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Crystals of Consequence



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  Crystals of Consequence

  Copyright © 2011 by Geltab

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Crystals of Consequence

  Long ago, upon the crystal lands of Oleskia, there was a continent forgotten on the far side of the world where another, unknown war for control now considered a myth took place. Crystals used to be equated with life in ancient Oleskia; the events told in this story are so ancient the time and people within are long forgotten by the modern inhabitants of Oleskia, even as myth. Before the age of reason on Oleskia there was the age of magic and crystal. Most of the races inhabiting the world were completely dependent upon the crystals for every facet of life both magic and industrial. There, in the ancient past, because of the crystals existed what we would call today a modern civilization. What is called legend today in Oleskia was alive and well at this time of crystal. No matter the time or place in history there must be a struggle between opposing forces, to learn how to live with them.

  The world of Oleskia consists of two giant continents made of underlying crystal on separate sides of the planet. When these crystal lands were created, two crystals to control world functions were placed under the care of two protectors. One was the sun crystal, the other the fog crystal. The sun crystal would control the heavens, causing the sun to rise and the grass to grow. The sun crystal brought clarity and fire to the minds of the people. The fog crystal was guardian of the moon and her cycles, bringing forth rain and fog to nurture the earth, bringing reason and responsibility to the minds of the people. Both crystals worked in harmony to balance the mood of the planet and its people through the proper vibrations. The two guardians, Crystalicus and Zangoath each served as guardian of the crystals. There was peace on Oleskia and during this time the race of being known as Engarians were created by the two guardians to serve as miners and traders of the precious crystals. Things went on peacefully this way for thousands of years, with the various races of the world living in a golden age using the crystals magically.

  Over the centuries the Engarians split into two distinct races. The first Engarians became known as the mining lords of the crystal cores. They developed into an underground mining society, becoming so intertwined with the crystals over time they actually entered into a symbiotic relationship with them and crystals now grow from their skin. Radiant crystal yarn grows from them; they are short and very stout from lives mining crystal underground. Many thousands of Engarian miners live their entire lives underground; there is a section of their society that has been so deep for so long it is now a part of their religion to say that the sun does not exist. All miners are known as magic users of crystal. Some people say their joining with the crystals is dark magic. The other Engarian race is known as the Engarian crystal traders or crystal movers. They are immune to crystals and any magic or use associated with them. From years and years of hauling crystals to markets all over Oleskia they have grown huge, into a race of giants. The smallest now stand just over eight feet tall, weighing close to eight hundred pounds of solid muscle as hard as the crystal it hauls. The traders keep the great crystal magic schools and markets of Oleskia well stocked and secured. Their exact number is unknown; it is known they do not get along with their miner “brothers.” The two races have what is best described as a business relationship, personal issues are not accounted for. Many people suspect the trading giants are actually not Engarians at all, but an ancient race of giants sleepwalking until a call is given to wake and rise. Shaking the world and shattering the crystal.

  Such tenuous harmony between the sun and fog crystal, Crystalicus and Zangoath and the working balance between the brother races of the Engarians could not last. Zangoath had begun to grow tired of his role as the protector of the fog crystal, he wanted more. Schemes of power began to rise in his mind; he thought of a way to gain power over the crystal world of Oleskia, he would usurp the Engarian miners using the power of the fog crystal as a medium to exploit their relationship with the crystal in depraved ways it was not created for. Using the fog crystal Zangoath took telepathic control of the mining Engarians. This by its very act began corrupting the sun crystal and weakening its ability to respond allowing Zangoath’s power to grow unnoticed. The Engarian mining class with their eons of contact with the crystals evolved to the point their bodies grew a type of crystal yarn, golden and beautiful. However, it was this symbiotic relationship with the crystal that gave Zangoath a doorway into their being, perversely using the power of the fog crystal and associated dark spells to attain complete control of their minds. The Engarian miners’ once beautiful golden crystal yarn became an ashen gray over time from the control exerted upon them by Zangoath.

  Once he felt his power was sufficient enough Zangoath proceeded to take full control of the crystals, both sun and fog. This moment is forever frozen and remembered in history as “the horror of Crystalicus.” Crystalicus was assigned to be the ever watchful guardian of the sun crystal, protecting the balance of the light and dark within Oleskia. Zangoath was able to keep him blind to his schemes and outwit him, moving to usurp his power without his knowledge. Crystalicus, guardian of the sun crystal is cursed now to remain forever frozen solid in crystal, eternally revealing the horror on his face upon first hearing of the sun crystal falling under the power of Zangoath, cursed for failing to protect the crystal of the sun. Humans used to derive their ability to perform magic through the sun crystal. Due to Zangoath’s usurpation, humans can no longer perform magic through the crystals. Crystals now function as industrial tools, not magic for humans. Only the Engarian miners and an herb bonded race of two foot forest dwellers known as the Sharm are the two races known to be able to still perform magic using the crystals. Another race, a tree dwelling people known as the Cordevarians, shun and avoid anything that is not wooden, calling the crystals “empty rocks.” What will happen to Oleskia now that Zangoath has overthrown the balance of the created? Will the “horror of Crystalicus” be eternal? Perhaps one day he will unfreeze and return to clear the fog. His failure to protect the sun crystal is surely deserving of punishment and the severity of his punishment surely grants the possibility for future redemption. Time is not on the side of the crystal world, the power of Zangoath grows by the moment. Crystals, their mining and their trade were everything to most of the known inhabitants of Oleskia. Controlling crystals controlled the entire economy of Oleskia. Even though humans could no longer use them for magical abilities, they still remained the pillar of civilization. From providing heat to powering homes and machines, crystals remained ubiquitous. Crystals were used as light sources, heat sources, for building tools and even functioned as batteries. From the richest to the poorest citizen, regardless of race, the crystals played an important role within their daily life. This made complete control over them a priority for a power hungry guardian such as Zangoath.