Read Curse of Genius Page 31

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  The car ride to school was so awkward it stung. Becca and I never even looked at each other; we just sat there in complete silence the whole way. I noticed Mrs. Anna occasionally peeking at us in the rearview mirror, but she remained silent, also. She must know what's going on.

  To say the awkwardness continued after she dropped us off would be an understatement. Bryson interlocked his fingers with mine, holding my hand tightly as he, Becca, Holly and I quietly headed to our classes. None of us knew what to say or how to act.

  The tension was slightly broken when Brad and Trent ran up to us and started talking about the party, but other than smiling and saying hey to them, I stayed out of the conversation for Becca's sake. Then when we got into the main hall, people were constantly saying hey to me in passing. They were commenting on the party and also complimenting my beer pong skills, assuring me I'd get Bryson next time.

  All these same people were giving Becca the cold shoulder. Everyone in the hall was eyeing her with disgust, actually; everyone except for Summer. When she saw us approaching, she abruptly broke away from Alison and Alex and fast-walked into homeroom. Even though I hated the fact that she had to do that, I was glad we didn't have to walk by her. It was a smart move on Summer's part. But as it turned out, all she did was delay Becca's wrath.

  As the 'Ask Dori' segment was wrapping up, Becca stared her down and said, "What about you? No more kiss-ass questions, you phony bitch?"

  The blood instantly drained from my face as I slouched down in my chair. I couldn't believe she'd said that. She was digging herself a hole, and I had no idea how to help her out at that point.

  No one laughed this time, and Mrs. Anderson immediately stood up and demanded she go to the office. Later in fourth period, Holly told me she had gotten detention.

  "Is her detention today or tomorrow?" I ask Holly, feeling sad I have to ask someone a question about my best friend.

  She shrugs and presses her lips together. "I'm not sure."

  I turn and look down the main hall as it begins to thin out. Cheerleading practice is about to start and I'm kind of hoping her detention is right now, to keep her away from the caf. When the hall finally clears out completely and there's no sign of Becca, I assume she's locked away in homeroom for the next hour.

  After practicing a brand new cheer for a while, Summer walks up to me for the first time today. I've been wanting to talk to her, but ever since the 'Ask Dori' segment this morning, I couldn't tell whether or not she wanted to be left alone.

  She smiles awkwardly as she approaches, and I return the same smile.

  "You catching on to the new cheer?" she asks, wrinkling her nose.

  "Yeah, I really like it," I tell her, knowing she and Alison came up with it.

  We nod and smile at each other for a few seconds, then I finally say, "Look?I'm really sorry about what happened this morning with Becca."

  Just then Holly and Alex walk up.

  "What are you sorry for?" Summer frowns. "It's not your fault."

  "I know. I'm still sorry, though."

  "What is her deal anyway?" Alex asks, squinting at me.

  I gaze past her and shake my head in thought. But the only thing I'm thinking about is that even though I don't condone Becca's behavior, she's still my best friend, and I won't stand here and bash her behind her back.

  "I'm not sure," I say dismissively. Summer must have picked up on the vibes because she quickly changes the subject.

  "Well, I'm glad you had a good time at my party the other night. Oh my God, how funny was Joey?" she smiles, glancing from Alex to Holly then back to me.

  We all burst out laughing as Alison hobbles over in her walking cast, smiling. Then the five of us proceed to talk about the party, laughing and cutting up for what seemed like an hour. We talk about the music, the dancing, the beer pong?pretty much everything.

  "So funny!" Summer says, keeling over in laughter. "I have pictures of that." She straightens up and walks over to the table by the doors to get her phone.

  "Yeah, Joey and Brad dancing was classic," Holly declares.

  Laughing and clapping, Alison yells, "They were so drunk! They were pretty much just holding each other up."

  "Yeah, it looked like Brad was holding Joey up a little more," I add, laughing along.

  Then Summer walks back up and shows us pictures of Brad and Joey dancing, and also of Joey on the coffee table twerking.

  "You have to send me those pictures," I tell Summer.

  "Yeah, same here," Holly says.

  "Definitely. What's your number, Dori?"

  I tell Summer my phone number and then Holly and I walk over to the table to grab our phones, as well.

  "Did y'all get them?" Summer asks.

  "Yeah," we nod, smiling and staring at our phones.

  "This one is definitely my favorite," Alex says, leaning to Summer and pointing on her phone. Holly and I step up to take a look, and once again we start laughing hysterically when we see a picture of Joey standing on the coffee table, bending all the way over with his butt in the air and his palms planted on his feet. And the next few pictures are of him lying on the ground next to the table, since he fell off shortly after bending over.

  "I'm?I'm gonna send them all to y'all," Summer assures us, struggling to speak as she laughs.

  Holly and I step back and look at our phones, trying to catch our breaths.

  "Are they coming through?"

  "Yeah, they are. I'm saving your number to my phone," I tell Summer, still giggling.

  "Me, too," she replies.

  Then all of a sudden, I notice Holly stiffen up and stop laughing completely, as if someone flipped a switch. I glance at her, and not only is her smile gone, she looks nervous?and she's staring at the caf entrance.

  When I turn and look, I see Becca standing outside the caf, staring at me through the glass of one of the doors. I have no idea how long she's been there, but her expression is lifeless and blank. She's looking at me as though I've just plunged a knife deep into her stomach.

  I watch as her eyes slowly turn red and glassy, which I don't think I've ever seen before, and then she simply walks away.

  My stomach turns as I lower my eyes to the floor, feeling like the most horrible person in the world.

  "I'm sorry, Dori?I don't know what to say," Summer mutters.

  I don't respond. I just stare at the floor for a few more seconds, trying to maintain my composure. Then I head for the door. But by the time I stick my head out and look down the long connecting hallway, Becca's nowhere to be found. She's gone out to either the courtyard or the parking lot, and I'm pretty sure she wants to be left alone. So I head back to the squad in a daze and continue practice.