“I doubt if he knows about it. My crew is the lead crew on it so we’ve had to do some planning for it all ready. Also I’m not sure that I’ll be running grader on it. I asked to get Brad on the job since we’ll need experienced grader operators. I picked up a feeling from the Chief-in-charge that I’ll be running one of the crews out in the boondocks not operating anything.”

  A stricken expression flashed across Suzie face. “Does that mean you will be where the VC is?”

  Afraid that he had said too much and not wanting Suzie to worry needlessly, Dan tried to back pedal. ”Well, not really. I’ll be out on Highway 1 a little ways from the fenced perimeter. But I almost always work out there. Have since I got in-country. Please don’t worry or blow it out proportion. We’re very careful and don’t take any chances.”

  “Iie. I know that you are trying to make sure that Tomi and I do not worry. But I know you as she knows Brad. We have seen you both run your big machines and you do things that the average Seabee would not try. So we know you will go where you have to go to do what you think needs doing.

  That is honto isn’t it Tomako?” Suzie’s worry and excitement became apparent in her words. She reverted back a little bit to a more simple English.

  ”Hai. Suzie-chan is right Dan. We know that you are being gentle with us because you don’t want us to be scared or worry. But we will be anyway. We can try not to be too much or to let you know how scared we are, but we will always be until you are safely home and in our beds holding us against all that the world threatens us with.”

  “God, Tomi. I didn’t know how much you worry about it and I’m sure that Brad doesn’t realize it either.”

  “My Love,” Suzie started, “We know what kind of men you are. Neither of you are quitters and even if you get scared you will continue to do what you must and deal with your fears. We also accept you as the brave men you are and deal with our fears and don’t expect you not to do what you have to. I for one, love you very much and do not want to lose you. I can not tell you often enough how much I love you and want you with me.

  I know Tomako feels the same way about Brad. Now that is enough. If I say anymore I’ll start crying and maybe ruin a very nice day for all of us.”

  With that said, Suzie rose from her chair and wiggling her way onto Dan’s lap snuggle her face into his neck.

  He could feel the wetness of her tears on his neck and how hard she was hanging onto him. His response was to hold Suzie tighter and with gently fingers lifted her chin up and softly kissed the tears from each eye then settled his mouth on hers. Their tongue’s touched, flicked gently then increased in passion.

  “Shall we take Tomi out to dinner?” Dan asked with his lips nibbling on her neck.

  “Yes. But first we ladies have to fix our faces before we go out in public.”

  “What about me? I have to see you without and before and after face repairs.”

  The only answer he got was a very pink and slowly curling tongue stuck out at him.

  “Damn. You’ve been around Tomi too much. She did that all the time to Brad.” Dan complained with a smile, reached towards her and as she was raising off his lap kissed her on the forehead.

  “Poor baby” Tomi exclaimed getting up and coming around the table to kiss Dan on the cheek.


  Suzie snuggled tighter against him before asking. “Dan, are you awake?”

  “Mmm, I think so. What time is it?”

  “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I can’t go back to sleep.”

  She turned her head slightly to see the clock and reached across his waist to hold him tighter. “It’s 3. I’m sorry. You need more sleep to get rested. Tomorrow morning you won’t get much sleep before you have to catch your flight away from me.”

  Dan turned over slowly until they were face to face and putting his hands on her hips pulled her into him.

  “I love the feel of your bare skin against me.” She said and threw her right leg onto his thigh.

  “What are you going to tell Brad about Tomi?”

  “I don’t know. Haven’t really thought much about it. I have been thinking more about us. Selfish, huh?”

  “No. I don’t think so. I like that you spend so much time thinking about us. Especially if it is good thinking. But can we talk about Brad and Tomi for a minute?” She rubbed her leg gently up and down his thigh.

  “Sure. And yes, they are good thoughts.” He answered and reached to turn on the small bedside light on. “I want to see your gorgeous eyes.”

  “No. You are looking at my naked body.” and she leaned back away from him to expose more of her full breasts to him.

  He leaned down and softly kissed each of her nipples before she raised his face up, moved back closer to him. “No. If you keep that up we won’t talk. At least about Tomi and Brad.”

  “If I say anything about our thoughts that she is pregnant and she isn’t, it might build up his hopes before he has a big let down when he finds out she isn’t.”

  “That is why I wanted to talk about it. A women’s view, especially in relationships which you and I know are more complex than the usual ‘boy meets girl’. I want to share and I know you will listen to me and I know that you do not think that I’m being silly or stupid.

  Other people should not interfere in telling such news. Tomi will want to tell Brad herself. There is a ‘but’ though. He is a long ways away and news between them travels only as fast as the fastest letter can travel.”

  “Which is almost two weeks between Okinawa and a GI in Vietnam.” Dan added.

  “So, maybe, if you said something like, you and I, Suzie and I, I mean, think Tomi is pregnant.”

  “How about, ‘Ole Buddy, my girl friend and I think that your girl friend is knocked up and carrying your baby and it’s time to commit or run’.”

  “Iie! You are terrible Dan Lee Davis.”

  “Oww. Why did you slug me?”

  “Because you sounded like an American redneck. And what do you call them? trailer park trash.”

  “I was only kidding.”

  “I know, but sometimes your sense of humor gets you in trouble.”

  “Like just now?”


  “I guess I better play it by ear.”

  “What do you mean, ‘play it by ear’?”

  “I’ll wait until I hear what she tells him, what you may write to me, or what Brad says or asks of me. Then decide how much to say to him.”

  “You’re right. We have talked about them enough.” Suzie stated firmly.

  “How about us, Suzie?”

  She pushed him onto his back and slid over on top of him in one smooth motion. “Will you write to me every week? That is not too much to ask is it?”

  “No My Love it is not. Sometimes I may write more often.”

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to answer more than one a week. I’ll have to take them to the translator to read yours and to put mine into English so you can read them. I’m not as educated as Tomi who has a typewriter and has learned to read and write English.”

  “Please don’t compare yourself to her. Her life has been different and the opportunities for her in life have come from a different direction. Remember, when I left, you thought that we could part ways and forget each other so you just went on with your life without me or without having to learn to write me letters.”

  “Hai. Now that has all changed. Neh? I would like to learn to read and write English, and to have your baby.

  I don’t think like Tomi does. There are schools I can go to just to learn English and they are close by.”

  “Have my baby?”

  “Hai. As soon as I can get pregnant.”

  “Oh. Before we’re married?”

  “Hai. We are married in our souls already neh?”

  “What do you want to do about a place to live?”

  “What d
o you mean? I’ll stay with Sasha until I have paid her back then I can keep saving money by living in her little house with her.”

  “I want us to pay Sasha back as quick as we can. And also I’ll send you enough money every month to pay your living expenses. You’ll be able to move into a place of your own with more room and a bath of your own. Besides, when I come home on R & R and on leave we’ll have a place of our own.”

  “You are coming to Okinawa on leave? Honto? When? For how long?”

  “Honto, hai. First another R & R maybe in June, then in July or August on leave for a month.”

  Suzie rubbed her stomach on his as she squeezed against him. “Oh, I do love you. I can now believe everything we have thought and talked about? Neh?”


  “I want to stay in my tiny room at Sasha’s until just before you come next. That way I will be saving money. She lets me stay there for nothing and I don’t mind the tiny room except having to share her kitchen and bathroom.

  I will just be a full time bartender and won’t have to ask GIs to buy me drinks. That will be some more pay every month.”

  “When will you get your own house, or even an apartment?”

  “There are some nice apartments here in Koza just up the street from here. Would you like to live here near the hotels?”

  “Sure, that would be fine.

  Do you have a passport? A birth certificate?”

  “Hai. Why?”

  “Is it a Japanese passport?” Is your father on your birth certificate? What his nationality or citizenship was?”

  “Hai, it is Japanese, but my birth certificate only has his name on it, and my mother’s citizenship.”

  “Can we get them tomorrow? I want to see what we will need to get married and also how to get you into the US.”

  He heard and felt her breathing change knowing she had fallen asleep. He ran his hands across her naked back and felt how cold she had gotten. Carefully he pulled the futon across them as he gently rolled onto his side and kept holding her against his stomach. Her regular breathing never changed she was so deep in sleep.

  “I’m going to the Moonlight and talk to Sasha. Do you mind if I do it alone. Talking about money will be very hard and even though we are tomodachis, like sisters, I don’t know how she will answer me.”

  “All right. You’re going to tell her you’re going to give her the $300 back in a couple of days and only want to tend bar from now on?”

  “Hai. I will do it all slowly and not tell her I’m moving out of her house until I hear when you will get here on R & R. She doesn’t need to know that you are sending me money.”

  “That’s up to you.

  How much do you need a month?”

  “You do not need to do that My Love. I will be all right until you come back. Then you will have to pay the rent on our house or apartment and to buy my food when you are not here.”

  “I’ll leave you some money when I leave tomorrow, besides her three hundred. Then you can use it as you have too.”

  “I must go now. You know that you are too good to me? I was the one who said go away and then tried to forget you.”

  “I know. Didn’t work that way did it?”

  “Take me to the beach after I get back and we’ll only come back when night comes?”


  “In case you are thinking about it, I had my period two days before you got here. There is no way you can make me pregnant this time.”


  Petty Officer EO2 Dan Lee Davis and the Marine Gunny in charge of the R & R flight would be the last to board the waiting Marine Corp C-130 Hercules at MCAF Futemma. Dan had stood just outside the terminal door as the Gunny checked all the other Marines and Seabees off his list and watched them one by one enter the 130’s troop door.

  “I guess we have to go too.” The Gunny said when he stepped over to where Dave was looking across the tarmac towards the distant South China Sea. “I live here and almost once a week I go in-country and every time I have to force myself to climb aboard that Herkie Bird. My wife is here since I’m supposed to be on shore duty and I get to spend maybe 5 out of 7 nights a week with her if I’m lucky.

  We saw you and Suzie in the VFW night before last. I knew that I knew you from somewhere before when we came out of country last week.”

  “Where was that Gunny?”

  “You and Suzie lived about three doors down the street from Reiko and I. You were attached to Public Works and the motor pool here and lived with Suzie for several months until you were transferred last year. I know of at least 50 Marines who tried to move in on her when you left but it was like she had gone into mourning. Not one Marine could even get to first base. Then she quit the Rendezvous and we never saw her again until you reappeared. She is one hell of a lady. You are one lucky Seabee I hope you realize that.”

  Together they walked across the ramp towards the 130. The loadmaster had closed the side loading troop door so they turned slightly and headed for the rear loading ramp. The crew chief who was on headsets in front of the engines gave the Gunny a thumbs up which the Gunny returned the signal meaning ’go ahead, start engines’ ”.

  “Don’t worry, they won’t leave us behind. I fly this airline so much that all the crew chiefs and loadmasters know me. Like I said, lots of times I have to force myself to get on board.”

  “Suzie and I are getting married.” Dan said quietly.

  Gunny turned to look him in the eye as they stepped up on the loading ramp. “Good. I’ll tell my wife. Where is she living? Don’t worry, did you see that cute little Okinawan looking at us through the terminal windows? My best friend and wife. They know each other as passing neighbors and Reiko wants to see Suzie. She was going to talk to her in the VFW but didn’t want to butt in. We could both see how you were together and it occurred to me that you would be leaving with me this morning. I know, these R & Rs trips are never long enough.”

  “The Moonlight on BC Street until I come back on R & R probably in June.”

  “Gunny Lars in case you couldn’t read my name tag. Congratulations.” As he offered his hand.

  “We might as well stay here and watch the island disappear. The loadmaster always keeps the ramp partway down so we can watch the shoreline disappear.”

  The high pitched throb of the Hercule’s engines with their Hamilton Standard props always sounded powerful and comfortable to him and Dan leaned against the bulkhead looking aft long after the Okinawan coastline had gone out of sight. Slowly the loadmaster brought the ramp up and the upper door down to shut out the fading red sunrise as they headed southwest back to Vietnam.

  On the flight from Okinawa to Da Nang Dan decided that he didn’t particularly want to stay there overnight that he would much rather go on to Chu Lai. When he off loaded at the Da Nang Marine terminal he found Gunny Lars at the ATCO counter talking to a Marine Liaison. “Got a minute Gunny?”

  “Sure Davis. What you need?”

  Anyway I could find a hop to Chu Lai?”

  “You mean now instead of tomorrow morning? You have a guaranteed seat on tomorrow’s courier flight.”

  “Yeah, I know. I can’t see much sense in staying here if I could get to Chu Lai any time between now and midnight or so.”

  “Let me check. I know there’s a flight in a few minutes but it’s loaded with Vietnamese refugees.”

  Lars went back to the counter and appeared to be fast talking and laughing with the Marine Staff Sergeant behind the counter. In a couple minutes he pointed out Dan then motioned for him to come to the counter.

  “”The Sergeant will talk to the loadmaster in a minute. The cargo compartment is loaded with Vietnamese sitting on the floor. They will be dropped off at several stops down the coast. But the bird’s first stop is Chu Lai and he thinks he might get you a seat in the cockpit. Let’s wait here for a minute.

  Another Marine Gunny in a gray
flight suit, entered the terminal through the back door behind the counter, talked to the Staff Sergeant for several seconds then came to the counter. “Petty Officer Davis? Gunny Graham. Need a ride to Chu Lai?” He asked as he stuck out his hand.

  Shaking the Gunny’s hand he spoke. “Sure do Gunny.”

  “Okay grab your gear and come on. You can have my cockpit seat. I should stay in the cargo compartment anyway to make sure our passengers will be okay.”

  Dan turned back to Gunny Lars “Gunny, thanks. I’ll try to catch up with you next time I come through.”

  “All right Dave. My wife will probably go to see Suzie and will tell her that we delivered you back here in one piece. Take care of yourself and I’ll watch for you.” He said as Dan followed the other Gunny out the back door.

  “You can stow your gear in the cockpit with the flight crew’s. Watch your step, there isn’t much walking space.”

  The Hercule’s engines were all ready running and it became hard to hear when he walked around the back of the aircraft and stepped up onto the ramp. Dan could hardly believe what he saw. Across the width of the aircraft was row upon row of Asian faces. The majority of them with looks of fear and a few looks of pure terror. For each row of Vietnamese peasants was a gray nylon cargo tie down strap which each peasant was hanging onto for dear life with one had while in the other each held some type of parcel or bag which could hold personal belongings or food.

  This is like a Vietnamese village. Ducks, chickens, pot belly pigs. That old man has two pigs in that hand woven wooden basket and they weigh as much as he does.

  “I have over 200 Vietnamese souls here and no seats. We can’t put 90 in troop seats and the rest on the floor, so they all ride on the floor.

  I’ll tell the cockpit you’re on your way up and they’ll take care of you. Try not to step on any bodies on the way.” The Gunny smiled as he put his headset on and spoke into it.

  A young corporal got out of a crew seat at the very top of the stairs leading up to the very aft end of the cockpit. “You can seat here with me. Take the inside seat. That’s where the loadmaster sits whenever he rides up here. The other is mine. I”m the crew chief. It’s my airplane.” He said with a smile and took Dan’s AWOL bag from him. “It will be in here.” And placed it in an open locker with several other bags. “Watch out for the navigator’s chair. It has armor plating that sticks out and if you get hit when he swivels it will nail you right in the knee. Guaranteed to hurt. I know.” He said with a smile. Handing Dan a headset after he had got settled and the aircraft started to taxi towards the active runway. “Here, if you want to be entertained and hear what is going on. Just don’t push the button, it activates the mike.”