Read Dark Aeons Page 21


  It was true. The terrible fire, caused most strangely by a single exploding landmine left over from the Baltic War of 2028, had killed one hundred and sixty-seven people, and left hundreds more wounded. The next morning, Katherine was again woken up at an obscene hour by Randy Morgan, who was practically bubbling with excitement as he filled her in on all the details. She sat up groggily in bed and nodded. “Of course, Randy, of course – I knew it was going to happen! You don’t need to give me any details.”

  “Oh… right! Quite right! Err… well, if you can do another one-”

  “I’ll do my best. Goodbye.”

  When she returned to the studio that night, instead of avoiding her, everyone started talking to her – something that Katherine did not appreciate in the slightest. She brushed off everyone asking about their future or the futures of their families, and went straight to her makeup room. She applied the necessary makeup and remained locked in the room until it was time to go out. Max smiled at her and waved as she sat down next to him. She did not return the gesture.

  What will happen today?

  Go for something big! said the voice in her head. Oh! The new President of the United States of Yugoslavia! What if he went mad? Maybe he pushed the big red button!

  Katherine blinked, horrified at herself for thinking that. No! Absolutely not! I don’t want people to be killed!

  Oh? And what about the fire yesterday?

  Katherine visibly hesitated, and Max gave her an odd look. My god… I did kill people!

  Yes you did… and wasn’t it wonderful?

  No! I won’t do it ever again! No. My interesting news will be peaceful from now on.

  There was laughter ringing beneath her skull. But doesn’t death and violence make the world so much more… interesting? The world has been left to its own devices for far too long! It is time someone took a more active hand in creating a more interesting planet!

  No. Katherine was firm with herself as the fanfare began to play. She smiled sweetly and introduced the show, taking over Max’s normal lines. About halfway through, Katherine prepared to launch into her prophecy for the night – about an Italian sex scandal of the type that hadn’t happened in fifty years – when her throat seized up for a moment.

  “And... it seems that Aleksandr Tiyonevic, the newly-elected President of the United States of Yugoslavia, has apparently gone mad! Yes, he’s gone mad, and has actually given the order to launch nuclear missiles at the Republic of Greece!”

  There was shocked silence for at least a minute. Max swallowed. “Well! Are you… sure that that’s the case, Katherine? There haven't been functioning warheads there for several years.”

  Katherine Bendecker, trapped deep within her own head, screamed No!, and yet she found herself nodding. “Yes, absolutely sure. And… the Russian Prime Minister isn’t happy about that, and has ordered a retaliatory strike against Yugoslavia! It seems as if the end has finally come…”

  The voice in the front of Katherine Bendecker’s head chuckled. We shall see now if I have learned enough, young Katherine. I was given the Power in the beginning, and the Imagination, but not the Words. From your species I have learned the latter. We shall see on the morrow if I can make your Words, and my Idea, come into reality. Then we shall know that I am ready

  Deep down inside herself, Katherine Bendecker struggled against her chains. No! You can’t! The world will end in fire if what you made me say comes true!

  And I shall live and move on. I can fuel myself now.

  Katherine’s will began to give in and her consciousness retreated. What’s happening to me… to the world… what have I done…?

  The voice that dominated her soul chuckled. Afflatus divine, dear Katherine. Afflatus divine.