Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Seven Page 3

  Chapter 59-Supernova

  Sionn was his usual self again; he looked at me in his knowing way. I said, ‘Did you really feel I could have messed it up?’

  ‘No!’ he said, I was a little worried about your state of consciousness though.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘I must admit I was starting to panic.’ Reeas said, ‘I knew you would make it.’

  ‘Thank you, Reeas, but what does it all mean?’

  Sionn said, ‘Your old consciousness has been uplifted, but it could also go downward when needed.’

  ‘What? Why did I have to go through a maze to simply raise my awareness?’

  ‘It was more than a maze; it was a real experience, something that actually happened. I want you to go back to the maze or rather the Room-of-Doors whenever you feel you need to know something of value from your past.’

  ‘OK, well, we had better get dreaming.’ I said. I had a feeling the Room-of-Doors was going to play a big part in my life, or lives, from now on. We slept easily in the light chairs and then transferred to the astral planet of Thirand through dreams. We then made the transfer to the physical planet of Thirand. As you can see, it only takes minutes to travel millions of light-years this way. Our physical bodies had already been manufactured, grown for us in only three days from our D.N.A. If we wanted our Tourgen clone bodies they could also be grown on board ship, I felt strangely different.

  ‘I don’t know if I want to remember all my past lives,’ I said to Reeas.

  She said, ‘No, I also don’t wish to know everything from my past, but the longer you are a Guardian the more lives you can remember.’

  ‘So Sionn should remember all of he’s lives?’

  ‘Yes.’ she said.

  ‘That is a lot of lives.’ I said. Debra said, ‘How many lives have I had? Dan.’

  I said, ‘I don’t know Debra.’ Reeas looked at me. I thought I just hope the maze hasn’t affected my relationship with Debra. I don’t wish to go through the all-powerful Debra stage again.

  I could see it would only take us two days to intercept the worm-hole but as usual things were not that simple.

  Debra said, ‘Dan, the worm-hole is going to cross into the Fexsexel system of planets in just eight hours.’

  ‘Oh, no,’ I said, ‘that isn’t supposed to happen.’

  Debra said, ‘The worm-hole is now traveling at faster than any known speed, also it is increasing by the minute.

  Dan.’ Reeas said, ‘We simply don’t know how fast it can go!’

  OK.’ I said. ‘What is the plan, team?’

  Reeas said, ‘Can you catch it, Debra.’

  ‘Yes I can, but not in the allotted time.’

  I said, ‘What will happen if it crosses into Fexexel space?’

  Debra said, ‘It will cause a Supernova, Dan.’

  Just, great. I thought why is it always me who has to deal with these catastrophes? No sooner had I thought that when the answer came into my mind, because you are a Guardian.

  OK, I said, ‘Why has it always got to be me in charge?’ Reeas then said, ‘Because you are learning to command!’

  I said, ‘Fine,’ feeling a little frustrated.

  I know you are learning also, my student friends, you know it is not easy to command. I knew through Debra that we couldn’t dream travel to Fexexel space as they weren’t Guardian conscious, in other words, they didn’t know about Guardians, and had no Guardian space bases in their planetary system, although they were more advanced than Earth. Yes, I know you are going to say, how come Earth has a Guardian-Space-Base?’ The answer is the people of Earth don’t know about it.

  I related a message to Sionn to ask if we could inform the planet Fexel and the surrounding group of planets about the Guardians, he said yes! Apparently they are ready to come under the protection of the Guardian-Umbrella so to speak. OK, we can now dream travel there, but we can’t get the ship there in time! Also we can’t use the light suits as they are linked into the ship. I asked Debra what technology the Fexel’s had, she said the latest starship was adequate for most things but wasn’t up to the job of stabilizing the worm-hole. OK, I said to Reeas, ‘What do you think?’ She said, ‘It looks like there is only one course of action, Dan.’ I knew what she meant, I said, ‘You mean to board one of their ships, and intercept the worm-hole?’


  ‘We can’t reach the worm-hole in time to stop the supernova. But we can dream travel there in a few minutes then try and persuade the Fexel people to believe out story.’

  ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘once we show them evidence from our monitors. Of course you know we will die, Dan.’

  ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but there is no one I would rather die with than you, anyway, we won’t really die as we will have transferred into one of their androids, then after the job we simply transfer back to the ship.’ Debra said, ‘I want to die also, Dan.’ I said, ‘You have to stabilize the worm-hole, Debra. You will arrive later than us.’

  ‘But what will I do if you are not there?’ she said.

  ‘I will transfer back to the base, Debra, you know that.’

  ‘I know’ she said, ‘But I don’t understand.’

  I said, ‘Just carry out the job like we were supposed to do after we stop the worm hole.’ Reeas and I are going on ahead.’ Deria said she would go there straight away to prepare the way for us. I almost forgot Deria again. As you know she is invisible most of the time, but is always there to help when needed. We said our goodbyes to Debra. I know she is only computer/robot/hologram, but she is also something beyond that, she is part of me, as Mannus himself said.

  We lost no time in getting to Fexel. Deria had by this time contacted the government who were now rather confused. Although they were several hundred years ahead of Earth in technology they were still many years behind Guardian technology.

  They didn’t know about the worm-hole, but they had detected the sudden increase in size of one the nearest stars that made up the Fexexel system. This was the star that would supernova in about seven hours. All Reeas and I could do was transfer into android robots which we knew to be very common on Fexel, in fact, there are many at the government headquarters where we would meet the Fexel leaders.

  We wasted no time in explaining the situation. The Fexel’s were very intelligent and highly conscious. Within two hours we were aboard their most up-to-date craft. They also insisted on several of their androids coming with us to help. I explained that it was a one way trip but they didn’t seem to mind. I didn’t realize that the androids were Fexel people who had died and had transferred their consciousness into the android; of course they didn’t realize that they could exist on the inner planes when they died. In fact all of the androids were former Fexel people! They had beaten death, so they thought.

  The androids who were coming with us wanted to find out what it was like to die! I hadn’t time to explain it to them, so we got under way and hoped that we could get the job done. I wished Debra was here but she was one and a half days away. I know what you students are thinking, why don’t I do as I did in Dark-Space and use Mannus to increase Debra’s speed. I would love to try but I’m still not back to my full consciousness yet, anyway, I already tried to contact Mannus and failed, also, I don’t want to mess this up, we only have one shot at it, and I didn’t want to push Debra beyond critical speed. We were now approaching the worm-hole; we can see it is flailing about very dangerously. The ship is more than up to the job for most things, but a worm-hole out of control is something else.

  We are, of course, several trillion Au’s (astronomical units) away at this stage but it was approaching very quickly. Everybody on board knew what to do; it would take all of us to do the necessary calculations, something Debra could do all by herself. We knew we had to approach dead center into the mouth of the worm-hole then trigger a fusion bomb which we had on board, this would then react with the ships power supply and create an almighty explosion, this in turn, would stop the worm
-hole in its tracks. Yes, I hear you say, you hope! No my friends, we have done our calculations correctly, it will work, as long as we hit it dead center; the only problem is the back end is flapping about very quickly, yes, I know it is a long way away, but it still affects the front end.

  So for students: Sionn has asked me to ask you, to write a thesis on the calculations and upload it to central database as soon as possible. No, I know we can’t use it for this job, but it will be a good project for you, also state how much damage it would have caused to the surrounding systems.

  We are now within the worm-holes exact path. According to the ships calculations we should contact it in three hours. I felt a nagging doubt come over me; everything was going to plan but he calculations from the android people seemed too perfect! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I didn’t like the way they communicated with each other, it was as if they were trying to keep something from us. Maybe it was me! I was under more than usual pressure, as I wasn’t in my usual consciousness, as you know. Why did Sionn want to keep me like this?

  Then, before I could give the order, a member of the android crew shouted, ‘OK, Guardians, this is where we take over!’

  ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ I shouted.

  ‘We are striking a blow for our freedom, and Kallo!’ he said.

  Not again, I thought!

  ‘Kallo has now been neutralized.’ I shouted.

  ‘Yes, but his family is still in existence.’

  ‘What family?’ I said.

  ‘We have many clones of our leader scattered throughout the Cosmos.’

  So, that was it, I thought; that was why we kept encountering numerous Kallo’s on our travels.

  ‘We don’t need the original Kallo.’ he said.

  ‘What are your plans now?’ I said.’

  ‘We will let the worm-hole do our work,’ he said. I asked Reeas what she thought. She said they are well trained in everything to do with this ship and its capability. Just great! I thought. And here’s me in this consciousness!

  ‘We know you are now limited, Earthman, our information tells us that you cannot stop us from destroying whatever world we contact. In a fairly short time, we will dominate this entire sector of the Demarel-Galaxy then of could course the Milky-Way-Galaxy.

  We also have your friends.’ I thought they can’t have captured Deria. She is too elusive for anyone to trap. Reeas looked at me with desperation. We were in our ordinary bodies, with no light suits, and I couldn’t contact Mannus!

  ‘You will be isolated within your android body till we decide what to do with you, yes, you really fell for the android trap didn’t you? You now know you cannot revert back to your bodies on your light-ship.’

  I knew he was right. The android bodies that we inhabit are now traps! Why didn’t Sionn see this? Surely he knew what might happen.

  ‘Take them to the Isolation-tubes.’

  I felt the anger starting to come over me, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to change into Cloft the Tourgen-Clone this time. I was trapped in an android body which I knew I couldn’t escape from. All I could do was think about Sionn, Mannus, Reeas, and Deria. Where is Deria?

  ‘Don’t get excited, Earthman, your precious Deria is also in isolation, we managed to trap her in an android body also. We are Master-Androids and able to link our consciousness with others of our kind.’

  That gives me an idea, I thought if he can link into other androids in a similar consciousness, why can’t I link into Debra?

  ‘You will not be able to do that!’ said the leader, still accessing my thoughts.

  OK, I thought, this calls for something special, but what? I now simply walked into the Isolation room, unable to stop myself. Then they put us into the Isolation-Tubes. I felt strangely calm, before losing consciousness.

  I woke up in the, yes; you guessed it, the Room of Doors. Standing there, I began to think why should I be here? Surely isolation means just that. Not being able to be conscious; well, here I am, let me see what is behind one of the doors. I opened the one directly in front of me. Yes, you guessed it, exactly the same place. I opened more doors but the same again. Maybe this is what is meant by isolation? It is a place where you can’t get out of. The feeling I was experiencing was of desperation and anger. Untold numbers of people were going to be killed in a very short time, and I couldn’t get out of a roomful of doors! I sat down in the lotus position; all I could do was simply meditate, I didn’t know if it would work in isolation but I would try it. Nothing happened! Surely the time must have gone by to neutralize the worm-hole.

  I must be still, I thought. I must keep my thoughts on getting out of here. No, I thought, that is what they want me to do. I am going to do the exact opposite! I just sat there and rested. I didn’t think, I didn’t worry, and I didn’t bother about the worm-hole, suddenly I saw Debra! Not the Debra from the ship, but the Debra from my past-life!

  ‘Open the door, Dan, so I can see you better.’ I knew which door to open, 359! I rushed over to the door and opened it. Debra was stood there as large-as-life, she was about thirty-five years old and had blossomed into a beauty.

  All I could think of to say was ‘God, I loved you Debra.’

  ‘I know,’ she said, ‘I wish we had been in the same year at school, I really liked you, but you were younger than me. I have a message for you from Sionn,’ Now I was really interested.

  ‘Concentrate on Debra, but don’t force it, let her come to you, he said he couldn’t get through himself, so he asked me to help. Does he mean for you to think about me, John? You are John aren’t you?’(For students: My name was John in that lifetime. Debra has been given certain knowledge to help me but she won’t remember anything about this later) Thank you Debra, but he means someone else.’

  ‘Oh, she said, I hope we can talk again sometime, but I know you must be busy as Sionn was a very special person, so I know you must have a very special job to do.’

  ‘Yes, I have, Debra, thank you for letting me know and I will be in contact soon.’

  OK, I thought. Now is the time for action.

  You students will now know what I have to do, please help by once again uploading your thoughts to central database. As you know, these thoughts will be used in the upgrade of the system and the actual light books, trillions of thoughts from billions of students. Right, here we go, I have to get my thoughts in check. I know now that Debra is the key.

  I sat down and concentrated all my yoga ability on Debra for several minutes. I then walked over to the first door and opened it; Debra was stood there looking serious. ‘She said, stand back Dan.’ I stepped back, then all of the doors were flung open, Yes, you guessed it, Debra was behind every one! ‘Close your eyes,’ she said. Immediately I was back in the isolation-tube with my eyes closed, but I could still see Debra!

  ‘You know what to do,’ she said. I did, I opened my eyes; I could see the android’s looking at me and communicating to one another, I also knew they were worried. I could tell they were trying to destroy me as soul. But I had other plans. They didn’t show any facial surprise as I changed into the Tourgen-clone. Yes, my student friends, I wouldn’t have believed it possible before I had the meeting with Debra, but you see, she is a part of me, even though I am only in an android body, I thought, I wouldn’t be able to access any part of the Guardian-Network, but I can, why didn’t Sionn tell me you say! All I can say is it is a learning thing, and probably Kallo’s helpers would have known.

  All I can think of is to get out of the isolation-tube and save Reeas and Deria. The glass surrounding me was extra thick and able to withstand many pounds per square inches of pressure; so I will have to smash the ends then won’t I? I kicked the bottom out with my extra-large feet. I got out, I then smashed everything I could see including androids. Some were trying to access the laser cannons which were locked up in secure boxes on the walls but I knew they couldn’t get to them as they were so sure I couldn’t get out. I now knew which android
Reeas was trapped in, it was at the other end of the room. I walked over and unlocked the access hatch. I could tell they hadn’t tried to destroy her, I was very relieved. I also let Deria out, she said, ‘We have just several minutes to stabilize the worm-hole.

  I said, ‘Debra can you please do your best.’ I then simply walked over to the ships control panel and touched it; the ship was now a lightship, or Debra. She at once turned herself around and headed straight for the worm-hole, the whole process took less than a minute. ‘OK, Dan, it is done. The worm-hole is stabilized and will now return to its original position; we can’t go back through it as yet, as it will take several weeks to arrive.’

  ‘OK, team, we had to dream travel back to base.’

  ‘What about me, Dan?’ said Debra?

  ‘You are part of me Debra, so you will come with us; you are also the ship, so you will bring the ship back.’

  ‘I don’t feel like I am the ship anymore, Dan.’

  I looked at Reeas, I hope this won’t alter Debra again, I thought, as we made preparations to dream travel back to base.