Read Dark Page 4

Chapter Four

  When Gol left Joe's apartment building he turned left and walked quickly to the closest alley. A quick look into the alley showed him it was still empty just like when he had come in. He looked ahead and behind him to make sure he was not being watched. It was late and few people were out. Satisfied, he ducked into the alley and moved swiftly through the darkness of the deep shadows there. As he walked his form faded and eventually disappeared from the plane of the humans.

  In his own plane, Gol materialized as he walked forward into the room. The room was a dark cave inhabited by himself and his four brothers, Ish, Saph, Lah and Tos. They were waiting for him.

  “How did it go?” Tos wanted to know.

  “As planned.” Gol informed them. “The human still does not know what he is doing. In his greed, he still wants to serve us.”

  “Excellent,” Lah laughed. “Humans are so stupid sometimes.”

  “Maybe,” Gol answered. “But we need him. When the Creator of Life vanquished all of our living bodies from this plane, he made it impossible for us to live in this plane again. Only he creates life in this plane.”

  “Until now,” Ish chuckled.

  “True.” Gol nodded. “We have planted the seeds of bodies the Creator of Life did not create. When they are born, we can move into them and they will become us in a physical sense in this plane. Once again, we will rule among the humans.”

  “And none too soon, either,” Saph added. “It is becoming harder and harder for us to come together and generate enough energy to send one of us into the human's plane.”

  “That's true.” Gol looked at all of them. “In another ninety days, the first child will be born to the woman. Then we will begin the process of going through and becoming born into this plane.”

  They all nodded in agreement. Ninety days.

  Joe awoke Friday morning with the now familiar pain in his belly. The seed planted there by Gol, like his brothers before him, was not comfortable inside a male host. It sought out a female host and forced him to carry it to such a transfer point as was appropriate. But he had to hold it for twenty four hours, according to Gol's instructions, because it was too powerful for any human woman to contain at its earliest stages.

  When this had all begun, Joe assumed he was getting involved with some organized crime types who would introduce him around and thereby increase his stature and position in the crime community. Since then, he had learned that Gol and his organization, the Alliance, was not of any earthly substance. At first he had been afraid but Gol quickly assuaged his fears with assurances of Joe's importance to them and their mission on earth. Now Joe saw himself as the facilitator of some spiritual intrigue that he neither understood or wanted to understand. Instead, he was content to accept that somehow Gol and his Alliance could improve his personal abilities to succeed at things. He definitely needed help in that area. Recent events had not been kind to him.

  Joe slipped carefully out of bed and padded barefoot across the floor to his bathroom. He washed his hair in the tub and shaved at the sink. Both activities required him to bend over significantly and the action brought back in vivid detail the events of Gol's seed planting the previous night. Many times he shifted his weight, adjusted his hips and rebalanced his legs trying to find a comfortable stance. Nothing alleviated the discomfort he felt to his hind parts.

  Joe had nothing against homosexuals. He didn't even know any. Since his affiliation with the Alliance and their rather odd way of transferring the seed he had given the homosexual situation some thought. He was convinced it was not for him but he could not understand what it was that attracted those who were in that life style. Must be something he could not see.

  Pulling the towel across his fresh shaved, smooth face one last time, Joe heard the door to his apartment opening. His gun was in the bedside table. Too far away to do him any good. He was only wearing his boxers, which made him feel vulnerable in another way. Quietly, he moved to his door and looked out into the room to see who had come into his apartment.

  It was his mother.

  “Mom, what are you doing here? You're not supposed to come clean until Sunday.” He referred to his normal routine of being busy on Sundays and his mom's insistence on coming in to clean his place. She always said he was a man who needed a woman to keep him straight. She constantly asked him when he was getting married.

  “I'm going away for the weekend. So, I thought I would clean up today and be done with it, instead of skipping it altogether.”

  “Oh.” He never knew what to say to her.

  “How come you're not out on a job or something?” She asked in that voice that said she disapproved of him being idle on a weekday.

  “Taking a day off,” he lied.

  Her question brought back his discomfort and the memory of why he really was still at home. Gol had told him to avoid all females until the twenty four hour period was finished. Then to go out and find a suitable host for giving birth to the children of the Alliance. Something about the seed being too strong until twenty four hours was up. Gol had said that only a male host could carry a seed from the Alliance for any length of time prior to the twenty four hour period because the male was not a suitable host for causing growth in the seed. Inside a woman, the seed would find suitable growth stimulus and begin the process. Before a twenty four hour waiting period, the strength of the seed would be so great that it would consume the woman in a matter of days, instead of working with her body to accelerate the process for a suitable birth result.

  These thoughts worried Joe, now. He had purposely stayed in the apartment the previous four Fridays so that he did not come into contact with any females. Gol had been serious about the warning and very firm. Although he had no idea what it all really meant, he knew enough about the big man to believe him and follow his instructions to the letter.

  Now his mom was intruding in his life and making him aware of what a rotten turn his life had taken. Like many of his recent ventures, he had hoped to come out of this terrible situation with some kind of success that he could turn into something respectable and thereby achieve respectable success that he would not be embarrassed about. And he was not about to explain his strange arrangement with Gol to his mom.

  He walked out into the living room and headed for his bedroom to get dressed. His mom watched him walk across the floor in his bare feet and boxers. Joe felt the familiar twinge in his stomach. Like a punch from the inside. He tried to ignore it as he had the previous times and reached for his clothes. The twinge increased in fervor and intensity. It doubled him over.

  Joe's mom saw him double over and called out to him.

  “What's wrong, Joe?”

  “Nothing, Mom.” Joe managed between biting gasps of breath as the thing inside him compelled him to bend over further to get his attention.

  “Doesn't look like nothing.” She said and came up behind him, pulling him sideways to sit in the bed before her.

  Joe tried to resist her pull but the pain in his belly took all the fight out of him and he gave in to what seemed to him her considerable strength. She pushed him back onto the bed.

  “Let me have a look at you.” She smiled her best mom smile.

  “Really, it's okay,” Joe tried to get up.

  She easily pushed him back down. That was when she noticed the huge bulge in his shorts. It intrigued her at first, still a mother at heart trying to understand her boy's pain. Then she felt a twinge of her own. It tugged at her heart, clouded her mind and reached itself between her legs arousing her in a manner she had not felt in a long time. What was excited in her was the most primal level of arousal she could have ever imagined. It was close to life and death itself. If she did not acknowledge it, her species would end. She was the hope for her species.

  At that moment Joe's mom felt like she was the only mother in the world. If she refused to be the mother, the species would end. She would not give in to that. She had a duty. She would be the mother. And Joe beckoned to her wit
h his very presence. A male of the species. They had to continue the species. They could not let it end here. There was no familial consideration given. Only the need to continue the line. Her line.

  She reached forward and pushed Joe back, pulling at his shorts with a ferocity that assumed those shorts were trying to cancel the species from existence. With two hard yanks she ripped away the material and pulled the garment from Joe's body leaving red welts where the material had strained to keep its hold against his skin.

  “What are you doing, Mother?” Joe shouted in a manner designed to shock her back to reality. Along with the pain in his belly there was a new fear rising up in his throat. Her hands tossed his shorts aside. He tried vainly to resist her hands groping at him but the pain in his belly doubled him up again and he lost the will to fight her off in order to concentrate on escaping the pain.

  “Mother! Mother!”

  Joe shouted as she lifted her skirt and ripped her panties out of the way with one hand while holding him down with the other. Joe felt too weak to defend himself. The pain in his belly was siphoning off his strength. With a speed Joe never associated with his mother or her desire for sex, she climbed up on him and forced him flat on his back as she mounted him in an overt sexual manner. He tried to resist.

  “Mom! Mom!” His eyes were wide with the fear of what she was attempting to do. Somewhere deep inside him there was still a spark of hope that believed she would come to her senses before she completed this assault on her son.

  “Stop! Mom! Mom! Stop!”

  His screams could have been heard several apartments away had anyone been home to hear him. The fear and shrieking clamor he put up as his mom wrestled him into position beneath her could have raised the dead. She must have lost her mind. He was her son. She was his mother. She was crazy. Joe had no idea what was going through her mind right then, only that it had something to do with the hold the seed inside him had over women. A hold it was now exercising on his mother.

  Feeling a desire unlike any other desire she had ever felt, Joe's mom assaulted her son with a couple good slaps to the head to get him to cooperate as she struggled to save the species. She knew she was the only one who could do it and he was not going to stop her even if he was her son. She had raised him better than that. She would have no stingy son of hers condemning the species to annihilation.

  “Lie still, Joe,” she commanded. Her voice told him it was an “or else” command. Her eyes were wide and wild with a strange red tint around the edges, like she had been awake too many hours. Joe had no desire to find out what the or else was.

  Unable to resist or fight the woman who was straddling him, Joe's sense of self worth and pride refused to give in to the woman. Her assault became more fierce and determined as she drew closer to the source of her desire. Joe fought all the more against the pain in his belly and the fear in his heart as his mom descended upon him. It was a losing battle but he refused to quit because of that. He was Joe Cranston. He was persistent if nothing else.

  He felt the helpless position of the rape victim he had often imagined some of his so called girlfriends had felt underneath his own feverish attentions. He had never hit a woman but he had employed a threat of violence more than once to get the young lady to acquiesce to his request. He raised his hand to hit his mother and drive her off him as he felt her making contact. With his hand poised to slap her, he felt her fist slam against the side of his head.

  “Don't raise your hand to your mother, Joe!” She shouted as she pushed herself down on him.

  He could not believe this was happening to him. His entire world was imploding and becoming a nightmare. First Gol and his brothers assaulting him weekly and now his mother treating him like some Boy Toy. His indignation was only overridden by the pain in his belly and the now growing fire in his groin. The seed was doing its magic or whatever it did when it got ready to leave him. But this time, he could feel it had a whole new strength about it.

  His mind went to all the terrible places he could imagine Gol's warning taking him. The truth was, in his wildest imagination, he had no idea of the terror he was unleashing on his own mother. His own ignorance allowed him to face his indignity with a displaced apathy, taking solace in the fact he had not arranged this. Fate had made this happen. He told himself this over and over as his mother rode high above him with a lascivious and peaceful look on her face. He did not know what Gol wanted with these children but he tried to tell himself that maybe having one of them as his brother or sister would not be such a bad thing. He just hoped his mom could handle it all the morning after. Not just the thing with her son. That was bad enough. But the thing with being pregnant would tear her up. He hoped she could handle that.

  John had spent the better part of an hour explaining Marcie's offer to Kathy. At first Kathy was interested in the offer and getting a personal inside look into the world of Mist. Then, as John explained the requirements, Kathy began to have second thoughts about the process of sacrificing to the Mist.

  “What do you think?” Kathy asked him for the tenth time.

  “It's totally up to you, Kathy.” John was adamant.

  He had explained that the decision was totally hers. He admitted the benefits of the process adding to their experience with the Mist and its inhabitants as well as their own ability to communicate through the avenue the Mist afforded them as members of the community. He went over all the benefits with her and then explained the process that would allow her to sacrifice her fluids to the Mist in order to enter in. He had described Emil, the young man from the Mist who had offered to act as her liaison and the partner with which she would exchange the fluids of their sex.

  That was when Kathy started backpedaling. The thought was no the problem. It was the experience itself. Because of her background with being taken as a child, she had lived with the threat of violent, deviant sexual conduct over her head her whole life. It had been a shadow over every relationship she ever had because the people in her town all knew of the incident. It was not until John had come along that she felt she had a chance to outrun the past. Her attraction to him had been partly because he was an outsider, partly because she felt a magnetic pull from her heart. Now, confronted with the information of how she could enter into a full relationship with the Mist, she was unsure.