Read Damien Page 18

  “Evil bastards.”

  My lips twitched. “I agree wholeheartedly.”

  “Well, I’m glad you took the little lady in,” the vet praised me. “Not many people would do that.”

  “I couldn’t leave ’er to fend for ’erself,” I said. “I’d be sick with meself if I did that.”

  “You’ve got a good heart.”

  I felt my cheeks flare with heat. “Thanks.”

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  I raised a brow. “Sure.”

  “Why did you name ’er Barbara?”

  I laughed. “Barbra Streisand was on the telly, and I asked ’er if she liked the name Barbara, she meowed, so I took it as a yes. It’s also me ma’s middle name so I’m changin’ the spellin’ to how she spells it just to give ’er a laugh.”

  The vet covered her mouth with her forearm as she laughed. For a moment, I wondered why she didn’t use her hand, but then I realised it was because she was touching Barbara and had been touching animals all morning. She wore gloves, but yeah, I didn’t blame her for not putting a hand to her mouth.

  “That’s the best thing I’ve heard all week.”

  “Glad I could amuse you.”

  With a smile, the vet then said, “About ’er age … she’s not that young, me guess would be between nine and ten weeks.”

  I blinked. “But she’s so small.”

  “She’s malnourished,” the vet explained. “She was probably pushed aside by the mother, or simply removed from ’er care before you found ’er.”

  My stomach tightened. “Will she be okay?”

  “She will.” The vet nodded. “She’ll get ‘er first vaccination today, and if you want, I can give ‘er a vaccine for feline leukaemia. It’s not a hundred percent guarantee she won’t ever contract the disease, but it’ll give ’er a good chance of avoidin’ it.”

  “Give ’er whatever she needs to keep ’er healthy, please.”

  The next twenty minutes were filled with my signing Barbara up for pet insurance while she received two vaccinations, a worm dose, had a microchip implanted, a full body assessment, then had her first picture with her veterinarian. I had seen on the waiting room walls that the vet had pictures of hundreds of animals in all different shapes and sizes. Most of the pictures were when a pet was young, then another was years later when the animal was older. I loved that; it showed how trusted the vet was for people to continue to bring their animals to her over the course of their lives.

  I looked up at the door when a veterinary nurse entered the room.

  “Sorry for interruptin’,” she said to me, then to the vet, she said, “Cora is coverin’ for me; I’m goin’ to help Alec feed the dogs in the kennels.”

  “Okay,” the vet said. “Don’t be long.”

  The nurse left with a skip with her walk, and the vet chuckled to herself.

  “That man has me entire female staff in ribbons.”

  Alec Slater.

  “You know Alec?”

  “Everyone knows Alec.” The vet snickered. “He’s not the type of personality one forgets, and he’s easy on the eyes too.”

  I grinned. “Don’t let ’im hear you say that; he’ll get a big head.”

  The vet chuckled. “I’m assumin’ you’re acquainted with ’im.”

  “Only a little,” I joked. “He’s engaged to one of me best friends.”

  “Ah, Keela.” The vet nodded. “He talks about ’er a lot, and by a lot, I mean constantly.”

  I grinned. “He’d be lost without ’er.”

  “No need to tell me, I believe it,” the vet said. “He’s only been workin’ ’ere officially a little while; after seein’ how good he is with the animals, and how hard workin’ he is, I had to offer ’im a full-time job. The female staff loves ’im whether he is taken or not. He makes everyone laugh, so they all want to be around ’im.”

  “That sounds like Alec.”

  The appointment was wrapped up then. Barbara was cleared for another month until she came back in for her second and final set of vaccinations, then she would just need to come back every twelve months for her yearly booster. I said my goodbyes to the vet and left the clinic. As I was walking towards the car park, I heard a familiar voice and stopped.

  “Lana.” Alec beamed when he and the nurse that came into the vet’s examination room briefly rounded the corner, heading towards the clinic. To the nurse, he said, “This is Alannah Ryan; she’s practically my sister.”

  I was completely taken aback with the introduction, and for some reason, I got a lump in my throat. I swallowed it down and smiled politely at the nurse.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.” She smiled back. “I’m Tracey.”

  Alec focused on the crate I was holding. “Is she okay?”

  “Yup.” I nodded. “She got ’er vaccinations, she’s wormed, microchipped and is good until she gets ‘er final set next month.”

  Alec’s lips twitched. “Tell Tracey what you named her.”

  I scowled at him, then to Tracey, I grinned and said, “Barbara, after Barbra Streisand.”

  Tracey laughed, and Alec snickered to himself as he shook his head.

  “You’re a hater,” I told him. “Nobody likes a hater.”

  Alec continued to grin as he excused himself from Tracey, telling her he was going to help me with Barbara to my car. I was going to tell him it was okay, but when he took her crate from me, I sighed with relief. I rubbed my shoulder where a knot had formed.

  “She weighs nothin’, but the bloody crate weighs a lot.”

  “You’re just weak.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Bite me, bitch.”

  We walked to my car, and when Alec got Barbara settled into the back seat—even putting a seat belt around her crate—he closed the door and focused on me. I raised my eyebrows, not understanding why he was staring at me so intently.

  “I spoke to Ry this morning.”

  My heart stopped. “Is Branna okay?”

  “She’s fine, still pregnant.”

  I relaxed. “Thank God.”

  “When I spoke to him, he mentioned that Damien sent him a text to let him know he wouldn’t be home because he was staying over at a certain someone’s apartment.”

  My entire face heated, and Alec snapped his fingers.

  “I knew it,” he said. “I told Keela you both hooked up, but she was adamant he’d sleep in the spare room.”

  I tried to get into my car to get away from Alec and the conversation, but he blocked me.

  “No way, red face. Talk.”

  I groaned. “When did you turn into Bronagh?”

  “The second I realised you had your dirty way with my baby brother.”

  I squealed and slapped his forearm. “Shut up!”

  Alec barked with laughter. “Come on, give. What happened?”

  I placed my face in my hands and groaned, before dropping them to my side.

  “He did stay the night … and not in the spare room.”

  “I fucking knew it!”

  “Hold it.” I held up my hand, stopping him from speaking further. “We didn’t have sex … but we also didn’t just sleep either.”

  “That’s my girl,” Alec said, raising his hand in the air.

  I laughed as I lifted mine and clapped my palm against his.

  “So, what now?” Alec pressed. “I’m confused, because haven’t you been proclaiming hate for him for … like … ever?”

  I frowned, hating how accurate that description was.

  “We spoke … we spoke about everythin’, and we cleared up a lot of issues we had, and while we’re not out of the woods yet, that conversation did us both a world of good. We don’t wanna play any games, and we both wanna try our hand at a relationship, so … we’re datin’. Officially. Exclusively.”

  “Alannah.” Alec smiled so wide I was sure that his cheeks were stinging him. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  When he hugged me, I hugged
him back.

  “Thanks. I’m so scared, though.”

  “That it’ll end badly?”

  When we parted, I stepped back and nodded.

  “Want to know a secret?”

  “Always,” I answered.

  “I’m still scared that might happen with Keela.”

  My jaw dropped. “Shut the front door.”

  “I’m serious,” Alec said. “When you have your whole life riding on someone … it’s only natural to worry they won’t always be around to be part of that life.”

  Tilting my head, I said, “But you and Keela are made for each other. I’ve never seen two people happier.” I paused. “Unless I’m with Nico and Bronagh, Kane and Aideen … and Ryder and Branna. All your relationships are so solid; you shouldn’t be scared.”

  “Yet in the back of my head, there is still the fear.” Alec shrugged. “All I’m saying is don’t think you’re the only one afraid of failure. Everyone is about something.”

  I considered this and found myself feeling a sense of relief.

  “You’re brilliant,” I told him. “I feel better hearin’ that. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Alec looked over his shoulder when his name was called, then he turned back to me.

  “Got to go, but I’ll see you later?”

  “You always do.”

  He kissed my cheek, then turned and jogged towards the large building on the left side of the compound that I knew to be the shelter.

  “If you go to Dominic’s house,” Alec shouted, “do not touch my fucking cup.”

  My laughter followed him, and I wanted to ask if he loved the cup so much, why didn’t he keep it at his house, but I knew the answer. He enjoyed our bickering over it too much to take it away from me ever having it, and I loved that about him.

  With a smile and a new sense of relief following our conversation, I got into my car and drove towards my parents’ house. When I arrived, I planned to leave Barbara in the back seat of my car after seeing she was asleep in her crate, but then the rain started to come down in buckets, and the noise was too loud for her not to get scared.

  Just as I unbuckled my seat belt, my phone rang. I answered it without looking at the screen.


  “What did you do to my little brother?”


  I froze. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, he hasn’t stopped smiling since I picked him up from your apartment, and that was three hours ago. I’m worried his face will get stuck like this.”

  A giggle burst free.

  “He is fine,” I assured Ryder. “We worked a lot out last night … and I may have given ’im a nice wake-up call.”

  “I knew it!” Ryder stated then he shouted, “I knew you got some, you lying asshole … uh, Alannah, who else would I call to ask why your grinning like that? … No, because I’m speaking to her that’s wh—Ow!”

  There was commotion and spewed curses.

  I smiled when Damien said, “Hello?”

  God, I love his voice.

  “Did you just hurt your big brother?”

  “He’ll be fine,” he answered, and I heard the smile in his voice. “What’re you doing? I miss you.”

  I smiled so wide that my cheeks stung.

  “I just left the vet with Barbara,” I answered. “And I miss you, too.”

  “Is everything okay with her?”

  “As far as the vet can tell, she’s about nine to ten weeks old. She got ’er first round of vaccinations today, and I’ll go back with ’er next month to get the second round. I registered ’er and got ’er pet insurance. She is officially Barbara Ryan, and I am ’er mother.”

  When Damien laughed, it made me smile, and I didn’t care. I knew it was probably eye rolling for anyone to see, but I was happy, and I wasn’t going to apologise to anyone for feeling like that.

  “Does that make me her daddy?”

  “I thought you were my daddy.”

  I cringed the second the words left my mouth. I once swore on everything that was holy that I would never refer to a partner as my “daddy” because it creeped me out, yet here I was, indicating Damien was … daddy.

  “Don’t,” Damien warned, his voice low. “Don’t you dare get me hard when I’m at work surrounded by these tools.”

  I had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the equipment.

  “I’m not tryin’ to get you hard,” I said, my lips twitching. “Though it appears it doesn’t take much to get your cock standin’ at attention.”

  Damien growled but said nothing, and I was thankful because I was worried if he did, I would lose this little bit of brazen assurance that had filled me. I looked around and was glad it was raining so hard. It meant I could stay in the car a little longer and … talk.

  “Go into the back room,” I said to Damien, licking my lips. “I want to try somethin’ with you … over the phone, that is.”

  “Fuck,” he grunted. “Ry, I’ll be back in a minute.”

  I thought I heard Ryder laugh, but I ignored it and so did Damien.

  “Okay,” Damien said a minute later. “I’m in the room, and the door is closed.”

  “Good,” I said, my stomach swimming with butterflies. “I want phone sex.”


  Confidence surged through me upon hearing the desperation in his tone.

  “Don’t you think it’ll be fun?” I questioned softly. “I think it will be great foreplay before we actually have sex.”

  “You’re killing me, gorgeous.”


  “I feel like I can be bold with you, so I’m steppin’ out of me comfort zone by even suggestin’ this. I’m embarrassed, but I don’t want that to stop me from bein’ a little … naughty.”

  “God in Heaven, help me.”

  My chuckle was low.

  “Are you hard?” I asked, my voice a little breathless. “Are you throbbin’?”

  “Yes,” Damien hissed.

  “Your hand is my hand,” I told him. “I want to touch you.”

  His heavy breathing was all I could hear, then I heard some ruffling and then a few seconds later a soft groan sounded, and I knew his hand was wrapped around his cock.

  “Good boy,” I praised. “Do you like it when I touch you?”

  He almost hissed his, “Yes.”

  “Lick me palm,” I purred, “then close your eyes as I fist your cock.”

  “Jesus,” Damien groaned.

  “Are you doin’ what I say?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I grinned.

  “I’m before you on me knees,” I said, licking my lips, “strokin’ you while swirlin’ me tongue around the head of your cock.”

  Damien didn’t reply; the only thing I could hear was his heavy breathing.

  “Can you see me on me knees in front of you, feel me touchin’ you?”

  “Ye-yeah,” he replied. “Fu…uck.”

  I hummed. “You like when I look up into your eyes when I suck your cock, don’t you?”

  “Alannah.” He panted. “Christ.”

  I clenched my thighs together, forcing myself to ignore the growing ache between my thighs. My focus was on Damien, and right now, I wanted everything, all the pleasure, to be his.

  “I want you to come in me mouth,” I said a little forcefully. “D’ye want that? D’ye want me to swallow every salty drop?”

  He grunted, then gasped.

  “Alannah. Fuck. Yessss.”

  He was going to come. I knew he was.

  “I’m goin’ to swallow all of you,” I purred. “I love your salty taste, I want it to coat me tongue.”

  “Fuck,” Damien panted, his voice still low. “Oh, fuck!”

  “Give it to me, baby,” I pressed. “Fuck me mouth so hard that I can’t see straight.”

  I heard grunting, a lot of grunting, then heavy breathing followed by a long and satisfied groan. Confidence wrapped itself aro
und me knowing my words and the visuals I planted in Damien’s head got him to the point where he lost control.

  “You’re sin,” Damien rasped after a few moments. “Oh God, you’re pure fucking sin.”

  “That was fun,” I said, ignoring my burning cheeks. “I’ve never done phone sex before.”

  Damien recited Our Father, and it made me laugh.

  “You have to say three Hail Marys or God won’t forgive you for gettin’ off at work.”

  When his rumbling chuckle sounded, my lips twitched.

  “I’m going to get you back for this.”

  “Get me back?” I blinked. “You just had an orgasm. You’re welcome.”

  Another chuckle.

  “Nuh-uh, freckles, you got me worked up at work, knowing good and well I told you not to.”

  I pouted. “I was just havin’ some fun.”

  “I know,” Damien replied, “but I’m still getting you back.”

  “I’d just prefer if you got me on me back,” I teased. “I’d learn me lesson much quicker that way … I promise.”

  “Sin,” Damien hissed.

  I was enjoying this far too much.

  “I’m an angel, and ye’know it.”

  “You look like one and act like one, but the second we’re alone, you're sin. You're my definition of trouble, freckles.”

  I laughed. “You love it.”

  “You bet your fine ass I do.”

  I shook my head. “Go give your brother back his phone and get some work done. Slacker.”

  There was a pregnant pause, then Damien’s muttered a curse.

  “I have to clean this mess up, and then wash my hands … and Ryder’s phone case, or he’ll kill me.”

  I laughed, and Damien growled.

  “I’m so getting you back for this, freckles.”

  “Snowflake,” I mused, “I look forward to it.”

  I hung up on him and could imagine the look on his face when he realised it, and I laughed. I felt giddy and confident. It was worlds away from feeling scared and bitter about something that once happened. I sighed and thanked God I had a best friend who gave me a kick up the arse to see sense when most would only have given a nudge.

  I quickly hurried into my parents’ house, shielding the front of Barbara’s crate from the rain as best as I could.

  “Ma?” I called when I entered the house.

  “I’m in the kitchen, hon.”