Read Daisy Page 9



  It was settled that I should wait a day or two in New York to get mywardrobe arranged, and then begin my school experience. But when wegot to New York, we found Mrs. Sandford's sister so ill as to claimher whole time. There was none to spare for me and my wardrobe. Mrs.Sandford said I must attend to it myself as well as I could, and thedoctor would go with me. He was off duty, he reported, and at leisurefor ladies' affairs. Mrs. Sandford told me what I would need. A warmschool dress, she said; for the days would be often cold in thislatitude until May, and even later; and schoolrooms not always warm. Awarm dress for every day was the first thing. A fine merino, Mrs.Sandford said, would be, she thought, what my mother would choose. Ihad silks which might be warm enough for other occasions. Then I musthave a thick coat or cloak. Long coats, with sleeves, were fashionablethen, she told me; the doctor would take me where I would find plentyto choose from. And I needed a hat, or a bonnet. Unless, Mrs.Sandford said, I chose to wear my riding-cap with the feather; thatwas warm, and very pretty, and would do.

  How much would it all cost? I asked. Mrs. Sandford made a rapidcalculation. The merino would be two dollars a yard, she said; thecoat might be got for thirty-five or thereabouts sufficiently good;the hat was entirely what I chose to make it. "But you know, my dear,"Mrs. Sandford said, "the sort of quality and style your mother likes,and you will be guided by that."

  Must I be guided by that?--I questioned with myself. Yes, I knew. Iknew very well; but I had other things to think of. I pondered. WhileI was pondering, Dr. Sandford was quietly opening his pocket-book andunfolding a roll of bills. He put a number of them into my hand.

  "That will cover it all, Daisy," he said. "It is money your father hasmade over to my keeping, for this and similar purposes."

  "Oh, thank you!" I said, breathless; and then I counted the bills."Oh, thank you, Dr. Sandford: but may I spend all this?"

  "Certainly. Mr. Randolph desired it should go, this and more of it, toyour expenses, of whatever kind. This covers my sister's estimate, andleaves something for your pocket besides."

  "And when shall we go?" I asked.

  "To spend it? Now, if you like. Why, Daisy, I did not know--"

  "What, sir?" I said as he paused.

  "Really, nothing," he said, smiling. "Somehow I had not fancied thatyou shared the passion of your sex for what they call _shopping_. Youare all alike in some things."

  "I like it very much to-day," I said.

  "It would be safe for you to keep Daisy's money in your own pocket,Grant," Mrs. Sandford said. "It will be stolen from her, certainly."

  The doctor smiled and stretched out his hand; I put the bills into it:and away we went. My head was very busy. I knew, as Mrs. Sandfordsaid, the sort and style of purchases my mother would make andapprove; but then on the other hand the remembrance was burnt into me,whence that money came which I was expected to spend so freely, andwhat other uses and calls for it there were, even in the case of thosevery people whose hands had earned it for us. Not to go further,Margaret's wardrobe needed refitting quite as much as mine. She wasquite as unaccustomed as I to the chills and blasts of a cold climate,and fully as unfurnished to meet them. I had seen her draw her thinchecked shawl around her, when I knew it was not enough to save herfrom the weather, and that she had no more. And her gowns, of thincotton stuff, such as she wore about her housework at Magnolia, were abare provision against the nipping bite of the air here at the North.Yet nobody spoke of any addition to _her_ stock of clothes. It was onmy heart alone. But now it was in my hand too, and I felt very glad;though just how to manage Dr. Sandford I did not know. I thought agreat deal about the whole matter as we went through the streets; as Ihad also thought long before; and my mind was clear, that while somany whom I knew needed the money, or while _any_ whom I knew neededit, I would spend no useless dollars upon myself. How should I manageDr. Sandford? There he was, my cash-keeper; and I had not the leastwish to unfold my plans to him.

  "I suppose the dress is the first thing, Daisy," he said, as weentered the great establishment where everything was to be had; and heinquired for the counter where we should find merinoes. I had noobjection ready.

  "What colour, Daisy?"

  "I want something quiet," I said.

  "Something dark," said the doctor, seating himself. "And fine quality.Not green, Daisy, if I might advise. It is too cold."

  "Cold!" said I.

  "For this season. It is a very nice colour in summer, Daisy," he said,smiling.

  And he looked on in a kind of amused way, while the clerk of themerinoes and I confronted each other. There was displayed now beforeme a piece of claret-coloured stuff, dark and bright; a lovely tintand a very beautiful piece of goods. I knew enough of the matter toknow that. Fine and thick and lustrous, it just suited my fancy; Iknew it was just what my mother would buy; I saw Dr. Sandford's eyewatch me in its amusement with a glance of expectation. But the stuffwas two dollars and a quarter a yard. Yes, it suited me exactly; butwhat was to become of others if I were covered so luxuriously? And howcould I save money if I spent it? It was hard to speak, too, beforethat shopman, who held the merino in his hand, expecting me to say Iwould take it; but I had no way to escape that trouble. I turned fromthe rich folds of claret stuff to the doctor at my side.

  "Dr. Sandford," I said, "I want to get something that will not cost somuch."

  "Does it not please you?" he asked.

  "Yes; I like it: but I want some stuff that will not cost so much."

  "This is not far above my sister's estimate, Daisy."

  "No--" I said.

  "And the difference is a trifle--if you like the piece."

  "I like it," I said; "but it is very much above _my_ estimate."

  "You had one of your own!" said the doctor. "Do you like somethingelse here better?--or what is your estimate, Daisy?"

  "I do not want a poor merino," I said. "I would rather get some otherstuff--if I can. I do not want to give more than a dollar."

  "The young lady may find what will suit her at the plaid counter,"said the shopman, letting fall the rich drapery he had been holdingup. "Just round that corner, sir, to the left."

  Dr. Sandford led the way, and I followed. There certainly I foundplenty of warm stuffs, in various patterns and colours, and withprices as various. But nothing to match the grave elegance of thoseclaret folds. It was coming down a step, to leave that counter forthis. I knew it perfectly well; while I sought out the simplest andprettiest dark small plaid I could find.

  "Do you like these things better?" the doctor asked me privately.

  "No, sir," I said.

  "Then why come here, Daisy? Pardon me, may I ask?"

  "I have other things to get, Dr. Sandford," I said low.

  "But Daisy!" said the doctor, rousing up, "I have performed my partill. You are not restricted--your father has not restricted you. I amyour banker for whatever sums you may need--for whatever purposes."

  "Yes," I said, "I know. Oh no, I know papa has not restricted you; butI think I ought not to spend any more. It is my own affair."

  "And not mine. Pardon me, Daisy; I submit."

  "Please, Dr. Sandford, don't speak so!" I said. "I don't mean that. Imean, it is my own affair and not papa's."

  "Certainly, I have no more to say," said the doctor, smiling.

  "I will tell you all about it," I said; and then I desired the shopmanto cut off the dress I had fixed upon; and we went upstairs to lookfor cloaks, I feeling hot and confused and half perplexed. I had neverworn such a dress as this plaid I had bought in my life. It was niceand good, and pretty too; but it did not match the quality or theelegance of the things my mother always had got for me. _She_ wouldnot have liked it nor let me wear it; I knew that; but then--whencecame the wealth that flowed over in such exquisite forms upon her andupon me? Were not its original and proper channels bare? And whencewere they to be, even in any measure, refilled, if all the supplymust, as usual, be led off in other
directions? I mused as I went upthe stairs, feeling perplexed, nevertheless, at the strangeness of thework I was doing, and with something in my heart giving a pull at myjudgment towards the side of what was undoubtedly "pleasant to theeyes." So I followed Dr. Sandford up the stairs and into thewilderness of the cloak department, where all manner of elegancies, insilk, and velvet, and cloth, were displayed in orderly confusion. Itwas a wilderness to me, in the mood of my thoughts. Was I going torepeat here the process just gone through downstairs?

  The doctor seated me, asked what I wanted to see, and gave the order.And forthwith my eyes were regaled with a variety of temptations. Anice little black silk pelisse was hung on the stand opposite me; itwas nice; a good gloss was upon the silk, the article was in theneatest style, and trimmed with great simplicity. I would have beenwell satisfied to wear that. By its side was displayed another ofvelvet; then yet another of very fine dark cloth; perfect in materialand make, faultless in its elegance of finish. But the silk wasforty-five and the cloth was forty, and the velvet was sixty dollars.I sat and looked at them. There is no denying that I wanted the silkor the cloth. Either of them would do. Either of them was utterlygirl-like and plain, but both of them had the finish of perfection, inmake, style, and material. I wanted the one or the other. But, if Ihad it, what would be left for Margaret?

  "Are you tired, Daisy?" said Dr. Sandford, bending down to look in myface.

  "No, sir. At least, that was not what I was thinking of."

  "When then?" said he. "Will one of these do?"

  "They would do," I said slowly. "But, Dr. Sandford, I should like tosee something else--something that would do for somebody that waspoorer than I."

  "Poorer?" said the doctor, looking funny. "What is the matter, Daisy?Have you suddenly become bankrupt? You need not be afraid, for thebank is in my pocket; and I know it will stand all your demands uponit."

  "No, but--I would indeed, if you please, Dr. Sandford. These thingscost too much for what I want now."

  "Do you like them?"

  "I like them very well."

  "Then take whichever you like best. That is my advice to you, Daisy.The bank will bear it."

  "I think I must not. Please, Dr. Sandford, I should like to seesomething that would not cost so much. Do they _all_ cost as much asthese?"

  The doctor gave the order as I desired. The shopman who was serving uscast another comprehensive glance at me--I had seen him give one atthe beginning--and tossing off the velvet coat and twisting off thesilk one, he walked away. Presently he came back with a brown silk,which he hung in the place of the velvet one, and a blue cloth, whichreplaced the black silk. Every whit as costly, and almost as pretty,both of them.

  "No," said the doctor,--"you mistook me. We want to look at some goodsfitted for persons who have not long purses."

  "Something inferior to these--" said the man. He was not uncivil; hejust stated the fact. In accordance with which he replaced the lasttwo coats with a little grey dreadnought, and a black cloth; the firstneat and rough, the last not to be looked at. It was not in goodtaste, and a sort of thing that I neither had worn nor could wear. Butthe grey dreadnought was simple and warm and neat, and would offendnobody. I looked from it to the pretty black cloth which still hung incontrast with it, the one of the first there. Certainly, in style andelegance _this_ looked like my mother's child, and the other did not.But this was forty dollars. The dreadnought was exactly half that sum.I had a little debate with myself--I remember it, for it was my firstexperience of that kind of thing--and all my mother's training hadrefined in me the sense of what was elegant and fitting, in dress aswell as in other matters. Until now, I had never had my fancy crossedby anything I ever had to wear. The little grey dreadnought--how wouldit go with my silk dresses? It was like what I had seen other peopledressed in; never my mother or me. Yet it was perfectly fitting alady's child, if she could not afford other; and where was Margaret'scloak to come from? And who had the best right? I pondered anddebated, and then I told Dr. Sandford I would have the grey coat. Ibelieve I half wished he would make some objection; but he did not; hepaid for the dreadnought and ordered it sent home; and then I began tocongratulate myself that Margaret's comfort was secure.

  "Is that all, Daisy?" my friend asked.

  "Dr. Sandford," said I, standing up and speaking low, "I want tofind--can I find here, do you think?--a good warm cloak and dress forMargaret."

  "For Margaret?" said the doctor.

  "Yes; she is not used to the cold, you know; and she has nothing tokeep her comfortable."

  "But, Daisy!" said the doctor,--"sit down here again; I mustunderstand this. Was _Margaret_ at the bottom of all these financialoperations?"

  "I knew she wanted something, ever since we came from Washington," Isaid.

  "Daisy, she could have had it."

  "Yes, Dr. Sandford;--but--"

  "But what, if you will be so good?"

  "I think it was right for me to get it."

  "I am sorry I do not agree with you at all. It was for _me_ to getit--I am supplied with funds, Daisy--and your father has entrusted tome the making of all arrangements which are in any way good for yourcomfort. I think, with your leave, I shall reverse these bargains.Have you been all this time pleasing Margaret and _not_ yourself?"

  "No, sir," I said,--"if you please. I cannot explain it, Dr. Sandford,but I know it is right."

  "What is right, Daisy? My faculties are stupid."

  "No, sir; but--Let it be as it is, please."

  "But won't you explain it? I ought to know what I am giving my consentto, Daisy; for just now I am constituted your guardian. What hasMargaret to do with your cloaks? There is enough for both."

  "But," said I, in a great deal of difficulty,--"there is not enoughfor me and everybody."

  "Are you going to take care of the wants of everybody?"

  "I think--I ought to take care of all that I can," I said.

  "But you have not the power."

  "I won't do but what I _have_ the power for."

  "Daisy, what would your father and mother say to such a course ofaction? would they allow it, do you think?"

  "But _you_ are my guardian now, Dr. Sandford," I said, looking up athim. He paused a minute doubtfully.

  "I am conquered!" he said. "You have absolutely conquered me, Daisy. Ihave not a word to say. I wonder if that is the way you are goingthrough the world in future? What is it now about Margaret?--for I wasbewildered and did not understand."

  "A warm cloak and dress," I said, delighted; "that is what I want. CanI get them here?"

  "Doubtful, I should say," he answered; "but we will try."

  And we did succeed in finding the dress, strong and warm and suitable;the cloak we had to go to another shop for. On the way we stopped atthe milliner's. My Aunt Gary and Mrs. Sandford employed the same one.

  "I put it in your hands, Daisy!" Dr. Sandford said, as we went in."Only let me look on."

  I kept him waiting a good while, I am afraid; but he was very patientand seemed amused. _I_ was not. The business was very troublesome tome. This was not so easy a matter as to choose between stuffs and havethe yards measured off. Bonnets are bonnets, as my aunt always said;and things good in themselves may not be in the least good for you.And I found the thing that suited was even more tempting here than ithad been in the cloak wareroom. There was a little velvet hat which Ifancied mamma would have bought for me; it was so stylish, and at thesame time so simple, and became me so well. But it was of a pricecorresponding with its beauty. I turned my back on it, though I seemedto see it just as well through the back of my head, and tried to findsomething else. The milliner would have it there was nothing besidethat fitted me. The hat must go on.

  "She has grown," said the milliner, appealing to Dr. Sandford; "andyou see this is the very thing. This tinge of colour inside is justenough to relieve the pale cheeks. Do you see, sir?"

  "It is without a fault," said the doctor.

  "Take it off, please," I said. "I
want to find something that will notcost so much--something that will not cost near so much."

  "There is that cap that is too large for Miss Van Allen--" themilliner's assistant remarked.

  "It would not suit Mrs. Randolph at all," was the answer aside.

  But I begged to see it. Now this was a comfortable, soft quilted silkcap, with a chinchilla border. Not much style about it, but alsonothing to dislike, except its simplicity. The price was moderate, andit fitted me.

  You are going to be a different Daisy Randolph from what you have beenall your life--something whispered to me. And the doctor said, "Thatmakes you look about ten years old again, Daisy." I had a minute ofdoubt and delay; then I said I would have the cap; and the greatbusiness was ended.

  Margaret's purchases were all found, and we went home, with moneystill in my bank, Dr. Sandford informed me. I was very tired; but onthe whole I was very satisfied, until my things came home, and I sawthat Mrs. Sandford did not like them.

  "I wish I could have been with you!" she said.

  "What is the matter?" said the doctor. It was the evening, and we wereall together for a few minutes, before Mrs. Sandford went to hersister.

  "Did you choose these things, Grant?"

  "What is the matter with them?"

  "They are hardly suitable."

  "For the third time, what is the matter with them?" said the doctor.

  "They are neat, but they are not _handsome_."

  "They will look handsome when they are on," said Dr. Sandford.

  "No they won't; they will look common. I don't mean _vulgar_--youcould not buy anything in bad taste--but they are just what anybody'schild might wear."

  "Then Mrs. Randolph's child might."

  Mrs. Sandford gave him a look. "That is just the thing," she said."Mrs. Randolph's child might _not_. I never saw anybody more elegantor more particular about the choice of her dress than Mrs. Randolph;it is always perfect; and Daisy's always was. Mrs. Randolph would notlike these."

  "Shall we change them, Daisy?" said the doctor.

  I said "No."

  "Then I hope they will wear out before Mrs. Randolph comes home," hesaid.

  All this, somehow, made me uncomfortable. I went off to the room whichhad been given to me, where a fire was kept; and I sat down to think.Certainly, I would have liked the other coat and hat better, that Ihad rejected; and the thought of the rich soft folds of that silkymerino were not pleasant to me. The plaid I had bought _did_ wear acommon look in comparison. I knew it, quite as well as Mrs. Sandford;and that I had never worn common things; and I knew that in themerino, properly made, I should have looked my mother's child; andthat in the plaid my mother would not know me. Was I right? was Iwrong? I knelt down before the fire, feeling that the straight pathwas not always easy to find. Yet I had thought I saw it before me. Iknelt before the fire, which was the only light in the room, andopened the page of my dear little book that had the Bible lessons forevery day. This day's lesson was headed, "That ye adorn the doctrineof God our Saviour in all things."

  The mist began to clear away. Between adorning and being adorned, thedifference was so great, it set my face quite another way directly. Iwent on. "Let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel ofChrist."

  And how should that be? Certainly, the spirit of that gospel had noregard to self-glorification; and had most tender regard to the wants ofothers. I began to feel sure that I was in the way and not out of it.Then came--"If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye. Butlet none of you suffer ... _as a thief, or as an evildoer_"--"Let yourlight so shine before men"--"Let not mercy and truth forsake thee; bindthem about thy neck;"--"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things arehonest, whatsoever things are _just_ ... think on these things."

  The words came about me, binding up my doubts, making sound my heart,laying a soft touch upon every rough spot in my thoughts. True,honest, just, lovely, and of good report,--yes, I would think on thesethings, and I would not be turned aside from them. And if I sufferedas a Christian, I determined that I would not be ashamed; I prayedthat I might never; I would take as no dishonour the laughter or thecontempt of those who did not see the two sides of the question; butas a _thief_ I would not suffer. I earnestly prayed that I might not.No beauty of dresses or stylishness of coats or bonnets should adornme, the price of which God saw belonged and was due to the sufferingsof others; more especially to the wants of those whose wants made mysupply. That my father and mother, with the usage of old habit, andthe influence of universal custom, should be blind to what I saw soclearly, made no difference in my duty. I had the light of the Biblerule, which was not yet, I knew, the lamp to their feet. _I_ must walkby it, all the same. And my thought went back now with greattenderness to Mammy Theresa's rheumatism, which wanted flannel; toMaria's hyacinths, which were her great earthly interest, out of thethings of religion; to Darry's lonely cottage, where he had no lamp toread the Bible o' nights, and no oil to burn in it. To Pete's solitaryhut, too, where he was struggling to learn to read well, and where ahymn-book would be the greatest comfort to him. To the old people,whose one solace of a cup of tea would be gone unless I gave it them;to the boys who were learning to read, who wanted testaments; to thebed-ridden and sick, who wanted blankets; to the young and well, whowanted gowns (not indeed for decency, but for the natural pleasure oflooking neat and smart)--and to Margaret, first and last, who wasnearest to me, and who, I began to think, might want some othertrifles besides a cloak. The girl come in at the minute.

  "Margaret," I said, "I have got you a warm gown and a good thick warmcloak, to-day."

  "A cloak! Miss Daisy--" Margaret's lips just parted and showed thewhite teeth between them.

  "Yes. I saw you were not warm in that thin shawl."

  "It's mighty cold up these ways!--" the girls shoulders drew togetherwith involuntary expression.

  "And now, Margaret, what other things do you want, to be nice andcomfortable? You must tell me now, because after I go to school Icannot see you often, you know."

  "Reckon I find something to do at the school, Miss Daisy. Ain't thereservants?"

  "Yes, but I am afraid there may not be another wanted. What else oughtyou to have, Margaret?"

  "Miss Daisy knows, I'll hire myself out, and reckon I'll get a rightsmart chance of wages; and then, if Miss Daisy let me take somechange, I'd like to get some things--"

  "You may keep all your wages, Margaret," I said hastily; "you need notbring them to me; but I want to know if you have all you need _now_,to be nice and warm?"

  "'Spect I'd be better for some underclothes--" Margaret said, halfunder her breath.

  Of course! I knew it the moment she said it. I knew the scanty coarsesupply which was furnished to the girls and women at Magnolia; I knewthat more was needed for neatness as well as for comfort, andsomething different, now that she was where no evil distinction wouldarise from her having it. I said I would get what she wanted; and wentback again to the parlour. I mused as I went. If I let Margaret keepher wages--and I was very certain I could not receive them from her--Imust be prepared to answer it to my father. Perhaps,--yes, I felt sureas I thought about it--I must contrive to save the amount of her wagesout of what was given to myself; or else my grant might be reversedand my action disallowed, or at least greatly disapproved. And myfather had given me no right to dispose of Margaret's wages, or ofherself.

  So I came into the parlour. Dr. Sandford alone was there, lying on thesofa. He jumped up immediately; pulled a great arm chair near to thefire, and taking hold of me, put me into it. My purchases were lyingon the table, where they had been disapproved, but I knew what tothink of them now. I could look at them very contentedly.

  "How do they seem, Daisy?" said the doctor, stretching himself on thecushions again, after asking my permission and pardon.

  "Very well,"--I said, smiling.

  "You are satisfied?"

  I said yes.

  "Daisy," said he, "you have conquered me to-day--I have yielded--
Iowned myself conquered; but won't you enlighten me? As a matter offavour?"

  "About what, Dr. Sandford?"

  "I don't understand you."

  I remember looking at him and smiling. It was so curious a thing,both that he should, in his philosophy, be puzzled by a child like me,and that he should care about undoing the puzzle.

  "There!" said he,--"that is my old little Daisy of ten years old.Daisy, I used to think she was an extremely dainty and particularlittle person."

  "Yes--" said I.

  "Was that correct?"

  "I don't know," said I. "I think it was."

  "Then Daisy, honestly--I am asking as a philosopher, and that means alover of knowledge, you know,--did you choose those articles to-day toplease yourself?"

  "In one way, I did," I answered.

  "Did they appear to you as they did to Mrs. Sandford,--at the time?"

  "Yes, Dr. Sandford."

  "So I thought. Then, Daisy, will you make me understand it? For I ampuzzled."

  I was sorry that he cared about the puzzle, for I did not want to gointo it. I was almost sure he would not make it out if I did.

  However, he lay there looking at me and waiting.

  "Those other things cost too much, Dr. Sandford--that was all."

  "There is the puzzle!" said the doctor. "You had the money in yourbank for them, and money for Margaret's things too, and more if youwanted it; and no bottom to the bank at all, so far as I could see.And you like pretty things, Daisy, and you did not choose them?"

  "No, sir."

  I hesitated, and he waited. How was I to tell him? He would simplyfind it ridiculous. And then I thought--"If any of you suffer as aChristian, let him not be ashamed."

  "I thought I should be comfortable in these things, Dr. Sandford," Ithen said, glancing at the little chinchilla cap which lay on thetable;--"and respectable. And there were other people who needed allthe money the other things would have cost."

  "What other people?" said the doctor. "As I am your guardian, Daisy,it is proper for me to ask, and not impertinent."

  I hesitated again. "I was thinking," I said, "of some of the people Ileft at Magnolia."

  "Do you mean the servants?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Daisy, they are cared for."

  I was silent.

  "What do you think they want?"

  "Some that are sick want comfort," I said, "and others who are notsick want help; and others, I think, want a little pleasure." I wouldfain not have spoken, but how could I help it? The doctor took hisfeet off the sofa and sat up and confronted me.

  "In the meantime," he said, "you are to be 'comfortable andrespectable.' But, Daisy, do you think your father and mother would besatisfied with such a statement of your condition?"

  "I suppose not," I was obliged to say.

  "Then do you think it proper for me to allow such to be the fact?"

  I looked at him. What there was in my look it is impossible for me tosay; but he laughed a little.

  "Yes," he said,--"I know--you have conquered me to-day. I own myselfconquered--but the question I ask you is whether I am justifiable."

  "I think that depends," I answered, "on whether _I_ am justifiable."

  "Can you justify yourself, Daisy?" he said, bringing his hand downgently over my smooth hair and touching my cheek. It would have vexedme from anybody else; it did not vex me from him. "Can you justifyyourself?" he repeated.

  "Yes, sir," I said; but I felt troubled.

  "Then do it."

  "Dr. Sandford, the Bible says, 'Whatsoever ye would that men should doto you, do ye even so to them.'"

  "Well," said he, refusing to draw any conclusions for me.

  "I have more than I want, and they have not enough. I don't think Iought to keep _more_ than I want."

  "But then arises the question," said he, "how much do you want? Whereis the line, beyond which you, or I, for instance, have too much?"

  "I was not speaking of anybody but myself," I said.

  "But a rule of action which is the right one for you, would be rightfor everybody."

  "Yes, but everybody must apply it for himself," I said. "I was onlyapplying it for myself."

  "And applying it for yourself, Daisy, is it to cut off for thefuture--or ought it--all elegance and beauty? Must you restrictyourself to mere 'comfort and respectability'? Are furs and feathers,for instance, wicked things?"

  He did not speak it mockingly; Dr. Sandford never could do anungentlemanly thing; he spoke kindly and with a little rallying smileon his face. But I knew what he thought.

  "Dr. Sandford," said I, "suppose I was a fairy, and that I strippedthe gown off a poor woman's back to change it into a feather, andstole away her blankets to make them into fur; what would you think offur and feathers then?"

  There came a curious lightning through the doctor's blue eyes. I didnot know in the least what it meant.

  "Do you mean to say, Daisy, that the poor people down yonder atMagnolia want such things as gowns and blankets?"

  "Some do," I said. "You know, nobody is there, Dr. Sandford, to lookafter them; and the overseer does not care. It would be different ifpapa was at home."

  "I will never interfere with you any more, Daisy," said thedoctor,--"any further than by a little very judicious interference;and you shall find in me the best helper I can be to all your plans.You may use me--you have conquered me,"--said he, smiling, and layinghimself back on his cushions again. I was very glad it had ended so,for I could hardly have withstood Dr. Sandford if he had taken adifferent view of the matter. And his help, I knew, might be very goodin getting things sent to Magnolia.