Read Dance to the Top Page 1

Shawna Marie skipped towards her dance class. She was humming a hip pop tune to herself. She is 16 years old, short golden reddish hair and a slim figure. She loved to wear short hats, tank tops and funky outfits. Shawna is a one of the dancers at her school. She had dance classes on Saturdays.

  Shawna entered the room and met her cool friends which are Niko, Gus and Shennel. "Hi, guys! what's up?" she yelled and gave each of them a high five. "Nothing, Shawna. We have a dancing competition coming on and we need new dance moves. Got any?" Gus asked, hopefully. Shawna laughed and replied, "Of course, Gus. Let's start practice".

  For 20 minutes the gang rehearsed until their principal interrupted them. He called to speak to Shawna alone. Shawna followed the principal without a single word.

  The principal and Shawna went into his office. "Shawna, there's something we need to discuss. Your talent has been spotted by one of the producers from Hollywood. They want you to move to Hollywood." the principal explained. Shawna's face became shocked and she almost shouted a glee. "But, sir. Will my parents allow me to go?" she asked. "Yes, the producer has talked it out with your parents, you move to Hollywood by yourself, move to a teen’s celebrity school and have fans. Good luck." the principal replied and dismissed her. Shawna left the office with an amused look. Then a worry crept to her, what will she tell her friends about this news?

  When Shawna entered her dance class, her friends questioned what the problem between her and the principal was. Shennel joked that they were in love. Shawna sent her a scowl look and Shennel kept her mouth shut. Shawna explained to her friends and the room was quiet. Soon Shennel burst out that Shawna can get an auto graph from the famous celebrities. Gus and Niko also congratulated her on the news. Shawn was both happy and relieved her friends weren't disappointed. She just smiled.

  That evening at home, her parents talked to Shawna about her new star life. They lectured her and she just nodded in understanding. Shawna immediately fell asleep when she lied on her bed. That weekend, Shawna had to pack, because she was to leave on Monday. Shawna felt both excited and scared.

  That Monday, a sliver limo stopped at her house. Her new bodyguard put her bags into the car. She was surprised and pleased. The producer said that they had to hurry up, because Shawna's private plane was to leave in a few minutes. Her parents said good-bye to her and she was off with her new producer. The producer informed Shawn about her day schedules and Shawn nodded in understanding. Shawn received the latest iPhone and iPod. Shawn exclaimed with glee and started to listen to her favorite music.


  When the limo arrived at the airport, Shawna and her producer got down and were surrounded with bodyguards. They went straight passed the waiting people want to get board on a plane, through a door and outside. A well- structured plane was there and had Shawna's name on it. Shawna exclaimed in delight. They went inside the plane and the room was wide and very rich. Shawna was surprised than ever. She bounced on the large comfy sofa. The producer smiled and instructed that they should be ready for takeoff.

  Shawna sat on a red seat as the plane took off. The producer informed Shawna that it will take some hours before they reach Hollywood. The producer fell asleep whiles Shawna studied the room. Shawna ate some chips and burgers and then she watched some movies.

  The next day, the plane arrived at Hollywood and Shawna became excited. She peered at the rich buildings. The producer smiled. They got down from the plane and rode in a black limo. The black limo arrived at a high class hotel. Shawna and the producer had two expensive suites.

  Shawna was shown to her suite; her room was wide and much high class. The producer informed her that she will going to the studio tomorrow. So the whole day was for Shawna. Shawna spent her time in her room, texting on her new phone, listening to music, watching television and having naps. Shawna smiled at herself as she dozed off.

  The next day, Shawna was taken to her first dance practice with the famous Sonia Brawn. Shawna was so excited and soon they became very good friends. Sonia was pretty; she had long dark brown hair, green eyes and a slender shape. Sonia taught Shawna some new dance moves and Shawna performed it perfectly and Sonia was impressed.

  After that Shawna was taken to her new Hollywood high school for teens stars. Shawna was excited. Her car dropped her outside the school. The white building was huge and appeared more like a place and it was high class status. Shawna held her new backpack tightly and boldly towards the door to her school .

  Inside the school hall was wide and spacious with colorful lockers. Shawna exclaimed in glee. Her principal met her and welcomed Shawna with a smile. The principal directed Shawna to her new classroom. Shawna came to face to face with famous teens who were seated in their positions with exclusive outfits. Shawna felt shy in her simple outfit and she blushed. She had wore a white hat, a tank top with a jeans petite coat and black tights with brown boots. Her new classmates stared at Shawna. Shawna's new teacher broke the silence and welcomed her. Shawna was directed to sit at the third row. "Class, remember to welcome Shawna, she's new here so take it easy on her,' Shawna heard the teacher tell the class. As Shawna passed her classmates, she heard whispers about her. 'She's the funky type." one person whispered. "She won't fit in. I 'm sure. Tawny will dislike her and you know Tawny hates new girls." another person replied. "Tawny is always jealous, that girl better watch out." the person replied back. Shawna felt uncomfortable and still went to sit down. A cute guy with black curly hair and hazel eyes in front of her turned Shawna's direction. "Hi, Shawna. I am Easy." he introduced himself. Shawna gave him a smile. "I have seen your music albums. They are so cool!" Shawna replied. Easy beamed. "Thanks. Anyway, you will get use to living the star life. I will see you around lunch." Easy told her. Shawna nodded and grinned. Easy turned back to the teacher teaching. Shawna felt very excited. She had made friends with Easy and now she had to face the tawny girl she had been hearing. Shawna had a feeling Tawny was going t be her deadliest enemy. Shawna had to get ready for that.

  During lunchtime, Shawna studied her surroundings. This 'lunch room" was huge and it had swimming pools, snacks bars, A Internet cafe and so much more. Shawna exclaimed in delight. She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to meet Easy. He smiled and she blushed. "Come with me; let's sit on the benches and chat. The food is already served there." Easy told her. "Thanks." she replied. "No need to. You are one of us now. You can demand anything you want and it shall be done." Easy explained. Shawna nodded. Both of them went to sit at the benches. Easy and Shawna chatted about their favorite bands and music. Soon, a pretty slender girl with long strawberry blonde hair approached them with two girls with black short hair. The strawberry blonde had blue eyes and the other two girls who are twins have brown eyes.

  Shawna stopped talking and stared at the blonde beauty, wondering who she is. Easy glared at the blonde girl. "Tawny! How many times should I tell you to leave me alone?" Easy shot at her. Shawna's eyes widened and she gasped. "You are Tawny?!" Shawna exclaimed in shock. Tawny glared at Shawna and replied haughtily "Of course. Haven't you ever seen me in these popular films?". Shawna flushed. "No, I don't usually watch films and I only watch more dance clips." Shawna admitted. "Oh! Whatever!" Tawny shot at her. Tawny turned to Easy with a sweet smile. "C'mon on, Easy. Let's take a stroll for our date." Tawny said to Easy. Shawna stared at Easy for explanation. Easy blushed. "Shawna, Tawny is actually my girlfriend." Easy confessed. Shawna became speechless. She turned to Tawny. "Sorry about this, I didn't know you guys were a couple. I shouldn't have been friends with him. Excuse me." Shawna said and was about to leave when Easy caught her arm. "Wait. You don't have to leave. Please."Easy pleaded. Shawna didn't say a word. "Why would you spend time with her instead of me?!" Tawny exclaimed in anger. "She's my friend and Sh
awna will not leave." Easy shot back. Tawny's face became red. "Fine. We shall see." Tawny said. She glared at Shawna and left with her two followers. "Sit down, Shawna. Don't mind Tawny. She is just jealous." Easy assured Shawna. Shawna only nodded and sat down. Easy and Shawna continued their conversation. From a distance, Tawny scowled at Shawna. "We shall see, Shawna." Tawny thought.

  After school, Easy invited Shawna to his house to come and give her a tour. Shawna decided to attend. Easy and Shawna went in a silver limo and arrived at Easy's mansion. Easy showed her his room, hall, poolside and other more. Shawna was very impressed. He at last showed her his recording room. Shawna admired it. "Shawna, would you like to show me some moves you know? Like I heard you are very good. “Easy said and blushed. Shawna laughed and nodded. He played a particular hip-hop song she chose. She performed a few moves and Easy was impressed. "That was really good. You are very talented." he said. Shawna just grinned. Then Tawny entered inside. "Hi, Easy, are you ready for our date at the evening party?" Tawny spoke, ignoring Shawna. Easy rolled his eyes. "I am having this party tonight. Would you like to come?" Easy asked, Shawna, ignoring Tawny. Shawna nodded. "Sure, I will come around 8pm, now I have to go. See you later." Shawna said and left the room.

  Easy turned to Tawny with a furious look. "You are an ignoring girl. I am going to rest." Easy said and left the room. Tawny frowned her face and folded her arms.

  Shawna reached the hotel and she rested on her bed, feeling very exhausted. "What a day!" Shawna thought. "I need to sleep and then get ready for the party tonight." Shawna told herself. She suddenly slept straight away and was snoring loudly.

  Shawna woke up in alarm when the door opened. The hotel maid had come to serve Shawna her lunch. Shawna tried to open her sleepily eyes. The hotel maid smiled at her and brought out a notebook and pen. Shawna became confused. "Please, can I have your autograph? I know you are new, but I heard about your dancing moves and I think it is cool." the hotel maid exclaimed in delight. Shawna smiled and gave her an autograph. The hotel maid was so happy. "Thanks very much! I cannot wait to show my friends." the hotel maid said and she left. Shawna shook her head and smiled. "My first fan." she thought. Shawna ate her lunch and checked the time, it was 7:30 pm. Shawna decided to get ready for the upcoming party.

  Shawna didn't know what to wear and finally decided on a designer's skinny jeans, leather black buckled boots with a pink tank top and a white jeans petite coat and with a cheetah short hat. She also wore a long heart necklace with some friendship bangles. Shawna released her curly hair. Shawna stared at her image and smiled.. It was now 7:50pm. She picked her purple bag and her phone. Shawna went downstairs, called for her limo and it drove her to Easy's house.

  Shawna arrived at the party and she marveled. The house was full with a lot of people and it really felt crowded. "Hey! Shawna! Up here!" a voice called. Shawna looked up at the porch, it was Easy. He was waving at her. She waved him back and smiled. "Go inside. I will meet you there at the staircase." Easy told her and he left. Shawna entered inside and managed to pass through the partying crowd towards the staircase. Easy called her name again and she turned to see him, rushing down the stairs. Easy accidentally got pushed and he fell on Shawna. Shawna panicked and tried to hold him steady. Easy blushed. Their faces were really close; Shawna felt embarrassed and pushed him away gently. Easy was still in trance, but then he snapped out of it. "Sorry, Shawna. Anyways, thanks for coming. You look great!" he said, changing the subject. Shawna nodded in approval. "C'mon on, I want to show you something in the recording room,” He told her. Shawna grinned at him. Easy led the way and Shawna followed him.