motioned her head toward the door without a word and backed away. I walked in first, but I could see through the window that she was smiling and walking sideways back to her desk.

  Michael cleared his throat as Caleb walked in. There was no evidence that Gamma had been in here. Her body had been taken away, and only memories and unanswered questions lingered. Feeling hopeless and confused by her final words, I was lost and heartbroken.

  I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. I didn’t want to cry in their presence, but I could not control my emotions. Michael wiped my tears and kissed both of my hands. “That’s all right, Claudia, let it all out,” he said tenderly. “I know you’ll miss her, but remember she will always be in your heart. More importantly, you will remember her love and the memories you have created together.”

  Immediately I was comforted by his words. I had no right to complain about memories when they couldn’t remember anything. Then I remembered Gamma’s words. She was an Earth angel. I couldn’t wait any longer. “I have something to tell you. Gamma told me…she...” The words would not come out. What was I afraid of? I trusted them completely. “She told me that she was an Earth angel,” I blurted out quickly so that I couldn’t take it back.

  Vivian, Caleb, and Davin stared at me in shock.

  “Your Gamma was an Earth angel?” Vivian asked as she walked closer to the bed.

  “She said many things to me. I don’t remember everything, but yes,” I replied and covered my eyes with my hands, feeling tormented by the fact that I had the Holy Spirit’s soul. Should I tell them now or later? When I tell them, will they look at me differently? Many thoughts ran through my mind and I decided it was best to tell Michael first.

  “It’s all right. You don’t have to tell us right now,” Michael said, giving them a hard stare. “Claudia and I will talk after I take her home.”

  “Did you text her, Vivian?” Michael asked, changing the subject.

  I knew Michael intentionally changed the subject so I wouldn’t have to answer any more of their questions. Texting reminded me of my phone so I tapped my pockets, and sure enough, it was gone.

  “Yes, I texted Claudia’s mom to let her know that she was on her way home,” Vivian said, handing me my phone.

  “You texted my mom?” I asked in surprise.

  “You dropped it upstairs, and Michael asked me to text your mom so she wouldn’t worry. You had several missed calls from her.”

  “Thanks,” I said and gave her a quick smile.

  “Anytime, it’s quite fun,” she said.

  “Thank you,” Michael said quickly. “She’s had enough for one day. Let’s get her home safely.”

  They flew alongside Michael as he held me in his arms. When we reached my house, Michael waited for me in my bedroom while the alkins sat on the roof. I ran inside the front door. “Mom!” I called.

  Without a word, she embraced me, and tears ran down her face. “Oh, Claudia, I can’t believe she is really gone. Are you all right, honey? I was on my way back to see Gamma when I got a flat tire. I tried to call you. I would have been there with you. Since I couldn’t reach you, I called the hospital, and they told me she’d passed away. I wanted to be there. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there with you. Since you were no longer at the hospital, I came straight here.”

  “It’s all right, Mom,” I said, holding her tightly as tears ran down my face.

  “Did she wake up at all? Did she say anything?”

  “No,” I lied. “She didn’t say anything. She was sleeping peacefully.”

  I would have said anything to help ease her pain. Suddenly she had a blank look. “I can’t believe she’s gone. It’s like a dream,” she whispered.

  I knew what she meant. Gently I placed my hands on her arms to guide her to the sofa. “Sit down, Mom. I can’t believe it either, but I know she wouldn’t want us to be like this. She would want us to rejoice in her life.” I wasn’t sure what I was saying, but it seemed to work.

  “You’re right, honey.” She paused and stroked my hair. She looked at me tenderly.

  It didn’t matter whether she was my biological mom or not. She was my mom, the one who had raised me and took care of me when I was sick, the one who loved me, and the one who was here with me now. But knowing all that, a part of me couldn’t help but look at her differently. I wanted this feeling to go away. So I told myself at that instant that even though my life seemed like a lie, it was real because I was living it. I had to put all the secrets aside and continue from where I had left off.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you. I can’t believe how much you have grown. You know that she loved you as if you were her own grandchild. She would have done anything for you,” she said.

  I nodded, unable to speak, for fear of uncontrollable tears. Mom had no idea how right she was. Gamma had died to protect me.

  She changed the subject. “Before I forget, I’ve called the principal, and you don’t have to go to school this week.”

  “Oh,” I said in surprise and absolute appreciation. “I can use the rest.”

  “Good, that’s what I thought. I know you’re exhausted. Get some rest. I almost forgot…Patty dropped off your duffel bag. I put it in your room.”

  “Thank you,” I said and kissed her on the cheek. Then I anxiously headed toward my room. As I quickened my pace, so did my heartbeat, for I knew Michael was waiting for me in my bedroom. He was staring at the moon, head tilted, deep in thought. He turned to look at me, and at that moment all I could do was melt and let the troubles disappear. I didn’t know what came over me. Without hesitation, I embraced him and then let out a heavy sigh.

  “I don’t blame you,” he said. “You’ve been through so much!” Safe in his arms, I let my guard down as uncontainable tears ran down my face.

  “Sorry,” Michael said. “It must be hard for you. Let it all out. I’m right here.”

  “I can’t believe she’s gone,” my voice choked, desperately trying to hold back the tears.

  He held my face and gently wiped my tears. He was searching for words. “She’ll always be with you.”

  “I know,” I said, thinking that it was a good time as any to let him know what Gamma had said. “Michael, I need to tell you what Gamma told me.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.” He looked concerned as he led me to the edge of my bed.

  “She told me that my mother’s death was not an accident.”

  “Claudia,” he called my name with a perplexed look, knowing my mom was right outside the door.

  “It sounds bizarre, but let me finish. Sophia, my birth mom, not my mom out there, had a relationship with an angel, but she didn’t know he was an angel. She died to protect me…and…the soul of the Holy Spirit.” I was rambling so fast out of confusion, and I didn’t know if he understood anything I was trying to tell him.

  “I’m trying to follow, but I’m not sure what you are trying to tell me.” Michael looked confused.

  Feeling nervous, I got up and paced back and forth, trying to find the right words. Why couldn’t I just say it, plain and simple? I was afraid of
what he might say or do because I knew it would change things for better or worse—mostly for worse. Telling him would make it all too real and I wished with everything I had that it wasn’t true.

  “To make a long story short, I think,” I said and walked toward the window, “Michael, I have the soul of the Holy Spirit. It’s in me.”

  He took a moment to respond. “Not that I don’t believe you, but how could that be? Margaret sounded so sure that they had taken all of Isaiah’s descendants.”

  “Gamma told me that my father was one of God’s first angels.”

  Michael looked stunned at first, and then he looked terrified. “Royal Council,” he said quietly. “How could that be?” He paused, thinking; his eyes flickered here and there as if he was putting missing pieces together. “Your mother asked Gamma to hide you from Aden. The Royal Council doesn’t know a child exists.” He looked straight at me. “Every hundred years, a group of Royal Council enters your world to determine the fate of humanity. They stay for a short time, living among humans, determining if apocalypse is needed. One of them had a forbidden affair. This is the only explanation. Aden knew all along. He had to have known. He was waiting for you to become an adult so that you could give your soul to him freely. This all started close to your birthday. Aden must have known before or after you were born,” he said, sounding extremely troubled.

  Then, without another word, he stood next to me and gently held me in his arms. His wings found their way around me; he seemed to do this when he was in protective mode. I didn’t mind it at all. The warm, secure feeling I felt from it eased my fears; it seemed to have a hypnotic effect.

  “Don’t tell anyone. I need to figure out what we need to do. I don’t want Phillip to know. I’m afraid he will do something I will not agree with, like tell the Royal Council. Your life is in great danger, more than I had anticipated. I need to leave for a little while. I’ll ask Davin to watch over you.”

  “I don’t want this. I don’t want it to be true. I’m really scared.” I pressed my head deeper into his chest.

  “I knew there was something bothering you besides Gamma’s death, but I waited for you to tell me when you were ready. It will be all right, Claudia. I’m here,” he said softly and held me tighter. “Aden killed Gamma because Gamma was an Earth angel who was protecting you. It was Gamma who pulled you back from the Crossroads, wasn’t it?”

  “Yes,” I confirmed. “She stopped monitoring my visits because she thought I had stopped going there, but something always pulled me there.”

  “Also, Aden wouldn’t have done the things he had been doing for a mere human. Now that I have all the facts, I need to leave for a while. I hate to leave you, but I need answers. I’m asking you to find a way to stay home until I come back.”

  “My mom already arranged it so that I don’t have to go to school this week,” I said.

  He stood tall, towering over me, looking down into my eyes. “Good! Just stay put. Do you think you can do that for me?” he asked sternly.

  “Yes,” I said, smiling into his dazzling eyes. I became lost again. Michael looked embarrassed; I had never seen him blush like that before. He laughed softly and brushed his hair back.

  “You’re doing it again,” he said.

  “What am I doing?”

  “Making me crazy for you,” he said, smiling.

  “How crazy?” I asked, surprised by his words. I closed the gap between us as I caressed his hair.

  “You know I won’t be able to control myself,” he whispered, his eyes closed.

  “Claudia, are you all right?” My mom knocked softly at my door. “Are you talking to yourself, or are you on the phone?”

  Startled by Mom’s voice, Michael disappeared right in front of my eyes, and I fixed myself to look presentable just in case she walked in. I ran to the door. “I’m fine, Mom. I’m just talking on the phone,” I said, hoping she wouldn’t come in for a chat.

  “Okay, honey. Get some rest,” she said and walked away.

  Feeling extremely relieved, I turned around and jumped, startled by his sudden reappearance. “You scared me,” I whispered softly, placing my hand over my heart as it skipped a beat.

  “Sorry, but I don’t like being away from you,” he said, placing his hands over my shoulders, trying to calm my nerves.

  I smiled and put my arms around his neck. “Now, where were we?”

  “Claudia, please keep my mind at ease and just stay home.”

  “Only if you give me a kiss,” I said.

  “That’s not fair. You know I can’t give you just one.”

  “I know,” I said, giving him a sly smile.

  His response was not what I had expected. “Claudia, I’m being serious. Your life is in grave danger, more than I feared. I’m going to send Davin to watch you for now.”

  “Will you be gone long?” I asked.

  “However long I’m gone, it will be too long. I’ll worry, but I know you will be in good hands. I trust Davin, Caleb, and Vivian with my own life. I need to tell them about you, but only if you are comfortable with it.”

  I had no choice. “Yes, of course. I completely trust you,” I said.

  He embraced me again. “One for the road,” he said and kissed me intensely, leaving me standing in a daze, wanting more.

  He disappeared into the cloudless night sky. As much as I hated to see him leave, I knew he felt the same way too. You’re supposed to be floating in clouds when you’re in love. How is it possible to love someone and yet feel such pain at the same time? As I tucked myself into bed, I thought about Gamma, Claudia, and Sophia, my real mom. I wondered what she had looked like. I also tried to picture how my dad would have looked, but I couldn’t. He was a spiritual being; a being I could never imagine as my dad. So I just closed my eyes.

  Chapter 20

  “Hello, Claudia.”

  I was just about to fall asleep when I was startled by Davin’s greeting. I groggily sat up on my bed. “Davin,” I said, surprised to see him so soon, even though Michael had forewarned me that Davin would be watching over me.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you like that,” he said apologetically. “Michael asked me to look after you. He told us that your father was one of the Royal Council and that you have the Holy Spirit’s soul. We were in shock.”

  “Oh,” I said softly.

  “Don’t worry, we won’t say anything.”

  “I know. I trust you.”

  “Something is bothering you. What’s on your mind?”

  “It’s just that I have so many questions.”

  “We all do, and I know how difficult it must be for you,” he said tenderly.

  “It’s hard to believe,” I said, looking away, still unable to believe it myself. “I feel so useless.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do all alkins have powers?” I asked.

  “Depends on what you mean by power.”

  “I was just wondering why I’m still me. If I’m who I am supposed to be, why can’t I do anything special?”

  “Claudia, I don’t know. Give it some time.”

  Davin sat next to me on my bed, trying to comfort me, but it didn’t work.

  “Did Vivian and Caleb leave with Michael?” I asked.

  “Yes, but they’ll be back.”

  “I should get some sleep,” I mumbled quietly. I didn’t even know if he heard what I said. “It’s a good thing I don’t have to go to school tomorrow.”

  “You must be exhausted. It’s been a long day.”

  “A long week,” I mumbled again, barely keeping my eyes open.

  “If it’s okay with you, I’ll be sitting on that chair. I’m supposed to watch you like a hawk. Michael will have my throat if I leave you even for a minute.”

  “Sure. Wherever makes you comfortable,” I said, my eyes still closed.

  “I’ll just read some of your books or try the computer. Google or something. There are so many things I need to learn about your world.”<
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  “Okay then. Good night, Davin. Do alkins sleep?” I thought the question was silly, but I had to ask.

  “Let’s just say I had to before, but since we were sent to Halo City, it has not been a necessity.”

  “What happens if an alkin kills an angel?” I asked.

  “I think it’s forgivable if it’s done under self-defense, don’t you think? Are you trying to find a way to get rid of Aden, like the rest of us?”

  “It did cross my mind, although I wouldn’t know how. I don’t know how it could be done.” Then anger boiled inside me. I didn’t know where this energy was coming from. I sat up on my bed. “I hate him! I hate him so much that I wish I could kill him myself! I want to see him suffer as much as he has made me suffer!” I was full of rage.

  “Whoaaa, Claudia. I’ve never seen you angry like this. Let’s bring your heart rate down a notch. Don’t give him the satisfaction of knowing that you’re thinking of him.”

  “I’m just confused, frustrated, and angry.”

  “I understand. I guess I would feel the same if I were in your shoes. But for now, our focus is to keep you safe. At least now we know for sure why he is after you.” Davin continued telling me stories that sounded like whispering voices as I drifted off to sleep.

  Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm clock went off. Davin frantically tried to turn the alarm off while juggling it like a hot potato. The alarm clock rang loudly, to the point that it was annoying, but I was too tired to get out of bed to turn it off. I motioned for him to come to me, my eyes half opened.

  “Sorry, I was just playing with it, and—”

  “Don’t worry, I’m going back to bed,” I said as I slammed the off button.

  “I could have done that, but I think I would have broken it,” I heard him say as I dozed off to sleep again.

  When I opened my eyes with ease, I knew I had a restful night. It took a few seconds to bring me back to reality as I glanced over to my desk to see Davin posed in exactly the same position as before I fell asleep, his feet crossed on top of the desk with his arms resting behind his neck.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead. I didn’t know you could sleep that long.”