Read Crossroads and the Dominion of Four Page 33

  “You killed Dreya! You’re a miserable piece of trash!” Shayna shouted. Her mouth was dry, and she strained to fight back tears, but they spilled over. She repositioned her sword and aimed it at Brigara’s heart.

  “I only just arrived. Surely you don’t think I had a hand in—what did you say? Ah yes, in killing Dreya,” Brigara sneered.

  “You did it! You ordered your nasty minions. That’s what you did! Who kills her own mother? You’re a wretched animal, and you don’t deserve to live!” Shayna shouted. “Rot in hell!”

  Shayna swung the sword above her head, and the blue blade turned black. Brigara winced in anticipation of the fatal blow, but her eyes remained locked on Shayna. Seneca covered her mouth. Jake jumped in front of Shayna and stopped her in mid-strike. He caught her by the wrist and held it firmly.

  “Shayna, no! Stop!” Jake shouted.

  “Let go of me, Jake!”

  “I can’t. You can’t do this. You don’t want to kill her!” Jake pleaded.

  “She killed my grandmother! She’s been trying to kill us too!” Shayna shrieked.

  “She’s not worth it,” Jake said softly. “She’s nothing, but if you kill her, that will be something. Something you don’t want to be. You’re not like her, so don’t let her ruin who you are. Please,” said Jake.

  “Jake’s right, and we have the book,” said Seneca softly. “She can’t hurt us in here anyway.”

  “You’re right. She’s so not worth it,” Shayna said flatly as she allowed her sword to vanish. Jake released his hold and let out a deep exhalation. Shayna kept her eyes locked on Brigara as she scooped up the Book of Grimoire.

  Brigara glared with contempt at Shayna. Her eyes zeroed in on Jake and Seneca. She made a deep grumbling sound. Her face turned a fiery red as she stretched her arms wide and let out a bone-chilling screech.

  Jake immediately covered his ears. He witnessed Seneca crumple to the floor. “Shield, Seneca! Shield!” he yelled.

  He felt blood trickling from his ears. He grimaced, grabbed Seneca around her waist, and pulled her up until she was able to stand, but he had to let go quickly. Shayna grabbed hold of him as he wobbled unsteadily. His head throbbed with excruciating pain. Brigara took in a deep breath and released another round of the piercing screams. The icy walls began to crack on all sides.

  “My sword won’t appear! What’s happening?” Shayna yelled.

  “It must be the screaming!” Jake shouted. “Keep trying!” His ears were ringing, and he was sure his hearing would be damaged if the screaming continued much longer. He started to make a run at Brigara, but each step he took in her direction made her intensify the screams. He quickly backed away.

  “Stay away from her, Jake!” Shayna shouted as she stretched her hands and flexed her fingers frantically. She repeatedly called for her sword aloud to no avail.

  “Get over here!” Seneca shouted. She released her wings and spread them wide. The tips vibrated and glowed in cobalt blue. She reached for Jake and Shayna and pulled them to her chest. She closed her wings high above their heads around them. They were covered completely beneath the illuminated wings. Brigara’s screams were muffled.

  “Good thinking, Seneca,” Jake whispered.

  “Thanks,” she said softly. “But what now?”

  Brigara circled them as she contemplated the barrier they had created. “Awfully clever, children. Or so you think! It appears you are as trapped as I am, but it is I who will succeed. Your demise will be a simple task,” she snarled with a venomous tone.

  Jake’s mind was racing. This was it. They couldn’t avoid the inevitable. All of the training, multiple attacks, and near-death experiences had led them to this moment. It would be a showdown with their dreaded teacher. The woman they despised and feared equally was an enemy they could not let win—not now and not ever. They could not allow the feelings of being inferior to take over. They had to stand united as the Dominion of Four and push down all doubt. He needed a strategy. He was confident there was a way to beat her; he just had to figure it out.

  Seneca fought back the urge to challenge Brigara telepathically. She had been taught to shield when invading others’ thoughts, but she didn’t dare risk it now. Shayna’s hand began to cramp as she squeezed down tightly on the handle of her sword. She let out a slow exhalation, realizing her sword had reappeared under the safety of Seneca’s wings. She straightened her forearm and repositioned her grip. She had withstood the screams and knew it was due to her being a demi-elemental with the same abilities. She hated being related to Brigara and detested her misuse of her gifts.

  “Okay, Jake. What’s the next move?” Shayna asked. “We can’t just stand here. She’s going to try to get the book back. I might be able to take her out with my sword, but I don’t know if it will vanish again.”

  “We need Conner,” he snapped. His head and ears ached, but he knew he couldn’t focus on the discomfort.

  “What’s he going to do?” asked Seneca. She was breathing shallowly but felt her equilibrium returning to her. She knew she would not be able to withstand another bout of Brigara’s screams. She recalled her first encounter with the screaming, when they had first arrived in the Otherworld. Keene Ardara had a remedy that resolved the effects, but that wasn’t an option now. She had to force recovery without it.

  “He’ll have to cover her mouth and hold her arms behind her. Like varsity wrestling on hyperdrive!” Jake said. “Seneca, you have to do your mind-reading thing and tell him.”

  “Got it. That sounds like a good plan. But do you realize we’re in this ice chamber, and he’s on the other side of it?” asked Seneca.

  “Yeah, that’s going to be an issue,” said Shayna.

  “I didn’t forget that part, and he’s going to love it!” Jake said, more animated than usual. “You’ve gotta tell him it’s clobbering time!”

  “What?” Seneca asked as Shayna’s expression reflected the same confusion.

  “Just say it to him just like that—same emphasis on clobber,” Jake said with a smirk. “We’ve gotta be prepared to move quickly, ’cause this is going to be a spectacular smackdown!”

  Seneca closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She remained still for a moment before her eyes popped open. Her face was strained with worry.

  “What’s wrong? Can’t you do it?” asked Shayna.

  “That’s not the problem. Conner’s easy to read. It’s Brigara I’m worried about. She’s awfully quiet,” said Seneca, her voice barely audible.

  “Open your wings enough so we’ll have our eyes on her,” said Jake. “If she starts screaming, just wrap us up again.”

  “Okay,” said Seneca tentatively. She inhaled as her wings spread slightly apart.

  “She’s just standing there,” Shayna whispered.

  Brigara stood rigid. Her eyes were cast downward. Her black cloak, frayed and stained, draped loosely around her frail frame. Her lips were moving quickly, and she was chanting inaudibly.

  “What’s she doing?” Shayna asked. Her heart raced. She knew this was not a good sign. She despised Brigara, but she was well aware of her talents, and it would have been foolish to underestimate her resolve. Brigara would not give in to anyone, especially them.

  “She’s like a mad caged animal ready to snap. We’d better act quickly. There’s no telling what she’s going to do next,” said Jake. “Come on, Seneca. Get to Conner!”

  “I’m going in,” she replied.

  Seneca spun around to turn her back to Brigara. She refused to allow any distractions. Jake noticed her swaying and placed his hand gently on her shoulder. She shook it away and focused on reaching Conner. She couldn’t help but giggle as she tuned into his thoughts of food and basketball. She interrupted him just as he imagined biting down into a double-decker sandwich.

  Conner, it’s me—Seneca. I need you to listen to what I’m
about to tell you. She waited for his acknowledgment. She could sense his hesitation in communicating back to her. It really is me, and we need your help. We’ve got Brigara trapped here, but we’re also stuck. Are you listening?

  “Yeah,” Conner said. “Seneca?”

  He was anxious. He’d heard the screams and feared the worst. He had avoided retrieving Rileau, since he knew they needed the book. No one had confirmed they had it yet. He held his position as instructed. He suddenly realized he didn’t need to speak aloud. He slapped his forehead and focused his thoughts to speak internally.

  What do I need to do? By the way, this is so cool. You’re awesome, Seneca. I mean it! Totally awesome—are you there? Hello, Seneca. Can you hear me? I mean, listen to me?

  She replied mentally, I hear you loud and clear! Now, pay attention, because we’re only going to get one chance for this to go right.

  Seneca smiled. She loved her ability. She refocused and began the serious explanation of what was needed from him. She made sure to put emphasis on the necessary actions, as Jake had requested. She could tell from his ecstatic response that he understood what she obviously didn’t.

  She turned to Jake and Seneca, her eyes wide and anxious. “He’s ready. Hit the floor—now!” she screamed.

  Shayna tripped. Her foot hooked around Jake’s ankle, and they hit the floor hard. Her chin scraped the cold stone, and she bit her lip. She could taste blood as the sound of ice exploding filled the air. She tucked her face into Jake’s chest as he pulled her clear of falling spikes of ice.

  Seneca covered her head as she rolled clear of crashing ice fragments. She turned and opened her eyes just in time to witness Conner hurdling over her. He plowed squarely into Brigara’s chest, slamming her against the frozen barrier. The ice cracked around her stunned frame. Conner took hold of her arm, twisted it around, and pinned it behind her. She spun and jerked, struggling to break free. He grabbed her free arm and pulled it tightly to her side. He wedged her spindly body against his broad shoulders. She stretched her mouth wide to scream. He slapped his open hand across her lips and muffled all sounds. She squirmed and thrashed. She attempted to kick him, but his stance was too broad. He lifted her from the ground as her legs flailed wildly. She began losing her strength beneath his hold, and her stamina waned. He tightened his grip and squeezed until she finally submitted. Brigara stiffened beneath his hold. With little effort, he kept her securely restrained.

  “You got her!” Shayna shouted as she looked up while still sprawled on the floor next to Jake.

  Seneca scrambled to her feet. Jake helped Shayna up as she wiped away a trickle of blood. Her lip was swelling and stung slightly when she licked it.

  “You did it, Conner!” said Jake. “You really know how to make an entrance, dude!”

  “Yeah, well, it’s the first time I was called for clobbering time. I had to do it right!” Conner boasted excitedly. He tightened his grip around Brigara’s trembling arm. He stifled her attempt to wrestle free. She was tenacious, which caused him concern. “Stop wiggling!” Conner demanded.

  Brigara growled beneath his sweaty hands. He didn’t care for handling her with such force, but he knew that restraint was the only way to guarantee their safety. He hoped her detainment would conclude sooner rather than later.

  “What’s next, guys?” Conner asked. “She’s fighting back so much. I’m afraid if I hold her any tighter, I might crack her in half.” Genuine worry was etched across his face.

  “Now, that’s a delightful image I might be able to live with,” Shayna said with a smirk.

  “Not funny, Shayna,” Seneca said.

  “It is a little bit,” Shayna scoffed as she glared at Brigara.

  “All right, so I’m with Conner. What do we do now? We’ve got the book,” said Seneca.

  “We need Rileau. He said he’d be on the other side of the door,” said Jake. He darted across the room, sliding and teetering on the broken pieces of ice. “Rileau!” he yelled.

  He swung the door open and was taken aback for a moment. Rileau’s tall frame filled the doorway. Smoke escaped from his flared nostrils like steam from a screaming tea kettle. Ordinarily, that would have been moderately disconcerting, but what caused Jake to take pause was Rileau’s companion. He stepped aside to reveal to the others what he had encountered.

  Wren stood stoically by Rileau’s side. Her cloak was clasped behind her shoulders, revealing her polished, gleaming armor. Her blade was drawn. She looked past Jake, and her eyes narrowed on their captive.

  “What’s she doing here?” Jake asked. His stomach sank.

  Shayna and Seneca stood motionless as they gazed upon Wren in disbelief.

  “Wren has been bestowed the gravely important task of bringing Brigara to the Elder Elf Council,” said Rileau. “They have determined that she possesses the proficiencies required to accomplish this.” He surveyed the room before making his entry. He brushed past Jake, and Wren followed close behind. The ice crackled loudly beneath their boots.

  “So that’s it? She betrays us, and all is forgiven because the Elder Elf Council thinks she’s a worthy bounty hunter?” said Shayna. “She had us ambushed!”

  “Does the council know about what she did?” Seneca added.

  “I will not speak on her behalf. It is best she explains to you directly,” Rileau replied.

  Wren walked around Rileau to face Shayna. Seneca eased in closer. Wren’s hair glistened in the light that peered through the shattered and rapidly melting ice dome. Most of the enclosure had been destroyed when Conner made his entrance, and only small traces of it remained. The crystal walls brightened the room as before.

  Seneca’s wings remained erect; she was on guard. She gleamed under the familiar glow of Shayna’s sword, and it was clear Shayna felt the same. Jake hurried across the room to join them. They stood side by side between Wren and their captive. Brigara grumbled incoherently beneath Conner’s grasp.

  “I can see how you may doubt my intentions,” Wren said. “I was summoned by my clan, as the Elder Druid Council has heightened concerns about the increase of elementals joining Brigara. They were aware of my sister’s corruption as well as my quest and failure to gain magic for her.”

  Brigara managed a muffled laugh in spite of Conner’s firm clasp over her mouth. Her delight was undeniable. Her eyes danced wildly with satisfaction as she mockingly shook her head.

  “What’s up with her?” Conner asked. Holding Brigara was making him nervous enough, but her cackling sent chills down his spine.

  “She laughs because I failed to dissuade my naive sister. Anyone who knows of Brigara’s treachery can attest to her empty pledges to the innocent and desperate. My efforts were of pure heart, whereas hers were lined with deceit for her own gain,” Wren said. She stared at Brigara with contempt. “Unfortunately, I failed to return in time to stop my sister. I apologize on behalf of my clan.”

  Wren walked closer and slid her sword into the sheath that hung low on her hip. Jake, Seneca, and Shayna remained unmoved. Conner took a step back and tightened his hold. Wren observed their reactions, but she only sighed in mild frustration. She turned to Rileau, and he nodded as a prompt for her to continue.

  “When I arrived, my home was in disarray, and you were no longer there. When I found my sister, she had already passed on,” said Wren, her voice steady and serious. “Her death is not of your doing. It is the result of her actions and the crossroad she willingly chose.”

  She looked at Seneca and Shayna as she stepped closer. Shayna’s sword hummed and glowed a midnight blue. Wren slowly lowered herself down on one knee and bowed her head. Shayna watched her momentarily. She glanced at Jake and Seneca for a reaction. Seneca remained still as Jake shook his head and shrugged in confusion. Rileau was silent.

  “I request allowance to join the quest of the Dominion of Four to bring honor to my elf clan. I willfull
y appeal to you for permission to fulfill the request of the elders,” Wren said. She raised her head and looked solely into Jake’s eyes.

  “What exactly are you asking me?” Jake was bewildered, and his mouth suddenly felt dry.

  “I ask for your trust. I give you my solemn word that I will not betray you. I am here to provide what has been asked of me by my clan and the council. This is of my free will and my desire,” said Wren.

  “Well, okay, I guess,” Jake said. He ran his fingers through his sweat-drenched hair. It was clear she was speaking directly to him, and he didn’t understand why. He didn’t consider himself the leader of the dominion; he actually felt like just the opposite. “I’m not really sure what I’m supposed to say. Is this a ceremony or something?” he asked. “I’m pretty sure everyone should get a vote if it comes to that.”

  “She has said enough. She was not involved in the attack,” Rileau said. “Wren has vowed to align herself with the Dominion of Four. She seeks what we all do—to end the reign of Brigara.”

  “Sounds good to me. She’s got my vote,” Conner said. “Ouch!” His voice trembled.

  Brigara had jerked hard enough to kick him in the shin. She pushed hard beneath his hold, but he held firm. She tugged at anything she could grab, but he was quick to readjust his grip and bring her back into submission.

  “The Elder Elf Council has commanded that Brigara be escorted to them. They will ultimately decide her fate,” Rileau said.

  Brigara twisted her head wildly. She craned and contorted her neck until she broke free of Conner’s hand across her mouth. She snapped at his fingers as he tried to put his hand back. He instinctively pulled away to avoid being bit.

  “You are premature, my old friend. I am not in the proper attire to meet the esteemed council,” said Brigara in a brittle voice. “Don’t be so rude, dear Rileau. Surely this is not how you greet your guests. Have you no offerings of tea or shortbread? It would seem your dragonish manners have not improved whilst I was away. I cannot say I am completely surprised.”