Read Dainty's Cruel Rivals; Or, The Fatal Birthday Page 34



  Poor Dainty was always tired and sad now. She had never been very strongsince her illness in the mountains.

  Her face was always thin and pale, her blue eyes hollow, with darkcircles beneath them, while her breath was short and palpitating. Sheknew that she was strangely ill, and had a fancy that she was going intoa rapid decline.

  Ailsa Scott wanted her to see a doctor, but she always refused to do so.

  "I want to die! I would rather not take any medicine from the bestdoctor in the world!" she exclaimed, rebelliously.

  She had not told her friend the strange story of her secret marriage,fearing lest the threatened revenge of Mrs. Ellsworth should find herout even this far away; but Ailsa guessed well at some sad secret, andpitied the poor girl with all her gentle heart.

  By and by Miss White returned in a very good humor indeed, saying thatMiss Scott said everything was all right, and she would call to see herfriend on her way from school the next day.

  "I saw Mr. Sparks, too, and really, he is the most charming man I evermet," she simpered, adding: "I don't see how you could repulse hisaddresses, Miss Chase; he is so handsome and agreeable. Then, too, poorman, his sweet little children stand so much in need of a mother thathe was excusable for haste, though he ought to have picked an olderwoman than you."

  "I should say that you, Miss White, would be the most suitable woman inthe world for him," Dainty ventured, with a faint smile.

  "Thank you for the compliment. I wonder if he thinks so, too? He wascertainly quite attentive, and I didn't let him guess I knew he waslooking for a wife; but I made up my mind to buy my groceries from himin future," smirked the delighted spinster, thinking what a little foolthat girl was to refuse such a man.

  Ailsa came next day, and was indignant when she heard how herstep-father had treated Dainty, while she rejoiced that the girl hadfound such a refuge, for she believed that Miss White was in the main avery good woman.

  "But, oh! Dainty, she has set her cap at Sparks, and I believe herflatteries have made an impression on him that will heal the wounds yourscolding gave. Depend on it, that will be a match, and, as I believe shewould make a real good step-mother to my little half-brothers andsisters, you and I will rent rooms and live together like sisters afterthe wedding!" she cried, cheerfully, trying to bring a smile to thepale, lily-like face over which the tears streamed as the girl sighed:

  "Oh, Ailsa, you are like an angel to me!"

  "I am very sorry," continued Ailsa, "that you have promised to work foryour board, for you need a little money as you go along--all girlsdo--and when I found you were gone without a cent I was nearly crazy. Igave old Sparks such a lecture as he will never forget, and I fairlyhugged that primpy old maid when she came to tell me where you were.Now, dear, take this ten dollars from your sister Ailsa, and use it intime of need. No, you shall not refuse it, or you may be sorry for it ifMiss White should turn you out in the streets some day as heartlessly asold Sparks did."

  She had not the least idea of such a thing happening again, but shewanted to frighten Dainty into taking the gift, and she succeeded, afterwhich she left, promising to see her friend often.

  The weeks came and went, and Dainty toiled at her sewing with achinglimbs and a heavy heart filled with dire forebodings that she dare notutter aloud to any human being, even gentle Ailsa, and at night herlonely pillow was wet with tears, and her piteous cry was ever:

  "Oh, mother, mother, if only you were with me now to pity and help me inmy trouble!"

  For awhile Miss White was quite kind, for at the bottom of her heart shefelt secretly grateful to the girl for having in a way brought about heracquaintance with Sparks--an acquaintance that she prosecuted with muchvigor, running in and out daily for trifles from the store, till herbroad flatteries and fondness for the children awakened a warm sentimentin his heart, and he began to pay her such pleasing attentions ascalling on Sunday evenings for social chats, Dainty always keeping outof the way, reluctant to meet him again, and quite unaware that in hisspite he was doing all he could to turn Miss White's heart against herhapless _protege_.

  March came with its bleak winds and occasional hints of spring, butDainty's heart sank heavier day by day, her cheeks grew more pale, hereyes more heavy, as she drooped over her work shivering, with the thickcape always wrapped about her form, and looking as if death would soonclaim her as its own.

  They were dark, sad days for Dainty, for the gay young girls, MissWhite's assistants, began to shun her, and to look askance at the formalways bundled up so closely from the winter cold. Two hands quit workabruptly and never returned, and the three others held privateconversations with their employer, after which she came straight toDainty, saying harshly:

  "You wicked girl, you have imposed on me!"

  Dainty was putting away the tea-things, and she started so violentlythat a china cup fell through her thin fingers and crashed upon thefloor.

  Miss White continued, angrily:

  "I took you in as an honest girl and treated you kindly. In return youimposed on me, disgraced my house, and broke up my business!"

  "Oh, madame!"

  "Two of my best hands have quit me in disgust, and the other threethreaten to go unless I turn you away at once. Do you know the reason,pray?"

  Crimson with shame, Dainty dropped forlornly before her withdown-dropped eyes, speechless with fear, and the woman continued,sharply:

  "Take off that cape you've been shrouded in all the winter, pretendingto suffer from the cold, and let me see if it is really hiding yourdisgrace."

  "Oh, spare me!"

  "Do as I bid you! There! I've dragged it off in spite of you! Oh, forshame--shame! How could you be so wicked with that innocent face?"

  "Oh, I am not as bad as you think! I--I--"

  "Hush! You can't excuse your disgrace. Mr. Sparks told me all along youwere a bad girl, and told me when we became engaged I must send you tothe right-about before we were married. But, somehow, I couldn't believeill of you, till I see it now with my own eyes."

  "Oh! may I stay till to-morrow? You will not drive me out into thestreets to-night?" imploringly.

  "I ought to do it to pay you for cheating me so; but I'm a Christianwoman, and, somehow, I pity you, and I can't be hard on you. You maystay to-night; but you must leave in the morning directly afterbreakfast. There's a hospital in this city for poor girls that's goneastray like you. You can go there, and the good doctor will take you inand let you stay till your child is born. Then you can put it in thefoundlings' home and some good people may adopt it."

  "Merciful God, have pity!" shrilled over the girl's tortured lips, asshe sank on her knees, overcome by the horror of her thoughts.

  Her child--Love Ellsworth's lawful heir--to be born in a home for "girlsgone astray," and placed in a foundlings' home, to be "adopted by somegood people." Had she come to this? She, whose future had promised soradiantly nine brief months ago! A wild prayer to Heaven broke from herpallid lips:

  "Oh, God! take us both--the forsaken mother and child--to heaven!"

  "It's too late to take on now. Better behaved yourself right at first,"the old maid admonished her; adding, soothingly: "Go to bed now, andI'll send to-morrow for the good doctor to come and take you to thelying-in hospital."

  But in the gray dawn of the cold morning she found the bed empty, andpoor Dainty gone.