Read Dance With Me Page 2

suggest frequent use. However, what catches Esther's attention is the view. They're above most of the other buildings in the neighbourhood and can see a long way in all directions.

  After a good look around, Esther turns to Cade, “You live here?”

  He nods.

  “You bring girls up here often?”

  “The crew rehearses up here sometimes,” He shrugs off the question, “I need to sit.”

  Esther nods and accompanies him to the closest bench.

  “You're s'posed to be off the ankle?” Her eyes study him carefully.

  He nods, “Mostly I have been. Just I'm not gonna leave my crew short for a battle we'd already set up.”

  She nods to herself, “Fair enough.”

  “You battle much?” He frowns.

  “Mostly in rehearsals. Individual an' group,” Esther shrugs lightly, “Show routines tend to run three to six months 'less there's a special show for some reason, so we find ways to keep ourselves entertained an' on our toes.”

  He nods to himself, “So you're crew leader?”

  “Here... now I finally have a crew worth mentioning.”

  His frown returns, “You've been havin' trouble findin' people?”

  “Marta's been havin' trouble findin' dancers period. An' very few're willin' to leave their crew for a club,” Esther takes a deep breath, “Been a rough start here, honestly.”

  His frown deepens, “Why not stay in Seaside?”

  Esther shivers, shaking her head, “Things in Seaside ended... badly... an' Marta had to make some tough calls. She did the best she could. Just made for a rough year all around.”

  Cade nods to himself. A moment later, he takes a deep breath, “You have anyone special you spend time with?”

  “No.” Esther frowns at the question, studying him warily, but he changes the subject to music, completely dropping anything resembling serious discussion.

  After two stressed weeks of doubled up rehearsals and fighting with uncertain new choreography, Esther takes advantage of a day off when everyone else is busy to seek out the local dance crew and see what they're up to. Except today there's no music to follow and no crowd or dancers in the usual spot. Esther glances around with a frown before starting towards the apartment building.

  “Lookin' for something?”

  She glances over her shoulder to see Cade coming up behind her, “A break, mostly.” She pauses to allow him to catch up, well aware of the way he's studying her.

  “You look fried.”

  Esther scowls, “Marta's been asked to put together a show for the Corporation President... group performance and solos.”

  Cade frowns, “You an' your crew?”

  “Me an' her other headliners. So none of the crew.”

  He winces, “That's gotta suck. How soon?”

  “Two weeks.”

  “No wonder you look stressed,” He shakes his head, “Having to create your own solo?”

  Esther nods, “I've had two weeks already. An' so far I have crap all.”

  “You're workin' too hard,” He glances over her, “Come with me?”

  “Sure.” Esther is more than willing to accompany him up to the apartment building roof.

  No one else is there and it isn't long before he has music going. Cade pulls Esther into his arms and she makes no effort to protest. She's somewhat surprised to find he knows ballroom styles, but just goes with it, relaxing into the music and motion.

  The end of the song finds them face to face, both breathing hard. Suddenly, uncertain, both back away, looking shaken. The music changes, moving on to a song with a very different beat. Esther takes a deep breath.

  He straightens, “You said you don't dance for fun much anymore?”

  She nods.

  “Maybe you need to once in a while.”

  Hoping her message had been received, Esther hangs around just inside the main doors of the nightclub. She can't help being nervous and keeps straightening her skin tight, metallic purple dress or toying with the bracelets on her wrists. The doors open right on time as always and her eyes are drawn to the stream of people pouring through. As the club fills up, Esther keeps watching, growing increasingly nervous for not seeing the man she's waiting for. Few tables are left when she finally sees Cade enter.

  He pauses, just off to the side of those still flowing through to seats. Esther takes a deep breath and walks towards him. He glances over, looking a little startled. Her hands smooth over her dress again.

  “You look...” He pauses, taking a breath, “Different.”

  Esther's expression turns wry, “I wasn't sure you'd come.”

  He shrugs lightly, “I wanted a chance to see you. Hear how things went.”

  “Come sit.” Esther guides him to a small table near the back. They sit on either side, angled to face the stage across the room. A server comes over to set a glass of juice in front of Esther and take Cade's order. Once the woman is gone, he eyes Esther's drink and she chuckles.

  “It's juice. Marta doesn't let anyone who works here drink here.”

  Cade nods to himself, “How did the show go?”

  “'Bout as well as it could've,” Esther sips her juice, “One miserable mess of a final dress rehearsal, but the performance went well.”

  He nods to himself, “Glad it's over?”

  Esther grimaces, slumping in her seat, “Very. But for a bonus, Marta gave each of us two full days off. Which's why I'm not backstage right now.”

  He raises an eyebrow, “She's running tonight's show without her main talent?”

  Esther shrugs, “It'll still be good. Just different. And I happen to know the crew's on.”

  He nods to himself, “This your first day off or your second?”

  “Second,” She sips her juice, “Spent yesterday with Kedri an' her family since the winged were off to their secret hangout today. Spent the day today with some of my crew.”

  Cade frowns at a sudden thought, “Do you have any family of your own? Blood, I mean.”

  Esther shakes her head, “None known anyway.”

  The server returns with Cade's drink, after which the house lights blink off and the stage spotlights come on. Music comes up too loud for conversation. Esther relaxes back to watch, aware of Cade doing the same.

  As the show progresses, Esther finds herself watching the man across from her as much as the show. He barely seems to notice, being almost entirely entranced by the dancers on the stage. By the time the stage lights shut off for the last time and the house lights flicker on, he looks awed.

  “That's without her headliners?” He takes a sip of his mostly forgotten drink.

  Esther nods, “Honestly, it's really nice to be able to watch instead of being up there. Doesn't happen often.”

  “Not if you're only off the days the club's closed,” He studies her for a moment before taking a breath, “When are you off next?”

  “Three days from now. Not sure what I'll end up doing.”

  He nods to himself, “I'd like to see you... if you can find the time.”

  “I'm sure I can,” Esther finishes the last drops of her juice as she studies him in return, “Seems like you've had a whole lot more free time lately.”

  He scowls, “Someone swiped nearly half my crew out from under me. Worse, I lost my day job,” He sighs, “Still not sure I'd want to dance here, but I'm barely gettin' by.”

  “You're livin' with family, aren't you?”

  “My parents still,” The scowl returns, “Which's okay when I can contribute to the rent. Not so much right now.” He finishes his drink and glances around, “If I don't get home soon, I'm gonna end up locked out.”

  Esther nods, “It's too close to curfew for me to even think of goin' anywhere. 'Specially when I'm back to rehearsals an' show tomorrow.” She stands and Cade does the same.

  Once she's seen him out of the club, Esther turns to find Marta nearby. The younger woman takes a deep breath.

  “How are you doing?” Marta indicates f
or Esther to follow her towards the door leading to the apartments above the club.

  Esther shrugs, “I appreciate the extra break.”

  “You aren't the only one,” Marta studies the younger woman, “How would you feel about a new roommate? I'm going to watch a recital tomorrow... see if a girl I've been told about is as good as claimed.”

  “I thought I had a roommate.” Esther grimaces.

  Marta chuckles, “Not as of this afternoon. Those two finally found time to come see me.”

  Esther makes a face as she nods to herself, “Then I guess I'm up for a new roommate. Hopefully this one'll be easier to live with.”

  The older woman's expression turns wry, but she keeps her thoughts to herself. “You should get some sleep.”

  Esther nods again and heads for her room. Inside, she finds her belongings almost exactly as she had left them, but the other half of the room, which had been equally messy that morning, is now clean and bare of personal belongings.

  Before Esther has gotten a block from the nightclub, she is aware of someone falling into step with her. Glancing over her shoulder, she easily identifies the man beside her.

  “Quite the big do here yesterday.” Cade's eyes study her.

  “Triple wedding,” Esther takes a deep breath, “Which's just kinda crazy.”

  “Triple?” He raises an eyebrow, “I know you said Kedri...”

  “And her sister and Marise.”

  He nods to himself, “You have plans for today?”

  “Get out... get a break,” Esther sighs, “Get away from my roommate.”

  He studies her with a somewhat sceptical expression, “Are you really gettin' so many bad roommates?”

  “Marta's gettin' just as annoyed,” Esther keeps step with him around a corner, “These girls're s'posed to be the best their