Read Cupcake Overload Page 7

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” Eric asked, gesturing toward the door.

  I looked to Cade, then glanced at the kids, silently asking if he minded. He lifted his head toward the door, then knelt next to the trio on the floor.

  “Let’s take CB outside so she can learn to piss outside and not on the floor.”

  “Swear jar,” Elena said automatically.

  Cade grinned and replied, “You guys are getting rich off of me,” then they walked together toward the back.

  I watched them for a minute, loving the site of the back of their three heads, as they talked and laughed softly. Something about it made me feel all ooey gooey inside.

  “I may have been too quick to judge him,” Eric said, pulling my attention back to him. “He seems good for you, and the kids love him. They talk about him all the time.”

  I wasn’t going to talk about Cade, or my relationship with him, to Eric, so I just smiled and nodded.

  Eric walked out the front door and I followed, leaving it slightly ajar as I stood right outside on my stoop.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  Eric ran a hand over his short, dirty-blond hair, and gave something between a grin and a grimace.

  “I found a nudey magazine in Elin’s pillow case.”

  “What?” I asked, hoping he didn’t mean what I thought he meant.

  “Porn,” Eric clarified. “Naked women. Playboy. Hustler…”

  “Okay, I get it,” I said, holding up my hand and begging him to shut up.

  “I also noticed he’s taking a long time in the shower. A lot longer than usual.”

  “So? He likes to be clean.”

  Eric chuckled and shook his head.

  “He’s jacking off, Lila.”

  My stomach clenched and tears pricked my eyes.

  “No, he’s not,” I said, praying that he was wrong, even if I knew he probably wasn’t.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve talked to him about it. He knows it’s normal, and I talked to him about being more discreet.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, sad about the fact that our son was growing up.

  “I just thought you should know, since your water bill will probably go up.”

  My eyes flew up to see Eric fighting back a laugh.

  I slapped him on the arm and said, “That’s not funny.”

  “It kind of is,” he replied, still grinning. “First the shocker, and now this? They’re growing up, Liles.”

  I sighed. “I know.”

  “I’ll call you after Mary and I get back to set up my next weekend with them.”

  I nodded and said, “Sounds good. And, Eric? Good luck. I mean that.”

  “Thanks,” he replied, his expression turning somewhat regretful, and I knew he was thinking about us and our failed marriage. Then he gave me a small smile and wave, and turned to leave.

  I didn’t watch him go, or wait for him to pull away.

  I was happy that we were in a place where we could co-parent without things getting nasty, but he was my past.

  I walked into my new house, locking the door behind me, and went in search of my future.

  “What is this?” I asked, practically drooling on Amy May’s vintage soda fountain counter as she slid a scrumptious-looking cupcake in front of me.

  “Chai Latte with a sprinkle of cinnamon and sugar,” Amy May replied, then leaned on the counter to watch me sample it.

  I loved being her guinea pig. Seriously. It was my favorite duty in the world.

  When the silky frosting hit my lips, followed by a hint of sweet spice, I’m pretty sure my eyes rolled back in my head.

  “Oh. My. God,” I managed, before sinking my teeth into the fluffy cake, and then I could speak no more.

  I could only taste.

  Amy May watched me closely, her face filled with delight at every moan and groan that emitted from my lips.

  “I guess it’s going on the menu,” she declared when I licked the last remnants of sugar from my lips.

  “Definitely,” I replied adamantly. “It may be my favorite yet.”

  “Really?” she asked, then stood up and did a little jig, causing me to laugh.

  “Really, really,” I assured her.

  “Yay,” Amy May squealed, then looked me in the eye and said, “I’m so happy that you and Cade worked things out. Jason wanted me to see if you guys were up for going tubing next weekend.”

  “I’ll check with Cade. We’ll have Elin and Elena with us.”

  “That’s okay, we’ll have Cassidy. Jason’s just jonesing for some Cade time,” Amy May said, and we both laughed.

  “I’ll let you know,” I assured her, then stood up to go. “I’ve got to get to work.”

  “Where you off to?”

  “Right now, I’m heading to Clarice’s. Then The Coffee Bean,” I replied. “Hopefully I’ll get a good lead, because right now, I’ve got nothing.”

  “Maybe you’ve got nothing, because the VP did it,” Amy May replied wryly.

  “Maybe,” I admitted. “But for Cade’s sake, I really hope not.”

  “Later, babe.”


  I decided to leave my van parked since both Clarice’s and The Coffee Bean were downtown and within walking distance. I checked my phone as I crossed the street. I’d set up an appointment with Clarice to get my nails done, figuring she’d be more apt to talk if she was working on me and had nowhere to go, rather than if I just walked in while she was busy.

  “Hey, Delilah, just give me one second and I’ll be with you,” Clarice called when I walked in, so I took a seat by the door and started looking through my phone.

  I was contemplating calling the number Carlton had given me. I’d given it to Bea, and she’d said she’d get back to me with a name, after they’d researched it, of course, but I was feeling impatient. I really needed a good lead.

  Deciding to wait at least until afternoon, I shot off a text to Bea instead, hoping a little push would get me quicker results.

  “Delilah, come on back,” Clarice called, so I hit send and got up to follow Clarice back. “Just a pedi today? No mani or hair?”

  “Yeah, just the pedi,” I replied, touching my hair as I explained, “I’ve been trying to let it grow out.”

  “It looks great longer,” Clarice assured me with a smile, then gestured to the comfy pedicure chair and bent to turn on the water.

  I settled in, turning on the massager and leaning back with a happy sigh.

  God, I needed this, I thought, then remembered I was here to work, not relax.

  Why not do both?

  “Did you pick a color?” Clarice asked as she added some fragrant bath salts to the water.

  “Oh, no, I’m sorry. Can I get a pale pink, or maybe a lavender?”

  “A lavender would look great. Put your feet in and let them soak, and I’ll go grab it for you.”

  “Thanks, Clarice,” I said, groaning as my feet hit the hot water. I leaned back and closed my eyes, reveling in the moment.

  I woke up when I felt fists pounding on my calves.

  “I fell asleep,” I said groggily, stating the obvious.

  “It happens all the time,” Clarice said with a smile as she continued to work my legs over.

  God, it feels wonderful. When was the last time I’d been pampered?

  “Hey, Clarice,” I began, shaking off the fog and getting to the task at hand. “I was hoping to talk to you about Samantha.”

  Clarice paused, and her face filled with sadness.

  “Poor, Sammy,” she said. “I couldn’t believe it … She never would have been involved with any of that shit if it weren’t for her scumbag brother.”

  My ears perked up.

  “What shit was she involved with?” I prodded gently.

  Clarice looked around, and when she was sure no one was paying attention, she leaned in slightly and lowered her voice.

  “Tony, her dumbass brother, got into some shit a few years back. Star
ted doing drugs, so she pulled him out, got him help. Cleaned him up. Then, about a year ago, she finds out he’s betting horses.”

  “How’s she find out?”

  “She got called to the hospital ‘cause Tony’d gotten the shit kicked out of him. He was in to the bookies for a lot of dough, and they knew he couldn’t pay up. Sammy helped him again, gave him money, money she didn’t have to give, and let him crash with her. He got a job, and she thought things were looking up, until she found out they weren’t. He’d been lying to her the whole time. He never gave Dale, the bookie, his money; instead he’d bet it and won. When he didn’t turn over the winnings, things started to get ugly again, and he disappeared.”

  “Tony did?”

  “Yeah, for a while, but just like a dirty penny, he always turns up eventually. I told Sammy to cut him loose, but he’s the only family she’s got, and if there’s one thing Sammy had in spades, it’s loyalty.”

  “Did she talk with the bookie? What was she contacting the MC for?”

  This time Clarice shrugged.

  “I don’t know. I know she talked to the bookie, but she wouldn’t tell me what went down. Didn’t want me involved. She said she needed help, that she wouldn’t be able to handle her brother’s mess on her own. We were out drinking a few nights before she died, and when she saw some of the bikers come in, she thought maybe one of them could help.” Clarice shrugged again and said, “That’s the last time I saw her alive.”

  “Do you know where I can find Dale?”

  “No, but I’m sure that ratfink Tony does, if you can find him.”

  “I talked to Tony already, and he didn’t say a word about the bookie or his involvement in this whole thing.”

  “Probably trying to save his own ass,” Clarice said with disgust. “But he knows … You should try him again.”

  “Thanks, I will,” I replied, then let her finish what she was doing and got out of there, deciding to talk with Tony again before hitting The Coffee Bean.

  I was waiting in the alley behind the bagel shop when Tony rounded the corner, looking as greasy and unkept as before.

  “Hey, Tony,” I called as I pushed of the wall, watching as his shifty eyes caught sight of me.

  “Hey,” he replied warily, then pointed at the back door. “I’m late.”

  “I’ll only take a minute, I promise,” I said as I approached, mentally going through the maneuvers Bran had taught me.

  “What’s up?” Tony asked, placing one hand on the door handle, as if to let me know he wasn’t going to listen to me for long.

  “I was wondering if you could tell me how to get a hold of Dale.”

  I kept my eyes trained on his face, waiting for his reaction, so when the anger, panic, then fear crossed it, I had a front row seat.

  “What do you want him for?” he asked, his tone guarded.

  “I heard he had some words with Samantha, and thought maybe he’d have some info that would help me find out who killed her.”

  “The cops said that biker did it,” Tony said, pulling the door open in an attempt to get away.

  I placed my hand on the door and slammed it shut.

  “I’m checking all leads,” I replied, then leaned against the door “I’ve got his name, and his number, all I need to know is where he is, or what the best way to get to him is.”

  Tony snorted.

  “He ain’t going to tell you shit over the phone.” He looked me up and down and sneered, “And he ain’t going to tell you shit in person. Dale’s got nothing to do with Sammy, so leave it alone.”

  “Let’s say I wanted to try and talk to him in person anyway,” I pressed. “Where would I find him?”

  Tony sighed, then looked from me to the door, probably worried that he’d lose another job if he took any more time talking to me.

  “Most nights he’s at The Stagger In.”

  “Thanks, Tony,” I said with a smile, pushing back off the door and sidestepping to let him in. “I’ll be in touch … if I need anything else.”

  “Just fuckin’ leave me alone,” Tony replied, sounding almost frightened, then disappeared behind the door.

  I shot Amy May a text.

  Can I borrow one of your wigs tonight?

  Then I took off toward The Coffee Bean.

  I parked outside and was walking down the street when I heard someone calling my name.

  I turned to see Carmen jogging after me.

  “Hey,” I called in greeting, giving her a hug when she reached me.

  “Hi,” she said with a smile. “I wasn’t expecting to see you today. Not with that big hunk of man back in your bed. What are you up to?”

  I chuckled, and said, “Working. Cade had to work too, or believe me, I’d be down for more make-up sex.”

  “Make-up sex,” Carmen sighed wistfully. “You’re so lucky.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just taking a coffee break,” she replied, pointing at The Coffee Bean. “I’ve been at my desk all morning.”

  “That’s where I’m heading too.”

  “Awesome,” Carmen said, and we started walking toward the building. “So, how’s the case going?”

  “That’s why I’m here,” I replied, holding open the door for her. “I’ve talked to a couple people this morning, and actually have a lead. She used to work here, so I’m going to see if anyone will talk … I’ve gotta go out tonight, though, so I need to find someone to stay with the kids. I’d ask Bea, but she probably won’t like me interfering with her case. Maybe I’ll just text Shannon.”

  “What’s Cade up to?” she asked, then we moved a step closer in line.

  “He’s working, probably looking into the same thing that I am.”

  “Why don’t you work together?” Carmen asked, but it was our turn to order, so I didn’t answer her right away.

  Once our order was in and we moved down to the pickup counter, I leaned close to her and said, “I don’t think he’s all to jazzed about me working on this one. What with it involving murder and all.”

  “Well, if he’s not going to help you, I’d love to.”


  “Hells yeah,” Carmen said with an excited smile.

  “But, it can be kind of dangerous, I don’t want to involve you in anything like that.”

  “Come on,” Carmen said, sounding slightly offended. “I’m a journalist. My job is to get the story, and I don’t mind fending off a little danger to do it.”

  “Sometimes it’s harder than you think,” I replied. “There are bad guys, weapons, and often you end up seeing nasty things that you’ll never be able to unsee.”

  “Just give me a chance,” Carmen pleaded. “If it doesn’t work out tonight, or I can’t handle it, I won’t ask again.”

  Carmen widened her eyes and pouted her lips.

  “Don’t give me those puppy dog eyes,” I said with a laugh. “Okay, okay. But you need to put your hair up and dress skankily. We’re going to The Stagger In.”

  Carmen clapped her hands together with glee.

  “How’s your cardio?” I asked, then added, “Best to not wear heels.”

  “It’s okay,” she replied.

  “You know, I started taking self-defense with my friend Bran. You should totally come with me.”

  Carmen grimaced and asked, “Where, the gym?”

  At my nod, she said, “But, sweat … and pain…”

  I started laughing when I noticed the man himself walking toward us.

  “Oh, there he is now. Hey, Bran.”

  “Hi, Lila, I was just about to call you,” Bran said as he sidled up next to us. “We need to make our plan for this week. I don’t want you skipping out on me like you did last week. I want at least two mornings.”

  He paused when he noticed Carmen next to me, and when I turned to introduce them, I saw Carmen staring up at him, her mouth slightly open.

  “I know, and I’m sorry. Things were just so hectic with my move and stuff, I promis
e to do better … Carmen, this is Bran,” I started, pointing at my tall, handsome friend, looking dapper in his lawyer suit. “And Bran, this is my friend Carmen. I was actually just telling her she should come with me to work out with you.”

  “Nice to meet you, Carmen,” Bran said, then smiled sweetly when she just kept staring at him without responding. “Well, it was great bumping in to you, but I’ve got to get back. Call me when you know what day and time you want to meet up.”

  “Sounds great,” I replied, then turned to Carmen when he walked away.

  I never thought I’d see the day, but my hyper, always chatty, gorgeous friend was speechless, and it was all due to Branson Braswell.

  Amy May got back to me and said I could borrow one of her wigs, so I swung by her place and picked out a short blonde bob. Think, Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. Then I sent her a text to say thanks and let her know I got it.

  I looked at the clock and realized I had time to check up on another case.

  It was another cheating case, and although those were pretty much the cases that paid my bills, I had to admit they were getting annoying. It was hard to stay happy, optimistic, and in love when you were constantly faced with the reality of the dirty, lying, nastiness of mankind.

  Plus, if I never saw another old guy’s schlong, it would be too soon.

  I parked in an alley, shot off a text to Carmen letting her know where and when to meet, then shot a thank you off to Shannon, who said she could watch the twins for me tonight. Finally, I sent Cade a brief message, letting him know where I’d be that night. I didn’t want to chance any more fights, even though the make-up sex was ridiculous, so I was doing my best to remain as transparent as possible.

  Once I had all of my correspondence out of the way, I opened my file to remind myself who I was looking at.

  Mrs. Beaverton suspected her husband, Mr. Beaverton, was cheating on her with a younger woman. She really didn’t care that he was dipping his wick in someone else’s wax, since she said she’d rather eat broken glass than sleep with him herself, but she wanted the proof just in case he tried to leave her. It was included in their prenup that if he cheats, she gets paid.