Read Curse of Genius Page 27

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  To my relief, Becca doesn't show up until after practice and after Summer's already gone. Perhaps she figured that was the best thing, too.

  "I'll catch up to y'all in a minute," Holly says, scurrying back down the hall toward her locker.

  "Okay!" we call to her. I grab my backpack and then Becca and I walk out and head to the gym to see Bryson. Before the cafeteria doors even close behind us, Becca's already on the attack.

  "So?how was Little Miss Fake Bitch during practice?"

  I can see her looking at me, waiting for my answer, but I don't look back at her. I just shake my head, not saying a word.

  She giggles. "What?"

  "You need to stop, that's what." I finally look at her, aggravated. "You're taking it too far. You don't have to be friends with her, just lay off."

  Her smile vanishes as she turns and stares at the gym. She's aggravated as well now.

  "It's not that easy for me to just lay off, Dori. Do you even remember how she treated you?"

  "I do remember how she treated me, but she's not treating me like that anymore. And if I can forget about it, you should be able to," I point at her firmly. Our words are becoming sharp and angry, which is definitely unfamiliar territory for us.

  "I can't forget about it because she's not being sincere, Dor. People don't change overnight like that. She's just covering her ass right now because she has to."

  "Maybe so, and if it turns out you're right, then you can go back to kicking her teeth in every day. But until then, you need to understand that I can't be mean to her."

  "I do understand that, but you have to understand I can't be nice to her," she points back at me.

  "You don't have to be nice to her, just stop messing with her. That shouldn't be too much to ask, Becca."

  But even though I said that, I know damn good and well that it is too much to ask. Becca can't help herself when it comes to Summer. I do believe she puts forth an effort, but when she sees Summer she's like a vampire going for blood; there's no stopping her.

  We stand there looking at each other, neither one of us knowing what else to say or even what to think about the animosity we just showed one another.

  Then suddenly, Bryson comes bursting out the gym doors. And I realize I was so engrossed in the conversation, I wasn't even aware we were standing in front of the gym. As he walks toward us, I'm wondering if he saw us arguing.

  "Hey," he smiles, giving me a quick hug and peck on my forehead.

  I wrap an arm around his waist. "Hey."

  As he hugs Becca, Holly comes walking up.

  "Are y'all taking a water break?" I ask him.

  "Nope, we finished up early. Hey, Holly." He shoots a glance at her.

  "Hey," she smiles.

  Then Brad and Trent come walking out.

  "Party Saturday night, woo-hoo!" Brad yells as they walk by, bumping fists with Bryson.

  Trent does a fist-pump, then smiles at us. "Hey, guys."

  We smile and wave as they continue to walk.

  Becca groans, covering her face with both hands, then slowly dragging them off.

  Bryson, Holly, and I all glance at one another. Then I focus on Becca.

  "Like I told you before, Becca, if Summer makes you leave, I'm leaving, too?promise," I assure her.

  "Yeah, definitely," Bryson agrees. "We'll all leave."

  "Totally," Holly says. "We don't even have to go if you don't want to."

  "No, we can go. I'll be fine," Becca grins. But her grin is full of sarcasm.

  A part of me hopes that Summer does make us leave Saturday night. That might be the safest scenario.