Read Crossroads and the Dominion of Four Page 14

  “What happens if we have trouble getting Shayna back?” Jake asked.

  “If the entity is not retrieved, then the perplex will discard it.”

  “Entity? You mean me?” said Shayna. “It will discard me?”

  “Throw her away? Like last week’s smelly trash?” said Conner. When he saw the glares cast his way, he pantomimed zipping his lips and tossing away the key.

  “Does that mean Shayna will come back on her own—you know, if we can’t get her out?” Seneca asked.

  Shayna felt suddenly ill. She could hear her heart booming in her chest.

  “The perplex will discard her in any realm it chooses. There is no control over this,” he said. “For her to return to the Otherworld, she must be released here. Otherwise, there is no guarantee or way of tracking her expulsion.”

  “Did you just say explosion? Seriously, can I explode?” Shayna said. She leaped up, grabbed hold of Conner’s arm, and gripped it tightly. “You’re not blowing me up!”

  Jake shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. Seneca wanted to laugh, but she had her own concerns based on what Rileau had actually said. She took a deep breath and waited to hear more.

  “That’s not what I said. Your emergence will be unpredictable in terms of the realm in which you are released unless it is directed with the right intention,” he explained.

  “Oh, sorry. I guess I misunderstood. I swear I heard something different, but never mind,” said Shayna. “It still sounds like a gamble, though; maybe this isn’t such a great idea. The mention of discarding me sounds awful.”

  “I don’t know about this, you guys,” said Shayna warily.

  “I have to agree with Shayna on this one,” said Conner as he peeled Shayna’s nails away from his arm. “Seems like too big of a risk.”

  “Indeed. You will have to choose whether or not you are willing to take it,” replied Rileau. “The four of you are not connected energetically. In traditional circumstances, this happens naturally over time. Time is not something we have in abundance. We must force the bond due to the impending war.”

  “You really think putting me in the perplex will do it—will bond us together?” asked Shayna meekly. She felt a surge of anxiety rush through her core.

  “That is the intention,” said Rileau. “It is an acceleration of sorts.”

  “How does it work?” asked Seneca. “I’m still not clear.”

  “It acts as a prompt to intertwine your connection. If you succeed, your magic and powers will be elevated. The perplex will bridge the energy of the dominion.”

  Jake exchanged a look with Seneca. He could tell she was nervous. She shrugged in response.

  “As of now, your powers are intensifying independently—outside of the dominion. While it is a necessity for you to strengthen your powers, it is even more important for them to be entwined as the dominion. The bond must occur. You cannot defeat Brigara as individuals.”

  “I get it. The perplex is a jumpstart to making us the Dominion of Four,” said Jake.

  “You are only repeating what I have already articulated,” said Rileau gruffly.

  “Yeah, but sometimes I’ve gotta hear things in my own words for it to sink in,” replied Jake.

  “The way Jake says it makes sense to me too,” Conner said. “Brigara’s trying to stop us before we bond. I can feel it.”

  “And we’re already behind,” added Seneca.

  “Again, it is why I chose the perplex. It will quicken the process,” Rileau said. “It is imperative that you mesh your magic, gifts, and will together as soon as possible. Otherwise, Brigara will be the victor.”

  “Sounds like we’ve gotta do it,” said Shayna in a whisper. She turned to face Rileau and lifted her chin. “We need to come at her with everything we’ve got.”

  “It is crucial,” Rileau said.

  “Well, I think we have our answer then. Let’s get this party started!” Shayna said with a smile that twisted into a grim expression. “I can do this—we can do this.”

  “Are you okay with this, Shayna?” Jake asked.

  She smiled and nodded slightly as she fought back tears. “I just need a hug.”

  She didn’t have to ask twice. Conner and Jake were the first to offer embraces. Seneca waited until they were done and then wrapped her arms around Shayna’s waist. She hugged her tightly, released, and grabbed hold again.

  “You can do this, Shayna. You can’t leave me with these two for long,” said Seneca with a smirk.

  Shayna hugged her again and rearranged Seneca’s hair away from her face. “There. That looks better.” She smiled. “Okay, Rileau, I’m ready.”

  Rileau stirred the contents and raised the goblet to the light before handing it to Shayna. She peered inside and rubbed her nose when she got a whiff of the odor. She held the cup out at arm’s length.

  “It smells rancid!” she griped as she waved her hand to dissipate the aroma rising toward her face. “What am I supposed to do with this stinky stuff?”

  “Drink the elixir. It will accelerate the process to activate the perplex,” Rileau said.

  Shayna lifted the goblet slowly to her lips and sipped a sampling. She spewed it out immediately, nearly spraying Rileau in the face. He slid just out of the projectile range and avoided contact.

  “Gross! That’s awful! There’s no way I’m going to drink that. Yuck!” Shayna protested. She wiped her mouth and shook her head.

  “You’ve done what is required,” Rileau said as he removed the offending goblet from her grasp. “Only your palate needed to be exposed to elixir for the perplex to be activated. There is no need to drink more.”

  “That’s disgusting! I’m never going to get this taste out of my mouth.” Shayna’s eyes watered, and her nose began to burn. She suddenly felt her face numbing, and she started rubbing her cheeks to relieve the sensation. “I feel funny.”

  She looked out at the faces staring back. She felt a burst of cool wind, followed by the sensation of spinning. The furniture in the room blurred; she reached out to take hold of a chair but grasped at air. The room before her faded into darkness.

  “She’s gone!” Conner said as he waved his arms through the air where Shayna had stood seconds before.

  “Now the three of you must go retrieve her,” Rileau commanded.

  “Retrieve her how exactly? You haven’t gone over that part,” said Jake.

  “Aren’t you coming to help us?” Seneca asked with wide eyes. She could feel her stomach twisting in knots.

  “I will not. It is up to the three of you to bring her from the perplex. I thought I made that clear,” said Rileau. “You must increase your connection. Use what is in your heart of hearts to pull her from the perplex.”

  “How are we supposed to do that? I guess I dozed off, because I don’t remember this at all,” said Jake. He tried to hide his terror, but he was trembling. “What you’ve said is as clear as mud!”

  “Pardon me. I must remember that what is obvious to me is not so for you,” Rileau said with only a slightly condescending tone.

  Jake could tell Rileau was distracted. He hadn’t known him long, but there was something different about his behavior. He was tense.

  “Are things okay, Rileau? I mean, are you okay?” Seneca asked.

  “I was wondering the same thing,” said Jake. “You’re acting a little different.”

  “Given the lack of knowledge you possess of the Otherworld, you cannot expect to master all things at a swift pace. Time is your adversary, not my demeanor.”

  “I get that, but—”

  “Stop seeking what is irrelevant. Instead, focus on the quest, as you must be the victor.”

  “I just have a quick question,” Conner said.

  “Enough! It is not favorable to spend this much time on frippery,” Rileau said gruffly

  His thick tail slammed the floor. Conner jumped, and his eyes widened. Jake shot a glance at Seneca. He didn’t want to press further. He was convinced that something was wrong. He had to remind himself that Shayna was the priority. He couldn’t be distracted. They needed as much information as possible. Even if he had to drag it out of Rileau, he was determined to get it. Jake liked the image he conjured of the highly unlikely altercation.

  “Retrieve Shayna. The fate of the Otherworld depends on it,” said Rileau.

  “Okay, so what do we do first?” Seneca asked calmly.

  “You must bring her from the perplex while near water. It cannot be done here. The protective charms surrounding the castle will not allow her entry,” said Rileau.

  “The water that surrounds the castle won’t work either then,” Jake surmised.

  He was determined not to let Rileau’s lack of focus disrupt his efforts to find Shayna. He could feel his inner clock ticking down the time they had remaining. He felt time whizzing by, and his clock ticked louder with each second they wasted.

  “Where’s the nearest lake or pond?” Seneca asked.

  “There’s a large pond not far from here. Once you see the grove of mature ash trees, you will be near it. You must hurry, as nightfall will mean the end of Shayna’s time in the perplex,” Rileau said.

  “Once we get there, what do we do?” Seneca asked. “Is there a spell or potion or something we need to put in the water? I understand you want us to do this, but why can’t you be there to make sure we do it right? I demand a reason for this.” She sounded frantic, but she didn’t care. She felt guilty since Shayna was the one in jeopardy, and the guilt was fueling her emotions. She knew it was irrational. It made sense for Shayna to be in the perplex, but it didn’t take the feeling away.

  “You must remain focused, Seneca. You will be met by a trusted elemental to aid you in this quest. She will be your guide and lead you,” replied Rileau. “I will not accompany you. This is a task you must undertake in my absence. You will need to rely on others within the Otherworld, as I cannot be your only alliance. It is all the reason I will provide you.”

  “But you said we could lose Shayna to another realm. Won’t we be in danger if we don’t get her back?” Jake asked in a raised but controlled tone.

  “Yeah, there would be no dominion without her,” said Conner.

  “Trust what I say. You will be provided the assistance needed,” said Rileau.

  He explained in detail the location of the pond and the paths to take as well as those to avoid. He told them of the skillful elemental who would join them. Together they would extract Shayna from the perplex, which would reunite them as a stronger unit. He explained how they should prepare for the acceleration of their powers.

  “Be aware. While Shayna is in the perplex, she too may experience tremendous alterations in her gifts. I will await your return. You must go now. Seek out the elemental who shall be trusted. Concentrate only on releasing Shayna from the perplex, and prepare for the binding of your connection.” Rileau turned and left them standing in silence.

  “Hey, wait!” said Jake.

  “Nope—stop! Don’t say another word. Let’s go!” said Seneca in a growl.

  She took hold of Jake’s arm and rushed him toward the door. He did little to resist as she shoved him into the hall and pulled him along through the corridor. She looked over her shoulder and was satisfied that Conner trailed close behind. Jake’s mind was racing as he allowed Seneca to lead him out into the bright sunshine. The circumstances were worrisome to Seneca, but she elected not to address her fears. Shayna’s safety was her greatest concern.

  Jake tried to piece Rileau’s last words together to determine their meaning. Multiple questions swirled around his head as he was led across the stone bridge and onto the path. He intensified his pace once he spied the woods. Seneca and Conner trotted behind him. He found it strange that Rileau had refused to supervise such an important task, especially since it was obvious he considered them inept. He wondered if Rileau secretly wanted them to fail.


  Elf Encounter

  A cool wind skimmed across the surface of the water and carried a fine mist that settled across the mossy embankment. The breeze directed a kaleidoscope of magnolia butterflies to flutter near Seneca. She watched as they looped and soared carelessly toward a cluster of wildflowers. She wondered if she would ever have the chance to fly without worry or purpose.

  “Did you hear something?” Conner asked. He sensed movement in the trees and craned his neck to get a better look.

  “Nope, I didn’t hear anything,” said Jake.

  “We’re always hearing something, but as long as it stays hidden, I’m good,” replied Seneca dryly. She sat down on a mound of soft grass and pulled her knees in close.

  “At least we’re out here in the daylight. Let’s get this done before it gets dark,” said Conner. “This place is great right now, but I’d hate to see what’s lurking behind those trees on the other side of this massive pond.”

  “Or what’s beneath the surface. It reminds me of thick split-pea soup,” said Jake.

  “What do we do now?” Conner asked as he plopped down next to Seneca.

  “We can review what Rileau didn’t say about the perplex,” said Jake.

  “I agree with that plan,” Seneca moaned.

  “You must release her before dusk, or her essence will be reduced to dust,” Conner recited in his best impersonation of Rileau.

  “That’s not what he said,” Jake replied. “But it’s about as doom and gloom as his real statements.”

  “If we don’t release her from the perplex, then she could be lost to who knows what or where for eternity,” Seneca said. It was the mantra she had repeated as they trekked through the woods. She buried her face from view. Tears were on the brink of spilling over. Her heart sank at the thought of Shayna being lost to them forever. It seemed more like a cruel joke than a lesson in battling evil. She pictured Brigara’s thin lips twisted tightly, mocking them for their failure. Her ears burned from the anger rising in her at the thought of the cruel woman winning.

  “Sounds just like what I said to me.” Conner chuckled.

  “Let’s get serious and focus, you guys,” said Jake. “Are you okay, Seneca?” He plopped down next to her on the damp mound of grass and leaned in.

  “Yup, just peachy!” Her sarcasm was heavy. Jake and Conner exchange a worried expression.

  Seneca scrambled to her feet. Her face was flushed, and she almost tripped over Conner as she stomped around in protest. The wind rustled a few of the bushes, and she jumped. Searching frantically for the source of the movement, she sighed as she realized it was merely the breeze. Her nerves were shot. “Maybe I need to take Conner’s lead. Hey, a little comic relief might help since we aren’t any closer to getting Shayna back,” Seneca moaned.

  There was no holding back the tears, and they flowed heavily. Conner ran over and joined Jake in wrapping her in their arms. They hugged her tiny frame between them.

  “Mmmf, lut muh go. Can’t breathe.” She pushed them away to get much-needed air. “Seriously, you two are overgrown bears, and a shower wouldn’t hurt either of you!”

  “You’re okay then?” Jake asked. “We’re gonna get Shayna back.”

  “I know. I’m just worried. I’m allowed to freak out once in a while!” she scoffed. “It just seems like something is off.”

  She didn’t understand why Rileau would have selected such a place. She couldn’t shake the feeling they were being watched. Since emerging from the woods, they were out in the open and vulnerable to attack from multiple directions. There were too many places the enemy could be lurking.

  “It’s too quiet here,” said Jake. “Say something, Conner.”

  “My grandmother was always reciting oddball words of wisdom,” said
Conner. “May you live on beyond your youth and die old and rich with at least one good tooth.”

  “That’s a funny one. Random, but funny,” Seneca said. She smiled and tried to recite it in her head.

  “She had tons of them for just about every situation,” said Conner.

  “We could use some of that limerick stuff right now,” said Jake. “Shayna will only be released if we solve the perplex.”

  “Jake, it’s not like a real test, you know,” Seneca said as she folded her arms across her chest and tapped her foot. “Rileau’s sending us an elemental to help.”

  “Let’s hope he told the elemental that it’s same-day delivery, ’cause I’m already tired of waiting,” Conner complained.

  “If we don’t get this right, we won’t stand a chance of countering Brigara’s hexes,” Jake said. His nostrils flared as he huffed in frustration. “Her fire spheres will take us down in a heartbeat. We’d better make this connection work.”

  “Chill, dude! We’re going to have an uber-ridiculous strong bond like none of them have prophesied. They’re gonna get writer’s cramp trying to keep up with the Dominion of Four. You can quote me on that too—if they ask,” Conner said. He made fist pumps in the air and raised his hands above his head, as if he were receiving a standing ovation for his feats.

  Seneca covered her mouth to muffle her laugh.

  “Don’t be a chicken; you’ve gotta go at this with confidence,” said Conner. He made a mocking motion of a squawking chicken behind Jake but in clear view of Seneca. She laughed.

  “Hey, knock it off!” Jake turned quickly around just as Conner was attempting another gesture. Jake shook his fist inches away from Conner’s nose as Conner raised his hands to surrender.

  “Oh, just settle down! You need to relax before you pop a vein.” Conner snickered. He found Jake’s reaction to be over the top. Continuing the taunting probably wasn’t wise, but he couldn’t resist.

  “How ’bout I pop you? Then we can all see how tough you really are—or not!” Jake attempted to shove him, but he didn’t have much success. Conner stayed rooted to the spot, which only served to infuriate him.