Read Crush: My Nextdoor Crush - part 1 Page 1


  My Next Door Crush - Part One


  Electra Rossello

  Copyright 2013 Electra Rossello



  Four months earlier

  New Year’s Eve

  Taking one more drink from the tray that seems to keep going around to all the guests. God I hate these parties but tonight is the night where I am going to give myself to Alex Hamilton, he already has my soul he was my first kiss when I was five and now he is going to be my first. I have thought about this a lot lately and I want him to be the one for me even if he doesn’t see me that way. But first I will get him to kiss me at twelve o’clock when everyone says happy New Year and it will be a good New Year. Throwing back one more glass of champagne down my throat and not even tasting it. One more minute until the best night of life, looking around for Alex and spotting him near Grace Lexis, the host’s daughter who I hate and she is not so fond of me either and I can see Alex doesn’t really care what she is saying. Walking over in the dress that took me for ever to find, it’s red, low cut at the front, backless and it fans out down near my knees, I love it and I can tell Alex does as soon as he see me. He smiles at me with those heart stopping eyes and all I can do is smile back.

  Ten seconds to midnight as the countdown starts, Alex moves up to me and away from Grace and all we do is look at each other, looking into those big brown eyes and then down to those lushes lips that I have been dying for to be on me forever. It’s not like he was someone that is someone I’m close with he is much more to me. Seven seconds our bodies are right up to each other his hands slow moving their way down my back.

  Five seconds and my hands have moved around his neck, I don’t care who is around and I don’t even care what music is playing in the background because all there is now is me and the one guy that I have been in love with for years.

  Three, two, one. Happy New Year I whisper and as our lips meet I know that this was meant to be, this is going to be the best New Year’s ever.

  Or so I thought.

  Chapter One


  “He is a god!” Pip whispers in my ear as everyone starts to sit down for dinner. Piper or Pip as I call her is my crazy best friend with a pixie hair cut to match her outrageous personality. The god that she talks about makes me sick because she has been worshiping the ground he walks on from the moment we became friends when we were ten, so for seven long years I have had to put up with this and I’m sure there are many more to come. Then he really does it, he gives her one of those smiles that make the girls go crazy, to be honest I don’t see it or maybe I shouldn’t because he is my brother but whatever the case is Pip is crazy for him. As always she grabs the seat next to him, normally there are seven plates at the table but tonight there are eight are we expecting someone because really we are all here and I don’t really feel like entertaining one of my parents friends or listening to their bad stories and trust me they have many, they also feel like days have gone by when they tell them. I take my seat opposite my brother and my best friend and sit next to my godfather and my soccer coach. Mum makes her way around the table as she places all the food around us, I swear you would think we were feeding an army they way she cooks sometimes but in her response every time I tell her that she just waves it off and says we are growing kids, I think she just loves to cook more than anything, even though I have no idea how she finds the time.

  “Honey you really have out done yourself.” My dad says, he has that look on his face that says he can’t stop looking at my mum because he loves her so much those two act like they are still teenagers, it’s nice but sometimes the way he looks at her makes me want to throw up just like how Pip is looking at my brother Eric. Eric knows how Pip feels and most of the time he uses it to his advantage when he wants things like the remote to the television or for her to side against me, which doesn’t always work; she is my best friend, which he seems to forget. Instead of trying to hear what my brother is saying to her I turn to my godfather Charlie he is the same age as my dad but he looks much older ever since he hurt his back last season. The new season hasn’t started yet but I hope he still stays around for training.

  “So how are you doing Sweetie?” Charlie gives me a dazzling smile, all the soccer mums fall over themselves when it comes to him. It isn’t just his good looks even though his more like a movie star he is the most humble guy I know. Because he and his wife Emma never had a girl I’m like the girl they never had, really they are my second parents. Charlie and Emma are just like mum and dad, they are like loved up teenagers, and I just hope that when I’m their age that I will have someone to love me just like they have each other.

  “Fine Charlie.” I lean over to him a little closer and say, “But if my brother keeps smiling at Pip like that I might have to start kicking him under the table.” Charlie starts to chuckle because he knows I would do just that and I have a great kicking foot so it definitely would hurt.

  Mum takes a seat next to dad and she looks around like something is missing, she looks over to Charlie and he just shrugs his shoulders. Am I missing something, really I don’t care I’m so hungry and just want to eat. Once my fork hits the food I don’t care what people have to say to me, now I’m not always eating like a staving person but in my house on Saturday night’s dinners like these take most of the day to make meaning it’s hard to get anything to eat out of the kitchen, you can hardly get anything and when you do mum is always hitting my hand if it gets too close to the potatoes or anything that is cooling in the kitchen so right now I feel like I have not seen food in about 24 hours.

  As everyone starts to eat the doorbell rings and it is just as I put the first piece of food in my mouth, typical. “Honey, can you get that?” Mum looks over to me with a pleading face to go and answer the door. I knew I shouldn’t have sat so close to the door. Getting out of my seat and walking out of the room and down the hallway towards the front door, whoever was meant to come took their time to come to dinner. Opening the door and looking out to see the man of my dreams, this guy was truly a god and Pip has no idea. He had one of those smiles that melted my heart when he looks at me I can’t even talk. It’s really stupid, I always end up doing this, and I need to get a hold of myself.

  “Hey Lil, you going to let me in?” All I can do is look at him; I must have been standing there for a while with my mouth hanging open before I moved. Great now I look like an idiot, he walks in front of me towards the dining room because of course he knows where it is and all I can do is look at how well he wears those jeans. He is about six feet tall, athletic body, brown hair and big brown eyes that you just lose yourself in and I have been in love with him since I knew what the word love meant or maybe longer. Walking back into the room, I look at Pip’s face first because she knows exactly how I feel; she gives me a wink and then gives all her attention back to Eric.

  “Alex, darling how was the ride?” Emma asks him.

  He puts his hand through his hair and looks tired, did he drive all the way from college to be here for dinner.

  “It was fine mum.” He takes the seat next to his mum and gives her a kiss on the cheek. I try not to stare it’s been a few months since I last saw him.

  “So Lily… Lily?” it’s not that I was looking at Alex, because I wasn’t but I did lose focus on who was talking to me. Charlie elbows me in the ribs gently to wake me up from my day dream but really after seeing Alex I feel my face going red, ever since New Year’s Eve everything has been awkward between us. Turning my focus to Emma and trying not to look at her handsome son.

  “Yes.” I say and smile hopping my face isn’t as red as it feels. I really should get ov
er this feeling I have towards him nothing good can come out of it.

  “Are you excited about the soccer camp coming up?” I have always loved soccer camp it is a weeklong camp of the one sport my whole family loves. It gets us ready for the new season and everyone goes except for Pip. She does not play and she will never say this in front of Eric but she can’t stand the games except to look at the guy’s in their uniform but when she talks to Eric it’s like it is her favourite sport of all time. I should stop helping her when it comes to the game and Eric but sometimes I have this feeling that Eric really does like her but I can never really get much out of him when it comes to relationships. Eric has only had one serious relationship and that didn’t end well mostly because she was a real bitch and she made mine and Pip’s life a living hell.

  “Yeah I can’t wait it should be great.” Not only do other girl teams show up to this camp but so does the boy soccer clubs and that is always the best for every girl that shows up because it is like any camp we have time to relax at night with everyone and there are movie nights and a dance at the end of the week. After I said that she seemed satisfied with my answer and starts’ talking to Alex about school and everything a mother asks her kids that she hasn’t seen in a while. I no longer feel hungry, I just feel tired, everyone else is talking to one another and I don’t really feel like being in the room. Now call me child but I still don’t want to sit in this room after everything that has happened between me and Alex, and of course the only people that know about New Year’s Eve are Alex and I. I could never tell Pip, I don’t know why I just thought it was best left in the past. Turning my head to say something to Charlie but he is already been staring at me and he didn’t have his normal happy smile, his smile was a bit sad and I couldn’t really tell why.

  “Charlie are you okay?” I whisper it because I don’t want the whole table fussing over something that might be fine, he hates when people fuss over him.

  “I’m fine kid, what about you? You seem distracted, you haven’t really eaten.” Looking down at my plate and then back at him, he really was my second dad.

  “I’m fine, I just don’t feel well. Maybe I could go upstairs and rest for a bit.” I know not to ask my mum because she would give me a stern look telling me to sit back down and wait till the end of dinner before I could retreat to my room.

  “Maybe you should, you don’t look too good.” Great now I didn’t look good and Alex looked like a god. Getting out of my chair and getting a few looks my way but I didn’t need to say a thing because Charlie is on it, I didn’t bother looking at anyone as I moved away from the table not even to Pip, I knew after dinner when the boys were talking and catching up that she would come and find me. As soon as I made my way to the stair case I could hear Charlie explaining that I wasn’t feeling very well. I really love him.

  Looking up at the ceiling in my room and all my thoughts go to that night a few months ago where I stupidly listened to my heart and went on the search for Alex and to be near him for the New Year’s Eve count down. I should have known better but I did also have a little bit to drink to actually move my feet towards him, what I really should have done is found my mum and told her that I wanted to go home like a little kid wanting there way but no I was sure that Alex felt what I felt and I was going to show him I wasn’t a little girl anymore that at seventeen I was a women. Turning over in to my pillow and letting out a scream that I was holding in until I have no more breath left. How could I have been so stupid, sometimes I wish I could turn back the clock and take that night back and redo everything, maybe then I could look Alex in the eye and not feel so embarrassed. I have to pull myself together because I’m not this type of person, I need to start acting like the old Lily Spencer but I think I’ll start tomorrow right now I rather stay in my room until everyone goes home. Moving over to my night stand and pressing play on my iPod and listening to something that will help me relax; the first song to come on is ‘Pretty Eyes by Alex Goot.’ What is with me and guys called Alex today. Ahhh. But I do love this song.