Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Four Page 9

  Chapter 40-Unknown Space

  How long we had been traveling, I don’t know because I didn’t know how far we had come. All the instruments on the ship were now merged together in a sort of hazy light! I felt Ill at ease.

  ‘Why can’t I access the ship, Debra?’

  ‘Please relax, Dan, you aren’t back to your usual self yet.’

  I knew I was back to Dan, but I also knew something was wrong.

  ‘Debra, please let me access the ship.’

  ‘No, Sweetie, not just yet, just rest.’

  Now I knew there was something wrong, Debra would not deliberately hold something back from me like that.

  ‘How long before we arrive?’ I said.

  ‘Fifteen hours.’

  ‘OK, I said, I will take a nap then.’

  ‘Dan, you know you don’t need to sleep!’

  ‘I need to meditate though.’


  ‘I want to see who I can contact.’

  ‘I don’t think that would be a good idea.’


  ‘Because you are part of me, and I want you here, also Sionn might persuade you to go back.’

  ‘I just want to see my wife from my last lifetime.’

  ‘No, Dear.’

  ‘OK, I will just rest then. Is that OK?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose so, but no meditating! Do you hear me?’

  ‘Yes, Debra.’ I was now very concerned. Debra being part of me also knew what I knew! I felt I was entering a contest to find out who would come out on top, me or my other-self! The

  situation was now starting to really sink in. I had a sort of split-personality, and the other half was starting to fight for Power.

  ‘You know, Dan, I was nobody till you came along.’

  ‘I know,’ I said, ‘but you are now something apart from me.’

  ‘No! I am something more than you.’


  ‘You will find out when we reach my home.’

  ‘OK, Debra. Can I rest now?’

  ‘Yes, my sweet, but remember, I am always there.’

  All I could do was simply rest and try to think, or rather meditate my way out of this situation, how could I do this if Debra was ‘always’ with me, and without her knowing? I knew it would take all my meditation skills, and more, but how to start?

  I tried to simply contemplate myself into a restful state first, then I tried to get deeper into it, but Debra was there all the time.

  ‘Please don’t do that.’ she said.

  ‘Debra, I am trying to rest! Will you please leave me alone for a while?’

  ‘No!’ she shouted! She then said, ‘I know what you want, a nice record from your collection! Come, let us dance.’ What could I do? I had to dance but I felt like smashing something as Cloft.

  This was going to take more than my meditation skills. What could I do? She knows my every move! All I could do for now was to wait and see what happens on her ‘home planet,’ (wherever that is.) It was starting to sink in also that it could be a trap!

  I was now getting back to my old self. I was also missing Reeas and Sionn. I was a Trainee Guardian, and wouldn’t be a fully trained until Sionn says I am. I was now also conscious of Debra trying to access my mind!

  What is she up to? I noticed that I was getting stronger by the Minute. All my training was now starting to come back, and I knew it was something to do with the Inner-Masters from many past lives.

  Debra said, ‘What are you up to, dear?’

  ‘I’m just thinking, Debra.’

  ‘Please let me know what you are thinking Dan, as I won’t be able to protect you, if you won’t let me in.’

  ‘I just want some time alone, Debra.’

  ‘No! I told you we are one. But no matter, as now is the time for you to find out where we are, and why we are here. Please follow me.’

  For you students out there: I am now fully aware of being Dan Sherman again. I am again going to update you on the events. Please be patient. I will try to deal with things as they occur.

  We exited the ship into a large space port. I should have known Kallo or his apprentice would be behind this! There he was standing with his hands on his hips looking like a dictator again in a high-and-mighty fashion.

  ‘Not you again,’ I shouted.

  ‘I want you, you stupid Trainee-Dancer. I brought you here!’

  ‘So! What do you want from me, an award?’

  I was feeling very angry at this moment my student friends. Kallo then seemed to be put-back by my remark. He then said. ‘You know you are going to be isolated again. Don’t you?

  ‘So, what, as a matter of fact it wasn’t so bad. I had no memory of any bad things. In fact, it was very nice!’

  ‘Well, this time it will be a very bad experience for you.’

  I looked at Debra. She was different. She looked harsher! Her expression was colder.

  ‘What do you think, Debra?’ I said.

  ‘I am part of the whole.’

  ‘That’s right, Trainee. Ha, you fool.’

  ‘OK,’ I said, ‘it is me against you again.’

  ‘No, you fool. It is me and Debra!’

  I knew I had him, students! Don’t ask me how, I just knew it. I was finally going to be rid of Debra! Not that I wanted to be rid of her as she once was, you understand, just the all-powerful side of her.

  I know what you students are thinking. Debra was going to merge with Kallo! Yes, that is just what I want my friends! Kallo was now starting to glow! I realized she was far more powerful than even Kallo thought. This was my chance! I started to meditate. All my past masters were there. Plus all the ones that I have met since becoming a Trainee-Guardian, this including Mannus made up a lot of Power! I then trained my thoughts on Kallo. He was already burning up with the power from Debra. This, combined with my team was too much for him. He burst like a supernova, taking all of his people with him. In fact, the whole area was devastated. I was wearing my light suit, so I was safe. It was a fascinating experience to be in the middle of something like that. I didn’t move an inch! Can you imagine?

  The light suit reacted with the explosion, and simply let the blast bounce off it. It was like being in the center of the Sun.

  ‘Well done, Dan,’ Sionn said. I knew he was behind this. ‘Back to base please, he said.’

  Debra was now totally in charge again. I said. ‘Are you OK, Debra?’

  ‘Yes, Dan, everything is in order.’

  ‘Good.’ I said, expecting her to ask me to dance but she didn’t. I’m going to miss the old Debra I thought. If you asked me to think of a song at this moment it would have to have to be a love song for my Reeas.

  Thank you for reading my book. If you enjoyed it, won’t you please take a moment to leave me a review at your favorite retailer? Onwards to book 5.

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  Colin J Platt

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