Read Damage Control Page 14

  So why was I hearing what sounded like a radio?

  No, not a radio.

  Someone was singing.

  No music, no commercials.

  Just singing.

  And it was coming from inside my apartment.

  I blamed my still-fuzzy brain for taking so long to realize that it must’ve been Reb, though why he was singing in my living room, I couldn’t figure out. I climbed out of bed and grabbed my robe from the back of my bathroom door. I didn’t bother with anything else but headed out to the living room to see what was happening.

  When I saw him sitting in my chair, I stopped, my curiosity getting the better of me. He held a few scraps of paper in one hand. The other rested on his knee, fingers tapping out a rhythm that went with the melody he was singing.

  I thought I’d lost it all

  Would never trust again

  I tried to drown the pain

  And never let anyone in

  I didn’t claim to know everything in Reb’s discography, but I’d listened to a few songs. This didn’t sound like anything he’d done before. It wasn’t so much the style as it was the nature of it. Similar, maybe, to a song or two on his first album, but even they had notes of something I recognized now as loneliness. This one was passionate, full of longing, but hopeful too.

  But I saw my future in your eyes

  Heard the song I thought was lost

  You brought me back to life

  Gave me my music once again

  His voice was raspier, rawer than what I’d heard on the albums, and I wondered if that was some sort of polishing done post-recording. I liked this one better.

  I waited until he finished singing, until that last note faded away, and then I spoke, “That was amazing. When did you write it?”

  “Just now,” he said, turning to look at me. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  I shook my head and crossed the space between us. It was a testament to how good his song was that it wasn’t until now that I realized he wasn’t wearing a shirt. “It wasn’t a bad way to wake up.”

  He reached up and took my hand, tugging me down on his lap. I pulled my legs up and curled against his chest. I’d gotten this chair because I didn’t have enough room for a couch, but I’d wanted something bigger than a regular chair. Fortunately, it was big enough to fit both of us. That should be a selling point.

  “Everything okay?” I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair. “I know the bed’s smaller than what you’re used to–”

  He caught my hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing my fingertips. “The bed’s fine. I got up to use the bathroom, and then couldn’t go back to sleep.”

  “Are you sure nothing’s wrong?”

  “Very.” He slid his hand under my robe, curled his fingers around my calf. “I got inspired, and it’s been a while, so I wanted to write it down before I lost it again.” He nodded toward the paper he’d been holding when I first saw him. “I owe you a new notebook.”

  I smiled. “I’m sure I can come up with some way for you to pay me back.”

  He returned the smile as he leaned in for a kiss. His fingers tightened on my leg as I flicked my tongue against his lips. I moaned as his teeth scraped against my lip, the slight sting making heat coil in my stomach.

  “It’s because of you,” he said as he rested his forehead against mine. “That I was writing again. You helped me find the music.”

  I opened my mouth to protest, and he put a finger against my lips.

  “You’re my muse.” He placed his palm on the side of my face. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Yes, you did,” he insisted. “You talked to Tanya, Sine, and Savannah, right? That’s what they are to the guys. Their muses. And I never understood it. Until now.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure I agreed with him, but I wasn’t going to argue either. I wouldn’t do anything to take away the joy I saw on his face, in his eyes. I kissed his forehead.

  “You’re worth it, you know.” I traced his mouth with my fingers. “Worth the risk.”

  “I’m not going to make any crazy promises,” he said. “Because I’m human. I know I’ll do stupid shit that’ll piss you off. But what I can promise is that I will never lie to you. Even when I do something stupid. I will never give you reason to doubt me.” He took my face between his hands. “I swear it.”

  I maneuvered myself around until I was straddling his lap, our eyes locking. “I believe you.”

  His eyes slid down and then back up again. “How are you feeling?” His question was full of so much promise that it sent an immediate rush of arousal through me.

  “A little sore,” I admitted. I leaned closer and put my mouth against his ear. “But nothing that would keep me from wanting to ride you right now.”

  His eyes narrowed, and a shiver went down my spine. He reached for the belt on my robe, and I pulled back enough to let him untie it. My pulse was already racing as he wrapped his arms around me, but he ignored the fact that I was naked under my robe and instead pulled my arms behind my back. Without even looking, he quickly tied my wrists together and then leaned back in the chair.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Not really what I was expecting.”

  He grinned at me. “Since I don’t have access to all of my favorite toys, I figured I’d improvise.”

  His hands moved under my robe, pushing it off my shoulders until it caught on my bound hands. He made a sound of appreciation as his attention turned to my bared breasts.

  “Now, my Paige, let’s see how hot and bothered I can get you by playing with these pretty breasts of yours.”

  He slid his arm around my waist, his hand settling at the small of my back. He held me in place as he lowered his head, and the moment his tongue began to trace patterns on my skin, I was grateful for the steadying touch.

  “Reb,” I moaned.

  “I love hearing you say my name like that.” His lips tickled as he spoke. “In fact, I think the only words you’re allowed to say now are my name, please, and fuck.”

  If my ass hadn’t still been sensitive from getting spanked, I might have thought he was joking, but I wasn’t about to risk it. I was fine with those three words.

  Especially if he kept playing with my nipples like that. His fingers weren’t only talented when it came to playing instruments. He could play me like no one else, rolling and pinching until every nerve was singing. And his mouth…fuck…the things this man could do with his mouth. His tongue teased the tip even as he wrapped his lips around it, and I writhed on his lap. I needed more.

  “Please,” I begged. “Please, Reb.”

  I pulled against my restraints, my actions more instinct than anything else. I wanted to bury my hands in his hair, hold his head in place. I hadn’t realized just how frustrating it would be not being able to touch him when he could touch me.

  “Such pretty nipples.” His teeth scraped over one, then moved to the other, worrying at them until they were both throbbing.

  “Fuck, Reb,” I gasped. “I need–”

  He made a tsking sound. “Those aren’t any of your words, Paige.”

  I shivered, then cried out as he bit the side of my breast.

  “I think maybe you need to be reminded who’s in charge.” His eyes glinted with the sort of light that made low things tighten. “What do you think?”

  I swallowed hard, my body thrumming with need. “Please.”

  He moved one hand between us, opening his jeans. He wasn’t wearing anything under them, and then his cock was out, thick and hard. His eyes locked with mine as he grabbed my hips.

  “I want you on me, sweet Paige. You’re going to ride me until I come, and if you behave yourself while I’m emptying myself into that tight cunt of yours, I’ll let you come too.”

  My pussy clenched, in part because of his words, the sort of coarse language I’d never thought of as a turn-on, but even if he hadn’t said anything, I would’ve
felt the need to have him inside me.

  I nodded and let him guide me as I raised myself up on my knees. The tip of his cock brushed against me as he positioned me right where I needed to be. I didn’t have my hands to balance me, but I trusted him to keep me from falling as I lowered myself onto him.

  Every motion sent another ripple of pleasure through me. Every inch stretching me in ways that were still new. We weren’t like puzzle pieces, perfectly interlocking, but rather like our bodies had been custom-made for each other. Each part of me molded around him until I couldn’t tell where I ended and he began.

  “Fuck, babe, I love being inside you,” he groaned. His fingers flexed.

  I wanted to tell him how amazing he felt. How I couldn’t imagine ever finding anyone else who fit me this way. How I couldn’t imagine wanting to. He was the only man I’d been with, and I didn’t want to think about being with anyone else.

  But he’d only given me three words, and I didn’t want to disappoint him.

  “Reb,” I murmured his name as I kissed him. I loved the taste of him.

  I rocked back and forth, putting the perfect amount of friction on my clit, the sensitive nerves there adding to the pressure in my belly.

  “Don’t come.” He growled the order. “Not yet. Not until I say you can.”

  I nodded and shifted my weight so that the only stimulation I received was from me pushing up, then letting myself ease back down. It might have been enough to eventually reach climax, but right now, it was all about his pleasure. Not mine.

  “Damn,” he breathed. “Watching you bouncing on my cock like this. Those gorgeous tits of yours, that pussy squeezing me…” His grip on my hips tightened. “I want to mark you, my Paige. Not for punishment, but because I want you to always remember that you’re mine.” He yanked me toward him, giving me a brief, hard kiss. “You are mine, aren’t you?”

  I nodded, moving faster despite the burn in my legs. I needed him to come. My nails dug into my palms, and I fought to keep my balance. I’d never done this before, but I was pretty sure that it would’ve been easier with my hands untied.

  He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me down hard enough to make stars spark behind my eyelids. He groaned my name as his cock pulsed inside of me, his mouth pressed against the side of my throat. I could feel him emptying himself inside me, and as his teeth scraped my skin, I spoke.

  “Please, Reb,” I whispered.

  “You can come now,” he said, the words muffled.

  His thumb pressed against my clit, making hard, rough circles as he sucked on my neck, leaving the mark he’d wanted. The climax building inside me was stronger, more violent than anything I’d experienced before. It tore through me, and the last missing piece clicked into place, making me acknowledge what I’d already known.

  I needed this as much as he did.



  I was tempted to stay in bed all day, and see how many ways I could make Paige scream my name. Unfortunately, she had to go to work, and she had far more willpower than I did. We left the apartment together but went in opposite directions when we reached the street.

  The first thing I needed to do was get my new song written down before I forgot it. Besides, I figured I had enough time to do that before I went to see Chester. He wouldn’t be up before the afternoon meeting we had scheduled anyway. I didn’t see the point of waking him up, discussing things, and then having to re-explain them later.

  I might as well get some work done while I waited.

  As I settled into the small studio I’d set up at my place, I felt a fragment of fear grow. What if last night had been a fluke? I’d told Paige that she was my muse, and I’d meant it, but what if, despite the inspiration I’d experienced, I couldn’t do it? What if it’d been too long? What if I’d already exhausted any talent I had?

  I gave myself a shake, both mental and physical. I couldn’t think like that. I wouldn’t think like that. I’d written one song already, and even though some parts were rough, I knew it was good. And I had more in me. Nothing had solidified yet, but I could feel pieces of them in my head, and my intuition told me that they were better than anything I’d written before.

  I went to work.

  If I hadn’t set the alarm on my phone, I probably would have worked right through my meeting. I’d completely lost myself in the process. Writing down notes, trying out different instruments, tweaking words until I found the exact right ones.

  I would’ve preferred to keep going, but the things I had planned for today were important, and I’d accomplished a lot in the time I’d spent.

  I made sure everything was saved, and then headed out, making a couple necessary calls. I lived close enough to the restaurant where we were scheduled to meet that it only took about twenty minutes to get there, but I was still ready to get things over and done with by the time we arrived.

  “Mr. Union.” The host was all smiles as he greeted me. “It’s good to see you again.”

  I made small talk as best I could, not wanting to be rude to someone who’d only ever been nice to me, but I was still relieved when I reached the private room we used for our dinner meetings. When I stepped inside, three men were already there.

  Chester had put on a wrinkled suit that looked at least five years out of fashion and was the ugliest shade of brown I’d ever seen. Not for the first time, I wondered what he spent his money on, because he sure as hell didn’t use it to update his wardrobe. Then again, after seeing all the shit he’d had out for Mitzi, maybe it wasn’t such a mystery after all.

  On the opposite side of the table sat Roderick Leery and Trevor West, the first the VP of Solis Records, and the second his personal assistant. Both were smartly dressed, though Trevor’s suit wasn’t quite as expensive as Roderick’s. I’d been working with these guys for years and respected them both, but we didn’t have what I would’ve called a personal relationship. Still, I hoped they’d be on my side today.

  I didn’t bother with any of the usual niceties. “Chester’s been supplying drugs for my ex-girlfriend, Mitzi, and probably giving the same stuff to roadies, other musicians, and who the hell knows else, although an investigation is beginning to uncover the depth of his deceit.”

  All three men stared at me for a moment, and then Chester laughed, a big, booming sound. A sound that I now recognized as fake.

  “Come on, Reb, you know me. I don’t mess with that shit.” He glanced at the other men. “Sorry. That stuff.”

  I didn’t waste my time arguing. I wasn’t here for that. I was here to lay everything out on the table and get my life back on track. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and retrieved the video message I’d been sent a few minutes ago.

  “Mitzi’s on her way to rehab,” I said and watched Chester begin to sweat, his face turning a deep, mottled red. “Courtesy of a deal made with the NYPD.”

  I held out my phone and let everyone watch as Mitzi sat down with a detective. I waited until she got a minute or so into her explanation of what she and Chester had done to me, then paused the video.

  “I can send it to you if you’d like to see the rest, but I think we’ve run out of time to watch it just now.” I glanced toward the door as I heard arguing coming from the main part of the restaurant. “And, by the way, Chester, if you haven’t figured it out already, you’re fired.”

  The door opened, and a pair of cops came through, followed by the detective Mitzi had been making her statement to. He went straight for Chester, already rattling off charges and Miranda rights.

  I waited until the asshole had been escorted out before speaking again, mostly because his cursing and threats drowned out everything else. Roderick and Trevor hadn’t said a word during the entire thing, and I got the impression that they were waiting for me to explain.

  I didn’t make them wait for long. “I didn’t know what he was doing, but I should have. The past few months, I’ve been…out of it, to say the least. That’s done. I’m ready to ge
t back to work.”

  “That’s good to know,” Roderick said. He leaned forward, his expression shrewd. “Do you want to wait until you have a new manager to discuss things?”

  I shook my head. “I’ll probably hire someone to handle the manager stuff, but I think we’ve been working together long enough to talk business ourselves.”

  I waited until he nodded and gestured at the chair across from him. I sat down, some of my tension easing. Getting Chester to answer for his crimes was only the first part of what I needed to do, and I’d been confident of how things would play out. In fact, I considered it fortunate that I hadn’t gotten punched before the cops had come in. This next bit, however, I was less certain about.

  “I’ve been writing again,” I said. “And it’s good…but not the same as anything I’ve done before. Similar to my first album, but different enough that some people aren’t going to like it.”

  Roderick nodded slowly. “Your deadlines are coming up fast. Will you be able to meet them?”

  I considered the question before answering, “I think so, but only with these new songs. I don’t know if I could get you the sort of stuff I did before.”

  Roderick looked over at his assistant who’d been sitting quietly, taking notes. “What do you think?”

  “I think, after the last few months, people will respond better to something new than they would to the same thing,” Trevor answered with a half-smile. “After the community service you’ve been doing, they’ll think of it as part of your new image.”

  That was closer to the truth than he realized. Paige was responsible for both my image and my music, though I knew she’d say she was just showing people who I really was, that I’d always had the music in me.