Read Crossroads Page 23

Vivian and Caleb leaped out of their seats and pulled out their swords. Michael grabbed me so fast that I didn’t realize I was standing next to him.

  “We came to join the party.” Aden smiled, pleased with himself for completely blindsiding us. “We can make this easy. Just hand her over to me.”

  “Over my dead body,” Michael said angrily. He expanded his wings to protect and cover me entirely. “I will kill you if I have to, and I will do everything in my power to stop you.”

  “Michael, just listen to yourself. You would die over this one? How noble you have become. The Michael I knew would have done the killing for me.”

  Michael didn’t say anything.

  “I can’t believe this. You are in love with this one. How could you allow this? You have broken one of the Divine Commandments. How many others have you broken?”

  “You have no right to question me. How many have you broken? And what do you know about love?” Michael replied.

  “Love is evil. It makes you weak. See what love made you do. You are lost!”

  “You are absolutely wrong. It makes you stronger. Amor tussisque non celantur.”

  “Enough!” Aden shouted. “Come and join me, and you can be with her forever.”

  “Never! I followed you once before, and I promised myself that I would never do it again,” Michael replied.

  “Very well. Let’s do this your way. Die!” he shouted with an evil laugh that sent chills to my bones.

  Vivian and Caleb positioned their backs to each other.

  “Stay close to me,” Michael commanded.

  Michael’s feet were shoulder-width apart. He curled his fingers around the grip of his sword, and his right foot slid back, pulling his entire body into a fighting stance. The fallen and demons were creeping closer, and my heart pounded with anticipation. It seemed as though the number had tripled from the last encounter. My palms became damp, and the adrenaline ran through my veins so fast that I could feel my blood pressure skyrocketing.

  “There are too many of them. Where’s Davin?” Vivian asked, thrusting her sword forward and backward, trying to keep them at a distance.

  “I saw him walking Claudia’s friends to their car,” Caleb replied, extending his arm, lunging forward as the fallen backed away.

  “Right behind you! Always talking about me, how sweet!” Davin shouted, as he entered the room.

  Michael swung his sword to his right, piercing a demon right in his ribs. With his free hand, he rammed his fist into a fallen’s face to his left. The fallen flew across, only to tumble on top of more fallen, breaking the tables and chairs as they collided. Michael then dodged a swipe, lost his balance, and fell to his knees. I gasped in horror, but quickly calmed when I saw him back on his feet. As he swung vertically to block an attack, he yelled, “Down, Claudia!” The look of terror in his eyes made me move without hesitation. I ducked down as Michael lashed right above me, slicing through a demon’s neck. Michael swiftly enclosed me behind him.

  Across the room, I saw a demon grab Caleb by his neck and slam him against the table. His weapon slipped out of his hand, leaving him defenseless. Out of nowhere I saw a smaller sword dart across the room to pierce precisely into the demon’s back, just as he was about to thrust his sword into Caleb. The demon bellowed out in pain, dropping to the floor. At that moment, I exhaled, not realizing I had held my breath the entire time.

  Vivian was standing on top of a table when a fallen grabbed her from behind. Twisting with all her might, she tried to release from the hold. As the demons approached her, she extended her long legs, kicking them away from her. She then slammed her head against the fallen holding her hostage, pivoted, and drove her weapon into him. More demons surrounded her; she lunged lower, severing the heads of the demons around her with her sword.

  While evading demons and fallen, Davin leaped from table to table. Finally he planted himself on the bar. He pulled his weapon out, ready for his enemies. As they attacked, Davin managed to avoid blows, but he barely saw the spinning kick coming at him in time to leap back, landing flat on his back. A demon standing close to him lashed out, slightly nicking him across his chest. Davin cursed out loud, and anger raged from his eyes. He managed to grab a bottle of wine, knocking it over the demon’s head. When it shattered into pieces, the liquid poured down, leaving him blind. Davin turned him into ashes. Heaving, he flung out from where he stood, charging swiftly like a wild creature, killing whatever stood in his path until he reached the other side of the room.

  Tables, chairs, and shattered glasses were everywhere. All were broken into unrecognizable objects, like a tornado had ripped through the room. I was exhausted from watching and holding my breath, praying that my friends had the strength and endurance to make it out alive. It seemed like an endless fight. Aden must have thought the same thing for he shouted, “Enough!”

  All was at a standstill. I wondered what Aden had up his sleeve, because even I knew he wouldn’t just walk away.

  “Perhaps this may change your mind,” he shouted.

  Out from the ceiling appeared a demon with Alexa Rose. The demon lowered her as she dangled in fright. My heart sank to see her in the middle of all of this. Michael was right. Aden would do anything to get what he wanted.

  “Michael!” she called desperately.

  “Let her go, Aden, she’s only a child!” Michael demanded.

  “You heard Michael. Do it!” he yelled at the demon who was holding her.

  “Michael!” Alexa Rose screamed as she was let go.

  “No!” I screamed and immediately stopped when I saw Alexa Rose suspended in midair. I immediately turned to Michael and saw his hand raised to where Alexa Rose was floating.

  “I learned how to use my hands to control things like you do,” Michael said to Aden.

  Aden looked furious. He raised his hand too, and Alexa Rose gravitated toward him. “I would have taught you everything I knew if you had stayed with me. Now give me what is mine!”

  Aden was pulling Alexa Rose closer to him. He was stronger than Michael.

  “Michael!” she yelled, as her delicate little hands reached out for him.

  I couldn’t take it any longer. It was too much to bear. Losing my common sense, I ran out of my protective area and toward Aden.

  “Stop, Claudia,” Davin yelled.

  It was too late. Aden used his free hand to levitate Davin toward him. Then he pinned him against the wall, and the fallen nearby moved toward them. Vivian and Caleb dashed forward to help Davin defend from the attack. When they reached him, they were surrounded by fallen and demons. The tips of their enemies’ blades were pointed at their chests. Aden released Davin, his eyes focused on me like a hawk preying on its next meal.

  “No!” Michael yelled with anguish, knowing what Aden would do next.

  Although my whole body felt light, I couldn’t move. I could see myself rising off the ground toward Aden. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t free myself from his control.

  “Who to choose? Who to save? Did you know your precious Alexa Rose has a wonderful talent? She is a gatekeeper. She got out herself, looking for you,” Aden said. “Don’t you wonder who opened the gates of Hell for me? For her first time, she did pretty well. She would make a great addition to my collection.”

  “Noooo!” Michael cried with rage.

  “I’m sorry, Michael. He told me he would hurt you if I didn’t do it,” Alexa Rose cried. “Please don’t be mad at me! Please don’t be mad,” she begged over and over, as tears fell down her face.

  “It’s all right, Alexa Rose. I’m not mad at you. It’s okay. Aden, please, don’t do this,” Michael pleaded.

  “I’m done asking you to join me, and I’m done playing around. I choose both for myself. David!” Aden shouted to the demon up on the ceiling. “Catch!”

  Alexa Rose was lifted up toward the open ceiling. “Michael!” Her painful shrieks echoed through the room.

  “Nooo!” Michael yelled, as he attempted to save her
one last time.

  Alexa Rose ascended through the ceiling, and David grabbed her.

  I was terrified for Alexa Rose. She was in the hands of a demon now, and there was nothing we could do. My heart shattered, and I felt like we were defeated. If I was in this much pain, I could only imagine how much it hurt Michael.

  “Now what to do with this one? Say bye to your love.”

  “Aden, she is not the one. Don’t do this. I’m the one you want. The Holy Spirit’s soul is in me. You’re looking for a son.”

  Aden suddenly stopped and listened intently. Michael continued to persuade him. “We’ve been leading you on so that you would think she is the one, but you’ve been fooled. You’ve been chasing the wrong alkin. You are looking for a son.”

  “I don’t believe you. I’ve been tracking her for eighteen years. You think I’m a fool?”

  “I’m not going to argue with that,” Davin mumbled.

  “I have proof. The one bears a birthmark, and I have one to prove it.”

  “What birthmark?” Aden asked, with anticipation in his voice.

  I remembered Michael talking about a birthmark, but Michael didn’t know what it was. He must have found out somehow. Davin, Caleb, and Vivian looked stunned. They knew he was only saying those words to save me.

  “Show me,” Aden demanded.

  My eyes were glued to Michael as he flew toward Aden.

  “You better be telling me the truth, or your friends below will die. You are outnumbered,” Aden reminded Michael.

  “It’s the omega symbol,” Michael said, as he carefully kept his distance.

  I remembered seeing the symbol somewhere. It looked like an upside-down horseshoe. The birthmark didn’t even cross my mind when Gamma told me I had the soul of the Holy Spirit. I wondered if she knew. Then I remembered Michael telling me that only the Royal Council, Phillip, Margaret, and Agnes knew. Gamma couldn’t have known. I knew every scar and every freckle on my body, and I had never seen a birthmark like that. Could Gamma be wrong about me?

  “Show me, Michael,” Aden demanded.

  Aden still held me captive, as Michael and Aden exchanged words in what appeared to be Latin. When Michael reached out his right arm to show the birthmark, Aden extended his arms and slashed Michael’s wing. The sword came from nowhere. Michael yelled in agony, and my heart tore into a million pieces. Although his left wing was still intact, it looked broken. It wasn’t strong and full like his right wing.

  Then Michael’s body started curling, and I thought he was going to fall. Just when I thought all hope was lost, Michael suddenly sprung forward into Aden and pushed him across the room. Michael broke Aden’s hold on me and I began to fall. Michael used his powers to levitate my body toward where the alkins stood, and Davin deftly caught me.

  Aden was furious as he charged toward Michael. Michael wrapped his hands around Aden’s wrist that held the sword. Both of them struggled to retrieve the sword, twisting and turning in midair. Michael released his left hand and jammed his elbow into Aden’s chest. When Aden lunged backward, he extended his leg and kicked Michael in the stomach. Michael was pushed back several yards, but he quickly charged forward and rotated over Aden’s head. Catching Aden by surprise, Michael snatched the sword out of Aden’s hand. They tumbled multiple times in midair until Aden’s back slammed against the wall. Then Michael drove the sword into Aden’s heart.

  “Omega stands for the end for you,” Michael said and drew the sword out.

  Aden’s face held a look of shock. Still floating, his wings folded halfway as his body weakened.

  “Michael,” Aden said weakly.

  “You left me no choice,” Michael said softly and sorrowfully. “May God have mercy on you.”

  Then Aden’s eyes closed, his body arched, and his arms and legs grew limp as he started slowly spiraling downward like a lifeless feather. When he collapsed to the floor, his body flared up in flames. Quickly the flames died, and his body was gone. It was as if he had never existed.

  Michael did not move as he floated there, but his face expressed a mixture of emotions. He lowered his head for a long second, then flew straight up. With Aden no longer there to lead them, the fallen and demons looked lost and confused. The alkins raised their swords while Davin pushed me behind him.

  Suddenly Caleb dashed ahead just as Michael jabbed the sword into David’s chest, causing him to release Alexa Rose. She fell straight down into Caleb’s arms.

  During the commotion, Davin grabbed me. Vivian and Caleb, with Alexa Rose still in his arms, rushed out of the room, while Michael flew behind us. The next thing I knew, we were somewhere near the hotel.

  I turned to Michael and looked at him with worried eyes.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be fine,” he said in a weak voice. Unexpectedly, he reached for me and held me in his arms.

  “He’s gone now. You’re safe,” Michael whispered in my ear, trying to console me.

  I wanted to say something, but I could barely make out a word. I didn’t realize that I was trembling until I heard my teeth chatter. Although I knew we were out of danger, the adrenaline was too much. I couldn’t breathe, and a jumble of thoughts ran wildly through my head. I should be used to it by now. This wasn’t the first time I was chased by fallen and demons. I could see Davin, Vivian, and Caleb watching me with concerned expressions on their faces. They were so calm, as if nothing had happened. Even Alexa Rose, now in the arms of Vivian, was just as composed.

  I finally managed to say to them, a bit frantically, “Why…why aren’t you scared out of your minds? Why aren’t you shaking?”

  “It’s all right, Claudia,” Michael whispered again, as I continued to tremble. “We’re trained to control our fears. What kind of guardian angel would I be if I trembled like you?” He laughed softly, trying to make me laugh.

  It didn’t work. I nodded. I understood and felt bad for losing it like that.

  “I can make it better,” he said and held me tighter. Next thing I knew, there was a dim light glowing around us. Instantly I was calmer, and I knew it was from Michael. It was the same warm, secure feeling I had felt when Davin had held me at the Crossroads.

  When he released his hold, my body no longer trembled, and I felt safe again. I looked up at Michael. His smile gave me comfort, and I found my words again. “Aden, is he really dead?”

  “Yes,” Michael said, lifting the sword to show me. It was absolutely stunning, about the length of my arm. The sword looked similar to the ones they used. “The Sword of the Divine,” Michael said, looking at its tip and turning it left to right. “This sword was designed specifically for the Twelve Angels. Only by piercing this sword through an angel’s heart can one truly kill an angel.” There were no bloodstains. As if he could read my mind, he said, “Angels don’t bleed.”

  There was an inscription on it. “What does it say?” I asked.

  “Angele Dei…Angel of God,” Michael replied, still captivated by the sword. “I wish I could keep this beauty, but I’ll have to give it to Phillip.”

  We were all mesmerized by the sword when, suddenly, Alexa Rose hugged Michael. She patiently waited for Michael to let go of his hold on me. He didn’t pick her up as usual because of his wound; instead, he knelt down to her level and gave her a long, warm embrace, as if it had been a lifetime since he had last seen her.

  “Sorry, Michael,” Alexa Rose said in her sweet angelic voice, as she placed her head on his shoulder. “Please don’t be mad at me,” she pleaded.

  He placed his hands on her arms and pulled her back a bit, forcing her to look at him directly in his eyes. “I’m not mad. I was very worried. I almost lost you, you understand? Don’t ever do that again. Don’t ever look for me. You’re not supposed to be here. If Phillip or the others find out, you will be punished.”

  “Okay, Michael,” she answered back with tears streaming down her face.

  “Promise me,” he said.

  “I promise,” she replied, as Michael wiped her te
ars. “I was really scared. I thought I was never going to see you again.” Her voice was shaky.

  He embraced her tightly again. “Me too. I’m sorry too. I know how much you worry about me. I should have checked up on you. But you have to understand, I need to take care of things, and I can’t worry about you too.”

  “Okay, Michael. Can we go home now? I want to go home,” she said wearily, making small gasping sounds.

  “Soon,” Michael said and pulled her away to look at her. “You’re a gatekeeper?”

  “I don’t even remember how I did it.” Alexa Rose shrugged her shoulders.

  “We’ll have to discuss this later,” Michael said.

  “Michael, I hate to break up our little reunion, but we need to get you to Agnes,” Davin said, with concern in his voice.

  “Davin is right,” Vivian interrupted. “We should get going. With Aden out of the picture, Claudia is safe. We need time to heal and rest. Caleb will clean up.”

  “Let’s take Claudia home first,” Michael replied. Michael looked at me lovingly, but sadness was written all over his face.

  “I’ll be okay. You need to go,” I said, trying to be strong. “I…” Before I had a chance to say anything more, Davin grabbed me, and we were headed for home.

  We arrived safely at my house, in my room, and all was quiet. “Here we are,” I said sadly, knowing it may be the last time I saw them. I tried to blink the tears away, but one found its way down my cheek.

  “See you soon,” Vivian said, giving me a tight squeeze as her eyes swelled with tears.

  As soon as Vivian released me, Caleb unexpectedly hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I had a great time tonight…well…I meant the first half of the night. I almost felt like a human. I won’t ever forget you.” He smiled and backed away.

  Caleb’s affection touched me deeply. It was the first time he ever gave me a hug or a friendly kiss. Then Davin turned to me.

  “Don’t get into trouble, or we’ll have to come down again. You know how much I dislike being here,” Davin teased, nudging me on my shoulder as he took a few steps back. “See you when I see you.” He winked and gave me a warm smile.