Read Cupcake Overload Page 9

  “Carmen was there,” I explained warily, my eyes focusing on his throat instead of looking him in the eyes.

  “I mean me.”

  “Hey, Amy May wants to know if we want to go tubing this weekend,” I said, hoping he’d let my abrupt change of subject slide.

  “Lila,” he began, then sighed when I looked up at him pleadingly. “Where?”

  I smiled brightly at him and replied, “The river.”

  “Babe, I don’t do rivers.”

  “What, you don’t have a bathing suit? We can get you one … or are you afraid of the water?”

  “I grew up on an island, darlin’. I grew up in the ocean, and practically lived in my shorts. I surf, sail, scuba, snorkel, and jet ski. What I don’t do is sit in a filthy river and float.” He made a face like I’d suggested he tube through a body of shit.

  “Please,” I begged, offering him a bite of my cupcake to show how sincerely I wanted this. “Jason is dying to see you, and the kids love tubing. It’ll just be a few hours, and I’ll bring plenty of beer to pull behind us. Plus, I’ll be in a bikini…”

  His eyes narrowed at the promise of a bikini, but when Cade still didn’t agree I racked my brain to try and come up with something else to sweeten the pot.

  “I want you and the kids to come with me to Hawaii,” Cade said suddenly, and his rapid change of subject had me blinking.


  “The kids are out of school at the end of the month, and my mom’s been bugging me to come out. She really wants to meet you and the kids.”

  “But, I’m just getting the business up and running…” I stuttered, grasping as I tried to get a handle of the nerves that threatened to drown me at the thought of meeting Cade’s family.

  “You can make sure your cases are closed, then have Carmen or someone on stand-by in case of an emergency.”

  “What if I’m not done with Sledge’s case by then?”

  “We’ll work together, together, with Bea and Carmen; we should get this shit closed in no time. I found a pretty good deal on flights, and wanted to make sure you were cool before I booked them.”

  I had always wanted to go to Hawaii, but meeting Cade’s parents? Am I ready for that? Are Elin and Elena?

  Who am I kidding, Elin and Elena would be crazy excited, and I do want to see where Cade is from, and meet the people who mean so much to him.

  I brought my eyes up to Cade’s face to see him watching me closely, probably guessing at the questions running through my head.

  “I’ve never brought anyone home to see where I’m from, or to meet my family,” Cade said quietly, making all of my worries evaporate.

  “I’d love to.”

  Cade’s face brightened as he smiled at me, causing my breath to catch. God, he was gorgeous. Inside and out. And, this gorgeous, protective, supportive, amazing man wanted me to meet his family.

  How lucky could one woman get?

  His face went from bright to wicked when he lowered his voice and said, “Now, let’s talk about what happened at the bar…”

  “Am I about to be punished?” I asked hopefully.

  “Absolutely,” Cade replied.

  “Spanked?” I asked softly, looking up at him from under my lashes.

  Cade’s eyes darkened.

  “Is that what you want?”

  I bit my lower lip and nodded.

  “Then get to your room, strip, and have that naked ass up in the air and ready for me. I’ll take care of CB.”

  I’d never moved so fast in my life.

  I laid there on the bed, naked ass up in the air as directed, my body thrumming with anticipation.

  I’d never been so turned on in my life.

  I could hear Cade’s boots hitting the floor as his steps got closer, and each footfall made my heart pound harder in my chest. I couldn’t stand it anymore, I had to do something, so I slid my hands down to my breasts and enjoyed their heaviness in my hand for a moment, before bringing my fingers and thumbs together to pinch my nipples.

  Moaning as pleasure slid through me, I turned my head to see Cade watching me from the door.

  His eyes were hot and dark, moving from my hands at my breasts to my ass tipped up and waiting, and just the sight of him had my pussy throbbing with need.

  “Getting started without me?” Cade asked, his voice low and rough.

  I didn’t answer, just started moving my hands lower down my body, eager for relief, but stopped at the sharp shake of his head.

  I couldn’t contain the small whimper when he stalked toward me, lifting his shirt up and over his head as he moved, then placing his hands on the button of his jeans. But, rather than undo them, he grinned and moved his hand away.

  I was about to protest when I felt his palm on my thigh, and I no longer cared about anything except that hand.

  Slowly, Cade moved up and over the cheek of my ass, first the right, then the left, before moving it to my middle of my ass and moving lower, his fingers searching. I opened my legs wider and tried to tilt even farther up, eager for his fingers to find my wet center. He dipped one finger in, then two, and I buried my face in the pillow as I groaned loudly.


  I yelped, the sharp feel of his hand surprising me.

  Cade rubbed the spot he’d slapped softly and ordered, “Don’t muffle your sounds. I want to hear you.”

  For one second I contemplated not listening, wondering if that would earn me another hit, but turned my head instead.

  “Good,” he said, his breath hot on my ear, then he licked the tip of my ear and pulled the lobe into his mouth, between his teeth. “What do you want?”

  “Slap me,” I managed, my body vibrating with the need to feel him once more. “Then, your fingers…”

  Cade’s hand came down on my ass once more, and I moaned outright, grateful that the kids’ rooms were on the other side of the house, and hoping like hell they wouldn’t hear me.

  When Cade’s fingers found me, I pushed back, fucking myself on his fingers, unable to control the need to come.

  “Stop,” Cade said, removing his fingers.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, then begged, “Please … I won’t move again.”

  Cade took control, moving behind me and shoving two fingers in my wet, needy pussy. It was incredibly hard to stay still, so I closed my eyes and tried to focus solely on his fingers and the way they were making me feel.

  I heard the zipper of his pants and thrust back involuntarily at the thought of his cock.

  I realized my mistake a second before his fingers left me once again, and his palm hit my ass.

  “Oh,” I cried, then lost the ability to make coherent sounds when I felt his tongue running along my seam. His thumb found my clit as he fucked me with his tongue, and within moments I was coming. Hard.

  I was still flying high when I felt him shift behind me, his cock entering me with one deep thrust. I pushed myself up onto all fours and braced myself as Cade began to thrust in and out of me quickly, his control obviously gone.

  It felt glorious.

  Cade growled out my name as he came, my body clenching around him, and I turned my head to offer my lips to him. He kissed me quickly, his breath coming in hot, quick pants, then nuzzled his nose into my neck.

  We both took a minute to catch our breath before he pulled out of me and helped me up off the bed.

  “Shower?” he asked, his breathing shallow as if he’d just completed a marathon.

  I could only manage a nod, then laughed when he swung me up and into his arms, and carried me into the bathroom.

  Once he had the shower hot enough to make a teakettle scream, he set me down and stepped under the steaming spray. I stood huddled in the corner of the shower, trying not to let the molten water hit me, as I enjoyed the view of Cade washing himself off.

  Tall, built like a man who did Crossfit like it was his job, with a smattering of dark chest hair, and long curly hair that begged to be touched, my man was a godda
mn wet dream.

  “You coming in,” Cade asked when he realized that I was just standing there, staring at him like I’d paid admission.

  “I’ll wait for you, then turn it down a bit,” I said, my eyes wandering unabashedly.

  “Okay,” Cade replied with a grin, “but only if I get to watch next.”

  “Deal,” I said with a smile, then the smile fell from my face as his hand went to his cock and he began stroking lazily.

  My eyes flew to his face.

  Cade simply winked and kept stroking, so I lowered my gaze to enjoy the show.

  “What if he doesn’t show up?” Carmen asked as we stretched out on the mats in the gym.

  She looked super cute in a hot-pink tank top and black compression leggings, her hair pulled back into a low ponytail. It looked like she’d put on some light makeup too, but I wasn’t going to call her on it. Who could blame her for wanting to look her best the first time she joined Bran and me for self-defense class.

  “He’ll be here, he’s probably just running late,” I assured her as I tried to lower my torso to my legs, and barely moved a centimeter.

  Carmen stretched silently for a minute, her eyes rapt on the door, then she groaned, “Oh, God, he’s here.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Relax,” I whispered as I stood. “He’s a really great guy.”

  Carmen came slowly to a stand as we watched Bran come toward us, his hair slightly damp, a huge grin on his face.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he said, blue eyes flashing as he took in Carmen’s flattering workout gear. “I went for a run this morning and time got away from me.”

  “We just got here; we’ve been stretching out,” I said easily.

  “Good,” Bran said with a nod, then looked to Carmen. “I’m glad you could join us.”

  Carmen opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

  “She hasn’t had her coffee yet,” I said when it was obvious that Carmen wasn’t going to respond.

  Bran just grinned and said, “Let’s get started.”

  For the next hour, sparks flew. I mean, I almost got tingles just by being in the same room as Carmen and Bran. Their chemistry was off the charts.

  Carmen didn’t say more than a few words, but she didn’t have to. If looks could make someone spontaneously combust, the two of them would have been having orgasms on sight.

  It was enough to make me need a cold shower when we were done.

  “Jesus, Carmen,” I said loud enough for her to hear me over the partition as we showered in the stalls next to each other. “If you don’t ask Bran out, I’m going to slip him a note and pretend I’m you.”

  “Shut up,” she replied with a laugh.

  “I’m serious,” I said as I peeked my head around the corner and into her stall. “The two of you are pepperoni and cheese. Terrific on your own, but together? Magic in your mouth.”

  “There was something there, right?” Carmen asked, her eyes wide. “It wasn’t just me?”

  “No, it wasn’t just you,” I replied. “You two would have hot, sweaty sex together.”

  “But, do you think we’d have more than that? I’m not really looking for great sex as much as I’m looking for a guy that I can have a real relationship with. I’m not getting any younger…”

  I reached over to turn off my water, then wrapped my towel around my waist and answered, “I don’t think that’s all he’d be after. And, I’m your witness, it is possible to have out-of-this-world sex and a real relationship. Cade asked me and the kids to go with him to Hawaii to meet his family.”

  “Shut the front door!” Carmen yelled as she shut her water off and stepped out next to me. “That’s so amazing.”

  “I know,” I replied, happily. “I can’t believe it. I mean, meeting the MC was a huge deal, but flying out to meet his family? With the kids? That’s huge.”

  “When are you guys going to go?” she asked as she rang out her hair, then walked to her locker.

  I wished I was comfortable enough in my own skin to walk around the locker room naked, but I was not. I couldn’t blame Carmen though, her body was banging. Bran would definitely approve.

  “The end of the month.”

  “Wow, that’s soon.”

  “I know,” I said as I pulled out my clothes and began to dress. “I was going to ask if you’d mind manning the phones for the PI firm while I’m away. I won’t book any new clients for during that time, but you could let people know when I’ll be back, or point them towards the cops if needed.”

  “Really?” Carmen asked, her face lighting up. “I’d totally love that.”

  “Thanks, it would really take a load off of my mind. I’m just getting established, and I feel kind of bad taking time off already, you know?”

  “Don’t, you and the kids deserve this. I’m happy to help.”

  “Awesome,” I stated, then once we were both dressed, I asked, “Want to stop by Amy May’s?”

  Carmen laughed and said, “After spending an hour wrestling around on a mat with a hot lawyer, I’d say we deserve some cupcakes and coffee. I’d love to.”

  “My kind of woman,” I said with a laugh.

  Once we were settled down at the counter at Amy May’s bakery, steaming cups of coffee on one side of us and delicious treats on the other, I caught Amy May up on the news.

  “No luck on Sledge’s case, but Cade is in for tubing this weekend, he’s taking me and the twins to Hawaii at the end of the month to meet his family, and Carmen has the hots for Branson Braswell. They practically had sex in front of me at the gym this morning.”

  “We did not,” Carmen sputtered, as she was about to take a bite of her creamy, fruit torte.

  “Well, they would have if she’d actually talk to the guy,” I joked.

  Carmen sighed and said, “He’s just so tall … and good looking … and those eyes … I’m just not myself when I’m around him. I don’t know what to say.”

  “I’m just messing with you, you know that, right?” I asked before diving into a delectable mint chocolate chip cupcake.

  Carmen smiled and replied happily, “I know, and I don’t mind. It makes me feel like part of the group.”

  “You are part of our group,” Amy May assured her as she topped off our coffee. “You should come tubing with us this weekend. Bea and Shannon can’t go, but it’s always a lot of fun.”

  “Maybe we can invite Bran,” I suggested, and Amy May nodded in agreement.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Think about it and let me know. And if you want to come, but don’t want me to invite Bran, then that works too. Whatever you want,” I promised.

  As we filled Amy May in on our night at The Stagger In and Cade’s badassery, I allowed myself to enjoy the moment with my girls and my happy snack, but in the back of my mind I had that niggling worry that I wouldn’t be able to close out Sledge’s case before the police made an arrest.

  There are few things that make me stop, take a breath, and take a minute to thank the heavens above. My kids, a fabulous cupcake, and the sight of Cade in board shorts.

  When we got to the river, started unloading and getting everything ready, and I turned just in time to see Cade strip off his shirt … I took that moment.

  Lots of tanned skin over large, well-developed muscles, his long hair loose and falling to his shoulders, the tips lightened by the sun. His face, rich with character, smiling at something Jason said, his beard trimmed, but a little longer in the front than usual. Tattoos on display, complementing the tone of his skin beautifully, and all of his jewelry still in place … The man was the picture of virility, strength, and the human male in perfect form.

  Cade turned his head to catch me staring and smiled broadly at me, those eyes knowing, as if he had a direct line into my thoughts, and knew I thought he was the most amazing man on the planet.

  “Can you stop drooling for five seconds and help me with this?” Amy May asked as she tried to pull a large tube
out of the back of her car.

  “Sure,” I replied, turning my attention from the Adonis before me to help my best friend. “I could have swung by and thrown this in the back of the van for you.”

  “I know, but I seem to like to make things harder for myself,” Amy May said with a chuckle.

  By the time we got ourselves organized, the tubes in the water, with a couple of small coolers tethered to them and the tubes tethered to each other, Elin, Elena, and Cassidy were already in the river, splashing and laughing with each other.

  I was watching Cade closely, so I saw his lip curl up as he stepped into the dark water, and had to hold back a laugh.

  He was being a good sport by doing this for Elin and Elena, and I didn’t want him to regret it, or think I didn’t appreciate it, so I needed to suppress my instinctual need to poke fun.

  Unfortunately, Carmen had decided not to come with us. I hoped it wasn’t my saying I’d invite Bran that scared her off. I could tell she liked him, I just didn’t know what was holding her back.

  Once everyone was in their tubes, with Jason in the lead and the rest of us grouping together behind him, we let the current take us down river and lay back in our tubes to relax.

  “I needed this,” Amy May said with a soft smile. Her blonde bob was now long enough to be pulled back into a little tail at the base of her head, and she looked great in her navy and white striped one piece.

  “Me too,” I agreed, trying to remember the last time I’d taken some time to just relax and enjoy the elements.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed the float. I could hear the kids talking excitedly to each other, the low, deep thrum of male voices as Cade and Jason caught up, and the sounds of the river … Before I knew it, I’d dozed off.

  I was dreaming I was Samantha. I was at the hotel, arguing with a man by the pool, and the next thing I knew, I was being held under the water. I could feel myself struggling to breathe, the water all around me, as I fought to get the man’s hand from around my neck. Without thinking, I took a deep breath to scream and my mouth filled with water, making my struggle even more impossible. I started thrashing about as my body began its fight to remain alive…