Chief Thomas was climbing into his jeep when Dan left the company office. and hailed him. “Did you have to threaten him?”

  The chief laughed. “I don’t think he really cared where he went. Just wanted to get out of here and away from responsibilities for a couple of days. Never batted an eye or asked who wanted the slot. Said sure, no problem and that was it.”

  “Thanks Tom, I really appreciate it anyway.”

  “Did you see Linh on Saturday? You never said and truthfully I forgot to ask.”

  “Yeah I did. She walked to the quarry access road from Chu Lai village. The rest of the girls were at the Brigade gate. Didn’t have much of a conversation though she said she’d be here until later in the summer then would be going to Hue to stay with relatives. Also said she would be out on the road today. The VC gave Chu Lai hell with intimidation and such before they hit us. She was really scared.”

  “You’re going to Da Nang tomorrow?

  “Yeah, be back Monday the 24th. Back to work on Tuesday.”

  “We’ll probably start spreading some rock while you’re gone. The stockpile is starting to build up. Any idea who we can put on your grader while you’re gone?”

  “Yeah, actually. How about Eddie Kramer if you can’t borrow Brad for a few days? Ed sews his crow on May first and is a good worker plus he wants to learn. I let him run the grader when he was riding shotgun for me and he was getting pretty good.”

  “I don’t think they’ll give us Brad, so we can settle for Ed. Want him riding shotgun today?”

  “Yeah, why not? I don’t really need a shotgun next to the wire, but he could use some more experience.”

  “Why don’t you pick him up. The motor pool has him driving truck today. Waste of talent.”

  “Gotcha. See you out on the road. I’m going to smooth out the weekend bumps as far south as the Brigade headquarters then Kramer can concentrate the rest of the week on the shoulders until you start laying rock down.”

  “Why don’t you catch a ride in after lunch so you can get ready to leave early. The Marine Corp Chu Lai to Da Nang C-130 leaves at 0800 tomorrow.

  Kramer can handle it all right.”

  “Thanks Tom. See ya when I get back.”


  It was after 1100 before the Okinawa bound C-130 R & R flight departed Da Nang.

  Looking around to see if he could see a familiar face, Dan tried to count heads amongst the scattering of troops. No one that I know. Or at least amongst the few I can see. Wonder how many there are?” The Gunny was keeping a strict count as we came aboard. I think the max is about 90 troops or so in the troop seats.

  Wonder if it’s through snowing in here?

  Shortly after engine start and the air conditioning and pressurization system was turned on it often snowed inside the cargo compartment of the C-130s. The high humidity and warm air of Vietnam was conducive to such a reaction when the humid air’s temperature was dropped to freezing or below by the air conditioning system. Almost always the sudden snow flurry was met by the hoots and hollers of the surprised passengers where the frigid air and snow was the furthest things from their minds.

  Dan’s thoughts were comfortable. That is really nice. Quite a change from Southeast Asian weather. I could take a dose of snow every so often.

  The loadmaster and crew chief were making their last minute checks of the passengers and cargo compartment before takeoff. When the loadmaster came by in the raging flurry of snow Dan asked if this happened often.

  “Almost every time we start engines and turn on the A/C and pressurization system in-country. Humidity is so high, and also the flight engineer turns the temperature control really low so it shocks the air into producing snow for a couple minutes. Cools off the cargo compartment quick and the troops like it. Some flight engineers have no sense of humor so it doesn’t snow much.” With a wave and quick smile he moved on.

  There were troops scattered throughout the cargo compartment of the Marine Corp Herkie Bird. The main part of the aircraft was full of wooden crated and palletized cargo with little room for anybody’s legs while seated on any of the red nylon troop seats which lined both sides of the fuselage. Before the C-130 reached cruising altitude several Marines and a couple Seabees including Dan Davis had left the safety of the troop seat harnesses for the comfort of stretching out on any flat spot on the cargo. Dan could touch the overhead of the cargo compartment from where he was laying on a huge wooden box of cargo labeled with a bunch of indecipherable military code words. His legs were hanging off one end of the box barely resting on the top of a another piece of palletized cargo. He had to cushion the back of his shoulders with his foul weather jacket so the cargo tie down chain holding a crated helicopter engine wouldn’t bite into him.

  Dan’s thoughts drifted back to Chu Lai. Where was Linh yesterday? I hope she came out after I left and Ed or Casey told her that I was all right and would be back on Monday. I did want to see her and tell her myself, but that is the way it worked out. She didn’t come out on the road first thing so she missed me.

  The way her relatives are reacting makes me wonder how she manages to get out on the road at all. Their politics kind of make me wonder also. If could be involved with the Viet Cong.

  The Marine Gunny who had check him in at Da Nang was just inside the MCAF terminal on Futemma, Okinawa. Dan was surprised at the number of troops coming off the Herkie Bird and checking in with the Gunny.

  “EON2 Dan Lee Davis” Dan told him. The Gunny checked his name off the list then turned a couple sheets on his clipboard to find another list.

  “You’re an E-5 Davis?”

  “Yeah Gunny.”

  “Alright, be back here at 0700 on Monday 4/24 for your flight back.

  Listen up everybody.” He demanded.

  “All E-5s and above can leave. You’re on your own. Just be back to catch your flights back to God’s Country on Monday at 0700. He shouted with a broad grin followed by a few hoots and hollers from the more salty of the Marines and Seabees.

  If you want, there is transportation to the Tokio Hotel in Koza. They have some rooms available. But if you want to go somewhere else you can still ride the bus to Koza.

  All E-4s and below will load on the buses outside and go with me to Camp Butler. I’ll get you checked in there and you’ll get a bunk and locker and a liberty pass for the duration of your R & R. You’ll be leaving Camp Butler at 0530 on 4/24, Monday to catch your flight back to Da Nang.

  Move it out!”

  Dan rode the base shuttle bus out to Futemma’s front gate then caught a pink sukoshi cab. “Olympia Hotel, dozo Papa-san.”

  “You came from Vietnam?”

  “Hai. Just for 5 days, then I’ll go back.”

  “You speak Japanese. So you have been to Okinawa before?”

  “Hai. I spent about three years here at Futemma and I speak just a sukoshi.”

  “You have a nesan you are coming to see?”

  “I have a lot of Okinawan tomodachis here. I want to see as many as I can.”

  Dan got checked into the hotel and the first thing that he wanted to do was to scrub down his whole body Japanese style then soak in the neck deep, Japanese bath with the water as hot as he could stand.

  Comfortable, relaxed and drowsy he looked at his watch when the hot water had turned tepid and aroused him. Though he had added hot water twice it started to cool off again. I’ve been in this water for over two hours. I could stay longer, but I also need to get something to eat. Real food like some sushi and tempura. Maybe a big plate of Yakasoba. Big bowl of miso would be great.

  It was only a short walk down to BC Street and the Goya restaurant. Close by, two store fronts down BC Street was a sushi bar that he had eaten in and had bought take out sushi from before. He contemplated which he wanted the most and unconsciously went down BC Street to the sushi bar where he could also get a bowl of miso soup and all the
sashimi and sushi that he could hold..

  Now that was easy. I guess my stomach made that decision for me. Let’s see, mixed platter of a dozen pieces of sushi, then go to the Goya for their great yakasoba. With chicken, about midnight. Happily he went into the sushi bar and found an empty stool on the end of the bar furthest from the door.

  His appetite for sushi and sashimi sated for the moment, Dave meandered further down BC Street until he recognized a small bar that he remembered as being quiet and well run. The music from the jukebox playing Dino’s ‘Everybody Loves Somebody’ drifted barely audible from the open front door. Two bars down the street the big boisterous BC Bar had The Association’s ‘Along Comes Mary’ blaring on its jukebox so loud it was trying to override every other sound for a whole block around.

  He stepped into the small, dimly lit bar. He hesitated just inside the entrance to let his eyes adjust. Though it was getting late in the day, it was not as dark on the street as it was in the Moonlight Bar. Taking a few casual steps towards the darker interior he stopped when a soft voice came to him from behind the bar.

  “Dozo. konnichi wa, please.” The usual greeting when a GI walked into the dark inner depths of a bar and given by an unknown nesan.

  “Dan-san?” Louder, almost a scream but with friendly overtones as the nesan who had been behind the bar came around the end of the clean and polished hardwood bar. “Dan Lee?”

  The voice was more than familiar. It was ingrained in his memory. His eyes’ tried to focused in the dimness so he could see and verify who the dark haired, green eyed Goddess that was coming across the bar’s small dance floor. She was as tall as Dave’s 5’ 7”, maybe even an inch taller and weighed about the same. Slim with nice womanly hips, tiny waist and full breasted more so than the average Asian woman’s. She wore a little too much makeup which exaggerated her round, emerald green eyes and her caucasian nose. As she came closer to Dan some of the light from the street struck her hair bringing out the reddish highlights which flashed to show that it was not the deep shiny black a person would expect. With no hesitation she was in his arms. Her rich soft lips tender and warm. He felt her womanly body on his full height. The taste of her lipstick which was a deep shade of red brought back an overflow of remembrance and emotions.

  “Dan-chan? You okay? Not hurt? God how I’ve missed you.” She hung on to him and started to lead him towards the booth farthest from the front door.

  Taken by the suddenness of the encounter, Dan had kept his arms about her soft woman’s body. Finally finding his voice he tried to answer her questions. “Yes, I’m not hurt. I’m alright. I’ve missed you too.”

  “How long have you been away? The last time I saw you and we were together was when?” She answered her own questions without having to think about it. “October 9th last year and you were going to Port Hueneme, California, then to Vietnam. She stumbled a bit over Hueneme but recovered in the next breath.

  You never wrote to me. You never let me know that you were alright or that you missed me. Or that you were coming to Okinawa again.”

  Dan changed his arms and now held her with his arms wrapped under her breasts and was gently pulling her towards him. Their lips met with open mouths and she softly nibbled his lips before their tongues touched and explored each other’s mouth.

  “You are still very bad and make me want you. My Love, how can you do this to me?” She asked running her right hand down across his belly and onto his thighs. Her hand went no further, just slipped between his thighs halfway between his knees and crotch as she always did.

  “Suzie.” He definitely had pent up feelings and passions for this woman and the almost lose of her from his life came bursting forth. “You wouldn’t give me your address, and told me to leave. To forget you and find a rich and nice blonde, blue eyed American girl to love, marry and have kids with. Remember that discussion?”

  I have thought about you almost every day for the last months. I never gave up my feelings, yet wasn’t sure if I would ever see you again. Dan thought as he tightened his arms on her and felt more of her body warmth.

  She didn’t answer. just held him tighter. Her hand tightened on his thigh as tears ran profusely down her beautiful prominent Asian cheekbones.

  “What are you doing here on BC Street? Why did you leave the Rendezvous in Futemma? You could have worked anywhere you wanted. You didn’t owe Mama-san any money. What happened?” The questions poured out while he held her tighter as she twisted around in his arms and slid under his right arm so she could bury her face against his throat. The wetness of her tears smeared than started to run down his neck.

  “I want to go. To leave here. Now!” Suzie demanded.

  “Do you have a hotel room, Dan My Love?

  My room is very small and I do not want to take you there.”

  “I just got here from Vietnam this afternoon and I’m staying at the Olympia in Koza.”

  In a teary voice she spoke so softly he could hardly hear her. “That is a very nice hotel. Is it okay for us to go there together?”

  “Of course.”

  “Wait out front for me. I will talk to Mama-san then meet you.” She kissed him on the lips and again it stirred him.

  He looked into her tear filled eyes as she tried to smile and finally her face glowed in a full smile. Not wanting to release him she slid her hand down his arm and along his hand and fingers until she could no longer reach him. Still smiling she turned and started for the back door to find the bar Mama-san.

  The jukebox was now playing The Righteous Brother’s ’ My Soul and Inspiration. With a smile Dan stopped in the bar’s front door to listen to the song. How apropos.

  He felt her warm hand slid done his arm and take his hand. She snuggled against him and they listened to the song together.

  “I love this music.” She said when she nuzzled his neck. “I love you Dan-san.”

  Hand in hand they went up BC Street then cut across the main part of Koza City to the Olympia Hotel. The short hair, tanned and not too big caucasian and the very tall, well built woman, dressed in a brilliant green and gold Chinese cheongsam who undoubtedly was of mixed race and ethnicity, were a striking couple and Okinawans and Americans alike took a second look.

  They had hardly got through the door to Dan’s room when their hands reached for each other. With mutual feelings they went to the bed and sat down. With no word passing between them they stretched out next to each other and Suzie spoke for the first time since they had left the bar. “Don’t let me go again, please Dan. Just hold me tight so I can be sure it is you. That you are here and you are the one holding me.”

  Dan lost complete track of time. Suzie started to move around in his arms and with her mouth close to his ear spoke softly. “I want to make love, but I want to first take a hot bath and soak for a long time. Can I do that?”

  Sleepily he answered. “Of course. I’ll start the water, then you can make it as hot as you like. If you would like I’ll even wash your back.”

  She lifted her head and smiled happily. “You can make the water as hot as you used to. You always did it perfectly. I’m not sure about you washing my back. I will tell you later about that.” With that her smile brightened considerably. Dan slide off the bed and headed for the bathroom to start the water and Suzie stood up and started to take off her green silk dress which Dan had recognized as one of her favorites which brought out the red highlights in her shoulder length hair.

  “Dan? Unbutton me , dozo?” She asked turning her back to him as he turned back instead of going into the bathroom.

  Seeing him looking at the dress Suzie smiled happily as she shook her head in a very American gesture. “It is our favorite dress. You remember?

  I have not worn it very much. Only when I have had happy thoughts about us. Today I never thought about it. I just took it out of the closet and laid it on my bed before I got dressed.”

/>   “I remember the first time that I saw you in the Clover Bar in Noumanoui and you had it on. You said it was it was brand new and that was the first time you had worn it. ”

  She turned back to him as she was slipping the cheongsam off of her shoulders. then she stepped up to him in just a black bra and panties. “Yes I remember also. You had come to Noumanoui with Brad, your Seabee friend and his tomodachis.” She kissed him lightly on the lips before going into the bathroom where her hot bath was waiting. She just pushed the door partially closed.

  Dan had crawled under the futons with just his skivvies on and almost immediately fell asleep listening to the soft sound of water as Suzie washed herself Japanese style then slipped into the hot tub.

  He felt a warm body against his back and warm soft breath on his neck and right side of his face. Her warm right hand was resting above his waist on his right side drawing him closer to her stomach and bare breasts. “Mmm.” He murmured when Susie moved adjusting herself closer and lifting her right leg over his thigh.

  He moved careful and turned over to face her. Her arms went around his neck drawing her warm naked body tighter against him. He felt her soft warm lips searching for and finding his lips then she started to carefully and softly nibble on his lips as she pushed herself tighter against him.

  “Are you awake?” He heard being spoken softly and her right hand slid down from his neck onto the top of his butt.

  “Yeah” He answered and found her lips in a long passionate kiss. He took her full woman’s hips with both hands and pulled her tightly against himself.

  “You have been asleep a long time. I have never seen you sleep so much especially when we were naked in bed together. You are very tired, Neh?”

  Dan realized then he no longer had his skivvies on and Suzie’s svelte Eurasian body was also unclothed. “What time is it? It’s dark outside.”

  “Yes it’s still dark. About 0400. You understand military time, neh?’ She asked laughing quietly.

  “Smart ass” Was all he said when he rolled on top of her.

  “Mmmm! That is the Dan that I remember. You were worth waiting for. I have not been with a man since the last evening we were together. That last time we made love very quickly because you had to catch a plane.”