never learned what Communism really is. His is typical of the current cultural predicament.

  Belafonte is a 100 percent Communist. He and the Left would deny it and even in his own heart he probably does not believe it. He thrives in capitalism, is rich and lives amongst the American Beautiful People, but the things he says about Republicans and conservatives are so vile, foul, untruthful and abhorrent as to only be the words of an evil spirit, a devil. Nevertheless, he is a hero to the Left, a civil rights icon who because he faced some discrimination once is immune from any cursory examination of his character. He is handsome and talented and loved, the essence of cultural hipness and a picture of a pernicious sickness that has spread across Western society, infecting a good one-third of our mostly clueless populations.

  The people who listen to and love the Harry Belafontes of the world - indeed Belafonte himself is one of them - were accurately described by Stalin as "useful idiots" who freely promote the values of Communism in non-Communist countries. They do the work of the Communists. Nobody has to blackmail or coerce them.

  Blacks were badly discriminated against in Fidel Castro's Cuba, as well. Castro, Che Guevara and the Communist leadership considered themselves European, owing to their Spanish roots and seeing the blacks as mere slave chattel. But the Communists viewed Latinos as natural fodder for expansion, from the immigrant farm communities of America to the Mexican underclass and, led by Guevara, violent revolution in Latin America.

  The use of homosexuals as a means to "dilute" American greatness is very telling. The Communists did not want minorities, homosexuals or even intellectuals in positions of leadership. When "Marxist thinkers" began to develop a following, Stalin had them purged. The Communists realized that society needed strict discipline and order, generally military in nature. This left no room for the lame, the undesirable and in particular the homosexual, who were viewed as antithetical to order. What they wanted were for those they viewed as second rate and of low quality - blacks, Jews, Latinos, lesbians, homosexuals, the weak, the unpatriotic, the cowardly, the unimpressive - to promote Communism in America and to therefore dilute the strength of the United States.

  These methods can be viewed as mirroring the work of Satan, who seeks out the weak and the spiritually impoverished as his targets for hell. Of course, the average liberal reads this and thinks it Christian hogwash, which of course makes him the very sort the devil targets. At this point, there seems little reasonable, at least worldly, possibility that to plainly write such philosophical tenets will actually lead any large group of liberals to a change of heart.

  Then again, as the Gospel of Matthew so eloquently states, "With man nothing is possible; with God all things are possible."

  At the end of World War II, Dwight Eisenhower wisely ordered camera crews to capture evidence of the Holocaust. Otherwise, he warned, over time these atrocities would not be believed. But while the Cold War was won, there was no Reims schoolhouse or Battleship Missouri moments capturing the defeat of Communism, complete with documentaries and trials convicting them of their crimes against humanity. The Soviet gulags are largely paved over by roads and shopping malls. The Cultural Revolution in Mao's China between 1966 and 1976 is probably the greatest human tragedy, causing more pain, suffering and terror than has ever been inflicted upon human beings in the long history of people, yet there is very little visual evidence of it. The curious and the academic can seek out books on it, and read of its descriptions complete with statistics, but Ike was right; without the cameras it has come to be unbelieved. Certainly the Western Left does not wish to point it out, and would totally disagree that somehow the choices and politics they have adopted spring in any way from these horrors, yet the founders of Communism were once "nice liberals" as they think of themselves. Pol Pot was just an intellectual schoolteacher studying Marxism in France. When he became by historical accident the leader of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, he presided over the death of 1.5 million people in a country with a small population.

  Liberals, left to their own devises, are capable of such horrors. Conservatives, left to their own devises, will write the American Constitution. Belief in God means one knows all they do and believe in their heart is known and judged by God, who they fear. Absent faith the atheist will believe anything. Thus can Charles Darwin's theory of evolution morph into a theory that some people are inherently superior to others; that it is "humane" to end the lives of the lame, the homosexual, the colored, and the undesirable before they are allowed the breath of life. This is what leads to the gas chambers, the gulags and Planned Parenthood. Ultimately it is why millions of American blacks live in abject poverty and violence because this condition serves the most base, Machiavellian and never-ending purposes of the Democrat Party, the "protectors of the victim class."

  A cosmic joke of Satanic proportions.

  How else to explain the Blacklist and McCarthyism? In essence, the Communists did infiltrate Hollywood. Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy. U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (R.-Wisconsin) did not realize how right he was when he uncovered a "conspiracy so immense." Yet the news media and the public schools have effectively managed to convince the dumb and the dumber that it was all a "witch hunt." In the mean time, they have attempted to paint the Republicans as Nazis, even though Republican Nazis have not been discovered walking around on the Earth.

  The tactics of Saul Alinsky became the tactics of the Democrat Party . . . not to mention the tactics of the Church of Scientology. The Communist Party financed the anti-war protests of the Vietnam era. The Left took ownership of the victimhood business, from civil rights to feminism to gay rights to the environment. But this was all during the Cold War. The Communists had a national interest in disrupting or discrediting America. Soviet espionage may have reached its peak during the Reagan '80s.

  But the fall of the Berlin Wall revealed over time a new dynamic that perhaps can best be described as fiction come to reveal itself as truth. Take Hollywood, for instance. Despite being wildly liberal, on occasion the entertainment industry engages in random acts of truth that are too real for their own good. Take Patton, Apocalypse Now and A Few Good Men as examples. Patton screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola wrote the movie as an anti-war screed, meant to portray General George S. Patton as an unhinged military kook who needed to be reigned in by civilians. Instead George C. Scott infused the role with so much charisma that it is viewed as one of the great patriotic war films.

  In Apocalypse Now, Coppola tried again, but the helicopter attack sequences and equally charismatic performance of Robert Duvall as Colonel Kilgore again make this a must-see among military buffs, officer candidates and boot camp war jockeys.

  Then there is A Few Good Men, a cautionary tale of military power run amok by liberal screenwriter Aaron Sorkin and director Rob Reiner. Instead Jack Nicholson's courtroom diatribe is viewed as the essence of military forthrightness. Its message that civilians are far wiser than war heroes is largely lost among the warrior class who recite Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Jessup's famed, "You can't handle the truth" dialogue.

  But more to the point of fiction telling the truth are other works out of Hollywood. No Way Out (1987) featured Kevin Costner as a Naval hero who is positioned in a high place at the Pentagon. We eventually discover he is a Soviet mole, born and raised to infiltrate American society from within. This was not a fantasy; it was a real program. A similar movie called Little Nikita played to this theme. More recently the TV show The Americans demonstrates this scenario during the1980s. Homeland featured a Marine hero cultivated by Al Qaeda who manages to be in a position to blow up the Vice-President and many top political figures. This show apparently became too real for its own good.

  Its audience became largely conservatives who felt the depictions of "enemies within" America closely mirrored President Barack Obama. Like 24 it held nothing back; Islamic jihad was at war with us everywhere in the world. Conservative talk radio host Dr. Michael Savage so profusely praised the accuracy of the show and its tacit co
ndemnation of Obama's failures to keep America safe that in 2017 they decided to switch the theme of its main character, Claire Dames's Carrie Mathison, from a CIA agent battling bad guys to a liberal ACLU type defending them against unfair prejudice against Muslims. As of this writing, this has led the show to look weak, uninteresting, and probably in its last season.

  As for Obama, he has had the effect of consolidating once and for all what this strange new post-Cold War "enemy" is. There are conspiracy theories regarding who and what he is. Aside from the "birther" issue, which despite liberal talking points never really was settled as an absolute, there is the "Obama as Yuri" theory, following the script of No Way Out. In short, this theory holds that Obama's father, mother and probably grandparents were either CIA assets, KGB moles (or both), and/or plants of the Muslim Brotherhood.

  What is not in dispute is that from the age of five to the age of nine, Obama attended a Muslim madrassa in Indonesia. One possibility as to why he was placed in such a