Read Daily Emotions Page 5

  and someone who never lies

  about a thing called love.


  I look to the moon,

  it will be soon.

  I’m so afraid,

  so alone.

  The moon does rise,

  no more lies.

  The moon will show the way,

  it will be any day.

  Look out on the land,

  you’re so alone.

  It’s fear you feel,

  in the moons hollow glow.

  It will show the way,

  through the loneliness.

  You will see that

  into my arms,

  again you will be.


  The night we met,

  I knew you were heaven sent.

  The days went by,

  all I could do was sigh.

  With every breath you filled me,

  I couldn’t wait to see.

  Will you be my side,

  forever in time

  or would you fly away,

  without a say?

  The answer is quite clear

  it has been many years.

  Today, love is in the air,

  and we still care.

  Today, love fills me up inside,

  it’s been one hell of a ride.

  I never want it to stop,

  take me all the way to the top.

  I will have no fear,

  because we will be together for

  one hundred years.


  The moment our eyes met,

  the sun had just set.

  Your eyes held me deeply,

  my heart raced swiftly.

  I wish you would love me,

  how can you not see.

  Love is so real,

  it's hard not to feel.

  The moon's resplendent glow,

  feels me with woe.

  Soon you may be mine,

  please, give me a sign.


  The water softly flows,

  it’s you I want to hold.

  We can’t forget the past,

  and our future is not sure.

  The present is here and now,

  let’s try to make it last.

  We need to be together,

  together, now and forever.

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  She is the very first person,

  that held us tenderly.

  She is the person,

  that wiped our tears.

  She is the person,

  that kissed our boo-boos.

  She is the person,

  that kept us safe.

  She is the person,

  that made sure we behaved.

  She is the person,

  that loved us no matter what happened.

  She is the person,

  that would love us through the years.

  She has a special name,

  that every person says everyday.

  That special name,

  is something very dear.

  Who is this person,

  that is so special to all of us.

  That special person

  is, of course, our mother!


  The old groundhog gets up

  early in the day

  he goes up his hole slowly

  as a turtle going to sea.

  The old groundhog

  is full of glee.

  He peeks out.

  What he saw was nothing

  but gray skies.

  Spring will come again.


  Irish, Irish, Irish,

  green as the grass,

  small as a bug,

  the leprechaun is guarding his gold.

  Look to the end of a rainbow.

  You may find an extraordinary treasure,

  gold, or an adventure.


  Caring fills our lives.

  Under the warmth of the sun,

  give that someone special

  a hug.

  Today is that special day,

  to be with that special


  Today is that special day,

  when love fills the


  Love grows in our heart.

  Under the coolness of the moon,

  give that someone special

  a kiss.

  Today is that special day,

  when we all want to say

  “Be mine!”


  He will destroy the temple.

  A dark, gloomy Good Friday,

  Jesus died on the cross.

  He will rebuild it in three days.

  A sunny, beautiful Easter Sunday,

  Jesus had risen from the dead.

  Love and peace has filled the earth.


  Mother’s are here for us,

  day or night.

  Mother’s care for us,

  day or night.

  Mother’s will always have love for us,

  day or night.

  No matter what happens,

  mothers will always be there,

  will always care,

  will always love you.

  Today and everyday you should…

  Be there for your mother,

  day or night.

  Care for your mother,

  day or night.

  Always love your mother,

  day or night.


  Christmas is a special day

  the time when Jesus was born.

  I must say

  when it’s morn,

  the people will see

  that they are going to be saved.

  It’s going to be he

  that is going to rave,

  “Today is the Day!”


  Jesus was born to show us

  love and compassion.

  Every year he reminds us

  how to trust and love.

  Christmas is the day to show

  love for everyone,

  give help to others

  and to keep the

  Christmas spirit alive

  for always.


  He was born on Christmas Day,

  in a land far away.

  He had died on the cross,

  it was such a great loss.

  Our sins He had taken away,

  on that dreary Good Friday.


  M is for mom, a word that has special meaning

  O is for outstanding, a word that means a lot

  T is for thoughtful, a word that describes you well

  H is for heart, a word that means love that you give freely

  E is for energetic, a word that means full of life

  R is for rare, a word that means one of a kind

  It all spells out the one word that means so much,

  the one word that all children will cherish for all time,

  the magic word is…



  As the old year cries his

  last tear,

  he holds the new baby year,

  the year of hunger is over,

  the year of war is over,

  when destruction comes…

  They say good-bye to the

  old year

  and he fades away,

  as midnight approaches.

  Our new year full of hope,

  peace and love.


  She is always rich,

  she may not have money

  but she has plenty of love.

  She can be very understanding,

  when there is something

  for her to understan

  She is the sweetest,

  not filled with honey

  but in being really nice.

  It’s also really good to know,

  she will always be there,

  and that she will always care.

  She is always loving,

  she always understands,

  she is always nice,

  she is always caring,

  who am I talking about,

  mother’s, of course.


  Christmas is sharing

  with people who are caring.

  Christmas is giving

  instead of receiving.

  Christmas is for all; sharing,



  people in this world.


  Let it be known,

  the Lord has risen

  on this special day.

  A special day!

  Let it be known,

  He died for us

  on this special day.

  A Special day!

  On this special day

  the sun shines brightly,

  the birds sing cheerfully,

  the air is warm and calm,

  on this spring day.

  Let it be known,

  He had died for us

  and He rose again

  on this special day.

  A spring day!


  The day is coming

  when there’s loving,

  it’s a fact,

  it’s back.

  Love is so powerful.

  It’s hard to disguise

  the love you feel inside.

  The day is near

  almost, my dear.

  Put love in your heart.

  Don’t forget your part.

  Love will come

  on the day

  you say

  “Be mine!”

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  The moon’s luminous glow,

  has showed me the way.

  It has been said you are to die.

  The prophecy was told,

  you will not be saved.

  It is your fate,

  Satan’s hand will be

  your end.


  The days go by,

  it was all a lie.

  One day you will see,

  it will always be me.

  It may be too late.

  My feelings have

  grown cold,

  You think nothing

  is wrong.

  Our love was all

  a lie.

  Soon you will die.


  In the cold, gray afternoon,

  my heart is in distress.

  I pass by the lifeless trees,

  my mind has wandered.

  You said you loved me,

  do you remember?

  I just only realized,

  it was all a lie.

  You hate for me to say,

  your just like the others.

  My love was real,

  your love was only passion.

  You did not get your way,

  it is now to late.

  I can’t turn back,

  my love will always last.

  In the cold, gray evening,

  we could not hold it in.

  In the cold, gray night,

  anger is all that’s left.

  In the cold, gray morning,

  hate is all I feel.


  As the moon rises,

  it will be you who dies.

  The moon’s luminous light,

  will show you a sight.

  The future has been told,

  please try to be bold.

  It’s in your destiny soon,

  it will be under the next

  full moon.


  Satan went through me

  my heart was stolen.

  All I wanted was love

  but all I got was hate.

  Love has gone

  life is no more.

  The time is near

  death will be easier.

  It is the ultimate revenge

  Satan has stolen my heart.


  Life is no longer,

  my soul has died.

  Death will soon come,

  lies shall live on.

  It is a sickness of the mind,

  love can no longer be.

  It will make you hurt,

  no longer will love live.

  Life is almost over,

  their hate will go on.

  No more love will flow,

  hate moves on.

  The passion will cease,

  and all shall perish.

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  Live for love.

  Peace is love,

  love your neighbors.

  God wishes for peace.

  In this world,

  it’s too much to ask.

  Live for forgiveness.

  Peace is forgiving,

  forgive those who hurt.

  War is all around you.

  Violence is everywhere,

  hate is all there is.

  Live for peace!


  As God’s wrath unfolds,

  the heavens explode.

  A fireball falls

  an earth in flames

  the ultimate takes no pity

  the world has proven wrong

  He warned us all

  of our fate to come.

  People cry out “mercy”

  too late for them to repent

  the souls shall go

  judgment day has come

  He may have forgiven

  it is to late to wish.

  The lightning of fire has come

  time for us to perish

  sins shall be washed away

  along with people of this day.

  He will try again

  the world will abide

  souls will be sent down

  life will start anew.


  There’s a place up above,

  where animals live in peace and love.

  The horses, tigers, and the deer,

  even the cats and dogs also are here.

  They are protected,

  none will be affected.

  There is no evil to be found,

  no where around.

  With the angels they live,

  where they have everything

  to give.


  A golden light shines down,

  I am blue.

  Nothing can make me cheer,

  I failed you.

  Looking to the sky,

  waiting for God’s strength.

  The golden light shines down,

  I’m no longer blue.


  In the burning flames,

  he was sent.

  A restless spirit,

  that cannot die.

  He looked up,

  he saw the light.

  A hand reached out,

  oblivious to the heat.

  Will he be saved?

  The flames of fury,

  was his fate.

  He now held the rose,

  heaven filled his soul.

  He lifted up his arms,

  ready to abide.

  He will be saved,

  God has shown the way.


  It was a warm, dreary and forsaken night.

  The stars had a luminous effect in the sky.

  The moon was full, a glowing silver ball.

  The wind blew soft and steady.

  They looked to
ward the sea,

  they were far away.

  He was six and she was four.

  They came to the island,

  it was their sanctuary.

  The raft led them here.

  They were cared for by a

  mysterious savior.

  “God?” She asked.

  He answered, “God.”

  Years went by,

  the children grew up.

  He was twenty and she was eighteen.

  They stood on the beach,

  their raft appeared.

  They watched the waves

  wash upon the shore.

  “It is time to leave?” She asked.

  He answered, “yes.”

  The night was warm,

  when they returned to the city.

  They stood on the beach,

  and looked toward the sea.

  Their island was gone.

  “The Garden of Eden?” She asked.

  He answered, “Eden.”

  God had led them to his

  beloved garden,

  where innocent children

  would be safe.


  The pale blue sky,

  the yellow golden sun,

  the warm day,

  are all parts of God’s earth.

  Once long ago,

  the same as today,

  Jesus rose from the dead.

  People rejoice today.

  People feast today.

  Children will play today…

  Looking at the pale blue sky,

  blinded by the yellow golden sun,

  being warmed by the rays,

  playing on God’s earth.


  He has carried you through