Read Dark Awakening Page 40

Page 40


  She cried out as Ty’s hands shot out to grip her wrists, encircling them like iron bands. Lily tried to twist away from him, but he was having none of it. Instead, she found herself pulled against his chest, his arms wrapped around her to hold her still. Struggle was useless, but Lily tried until she realized that Ty was holding on to her like a drowning man clinging to the only thing keeping him above water.

  Lily stilled as his voice sounded in her ear, harsh and full of emotion. “I won’t give you up, Lily. I’ll find a way to save you, save the both of us. Just have faith in me,” he said, and she could hear the desperation in his voice. “I have to try and make things right. But I’ll never let anyone hurt you. Just have faith in me. ”

  She couldn’t imagine how hard it was for him to ask that of her. And it was that, coupled with the raw emotion in his voice, that allowed Lily to finally let go in his arms, wrapping herself even more tightly in his embrace. She buried her face in his chest, needing the steady beating of his heart.

  “Ty,” she said, “just don’t let me go. ”

  Desire sparked and caught fire, mixing with desperation as they clung together. They were alone in the world, Lily thought, except for each other. She’d lost almost everything. She couldn’t lose him too. Not now.

  Ty pulled back just enough to look down at her. Lily could see the torment in his eyes, flashing as silver as the moon, before he crushed his mouth against hers. It took her breath away, the shock of it, the sheer ferocity of it. His mouth was hot and hard on hers, taking, plundering as his hands tangled in her hair.

  Lily felt dizzy, swamped by the need that crashed through her system like a tidal wave. He couldn’t tell her he needed her. But he was letting her feel it, letting her feel exactly what it was he felt for her. It was overwhelming. It was irresistible.

  “I won’t let you go,” he murmured. Then his mouth was on hers, and she felt all the power inside of her rushing up on a wave of hot desire, a sensation unlike any she’d ever experienced.

  He caught her weight neatly as she wrapped her legs around him, hauling her up against him, his hands gripping her ass. She could feel him throbbing against her, and instantly her core went liquid. Their kisses turned urgent, hot tongues, nipping teeth, as he stumbled across the room until he had her back against the wall.

  Her shirt was gone. She had no idea how it had left her, but it hadn’t been over her head. The bra, too, had vanished, and Ty filled his hands with her breasts as she clung to him, her thighs clenched around his waist. Her head fell back at his rough touch, as calloused thumbs rubbed over hard, pebbled nipples, and Lily moaned her pleasure.

  “Gods, Lily, I need—”

  “Yes,” was all she said, a simple exhalation before she nipped at his ear, nibbled down the sensitive skin at the side of his neck. “Take me. ”

  He let out a ragged groan, then disentangled himself long enough to remove his own clothing. Lily caught a glimpse of several jagged tears in the fabric of his shirt and marveled. Had she done that? She unfastened her jeans and slid them quickly to the ground, kicking them aside. Then they stood facing each other, wearing nothing but candlelight. And even as need welled and pulsed inside of her, mixing with a power that now flowed like lightning in her blood, she had to still for a moment just to look at him, the sheer feline beauty of him. Long lines, sinuous muscle, dark and beautiful and wild. His eyes were a storm of emotion as he watched her, and Lily felt all self-consciousness fall away as she stood before him.

  The heat of his gaze as it traveled down her body made her quiver. He growled something in Gaelic, something that made her shiver with need.

  “You look like a goddess. ”

  “All I want to be is yours. ” A piece of the truth. As much as she could give him without turning him away from her.

  She saw him shudder, as though her words had torn right through him.

  “You don’t know how much I wish you could be,” he said.

  “For tonight, I am,” Lily said, holding out her arms, wanting whatever he could give her.

  She felt herself open to him, surprised at how easily her power rose within her, unbidden, but for the first time, unthreatening. It wended its way through her like a glittering river, bringing such pleasure, such surprising familiarity, that she welcomed it. Lily closed her eyes, tipped her head back, and let the magic rush over her skin, under it, lighting her up inside the way only being with Ty did.

  “Share your magic. Break his chains. ” It whispered through her mind, the voice with a wisdom beyond all things. And the words rang true.

  She had never attempted to share this part of herself with another, but it was all she had to give him besides her heart. He had the latter already—she knew that now—though Lily would never burden him with it. But this she could share willingly, openly. If he would have it.

  This magic was a part of her.

  She opened her eyes again, for once at peace with the storm that raged inside of her.

  “Just be with me,” she said.

  His gaze was hungry, so hungry. “I can’t be gentle tonight,” he said. “I’m not a gentle man, Lily. You’d do better to lock me out. I want you hot and fast. I want to ride you until you scream for me. ”

  The muscles deep in her belly clenched with aching need.

  “Show me,” was all she said, and beckoned him. Her skin shimmered in the candlelight, illuminated from within. She didn’t know how, didn’t question it. All she did was want.

  He came to her, and she gasped with pleasure at the feel of his body against her, his cool and silken skin against hot and ready flesh. And despite what he had said, she felt him trying to hold back, trying to go slowly. She would have none of it.

  Her hands roamed over him urgently as their mouths met, as kisses tangled together punctuated only by breathy sighs and moans. Lily let her hands roam over sinewy muscle, over the rock-hard ass she’d admired every time he turned around. At last, her hand wrapped around the length of him and gave it a hard stroke.

  “Please,” she said when he shivered. “I want all of you. Now. ”

  “The wall,” he said, his voice barely more than a growl. “Turn around. ”

  She did as she was told, leaning slightly forward as he pinned her hands against the wall with his own.

  “Spread your legs. ”

  He entered her in one swift stroke, filling her all the way to her womb. Lily cried out, rocking back against him, wanting more. Her muscles clenched around him like a hot, wet fist, and he hissed like a cat at the sensation. Then he began to move, his hands drifting down until they could grip her hips. And he gripped them hard as Lily pushed back against him, urging him on. Everything inside of her was coiling tighter and tighter as Ty slammed into her, making mindless noises of pleasure that only served to feed her own. And beneath the rhythmic beat of their mating was the magic, flowing outward now, flowing out of her and into him. She could feel his pleasure as though it were her own, and the two blended together to create something Lily thought might drive her mad if it went on long enough. Her heart beat in time with his, every inhalation and exhalation made together. And still they climbed, toward some shimmering far-off peak that promised heaven itself should they reach it.

  Lily rocked back against him, hearing his voice in her mind, half delirious with pleasure: Give me oh yes give it to me give me all sweet Lily I want I want I need my Lily mine mine oh mine…

  When she came, it was blinding bright. She screamed his name, clenching around him as he shouted his own release. A flash of light burst from her as if she were a newly lit candle, powerful enough to envelop them both. Then another climax, harder than the first, blasting through her so hard that she bucked back against him. His helpless cry as he dug his fingers into her hips to ride it out with her was music to her ears. Ty grabbed her hair, snapping her head back as he continued to pump into her, and she knew what was coming, what
he wanted to do.

  Somehow, she knew this would be the pinnacle of it all, a pleasure unlike any a human could ever know. And she welcomed it, welcomed that bond to him that could never be broken.

  “Yes,” she breathed, about to crest again. “Do it. ”

  But he gave a tortured moan and instead dropped his head against the back of hers. Lily had only a second to feel the keen edge of disappointment before her final climax exploded within her like a dark star, nearly taking her to her knees with its force. She felt Ty’s legs buckle behind her when he cried out, but he managed to stay on his feet. They clung together, Ty curled against her from behind, as the waves of sensation slowly ebbed to ripples, her power enveloping them both like a warm cocoon. She could feel him in every breath she took, in every cell of her body.

  Something had changed. Something fundamental that Lily didn’t understand, though she knew it with every fiber of her being. But whatever it was, understanding would have to come later as Ty began to crumple to the floor behind her, slipping from her and leaving her feeling strangely empty.

  You’re so close, daughter… so close to all that could be…

  “Lily,” he murmured as she turned, caught him up, and only just managed to get him to the bed. He pulled her down with him, wrapping himself around her, nuzzling into her hair. Then he was still, deep and even breaths the only sound in the quiet of the safe house.

  “I love you, Tynan,” she murmured, allowing herself to let go and drift into the oblivion of sleep.

  Outside, morning had come.

  Chapter TWENTY-ONE


  She stood in a moonlit garden, clad in a simple white dress that glowed as bright as the stars above. Ty went to her, his heart as carefree as it had ever been in his long life, wanting nothing more than the pleasure of being with her. She laughed gaily when she saw him, turning so that her skirt billowed around her, and dashed off into the roses that glowed as red as blood.

  “Have a care with her, brother cat. She is precious to me. ”

  The voice stopped him cold. He turned to look at the one who had spoken, a woman shrouded in shadow. He caught a glimpse of alabaster skin, flame-red hair, and eyes that glowed as green as jade. But the darkness hid her from view.