Read Cursed by a Fortune Page 24


  Kate Wilton needed all her strength of mind to bear up against thedepression consequent upon her self-inflicted position. As she sat backin a corner of the carriage, dimly lit by a lamp in which a quantity ofthick oil was floating to and fro, she could see that Garstang in thecorner diagonal to hers was either asleep or assuming to be so, and forthe moment this relieved her, for she felt that it was from kindness andconsideration on his part.

  But the next minute she was in agony, reproaching herself bitterly forwhat now presented the aspect of a rashly foolish action on her part.

  Then, with her mental suffering increasing, she tried to combat thisidea, telling herself that she had acted wisely, for it would have beenmadness to have stayed at Northwood and exposed herself to the risk offurther insult from her cousin, now that she knew for certain what wereher uncle's designs. For she knew that appeal to her aunt would beuseless, that lady being a slave to the caprices of her son and thestern wishes of her husband, and quite ready to believe that everythingthey said or did was right.

  And so on during the slow night journey toward London, her brain growingmore and more confused by the strangeness of her position, and theabsence of her natural rest, till the swaying to and fro of her thoughtsseemed to be somewhat bound up with that of the thick oil in the greatglass bubble of a lamp and with the stopping of the train and the rolland clang of the great milk tins taken up at various stations.

  At last her fevered waking dream, as it seemed to her, was brought to anend by Garstang suddenly starting up as if from sleep to rub hiscondensed breath off the window-pane and look out.

  "London lights," he said.--"Asleep, my dear?"

  "No, Mr Garstang. I have been awake thinking all the while."

  "Of course you would be. What an absurd, malapropos question. There,you see what it is to be a middle-aged, unfeeling man. I'm afraid we doget very selfish. Instead of trying to comfort you, and chattingpleasantly, I curl up like a great black cat and go to sleep."

  She made no reply. The words would not come.

  "Cold, my dear?"

  "No. I feel hot and feverish."

  "Nervous anxiety, of course. But try and master it. We shall soon behome, and you can have a good cup of tea and go to bed. A good longsleep will set you right, and you will not be thinking of what aterrible deed you have committed in coming away in this nocturnalclandestine manner. That sounds grand, doesn't it, for a very calm,sensible move on life's chess-board--one which effectually checks JamesWilton and that pleasant young pawn his son. There, there, don't fidgetabout it, pray. I have been thinking, too, and asking myself whether Ihave done my duty by Robert Wilton's child in bringing you away, and Ican find but one answer--yes; while conscience says that I should havebeen an utter brute to you if I had left you to be exposed to such ascandalous persecution."

  "Thank you, Mr Garstang," said Kate, frankly, as she held out her handto him. "I could not help feeling terribly agitated and ready toreproach myself for taking such a step. You do assure me that I havedone right?"

  "What, in coming with me, my dear?" he said, after just pressing herhand and dropping it again. "Of course I do. I was a little in doubtabout it at first, but my head feels clearer after my nap, and I tellyou, as an experienced man, that you have done the only thing you coulddo under the circumstances. This night journey excites and upsets you abit, but I'm very much afraid that some of them at Northwood will be farworse, and serve them right."

  "Poor 'Liza will be horror-stricken," said Kate. "I wish I had beggedharder for you to bring her too."

  "Ah, poor woman! I am sorry for her," said Garstang, thoughtfully;"servants of that devoted nature are very rare. It is an insult to callthem servants; they are very dear and valuable friends. But just thinka moment, my dear. To have roused her from sleep and told her to dressand come with you--to join you in your flight would have seemed to herthen so mad a proceeding that it would have resulted in her alarming thehouse, or at least in upsetting our project. She would never have letyou come."

  "I am afraid you are right," said Kate, with a sigh.

  "I am sure of it, my child; but you must communicate with her at once.She must not be kept in suspense an hour longer than we can help. Letme see, I must contrive some way of getting a letter to her.--Ah, herewe are."

  For the train had slowed while they were talking, and was now glidinggently along by the platform of the great dimly lighted station.

  A porter sprang on to the footboard as he let down the window.

  "Luggage, sir?"

  "No. Is the refreshment room open?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "That will do, then," said Garstang, and he slipped a coin into theman's hand. "Now, then, my dear, we'll go and have a hot cup of tea atonce."

  "I really could not touch any now, Mr Garstang," said Kate.

  "That's what I daresay you said about your medicine when you were alittle girl; but I must be doctor, and tell you that it is necessary totake away that nervous shivering and agitation; and besides, have alittle pity on me."

  She smiled faintly as he handed her out of the carriage, and sufferedherself to be led to where the cheerless refreshment room was in chargeof a couple of girls, who looked particularly sleepy and irritable, butwho had been comforting themselves with that very rare railway beverage,a cup of freshly made tea.

  "There, I am sure you feel better for that," said Garstang, as he drewhis companion's arm through his and led her out of the station, ignoringthe offers of cabman after cabman. "A nice, little, quick walk willcirculate your blood, and then we'll take a cab and go home."

  She acquiesced, and he took her along at a brisk pace through thegas-lit streets, passing few people but an occasional policeman wholooked at them keenly, and the men busy in gangs sweeping the citystreets; but at the end of a quarter of an hour he raised his hand tothe sleepy looking driver of a four-wheeler, handed his companion in,gave the man his instructions, and then followed, to sit opposite toher, and drew up the window, when the wretched vehicle went off with theglass jangling and jarring so that conversation became difficult.

  "There!" said Garstang, merrily; "now, my dear, I am going to confess toa great deal of artfulness and cunning."

  She looked at him nervously.

  "This is a miserable cab, and I could have obtained a far better one inthe station, but now you have come away it's to find peace, quiet, andhappiness, eh?"

  "I hope so, Mr Garstang."

  "Yes, and you shall have those three necessities to a young girl's life,or John Garstang will know the reason why. So to begin with I was notgoing to have James Wilton and his unlicked cub coming up to town sometime this morning, enlisting the services of a clever officer, who wouldquestion the porters at the terminus till he found the man who asked meabout luggage, and then gather from that man that he called cab numbernine millions and something to drive us away. Then, as they keep arecord of the cabs which take up and where they are going, for thebenefit of that stupid class of passengers who are always leaving theirumbrellas and bags on seats, that record would be examined, number ninemillions and something found, questioned, and ready to endorse the entryas to where we were going; and the next thing would have been UncleJames and Cousin Claud calling at my house, insisting upon seeing you,and consequently a desperate row, which would upset you and make me saythings again which would cause me to repent. Now do you see?"

  "Yes," she said, gravely; "they will not follow us now."

  "I hope not, but it is of no use to be sure. I am taking everyprecaution I can; and I shall finish by getting out where I told theman--Russell Square; and we will walk the rest of the way."

  Kate did not speak, for a vague terror was beginning to oppress her,which her companion's bright cheery way had hard work to disperse.

  "It is of no use to be sure about anything, but if they do find out thatyou have come with me, these proceedings will throw them off the scent.Your uncle does not kn
ow that I have a house in Great Ormond Street. Ofcourse he knows of my offices in Bedford Row, and of my place atChislehurst, where Harry Dasent lives with me--when he condescends to beat home. Come, you seem brighter and more cheerful now, but you willnot be right till you have had a good long sleep."

  Very little was said for the rest of the journey, the cab drawing up atthe end of the narrow passage close to Southampton Row, where there wasno thoroughfare for horses; and after the man was paid, Garstang led hiscompanion along the pavement as if about to enter one of the houses,going slowly till the cab was driven off. Then, increasing his pace, heled the way into the great square, along one side, making for the east,and finally stopped suddenly in front of a grim-looking red-brickmansion in Great Ormond Street--a house which in the gloomy morning,just before dawn, had a prison-like aspect which made the girl shiver.

  "Strange how cold it is just before day," said Garstang, leading the wayup the steps, glancing sharply to right and left the while. The nextmoment a latch-key had opened the ponderous door, and they stood in agreat hall dimly seen to be full of shadow, till Garstang struck amatch, applied it beneath a glass globe, and revealed the proportions ofthe place, which were ample and set off by rich rugs, and old oakpresses full of blue china, while here and there were pictures whichlooked old and good.

  "Welcome home, my child," said Garstang, with tender respect. "It looksgloomy now, but you are tired, faint, and oppressed with trouble. Thisway."

  He led the girl to a door at the foot of a broad staircase, opened it,entered the room, and once more struck a match, to apply it to a coupleof great globes held up by bronze figures on the great carved oakmantelpiece, and as the handsome, old-fashioned room lit up, he stoppedand applied a match to the paper of a well-laid fire, which began toburn briskly, and added the warmth and glow of its flames and the cheerycrackle of the wood to the light shed by the globes.

  "There," he continued, drawing forward a great leather-covered easychair to the front of the fire, "take off your hat, but keep your cloakon till the room gets warmer. It will soon be right."

  She obeyed, trying to be firm, but her hands trembled a little as sheglanced at her strange surroundings the while, to see that the room washeavily but richly furnished, much of the panelled oak wall being takenup by great carved cabinets, full of curious china, while plates andvases were ranged abundantly on brackets, or suspended by hooks whereverspace allowed. These relieved the heaviness of the thick hangings abouta stained-glass window and over the doors, lying in folds upon the thickPersian carpet, while as the fire burned up a thousand littlereflections came from the glaze of china, and wood polished as bright ashands could make it.

  "You did not know I was quite a collector of these things, my dear. Ihope you will take an interest in them by-and-by. But to begin with,let me say this--that I hope you will consider this calm old house yoursanctuary as well as home, that you are its mistress as long as youplease, and give your orders to the servants for anything that seems tobe wanting."

  "You are very good to me, Mr Garstang," faltered Kate, who felt thatthe vague terror from which she had suffered was dying away.

  "Good? Absurd! Now, then, you will not mind being left alone for a fewminutes? I am going to awaken my housekeeper and her daughter. Ratheran early call."

  As he spoke a great clock over the mantelpiece began to chime musically,and was followed by the hour in deep, rich, vibrating tones.

  "It's a long time since I was up at five in the morning," said Garstang,cheerily. "Hah! a capital fire soon. Becky is very clever at layingfires. You will find her and her mother rather quaint, but they aredevoted to me. Excellent servants. I never see anyone else's house soclean. There, I shall not be long."

  He smiled at her pleasantly, and left the room, while, as the doorclosed, and the heavy folds of the portiere dropped down, Kate sank backin her chair, and the tears which had been gathering for hours fellfast. Then she drew herself up with a sigh, and hastily wiped her eyes,as if relieved and prepared to meet this new change of fate.

  Garstang's few minutes proved to be nearly a quarter of an hour, duringwhich, after a glance or two round the room, Kate sat thinking, with herideas setting first in one direction, then ebbing in the other, thefeeling that she had done wrong predominating; but her new guardian'sreappearance changed their course again, and she could feel nothing butgratitude to one whose every thought seemed to be to make her positionbearable.

  "I could not be cross with them," he said, as he entered; "but it is anastonishing thing how people who have neither worry nor trouble in theworld can sleep. Now those two have nothing on their minds but the careof this house, which came to me through an old client, and in which Ivery seldom live! and I believe they pass half their time drowsingthrough existence. If the truth were known, they were in bed by nineo'clock last night, and they were so soundly asleep that the place mighthave been burned down without their waking."

  "It seems a shame to disturb them," said Kate, with a faint smile.

  "What? Not at all, my child. Do them good; they want rousing out oftheir lethargy. I have told them to prepare a bedroom for you, and Ishould advise you to retire as soon as they say it is ready. There isno fear of damp, for the rooms are constantly having fires in them, andSarah Plant is most trustworthy. Go and have a good long sleep, andsome time in the afternoon we will have a discussion on ways and means.You will have to go shopping, and I shall have to play guardian andcarry the parcels. By the way, you will want some money. Have youany?"

  "I have a few pounds, Mr Garstang."

  "Perhaps that will do for the present; if not, please bear in mind thatyou have unlimited credit with your banker. I am that banker till youcan declare yourself independent, so have no compunction whatever aboutasking for what you need Is there anything more that I can do for you?"

  "No, Mr Garstang; only to contrive a way of getting Eliza here."

  "Oh, yes, of course, I will not forget that; but we must be careful. Wedon't want any more quarrelling. It is bad for you, and it upsets me.Ah, they're ready."

  For at that moment there was a soft tapping at the door.

  "Your bedroom is the one over this, and I hope you will find itcomfortable. No trees to look out upon; no flowers; no bright fullmoon; plenty of bricks, mortar, and chimney-pots; but there are rest andpeace for you, my child; so go, and believe that I am ready to fightyour battles and to make you happy here. I can if you will only help."

  "I shall try, Mr Garstang," she said, with a faint smile.

  "Then _c'est un fait accompli_," he replied, holding out his hand."Good-night--I mean, good morning. Sarah is waiting to show you to yourroom."

  She placed her hand in his for a few moments, and then with heart toofull for words she hurried to the door and passed through into the hall,to find a strange-looking, dry, elderly woman standing on the skin matat the foot of the stairs, holding a massive silver bedroom candlestickin her hand, and peering at her curiously, but ready to lower her eyesdirectly.

  "This way, please, miss," she said, in a lachrymose tone of voice; andshe began to ascend the low, wide, thickly-carpeted stairs, holding thecandle before her, and showing her gaunt, angular body against a fainthalo of light.

  Kate followed, wondering, and feeling as if she were in a dream, whileGarstang was slowly walking up and down among his cabinets, rubbing hishands softly, and smiling in a peculiar way.

  "Promises well," he said softly; "promises well, but I have my work cutout, and I have not reckoned with Harry Dasent yet."

  He stopped short, thinking, and then involuntarily raised his eyes, tofind that he was exactly opposite a curious old Venetian mirror, whichreflected clearly the upper portion of his form.

  He started slightly, and then stood watching the clearly seen image ofhis face, ending by smiling at it in a peculiar way.

  "Not so very old yet," he said softly; "a woman is a woman, and it onlydepends upon how you play your cards."

"But there is Harry. Ah, I must not reckon without him."