Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Six Page 1

Dan Sherman Space Guardian

  All Worlds

  Book Six

  By Colin J Platt

  Copyright Colin J Platt 2014

  Chapter 51-Theren 1 Sub Base

  Grenwer was happier than usual. He said, ‘The apprentice is at present being held in isolation on the astral base here at Theren1.’

  ‘Good.’ I said, ‘I want to see him.’

  ‘Yes, but first I want you to take the Conscious-Mental-Probe test. Try to locate Reeas and Deria.’

  ‘Yes,’ but you know Kallo’s apprentice is banking on us wanting to bargain for his, and also Kallo’s release again.’

  ‘I know, but we have to try, maybe he didn’t make his normal exact preparations.’

  ‘Yes, I know, but I have something that will persuade him better than mere threats.’

  ‘Oh, what is that?’ Grenwer said.

  ‘Please don’t ask, just let me see him, you can observe through the monitors.’

  I was led to the Isolation Cells; they are special astral cells which were supposed to be escape proof, but Kallo being Kallo did escape more than once, well, I will try to persuade this apprentice to stay for a while.

  Kallo, or the apprentice looked unmoved; he knew he was trapped but probably thought it would be a short time till he escaped again, he looked at me with contempt.

  ‘Well, look who it is, the-Trainee.’

  ‘Yes, and look at you, the Master, in jail.’

  ‘Not for long.’

  ‘Who are you? You look like Kallo, but obviously you are someone else.’ In the next instance I knew I had to get to him for some reason, and I don’t know why? I simply walked into his supposedly escape proof cell. He looked stunned; he jumped up and ran for the door probably thinking that he could get out. I grabbed him by the neck as I turned into Cloft the Tourgen clone. He tried in vain to get free; I put my other hand on his forehead as Mannus came into my consciousness. I could feel the power starting to generate through me to the apprentice then from the apprentice to me. I released him; he slumped to the floor unconscious. Grenwer came in.

  ‘How did you do that?’ he said.

  I don’t know? ‘I just felt like doing it.’

  ‘Could it be that you are a Special-Envoy for Mannus?’

  ‘If I am, then I am, all I know is I have to follow my destiny. The other thing is, I may not know where Reeas and Deria are, but I know where they are not.’

  ‘Really?’ said Grenwer.

  ‘Yes, and we can’t use the worm-hole at Eta 63457.’

  ‘I thought so; we didn’t scan any irregularities, but to be sure it would take a lot of time.’

  ‘Yes, also it wouldn’t do us any good to go there anyway. Reeas and Deria are not in any of the access areas known to us from Eta 63457.’

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘I am saying they are nowhere to be found in this Universe.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘Mannus told me.’

  ‘But there are no crossover points here in this sector of this Universe.’

  I know, but even so, they are not here. They were thrown into Dark-Space, as you know.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Grenwer.

  ‘Well, they were then catapulted into another Universe.’

  ‘By what?’

  ‘By Kallo’s little helpers, they operate in Dark-Space.’

  ‘We suspected something, but as you know, we can’t access the place.’

  ‘Well now we can.’ I said.

  ‘You don’t mean you are going to go inside the Dark-Space, do you?’

  ‘I have to.’

  ‘But Reeas and Deria are not there.’

  ‘No, I know, but the access way is still there.’

  ‘Dan, I know you have the protection of Mannus at the moment, but once you access Dark-Space that protection will be gone.’

  ‘Yes, I know, but I have to try for Reeas and Deria. They would do the same for me.’

  ‘You know that Dark-Space is a compilation of numerous black Holes, don’t you?’


  And if you get killed you won’t be able to get back?’

  ‘Yes, but that is only speculation, isn’t it?’

  Grenwer looked at me in a knowing way as if to show his love in the only way a Guardian can by just being in higher state of consciousness!

  I know I can reach them.’ I said.

  ‘Yes.’ Grenwer said. ‘And if anyone can reach them, it is you.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I said.

  OK, now for you students out there again: you know we are on the astral plane at the present time, so why don’t I just go into the Dark-Space from the astral plane? You say. I simply can’t risk going into Dark-Space from the astral plane because we might get stranded in there, maybe for a millennia or more. Yes, you say, but time doesn’t matter on the astral plane does it? No, but Dark-Space time could be different! We have never been into Dark-Space so it is a chance I can’t risk. We could get destroyed as soul. How? You ask. Soul without light is nothing, yes, you say, but what if we get killed in the physical Dark-Space? I say, I will risk it for my Reeas. At least it is the same plane of existence. The ship we will be using is the standard type, but don’t be put off with that. There is nothing standard about Debra; she is simply the highest technology in the multiverse, more than up to any danger that we will encounter. We have super fabrication-machines on board; that means we can replace any part, or even the ship itself with a little time. The ship itself is a law unto itself, regenerating with every second and even able to replace any person who is on board by cloning, although Sionn and company can grow bodies of any Guardian on any planet in any Universe. The ship had updated itself as usual, also Deria 2 and I had on our light suits already. We wanted to be safe rather than sorry.

  The light suits are, as you know, again, the most technologically engineered clothing of any age, able to protect one from even nuclear blasts, how you say? The material is made from Structured-Atoms. But we don’t know how they will cope in Dark-Space.

  I was now feeling scared again, not for myself but for Reeas and Deria. I could tell Deria 2 was also uneasy. In fact she told me that she wasn’t just a sister of Deria 1 but twin sisters, also they had never been out of contact for one minute in their entire lives, never mind one day, and their lives are very long. I felt like resting, or rather meditating. I’m going to try and contact all the Yoga Masters plus meditation monks that I have known in numerous past lives on Earth and other planets that I have incarnated on. I may be just Dan Sherman in my last life, but altogether it makes up a very long list of spiritual people plus masters. I know I have the backing of

  Mannus, but in Dark-Space who knows what will happen. I feel scared in the puny body of Dan Sherman, but in the body of Cloft the Tourgen clone I feel Invulnerable. I know it is an animalistic thing. My brain is saying what can a beast type person do to help you? You need to use brains and logic. But I want to be Cloft! Is the beast inside me taking over?

  I sit down in the lotus position again, and straight away I am on a hill top overlooking a beautiful lake, I also know this place as a Sanctuary. It is a place where spiritual people gather to find a master, some people manage it, but some don’t. I found the master in one past life but died a few days later, now that master is here plus more than fifty more, also numerous students, maybe you are there also my student friends? Don’t scoff, it is totally possible. Mannus is in the center of the group, he doesn’t speak, but we can feel his power. Sionn is there also Grenwer plus Deria2 I also see Deria’s Brethren, and all manner of higher life forms plus Thalo and his people, als
o Fagil from Far-Station which is now the planet Yalton. They helped to bring Reeas back to life when she got killed by the Burin.

  OK, now I see this is serious stuff. I knew exactly what to do, and that was simply, yes, I know I use the word simply a lot, but believe me, my student friends, it is easy to contact God, a thing people don’t seem to want to do, as most people want the material things in life rather than the spiritual things. Believe me, I have had both and I can say the spiritual things are better because they lift you up to higher things, and so on to better worlds in future lives. OK, enough said about that, yes, I know you already know that, but I just want to reassure myself. I feel overpowered by the light and sound coming from everyone and everything. My head feels as though it will explode! Then suddenly everything was dark. But I could still function! I could still see and hear normally! I knew this was how Dark-Space would be. I have been given access to a world which has been inaccessible throughout the ages. I felt elation beyond words. I knew Deria 2 would be feeling the same, even though she is already a higher being. God, I feel Invulnerable! Yes, you say, but how about the beings who exist in the in the Dark-Space? I say I don’t care, I know we can now access it, and if so, we can overcome anything. My little fairy like friend Deria2 who is a Master Guardian and I can now enter a place where my darling Reeas and Deria 2’s sister are being held, or in isolation. Now is the time to act.