Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Nine Page 3

Chapter 69-Debrief 3

  The feeling as we walked into the briefing room was one of emotion. I know the Guardians don’t show their feeling very often, but this time things are different. People were clapping and cheering! I felt good, as we were ushered to the front row. Sionn said:

  ‘Dan, Reeas, Deria and Debra, please accept our thanks, the job went off as we predicted, but due to your excellent acting ability we were able to gain much more information. The touching of Kallo’s neck in the physical realm did the trick; we now have the locations of many more agents. Kallo himself is already in isolation.

  You will be surprised to know that 6,553 Special-Dark-Agents have also been located including even in this very room. Sionn glanced around as some people in the audience who were now starting to get up and move to the side; security people were now at the doors to arrest them. ‘These people have been shielded under the Guardian umbrella for a long time, they will be isolated and monitored from now on. As of now, the Guardian-Network is fully operational. Dan and company have proved to be worthy allies. Debra is now back as a fully-operational part of the Guardian-Network. This base is now the most important part of this section of the Milky-Way Galaxy. Dan, Reeas, Deria and Debra, Please follow me into the other room.

  After going over some details of the operation, which I already knew from Debra Sionn said, ‘The Network is now secure, you can all now go back to normal duties, ‘Dan, you will be your normal self from now on.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I said. I noticed Debra was now gone!

  ‘You will be separate from Debra.’

  ‘I don’t feel any different.’ I said.

  ‘No, the process will take a while to become noticeable.’

  Please report to the operations room to finalize the process.’ Sionn then walked out of the door.

  Reeas said, ‘You are finally free of Debra!’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but I thought she would be a part of me forever; that is what I was told. Why do they keep doing this to me?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I mean using me as a sort of useful part of the network and then dumping me when it is over. They didn’t even think to inform me about the plan.’

  ‘If it is any conciliation, we weren’t informed either.’

  ‘I know, but you didn’t lose anything.’

  ‘You didn’t lose anything!’

  ‘I know, but why don’t they inform me? I feel such a fool sometimes.’

  ‘Listen Dan, I thought I had lost you more than once! Do you know what I have been through?’

  ‘I’m sorry, Reeas; it must be the first effects of the changeover. Why don’t we take a break, let us visit your family.’

  ‘Yes, then we will visit yours, Dan.’

  After a lovely vacation in the company of loved ones, we reported back for duty. For students: I am trying to come to terms with the loss of Debra, I must say, I feel much the same as usual, but with the knowledge that I do not have access to the most powerful thing in the Multiverse as part of my consciousness!

  Debra is now just the ship. I must say, I will miss her antics, especially her dressing up in all the styles of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries just to impress me! I know what some of you students are saying. How can I lose something that is part of me? Did Mannus himself not say Debra is part of you and as such cannot be parted from you?

  I just wanted to say goodbye, I suppose. Sionn was now calling for our team to go to the briefing room. I knew it was some new job, even before we got there, and that is without Debra!

  With Debra, I would have known every detail!

  ‘We have a small problem in a Galaxy known as Spiron 21. Sionn said. ‘The people on the planet Kerion 6 are about to tamper with the time frame. They are just about ready to know about us. But this crisis has arisen; they will attempt to travel forward in time to access knowledge about things that they won’t be able to handle! You can imagine what damage that could do! Before you ask the simple question, how can they? We all know it is impossible, yes? Well, I can tell you that it could actually work, but not in the way the Kerion’s think; the device that they will use will be propelled at much greater than light speed. Many thousands of times faster in fact! It will travel to the designated point of reference in a split second! That point of reference is the neighboring galaxy Phopion; it will then propel itself back within another split second. The inhabitants would have been the same age of course. But they won’t survive. The time dilation will be massive, tens of thousands of years actually. The trouble will be that a large part of Phopion will be destroyed, plus all the neighboring planetary systems. Kerion 6 will also be destroyed.’

  ‘Is there any way Debra could handle this?’ Reeas said.

  ‘Well, you may as well know, she is below par.’

  ‘Why?’ I said, ‘Isn’t she up to the job?’

  Sionn was now looking at me with his I-know-what-you-are-thinking look.’

  OK, team; this is how we want to handle it: Dan will have access to Debra, but only in a small way.’

  ‘And how small would that be?’ I said.

  ‘She won’t be able to leave the ship.’

  ‘So, all we have to do is the same thing we did on Relmar 7 in the Andromeda-Galaxy when we stopped the scientist from using the chemicals!’

  ‘No, Dan that was a relatively easy thing to do besides the danger wasn’t real. The real trick was to catch Kallo. This will be much more dangerous. The atomic structure of the time traveling machine has already reached critical point.’

  ‘Why was it left to get this dangerous?’ Deria said.

  Sionn was now looking a little bemused. He said, ‘The Network was down at the time, it was part of the plan to catch Kallo?’

  I didn’t want to make it any harder for Sionn; I knew his job was the hardest in the Universe, so I left it at that.

  ‘We also believe this crisis is due to Kallo’s helpers!’ Sionn said.

  ‘I thought they had been captured.’ Reeas said.

  ‘There may be some Dark-Agents who are beyond our network radar.’

  ‘You mean, other masters?’ I said.

  ‘Yes, he, or they, probably helped to construct the time machine, and will probably be willing to die in it taking half the Spiron 21 and Phopion-Galaxies with it! You also know that the massive time shift that will occur when the machine comes back to Spiron 21 will alter the space time continuum.’

  ‘How do you mean?’ said Reeas.

  ‘You may as well know. We simply don’t know! We have our best people working on it, but one thing is for sure, time will alter for Spiron 21 and Phopion, also it will spread to other galaxies!’

  ‘How can it spread?’ I said.

  ‘The structured atoms from the time machine will create an enormous blast the like of which we have never seen before. This will result in a Googol-Photon explosion, making many stars in the Spiron 21 and the Phopion-Galaxies explode and implode at the same time.’

  I was a little overawed at this, all I could think of to say was ‘Can we take the Tourgen clones?’

  Sionn said, ‘You won’t need them, but yes, I will make arrangements for them to be grown on Kerion 6.’ Sionn then left the room, leaving me, Reeas and Deria to stare at each utter in amazement.

  For students: we are back to normality, so to speak, please upload your thoughts again on how you would handle this particular job. If you have any experience in time travel techniques please help. I have now been told there are already three students working on the problem on Kerion 6 already in the dream state. I will make it one of my priorities to meet you when I get there. This is very good my student friends, keep up the good work. As students, you will already know that there is a Guardian base on Kerion 6. There are two lightships already at the base, so we won’t need to take Debra. I must admit I used to like Debra insisting to wear something appropriate for the trip even if it was full combat gear. Ha, sorry, I am just trying to play down
the enormous task that we have to do.

  The trip itself would take too long by lightship as Spiron 21 was many light years away. We would travel there in the dream state then transfer into our cloned bodies which are already grown and waiting for us in the Guardian base on Kerion 6. We retired to the sleep rooms to make the transfer.

  I wanted to ask Reeas to dance, but I knew this wasn’t the time. You students know I like to dance. It is one thing that keeps me in touch with the real world, whatever and wherever that world may be, or should I say Earth. The real world for me now was a combination of many things. For students who are working on the inner planes at this time the real world is the everyday world where you are in the waking consciousness. If you only knew the truth! All I know is we are eternally grateful for your help.