Read Dan Sherman Space Guardian All Worlds Book Six Page 5

  Chapter 55-Briefing

  The team as usual consisted of me, Reeas and Deria.

  Sionn, who is our higher-coordinator, asked us to take on this job. What could we say! Even if we get killed again we will still be able to come back to the sub plane base. Yes! I know you already know that, but I have to relate it anyway, there might be students who find it hard to relate to some of these circumstances.

  ‘The worm-hole has shifted by a hundred and thirty-million light-years already.’

  Sionn said, ‘We will have to use all the resources on the lightship. It should take you fifteen days to reach the vicinity of the worm-hole, but don’t forget, it is moving away at faster than light speed already’.

  ‘What happens when it reaches critical speed?’ Reeas said.

  ‘As you know, students, critical speed is when something goes faster than the known factor.

  ‘We simply don’t know.’ Sionn said.

  ‘How do you want us to deal with it?’ I said.

  ‘Do whatever you feel is right.’

  I thought, that doesn’t sound good. ‘Can we take the Tourgen clone bodies?’

  ‘Yes, if you must, but you won’t need them.’

  ‘I feel better when we have them.’ I said.

  Students please relate to the database for any more info if you wish. You know they are a man-made race of beings that have brought havoc in the Multiverse.

  Now it is time to check the ship. The ship itself is something very special, as you know; I call her Debra after a former girlfriend of mine in my last but one lifetime on Earth. The ship itself doesn’t mind being referred to as a person, in fact, she likes it.

  For you students who know about my last exploits as a Guardian, Debra was something of a problem, but we managed to sort it out. Debra can appear as a hologram or a Robot, although she doesn’t like being called a Robot. Debra can become any size or shape we want. She is simply the most technologically advanced piece of machinery of any age and capable of traveling at many times the speed of light.

  Now is the time to upgrade ourselves by looking into the light book. It is another piece of Guardian technology, giving us whatever we need to function in whatever world we are on. All we need do is look into it. Anyone with a higher consciousness can learn whatever they need just by being conscious. All the training we need to allow us to get the job done will be given to us, such as language, mathematics, defense training, even music, whatever we need. This Job was different though, how could we prepare for an out of control worm-hole?

  Sionn asked if we would meet him in the briefing room for preparations. I was a little apprehensive I can tell you, I am a Guardian, but this job is different, it felt like something else was in store for us, maybe a trap. Kallo, as you know, is an ex-Guardian but he is locked up at the moment although his little band of helpers is still out there. Kallo literally fell from grace from the lofty heights of Sionn, his equal. He came unstuck as we battled in Dark-Space, although to be truthful that was probably Kallo’s apprentice. Yes, he has many helpers, all ready to try for their share of power. The trouble is Kallo can transfer his consciousness into numerous things, such as androids. Keeping track of him is a full time job. The cells at the astral base are special units that are supposed to keep high security prisoners such as Kallo secure, but very often don’t. Why can’t the Guardians keep track of a single prisoner? The trouble is, Kallo is not the usual prisoner, he is a Master Tactician; also he is very skilled in lower world domination, and is able to travel anywhere in the inner and physical worlds. How is this possible? You ask. He can transfer into any clone that his little band of helpers has brought into being or simply escape to the astral, mental, or ethereal worlds, and any number of sub planes in between. At the moment though, he is secure, I just hope his helpers are not as skilled as he is, if so, we will have trouble.